The modern construction market provides apartment owners with ample opportunities to implement any, even the most intricate, plans for the internal arrangement of their homes. New finishing materials, technologies and methods of their implementation are constantly appearing. What a few years ago was a real exotic in the interiors of apartments, today is turning into a generally accepted norm. An example of this is the glass partitions in the apartment, which will be discussed below.
Unique interior solution
Various options for glass partitions are increasingly found in apartments. The development of glass processing technology allows you to safely place it in the interior of rooms where children and teenagers live. The possibility of applying decorative materials, dyeing, photo printing significantly expands the range of applications of such partitions for apartment zoning and studios.
Glass has been used as a building material since the last century. The most common type was glass blocks of various shapes, made from traditional window glass, which gave them a characteristic greenish tint. Modern glass in terms of quality and abundance of color solutions is an order of magnitude more perfect than its predecessors.
Types of glass partitions and their purpose
Many apartments in our country are not large in size. The installation of partitions in them made of such traditional materials as brick, blocks, drywall or sheet wood materials significantly conceals the interior space of the premises. Glass does not have such disadvantages due to its small thickness and the possibility of point-based frameless fastening to existing building structures - walls, floors and ceilings.
Traditionally, all types of glass partitions in an apartment are divided into:
- stationary, having a rigid fixation of glass sheets;
- sliding, made according to the principle of compartment doors and using a system of guides and roller bearings.
Both of them are widely used in solving various design problems.
A sliding glass partition allows you to change the interior space of the apartment as needed without installing interior doors and arranging doorways, which is not only stylish, but also convenient.
Glass partitions in a stationary type apartment are less expensive in terms of manufacturing and fittings used. They can easily separate the working or sleeping area in a small apartment, allocate space for a dressing room or even a bathroom, separate the dining room and kitchen. A variety of different types of glass, the use of modern finishing methods makes it possible to obtain original, dissimilar options for partitions.
Glass for interior partitions
The following types of glass will be appropriate in the interior:
- Transparent.
- Transparent illuminated.
- Transparent dyed.
- Matte.
- Bronze.
The first three types are good for providing maximum room illumination. This is especially true if there are no window openings in the allocated part of the apartment.
- The use of transparent glass for the partition will allow you to separate, but not hide this or that corner. This solution is suitable for arranging an office, a small workshop, to limit the kitchen space in studio apartment.
- To hide certain areas of the apartment from prying eyes, frosted glass will become an indispensable option. It has a certain light transmission, but successfully "blurs" the image, smearing the silhouette and hiding specific details. This option is suitable for organizing a bathroom or bathroom, wardrobelocated in secluded corners of a one-room apartment.
Partition glass finishes
Glass partitions in an apartment can not only perform utilitarian functions, but also become an interior decoration. For this, the following sheet processing methods are used.
This is mechanical processing using a cutting tool that allows you to get an original pattern of any content on the glass surface. At the request of the customer, you can copy any well-known work of painting or graphics onto the partition, make a portrait of the owners of the apartment on it, or transfer a family photo to the glass.
The painstaking work of the engraver will require additional costs, but this will make it possible to uniqueize the entire interior of the apartment as a whole.
This method of mechanical processing of glass, which consists in obtaining on the plane of the sheet and its edges a plurality of differently inclined faces that form an original pattern.
Reflecting the light, the edges not only make it participate in the overall ensemble of the interior, but also refract it, directing it to different parts of the room, creating an original light picture..
It consists in the partial removal of layers of glass, scratching it with a directed jet of the smallest seeded sand, escaping together with air under pressure from the nozzle of a special device. Changing the slope and duration of processing of various places in the picture allows you to get tones and halftones on the image. In this way, any floral ornaments, landscapes, portraits, still lifes, etc. can be applied to glass.
Matting has much in common with the previous type of processing, but is performed using various chemical compounds that have a pasty consistency. Different intensity of etching is achieved by different time of exposure to certain areas of the pattern on the glass.
Glass painting can be carried out both with traditional paints available to everyone, and with enamels based on various solvents. It is not recommended to use only water-soluble and water-based formulations that do not adhere well to smooth surfaces.
Painting a partition with paints can be either entrusted to professional artists or done independently.
Glass partitions: pros and cons
The use of glass for partition walls is not yet widespread among apartment owners in our country. This is due to certain fears of fragile material, unwillingness to let it into the house. At the same time, glass partitions have a set of positive qualities:
- As already noted, this is the most oversized type of partition.
- Their installation does not require coordination with the relevant authorities and obtaining permission to redevelop the apartment, which is important.
- The use of glass is acceptable for premises in which repair work has already been completed.
- The glass in the partitions can be changed later, bringing a touch of novelty, matting or painting in the colors of your mood.
- Modern types of glass - tempered and triplex - are completely safe for apartment residents, as they have increased strength and do not shatter into small fragments when broken, which minimizes the risk of injury.
- Using sliding partitions with panels of different colors, you can change their places, updating the interior daily.
Glass partitions also have some disadvantages:
- In such structures it is impossible to arrange internal communications - plumbing, heating and electrical wiring.
- Installing them on your own is very difficult, so you will have to hire specialists whose services a priori cannot be cheap.
- It is difficult to fix any objects on the glass - paintings, photos, planters.
- And the last significant limiter when using glass partitions is their cost, which is an order of magnitude higher than analogues made from other materials.