The actual question is what diameter of the pipeline to apply

The schematic diagram of the steam condensate path looks like this. The boiler plant is operating, which produces steam of a certain parameter in a certain amount. Then the main steam valve opens and steam enters the steam condensate system, moving towards consumers. And then the actual question arises, what diameter of the pipeline should be used?

If you take a pipe of too large a diameter, then this threatens:

  1. Increasing the cost of installation
  2. Large heat loss to the environment
  3. A large amount of condensate, and therefore a large number of condensate pockets, steam traps, valves, etc.

If you take a pipe of too small diameter, then this threatens:

  1. Pressure loss below design
  2. Increased steam speed, noise in the steam line
  3. Erosive wear, more frequent equipment replacement due to water hammer

Calculation of the steam pipeline diameter

There are two methods for choosing the diameter of the steam line: the first is the pressure drop method, and the second is the simpler one that most of us use - the velocity method.

In order for you not to waste your time searching for a table for calculating the speed method, we have posted this information on this page for your convenience. Published recommendations are taken from the catalog of the manufacturer of industrial pipeline valves ADL.

Capacity of the sewer pipe

The capacity of the sewer pipe is an important parameter that depends on the type of pipeline (pressure or non-pressure). The calculation formula is based on the laws of hydraulics. In addition to the laborious calculation, tables are used to determine the capacity of the sewer.


Hydraulic Calculation Formula

For the hydraulic calculation of sewerage, it is required to determine the unknowns:

  1. pipeline diameter Du;
  2. average flow velocity v;
  3. hydraulic slope l;
  4. degree of filling h / Du (in calculations, they are repelled from the hydraulic radius, which is associated with this value).
Table 3
DN, mm h/DN Self-cleaning speed, m/s
150-250 0,6 0,7
300-400 0,7 0,8
450-500 0,75 0,9
600-800 0,75 0,1
900+ 0,8 1,15

In addition, there is a normalized value for the minimum slope for pipes with a small diameter: 150 mm

(i=0.008) and 200 (i=0.007) mm.

The formula for the volumetric flow rate of a liquid looks like this:


where a is the free area of ​​the flow,

v is the flow velocity, m/s.

The speed is calculated by the formula:


where R is the hydraulic radius;

C is the wetting coefficient;

i - slope.

From this we can derive the formula for the hydraulic slope:


According to it, this parameter is determined if calculation is necessary.


where n is the roughness factor, ranging from 0.012 to 0.015 depending on the pipe material.

The hydraulic radius is considered equal to the usual radius, but only when the pipe is completely filled. In other cases, use the formula:


where A is the area of ​​the transverse fluid flow,

P is the wetted perimeter, or the transverse length of the inner surface of the pipe that touches the liquid.


Capacity tables for non-pressure sewer pipes

The table takes into account all the parameters used to perform the hydraulic calculation. The data is selected according to the value of the pipe diameter and substituted into the formula. Here, the volumetric flow rate q of the liquid passing through the pipe section has already been calculated, which can be taken as the throughput of the pipeline.

In addition, there are more detailed Lukin tables containing ready-made throughput values ​​for pipes of different diameters from 50 to 2000 mm.


Capacity tables for pressurized sewer systems

In the capacity tables for sewer pressure pipes, the values ​​depend on the maximum degree of filling and the estimated average flow rate of the waste water.

Table 4. Calculation of wastewater flow, liters per second
Diameter, mm Filling Acceptable (optimal slope) The speed of movement of waste water in the pipe, m / s Consumption, l / s
100 0,6 0,02 0,94 4,6
125 0,6 0,016 0,97 7,5
150 0,6 0,013 1,00 11,1
200 0,6 0,01 1,05 20,7
250 0,6 0,008 1,09 33,6
300 0,7 0,0067 1,18 62,1
350 0,7 0,0057 1,21 86,7
400 0,7 0,0050 1,23 115,9
450 0,7 0,0044 1,26 149,4
500 0,7 0,0040 1,28 187,9
600 0,7 0,0033 1,32 278,6
800 0,7 0,0025 1,38 520,0
1000 0,7 0,0020 1,43 842,0
1200 0,7 0,00176 1,48 1250,0

