The layout of typical city apartments does not suit many people. Small, cramped rooms and utility rooms are not functional or comfortable. That is why, more and more often, owners, during repairs, decide to demolish non-load-bearing walls. The result is a spacious room, which, for example, can play the role of a dining room, living room and bedroom. To draw visual boundaries between areas with different functions will help install drywall partitions for zoning the space in the room. Properly choosing their appearance, you can emphasize the most advantageous advantages of the layout of the room.
Ways to divide the room
There are many options for dividing a room into two or more functional areas. The choice of one of them depends on your design ideas, budget and the size of the room.
- For those who seek to avoid large-scale construction work, we can advise you to use decor elements such as an aquarium, columns, a fireplace or its imitation for zoning a room.
- Recently, the installation of arched partitions in rooms has come into fashion, because they take up a minimum of space on the floor and walls, and they perfectly cope with the function of dividing the space.
- Rational and interesting is the idea of placing small cabinets and mezzanines in the internal cavities of the arches.
- Often the room is divided with the help of podiums and multi-level ceilings, which raise or, conversely, lower the level of one of the surfaces.
- You can designate different functional purposes of the zones in the room, simply by painting the walls of the room in different colors or pasting them with multi-colored wallpaper, thus outlining the boundaries.
- The most common and effective way is to install partitions.
Benefits of indoor partitions
The decision to install a partition inside the room has many advantages:
- Even if there are several people in the room at the same time, opaque partitions will allocate personal space to everyone.
- Decorative partition visually separate each of the functional areas of the room.
- Such a design move will solve the problem with the lack of living rooms in the apartment, while there is no need to make a radical restructuring.
- The presence of partitions allows you to design each of the areas of the room in its own individual style.
- With proper selection of the design, shape and size of the partition, you can correct the flaws in the layout of the room. On the Internet you will find many photos confirming this statement.
- Despite the fact that the partitions divide the space of the room into several smaller zones, choosing a mirror or glass version of the barrier can visually enlarge the room.
- With a stylish modern design of partitions, the overall appearance of the room is significantly improved.
Why drywall?
The choice of options and materials for arranging partitions in rooms is quite large, from glass to ornamental plants. However, judging by the experience of modern construction, it is plasterboard partitions that are most common when redevelopment and zoning of residential premises, replacing brick and wooden walls due to their significant advantages:
- The unique properties of drywall. This material is environmentally friendly, absolutely safe for human health. Carrying out special processing increases its resistance to moisture and fire. By combining plasterboard with mineral wool, you will achieve a significant soundproofing effect in the room. Its shape is easily changed.To do this, the sheet is wetted with water, give the necessary outlines, which are preserved even after drying. The surface of this material is perfectly flat, which allows the use of almost any finish and partition options.
- Simplicity and speed of installation. Even a person with minimal building skills can carry it out. Having decided to change the location of the partition in the room, you can easily dismantle it and move it to a new location.
- Between drywall sheets, you can hide all the necessary communications (wiring, cables, sewerage, water supply).
- The cost of drywall constructions is very low. At the same time, their installation will require minimal energy consumption, will cost almost no noise and debris.
How to mount a partition frame
Drywall partition designused for zoning the space in the room may vary, however, the process of their installation proceeds according to a typical scheme:
- With the help of a chopping cord, the future partition is marked in all planes. The correctness of the markup is checked using a level and plumb lines.
- A horizontal guide profile is attached to the floor and ceiling, on which a soundproofing tape is preliminarily glued. Fastening is carried out using dowels, their installation step is 50 cm.
- Next, proceed to work on fixing the vertical rack profile. The recommended distance between the racks is 60 cm. The first of them is installed close to the load-bearing wall. In order for the structure to be erected to be stable, the racks must be installed in such a way that they go into the guide profile by at least 2 cm. The profiles are fixed to each other with self-tapping screws.
Partition frame sheathing
The arrangement of a plasterboard partition in a room is absolutely not a troublesome process. The first thing to do for sheathing the frame is to prepare the GKL of the required size. The starting material should be marked and cut with a construction knife. If holes for sockets are provided in the sheet, they are cut out using special nozzles for a drill.
The sheathing of the erected frame of the partition is carried out according to a pre-planned scheme in a checkerboard pattern. Fastening takes place with the help of self-tapping screws in increments of 20–25 cm. On the Internet, you will find many photos that show various design options for straight, curved partitions. A good example of an interesting solution is the next photo.
We increase the sound insulation of structures
When zoning a room with a partition, do not forget to take into account such an aspect as sound insulation. It is achieved using fiberglass boards or synthetic-based mineral boards.
The soundproofing layer is mounted after the installation of the sheathing of one of the sides of the frame is completed. To do this, the insulation is cut into pieces of the appropriate size, installed in cells located between the frame and the profile. Please note that the thickness of the insulation should not exceed the thickness of the profile. After the insulation is placed, the sheathing is completed. If gaps remain between the partition and the wall, they should be sealed with mounting foam. So you will achieve an increase in sound insulation performance.
How to hide the seams left between drywall sheets?
GKL joints are usually sealed in one of the following ways:
- Gluing the seams with a sickle mesh, applying a special putty for the seams on it.
- Seam filling, reinforcement with paper tape.
To process the entire surface, gypsum putty is used, after it dries, grinding is performed.
Variety of possible options for partitions, ease of installation in the room, a wide range of possible finishes make them one of the most popular interior design options for rooms.