Glass partitions for zoning the space in the room (10 photos)

Space zoning is a popular design technique used by professionals to create isolated areas in a living space. With its help, you can easily make the interior original and ergonomic. An effective solution, often used by designers to implement relevant ideas, are glass partitions for zoningwhich have many interesting and unique features.

We use glass partitions for zoning rooms

Glass as a popular material

decorative barriers made of glass are popular among owners who resort to the help of partitions when delimiting space. Despite the presence of many alternatives, glass structures remain out of competition due to their distinctive features:

  • glass partitions create a visual effect of increasing space;
  • having good sound insulation, they do an excellent job of creating truly separated areas in the room;
  • glass barriers are able to transmit light perfectly, so this solution allows you to save on electricity;
  • they are able to successfully fit into various design projects.

For many owners, this is enough to give preference to glass partitions for zoning the space in the room without hesitation. Glass barriers in the room create a feeling of freedom and at the same time effectively cope with the task of dividing the room into separate zones, allowing you to correctly place accents.

The use of frosted glass will achieve the effect of privacy

Advice. To more clearly delimit the space, it is recommended to choose a decorative frosted glass barrier.

Types of glass partitions

The low prevalence of this design technique in the past can be explained by its low attractiveness, because, in fact, it was a blank wall that made the interior more cluttered, as well as the fragility of glass. Modern designs are distinguished by lightness, aesthetics, economy and increased strength, making them absolutely safe. The thickness of the glass partitions is approximately 1 cm, which allows the owners to use the free space more efficiently.

Any design can be applied to the partition glass

Glass partitions are usually created on an individual order, which means that their shape and appearance are quite variable. Depending on the preferences and needs of the customer, glass structures can be:

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At the same time, it is possible to create blank walls that will completely cover a separate area of ​​​​the room, as well as incomplete ones, when the partition can only partially cover the created area.

Glass structures for dividing zones in an apartment are presented in a variety of options.

Stationary partitions

For the organization of such partitions, tempered glass and fittings are used, allowing it to be attached to the floor, ceiling and walls. The result is a wall of glass, which, if necessary, can be equipped with the same door. Various drawings are capable of adding individuality to such a barrier. It can be a graphic ornament or images of plants. Artists are able to realize even the most unusual ideas of the owners.

Stationary version - glass wall


Most often, glass partitions are made in the form of sliding structures, due to which they acquire additional functionality. The installation of such a wall will allow the owners to instantly delimit the space or, conversely, combine two isolated areas. The partition itself acts as a door, and if you want to hide the corresponding area from outsiders, you can make a barrier of frosted or fully tinted glass.

Sliding glass structure


A rather specific, but at the same time effective option for delimiting space.The partition consists of several panels that can move in different directions. An actual idea of ​​​​introducing this type of barriers may be to distinguish between a bedroom and a dressing room.

Partition of radius type

Production technology

Tempered glass is used to create partitions, which has increased strength. In this parameter, it exceeds ordinary glass by 5-6 times. Even if the partition breaks, the risk of injury will be minimal, because small and not sharp fragments will result.

Many glass barriers are made of triplex glass, which is a multilayer structure where the layers are glued together with a film. If such a partition breaks, the fragments will remain glued to it.

Acrylic glass will increase light transmission. It can be considered the most energy efficient solution.

Smart glass with adjustable transparency

Advice. If you want to adjust the degree of transparency yourself, you can supplement the barrier with smart glass.

Advantages of glass partitions

The design features of glass barriers for zoning favorably distinguish them from competitors. They have a number of advantages:

  1. Compared with the organization of the drywall wall, the installation of a glass partition is simple, efficient and affordable. There are no damp and dusty stages of work, so their installation will not be a problem even in the finished interior.
  2. A transparent barrier is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, so it can be used to distinguish between any premises, including bathrooms and kitchens. Also a characteristic feature of such walls is ease of maintenance.
  3. Long service life, subject to the choice of quality materials.
  4. Functionality - the varieties most suitable for the implementation of a particular design project can be used.
  5. Able to make the room modern and stylish due to its own aesthetic appearance.
  6. The materials used are not capable of causing harm in case of damage.
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Glass partitions are a stylish, modern, but expensive zoning option.

Particularly popular are glass partitions due to the high interest of consumers in open-plan housing, the so-called studio apartments. Their feature is open and combined areas, which were previously perceived only as isolated areas - kitchen and living room, study and bedroom, bedroom and living room, bedroom and bathroom.

Zoning with glass in a studio apartment

To visually distinguish between such areas, the use of glass partitions would be an excellent option. Their installation will allow to achieve the desired effect of visual isolation of different zones, and at the same time, the owners will be able to create an interior that they like. This is a practical move that will preserve the freedom of space, but at the same time effectively fulfill the task of dividing the room into separate areas.