Correspondence of the diameter of the pipes to the volume of the carrier

Water is used as the heat carrier in most heating systems. It is heated by a central boiler. The energy source is gas, electricity, flammable liquids or solid fuels. This node is the heart of the heating system. The heating unit, lines, constipation and heat-releasing radiators form a complex scheme in which each element must be scrupulously verified. Forecasting energy costs and the required power of the boiler, calculating the heating pipe, choosing the carrier and type of fuel optimize costs during construction and operation. Initial foresight will insure against early repairs and the need to refine the heating main that has already been put into operation.

HYDRAULIC CALCULATION OF HEAT NETWORKSThe device of an autonomous heating system

The calculation of pipes for heating a private house can be ordered by professionals, trusting in experience. Plumbing "calculators" help to display indicators on their own: programs that calculate pipes for heating are offered on the websites of manufacturers and stores. The calculators contain average indicators of typical radiators and pipes: the owner needs to specify the footage, ceiling height and type of building, so that the system itself calculates registers from smooth pipes for heating or boiler capacity. Lack of calculators in pre-configuration for the needs of a particular service. It is unlikely that the owners of the portal will place a program that recommends the products of competitors, even if the calculation of the section of the heating pipe based on real characteristics provided for this.

Nuances when choosing the diameter of the pipes of the heating system

Description of pipe diameters

When choosing the diameter of heating pipes, it is customary to focus on the following characteristics:

  1. inner diameter - the main parameter that determines the size of products;
  2. outer diameter - depending on this indicator, pipes are classified:
  • small diameter - from 5 to 102 mm;
  • medium - from 102 to 406 mm;
  • large - more than 406 mm.
  1. conditional diameter - the value of the diameter, rounded to whole numbers and expressed in inches (for example, 1 ″, 2 ″, etc.), sometimes in fractions of an inch (for example, 3/4 ″).

Large or small diameter

If you are interested in how to calculate the diameter of a heating pipe, pay attention to our recommendations. The outer and inner sections of the pipe will differ by an amount equal to the wall thickness of this pipe

Moreover, the thickness varies depending on the material of manufacture of products.


Graph of dependence of heat flow on the outer diameter of the heating pipe

Professionals believe that when installing a forced heating system, the diameter of the pipes should be as small as possible. And this is no accident:

  1. the smaller the diameter of the plastic pipes for the heating system, the smaller the amount of coolant that needs to be heated (saving time for heating and money for energy carriers);
  2. with a decrease in the cross section of pipes, the speed of movement of water in the system slows down;
  3. small diameter pipes are easier to install;
  4. pipelines from pipes of small diameters are more cost-effective.

However, this does not mean that, contrary to the design of the heating system, it is necessary to purchase pipes with a diameter smaller than that obtained in the calculation. If the pipes are too small, this will make the system noisy and inefficient.

There are specific values ​​that describe the ideal speed of the coolant in the heating system - this is an interval from 0.3 to 0.7 m / s. We advise you to look up to them.

Practical assessment of the required size of the pipeline pipe, steam pipeline according to the flow rate and pressure of saturated steam in the range of 0.4-14 bar instrument pressure and DN15-300 mm. Table.

