The choice of wallpaper for the hall: the basics of design

The hall in a modern apartment is the most significant and functional room. Here the family gathers in the evenings, the reception of guests is arranged. We can safely say that the hall or living room is the calling card of your home. The overall impression of the apartment and its owners will depend on how this space is designed. The interior design of the hall should be not only original and memorable, but also functional. An important role in its creation is played by the design of the walls, so the wallpaper for the hall should be selected especially carefully.

wallpaper in the hall

Wallpaper is involved in creating the design and atmosphere of the guest room, conducive to communication. Well-chosen material helps to emphasize the advantages of the room and balance the disadvantages. Thanks to interesting and original wallpaper even a simply furnished room acquires character and personality.

Wallpaper design and room options

To view the hall after wallpapering did not disappoint you, when choosing, be sure to take into account the following recommendations:

A room of modest size will look larger and more spacious if you paste over it with wallpaper with a rare discreet pattern. In a small room, a large pattern on the walls is contraindicated, as it will create a feeling of cramped space.

wallpaper in a small room

Too large a living room with high ceilings may not look cozy enough, so it is better to choose dark-colored material for it.

The choice of the shade of the wallpaper and the size of the pattern on them directly depends on the parameters of the room: the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall, the lighter the shade and the smaller the pattern should be. In large rooms, you can safely use any, even very dark shades and large patterns.

dark wallpaper in the hall

The low ceiling in the hall can be "lifted" with the help of wallpaper with vertical stripes.

vertical stripe wallpaper

Horizontal stripes will help expand the room, but they should only be used in a room with a high ceiling, as it will appear lower.

wallpaper with horizontal stripe

Such geometric shapes on the canvas as squares and rhombuses create a visual effect of expanding space.

Insufficiently even walls with defects will help to disguise wallpaper that has a chaotic abstract pattern. An even better effect can be achieved if you choose embossed wallpaper for the hall.

embossed wallpaper pattern

There is a rule of so-called color temperature. For a well-lit hall facing south, cool colors of the spectrum are suitable. But for a room with low natural light, warm colors are absolutely necessary.

cool tone design

Important! When choosing a wallpaper, color is of paramount importance, and only then the texture and pattern are taken into account.

We create an interior style

It's great if the design of the main room of your apartment matches some certain style. Wall decoration in this case will play a very important, if not a key role.

  • Classic style. For a classic interior, wallpaper of warm pastel shades, both calm and saturated, will go. The pattern can be different - monograms, floral ornaments, traditional stripes - the main thing is that it be symmetrical and orderly. The canvas with embossing and gilding is perfect. Classic design does not tolerate savings - materials must be of high quality and look expensive and luxurious.
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classic style

  • Vanguard. In contrast to the classics, avant-garde style requires bright, rich colors. The randomness and asymmetry of the pattern are combined with a variety of shapes and colors.


  • Modern. Art Nouveau interior design gives a little more room for variety. Both bright and pastel colors are appropriate here, a two-tone one, including a contrasting range, is well suited. The main attention should be paid to the plasticity of the lines of the drawing.


  • Provence. The interior in the French style is simplicity, modesty and cheerfulness.For him, light wallpaper in warm colors, decorated with a floral pattern that imitates old chintz, is best suited.


  • High tech. Metal and glass of cold hi-tech style will perfectly complement high-quality light-colored wallpaper material with bright inserts.

Hi-tech style

  • Country. Interior design in this style suggests naturalness, comfort and closeness to nature. Usually, when decorating, wallpaper material of saturated warm colors with an unpretentious pattern is used. It can be a simple floral or geometric ornament, a cage or a strip.

country style

  • Scandinavian style. The original style, which came to the modern world of design from the Scandinavian countries, is distinguished by a warm and cozy atmosphere, conciseness and functionality. The main interior color is white. Wallpaper for the hall in the Scandinavian style can be any light pastel shades: beige, milky, light blue, light green, gray, light brown.

Scandinavian style

  • Japanese style. Wall coverings for Japanese-style interiors should be made of natural materials: silk, rice paper, bamboo. Traditional images of cherry blossoms, cranes, dragons and Japanese hieroglyphs serve as a drawing.

Japanese style

If people of different ages live in the apartment, with different taste preferences, the solution will be a mixture of styles in the interior of the hall. We must try to make each family member feel comfortable in the living room.

Combined wallpaper for the hall

Wallpaper combination - this is not only a fashionable technique in interior design, but also a way of dividing a room into functional zones, especially relevant for large rooms or studio apartments. Different parts of the room are pasted over with different wallpapers that are in harmony with each other.

