Best Answers
Need to clean. Roll up your sleeves and go. And, in general, it is necessary to do preventive maintenance once a year for all sewer pipes, as well as for all plumbing.
try a plunger or a chimney sweep
Vadim Filippov:
It is necessary to act as in case of an ordinary blockage.
at night you need to pour the composition of the mole, until the morning, if it doesn’t help, then you need to drain the washing machine into the kitchen under the sink. There will never be problems again. everything is washed with powder.
Olga sizrancewa:
Stupid number one and a half:
Your water is very thick.
in the siphon, if there is a tube, lower the siphon lower
Evgeny Rodionov:
look for the problem further
City Seagull:
Maybe the corrugation somehow bends after assembly? We had something similar, my husband bent the corrugation in a different way, and everything became normal.
7946123 .:
Mikhail Klimov answered correctly, 100 percent this is the reason. I solved the same problem myself a couple of months ago. Lower the siphon.
There are such siphons, of our assembly, which have problems with “Swallowing WATER”, changed the siphon and everything became a BEAM. Change everything to a new one and pour the MOLE into the sink more often, for prevention
Is the point of entry into the system accidentally not higher than the point of exit from the siphon? Where is your corrugation screwed? If higher, then by how much? Ideally, it should be lower, otherwise it turns out a second water seal after the siphon. And the drain rate completely depends on a number of all sorts of conventions, such as vacuum in the riser, pipe roughness (corrugation profile), etc. Look, maybe this is the reason.
Andrey Denisov:
I can offer a funny solution to the problem if there is a strainer in the sink to retain debris, just remove it
I have a constantly bad drain, although the pipe inside is clean. Plumbers explain that the slope is wrong.
How to properly clear a blockage
If the water from the sink slowly but still drains, most likely only the pipe is clogged. You can pour a fat-dissolving agent into it and push a hard bottle brush several times. It is easy to deal with fat in this way. Worse, if the pipe is covered with limescale from the inside. You will have to dissolve it with acid-containing agents.
A clogged siphon is a more serious problem, but fortunately it unwinds. However, promotion and cardinal cleaning of the siphon is an extreme method. You can try to remove the blockage in simpler ways.
- Use a plunger. It creates a vacuum and forces the dirt from the siphon to rise up into the sink, after which it can be easily removed with a napkin. This must be done until the water from the sink leaves with a powerful funnel.
- If the plunger did not cope with the task, you can lower a special cable into the siphon through the pipe and scroll it several times. It will loosen the seal, after which the plunger method should work.
- Before placing the cable and using the plunger, you can pour a special granular anti-blockage agent into the pipe. It swells and entrains solid particles. The blockage dissipates.
- If the plastic siphon can be untwisted and washed, the old cast-iron siphon is screwed almost tightly. And the hatch, designed to provide access to the siphon, is most likely screwed on with bolts that have rusted tightly. In this case, there is no other way how to cut the siphon and replace it with a plastic one.
Expert answers
I pushed the worst blockages with water. Take a hose with water and into the pipe. . clog the gap between the hose and the pipe with rags. Hold on. The other side of the hose is on a water faucet. Hold on. You open the water. . and wait. . Will sell anything
Alexander Dolgikh:
call the emergency
Don John:
Looking for rope... mole to wait a long time, and may not help
Why haven't you bought the cable yet?
Plunger in hand and forward. . Maybe you'll get lucky..
Call the locksmiths on duty.They will strike for a glass in an instant! Do you have one or two risers? Most likely a blockage in the pipe that goes from the bath to the general drain. Pour water into the tub, take a plunger or an empty can, and push the water down the drain.
petro petrov:
soda and vinegar
clogged between the sink and the toilet - pull the siphon from the sink from the tee and the cable in the direction of the toilet (do not forget about the water in the bathroom)
Elena Kuznetsova:
A hundred forgiveness guarantee to break through this pour Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola (better), pour everywhere. Everything will be gone in 15 minutes. Personal experience!
Valera Primachenko:
Yesterday there was a similar situation - I threw it towards the toilet with a cable and removed the blockage! There are recommendations: 1. It will be necessary to spread the cable at a right angle from the sink to the riser and it will not work out quickly. When driving a corner, the cable can turn out not in the direction of the toilet)))) I managed to do it in the opposite direction several times. The solution was found by twisting the cable in the opposite direction from the original, i.e. counterclockwise.3. I bought a short cable 2.5 meters, so it’s more convenient to twist one and the length is what you need.4. During torsion, the metal cable eats at the docking points the metal or plastic of the water outlet pipe from the sink, for the future you need to put the cable in a plastic tube or select a cable in a protective sheath for plastic communications) I wish everyone that the communications do not clog, but informed, which means they are ready for quick removal trouble ;)
Max Maksov:
I had a similar situation. And I tried it with a cable and used a plunger. Electrolyte recommended. I poured it into the sink and everything came out of the toilet. Too bad I didn't take a photo. The wife is in a panic. Suffered for a long time. I was advised to contact a Zasoroff specialist. The specialist broke through the blockage with a mechanical machine and cleared the sewer pipe with a hydrodynamic machine. All problem is gone.
Spitz Pomeranian:
“Installing a vent tee didn't change anything. “What tee.? Did you install an air valve? The valve will not save you, only the FAN pipe will help.
Nikolay Ivanov:
So the toilet siphon is clogged. This happens when, during repairs, “whitewash”, “cement” and other washings are poured into the toilet.
Sergey Parfilov:
It freezes somewhere if the pipes are cast iron. Pour salt into the whales and see the result
dnkas as:
Open the lid of the septic tank
Romeo without Juliet:
Something is frozen in the sewer pipe. there was such garbage, apple juice was squeezed out, a lot of cake got into the pipe, somehow accumulated and all winter such garbage as you had. gone in the summer
Airat Sattarov:
Miracles don't happen. Even in the sewers. Did you look in the corrugation? Somehow my daughter broke a thermometer (the mercury remained intact) and, out of fright, threw it into the toilet and did not tell anyone. They did not find it right away, but after a couple of weeks - the toilet paper around the fragment stuck in the corrugation gradually wound into a ball ...
The piping needs to be installed...
Rocked Like a Tsap:
Is there a ventilation pipe on the septic tank (or cesspool) ?! I have an air valve installed and a ventilation pipe (100 mm) comes out of the cesspool ... there are no problems with flushing the toilet.
tambuktu lukki:
If you do not figure out what the problem is, contact the sewer service company ct-servis /services/kanalizaciya . Carry out a set of measures to eliminate blockages.
Vasily Ermolaev:
all plumbing works, except for the sink in the kitchen and the shower. Everything is connected to the central pipe 110 . 50 pipes from the kitchen, it comes with a shower, the rest works well: 2 toilets and 2 sinks ...
Alexander Postoronka:
I advise very good guys s polyfacture /catalog/livnevaya-kanalizatsiya/