  1. In general, a calm (quite sufficient) speed for saturated steam is 25 m/s. The maximum allowable steam speeds from the project dpva.ru
  2. The table is practically suitable for all pipe schedules, but not all pipe schedules are suitable for steam. In general, steam is a rather unpleasant working environment, but ordinary carbon steel pipes are used in most cases, although stainless steel is also often used. Overview of steel designations from the dpva.ru project Overview of steel pipe standards from the dpva.ru project.
Saturated steam consumption (kg/h Other units of measurement from the dpva.ru project)
Instrument pressure (bar) Steam speed (m/s) Conditional (nominal) pipe diameter mm
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
0.4 15 7 14 24 37 52 99 145 213 394 648 917 1606 2590 3680
25 10 25 40 62 92 162 265 384 675 972 1457 2806 4101 5936
40 17 35 64 102 142 265 403 576 1037 1670 2303 4318 6909 9500
0.7 15 7 16 25 40 59 109 166 250 431 680 1006 1708 2791 3852
25 12 25 45 72 100 182 287 430 716 1145 1575 2816 4629 6204
40 18 37 68 106 167 298 428 630 1108 1715 2417 4532 7251 10323
1 15 8 17 29 43 65 112 182 260 470 694 1020 1864 2814 4045
25 12 26 48 72 100 193 300 445 730 1160 1660 3099 4869 6751
40 19 39 71 112 172 311 465 640 1150 1800 2500 4815 7333 10370
2 15 12 25 45 70 100 182 280 410 715 1125 1580 2814 4545 6277
25 19 43 70 112 162 195 428 656 1215 1755 2520 4815 7425 10575
40 30 64 115 178 275 475 745 1010 1895 2925 4175 7678 11997 16796
3 15 16 37 60 93 127 245 385 535 925 1505 2040 3983 6217 8743
25 26 56 100 152 225 425 632 910 1580 2480 3440 6779 10269 14316
40 41 87 157 250 357 595 1025 1460 2540 4050 5940 10479 16470 22950
4 15 19 42 70 108 156 281 432 635 1166 1685 2460 4618 7121 10358
25 30 63 115 180 270 450 742 1080 1980 2925 4225 7866 12225 17304
40 49 116 197 295 456 796 1247 1825 3120 4940 7050 12661 1963 27816
Saturated steam consumption (kg/h Other units of measurement from the dpva.ru project)
Instrument pressure (bar) Steam speed (m/s) Conditional (nominal) pipe diameter mm
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
5 15 22 49 87 128 187 352 526 770 1295 2105 2835 5548 8586 11947
25 36 81 135 211 308 548 885 1265 2110 3540 5150 8865 14268 20051
40 59 131 225 338 495 855 1350 1890 3510 5400 7870 13761 23205 32244
6 15 26 59 105 153 225 425 632 925 1555 2525 3400 6654 10297 14328
25 43 97 162 253 370 658 1065 1520 2530 4250 6175 10629 17108 24042
40 71 157 270 405 595 1025 1620 2270 4210 6475 9445 16515 27849 38697
7 15 29 63 110 165 260 445 705 952 1815 2765 3990 7390 12015 16096
25 49 114 190 288 450 785 1205 1750 3025 4815 6900 12288 19377 27080
40 76 177 303 455 690 1210 1865 2520 4585 7560 10880 19141 30978 43470
8 15 32 70 126 190 285 475 800 1125 1990 3025 4540 8042 12625 17728
25 54 122 205 320 465 810 1260 1870 3240 5220 7120 13140 21600 33210
40 84 192 327 510 730 1370 2065 3120 5135 8395 12470 21247 33669 46858
10 15 41 95 155 250 372 626 1012 1465 2495 3995 5860 9994 16172 22713
25 66 145 257 405 562 990 1530 2205 3825 6295 8995 15966 25860 35890
40 104 216 408 615 910 1635 2545 3600 6230 9880 14390 26621 41011 57560
14 15 50 121 205 310 465 810 1270 1870 3220 5215 7390 12921 20538 29016
25 85 195 331 520 740 1375 2080 3120 5200 8500 12560 21720 34139 47128
40 126 305 555 825 1210 2195 3425 4735 8510 13050 18630 35548 54883 76534

Selection of steam line diameter

December 15, 2018

The actual question is, what diameter of the pipeline should be used?

The schematic diagram of the steam condensate path looks like this. The boiler plant is operating, which produces steam of a certain parameter in a certain amount. Then the main steam valve opens and steam enters the steam condensate system, moving towards consumers. And then the actual question arises, what diameter of the pipeline should be used?