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wallpaper combination

The most popular technique for combining wallpaper in the hall is to accentuate one wall, which is the key point of the room. Usually on this wall is a TV or a fireplace. The wall highlighted with wallpaper should organically fit into the interior, resonate with furniture and textiles.

accent on the wall

There are many ways to combine colors and patterns, here are some of them.

  1. A classic combination is considered a combined wallpaper with a pattern and plain, echoing them in color.
  2. Geometric patterns and stripes go great with abstract designs.
  3. Floral ornament and stripes are a classic combination.
  4. Floral and woody motifs look very beautiful and natural.
  5. Saturated and bright colors should be diluted with neutral and calm shades.
  6. Combined wallpapers of contrasting colors look very impressive and bold.

Designers recommend the following optimal color combinations:

  • beige + brown;
  • olive + orange;
  • pink + burgundy;
  • white + blue;
  • purple + gray;
  • milk + gold;
  • silver + lilac.

wallpaper combination

Some combinations of shades, on the contrary, are poorly perceived by the eye, so they should not be made predominant in interior design:

  • white and blue;
  • black and yellow;
  • black and red;
  • red and yellow;
  • white and orange.

Important: when choosing a combination method, do not forget to match its chosen style with the interior of the room.

Possible errors when combining

  • A mixture of expensive and cheap materials. Even if you managed to choose wallpaper for the hall from different price categories so that the difference is not striking, this is absolutely impossible to do. Different wallpapers will have different service life, resistance to sunlight and other parameters. If one canvas is damaged, the entire room will have to be re-glued.
  • Combination of material of different thicknesses or with different bases. If you glue such canvases, the difference in thickness will be noticeable at the junction, in addition, the service life of wallpaper with different bases may also differ.

Tip: if you are having difficulty finding suitable combinations, pay attention to ready-made wallpaper collections for combining.

Material matters

When choosing wallpaper, not only the color and appearance matters, but also the material from which they are made.

paper wallpaper

Paper is still a very popular wallpaper material, safe and environmentally friendly. Other advantages of this type of material include its cheapness, ease of gluing, a rich assortment and the ability to hide small flaws in the walls. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of this material are quite significant: paper wallpapers are short-lived, unstable to sunlight and, moreover, they cannot be washed.

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paper wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl coated wallpaper quite durable and moisture resistant. Their important advantage is that they are easy to clean and can be washed. They are very popular due to their relatively low cost and wide selection. The main disadvantage of this type of wallpaper material is considered to be poor vapor permeability, the glued walls “do not breathe”, so the hall will have to be ventilated more often in order to maintain a healthy microclimate.

vinyl wall covering

Non-woven wallpaper

Wall coverings based on non-woven fabric have increased strength and practicality. They wash well, tolerate changes in temperature and humidity and retain an attractive appearance. They are non-toxic, allow the walls to “breathe”, hide surface cracks, and are easy to glue. They have one drawback - real quality non-woven wallpaper are much more expensive than paper.


Textile wallpapers

If you opt for fabric wallpaper, your room will look truly chic and elegant. They have a lot of advantages: environmental friendliness, excellent sound and heat insulation, when they are glued on the wall, joints will not be visible. However, such material is very expensive, and it is extremely difficult to glue it on your own. In addition, you need to take into account that such a coating collects dust and absorbs any odors, while it can only be cleaned in a dry way.

textile wallpaper

Glass fiber

fiberglass wallpaper extremely practical. They are distinguished by durability, environmental friendliness, strength, fire resistance, good vapor permeability. They do not require careful surface preparation and can be repainted a large number of times. Only the high cost can keep them from buying.

glass wall paper

Bamboo, reed, cork wallpaper

Thanks to modern technology, many natural materials have taken a form that allows them to be used for wall decoration. Such wallpapers can be easily glued on their own, and they have many useful properties: durability, good sound insulation, environmental friendliness, vapor permeability. Of the shortcomings, a poor choice and limited color solutions should be mentioned. Not everyone dares to paste over the whole room with these wallpapers, except perhaps for decoration in an oriental style, but they are perfect for inserts.

bamboo wallpaper

Wall mural

The ability to choose an image for every taste makes photo wallpaper an excellent way to create an original interior of the hall. The price for them is quite affordable, but they require certain skills when gluing and need high-quality alignment of the walls. Typically, photo wallpapers are glued to a wall free from furniture, other walls are pasted over with plain canvases.

photo wallpaper