If you take a pipe of too large a diameter, then this threatens:

  1. Increasing the cost of installation
  2. Large heat loss to the environment
  3. A large amount of condensate, and therefore a large number of condensate pockets, steam traps, valves, etc.

If you take a pipe of too small diameter, then this threatens:

  1. Pressure loss below design
  2. Increased steam speed, noise in the steam line
  3. Erosive wear, more frequent equipment replacement due to water hammer

Calculation of the steam pipeline diameter

There are two methods for choosing the diameter of the steam line: the first is the pressure drop method, and the second is the simpler one that most of us use - the velocity method.

In order for you not to waste your time searching for a table for calculating the speed method, we have posted this information on this page for your convenience. Published recommendations are taken from the catalog of the manufacturer of industrial pipeline valves ADL.

Recommendations for installing drainage pockets

The starting loads on the steam pipeline are very high, since hot steam enters the cold, unheated pipeline and the steam begins to condense actively. According to SNiP 2.04.07-86 * Clause 7.26, it is required to make drainage pockets on straight sections of steam pipelines every 400-500 m and every 200-300 m with a counter slope, drainage of steam pipelines should be provided.

Different manufacturers of pipe fittings give their recommendations regarding the installation interval of steam traps. The Russian manufacturer ADL, based on its many years of experience, recommends the production of drainage pockets with the installation of Stimax steam traps every 30-50m with long pipeline lines. For short lines, the ADL recommendations do not differ from SNiP 2.04.07-86.

Why does condensate need to be removed from the steam line?

When steam is supplied, it develops very high speeds and drives the condensate film forming in the lower part of the pipe through the steam pipeline at a speed of 60 m / s and higher, forming comb-shaped condensate waves that can block the entire pipe section. Steam drives all this condensate, crashing into all obstacles in its path: fittings, filters, control valves, valves. Of course, for the pipeline itself, not to mention the equipment, it will be a strong water hammer.

What will be the conclusion?

  1. As often as possible, carry out drainage pockets with the installation of steam traps.
  2. Installation of filters in a horizontal plane, drain cap down to avoid a condensate pocket
  3. Properly produce concentric constrictions, avoiding condensate pockets
  4. Observe the slope for gravity drainage of condensate into drainage pockets
  5. Installation of valves instead of ball valves
  • KR 11|12|15|20 rubber wedge gate valves
  • Mesh filter series IS17
  • Pump stations "Granflow" series UNV DPV
  • Check valve series RD30
  • Strainers series IS 15|16|40|17
  • Bypass valve "Granreg" CAT32
  • Circulation pump "Granpump" series R
  • Check valves "Granlock" CVS25
  • Steel ball valves BIVAL
  • Mesh filter series IS30
  • Steam equipment
  • Circulation pumps "Granpump" series IPD
  • Pressure regulator "Granreg" CAT41
  • Safety valves Pregran KPP 096|095|097|496|095|495
  • Bypass valve "Granreg" CAT82
  • Steel ball valves BIVAL KSHT with reducer
  • Pressure regulators "Granreg" CAT
  • Pumping stations "Granflow" series UNV on pumps MHC and ZM
  • Gate valve Granar series KR15 with fire certificate
  • Check valve CVS16
  • Bypass valve "Granreg" CAT871
  • Dosing pump stations — DOZOFLOW
  • Check valve CVS40
  • Gate valve "Granar" series KR17 certification according to the FM Global form
  • Granlock CVT16
  • Circulation pumps "Granpump" series IP
  • Pressure regulator “after itself “Granreg” CAT160|CAT80| CAT30| CAT41
  • Monoblock stainless steel pumps MHC 50|65|80|100 series
  • Gate valve "Granar" series KR16 certification according to the FM Global form
  • Check valve series RD50
  • Steam Traps Stimaks А11|A31|HB11|AC11
  • Check valve series RD18
  • Steel ball valves Bival KShG
  • Butterfly valves Granval ZPVS|ZPVL|ZPTS|ZPSS
  • Emergency pumping stations
  • ← Saving water
  • Influence of air and gases on heat transfer →


