Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

Why an electric boiler can be cost effective

Many people say that electric boilers should not be installed in any houses. After all, installing a boiler will be more expensive, and more forces will be required, however, this is not at all the case. Electric boilers began to be used for heating houses in order to save money. But the fact is that if there are few heating devices in the house, the economic efficiency of this method is invisible. But when there are a lot of devices, the savings become significant. However, it will not be visible to the naked eye, this economy must be explained.

Often people in their decision are based on only two facts: a boiler costs much more than several convectors, and the efficiency of these two options is approximately the same. It is about 98-99%. In this case, it turns out that it is much better to install cheaper convectors if their efficiency is the same as that of the boiler. In order to understand where the economic benefit from the boiler comes from, it is necessary to resort to a mechanistic formula that sounds like this: lowering the air temperature in the room by 1 degree leads to energy savings by 6%. In simple words, this formula says that if the air is overheated by only 3 degrees, then 18% of the energy carrier is lost, hence the economic efficiency of the electric boiler compared to electric convectors.

The fact is that in the boiler you can set the power, which will cover the heat loss of the house for the air temperature that is now outside. Consequently, the air in the room will not overheat and the boiler will spend exactly as much energy as necessary in order to ensure heat loss at home. But in convectors there is no way to set their power. The regulators on them allow you to set only the desired temperature in a given room. That is, regardless of the temperature that you set, it will always work at its full capacity. And the convector will turn off only when the air is already overheated. After all, he sees a difference in air temperature only more than 2 degrees.

Thus, each time the air is heated, a certain number of kilowatts will be lost, which were spent on overheating the air. Of course, from one time the losses are quite small and even insignificant. However, this will happen every time the room is heated. And if you have a large house with more than 6 electric convectors, you will definitely feel these losses. However, this is not the only plus of the electric boiler. Due to the presence of a buffer tank, the boiler can be charged at night, at a cheap rate. Ari this day, he will not waste electricity at all. Convectors don't have that option. While heating the air, they must be connected to the power supply.

And the third positive distinguishing feature of the boiler is that it can be integrated into the hydraulic system, that is, it can be used for combined heating with a wood stove, this is also done to save energy.

To summarize all of the above, it can be noted that there are only three points that indicate that it is better to install an electric boiler for heating in a private house than electric convectors:

  • the boiler does not waste excess energy, overheating the air
  • the boiler can store energy at night at a cheap rate and work on this energy all day
  • the boiler can be used quite simply in the combined heating method

Difficulties in installing and using electric convectors

  • Increased total power of electric convectors. Due to the fact that the power is selected for each individual room, there is always a loss of about 2-4 kilowatts.When all the convectors turn on at full power, in addition, other electrical appliances are working in the house, this can lead to knocking out the introductory machine. And you can deal with this only by turning off the convectors in individual rooms manually, which is too troublesome.
  • Electrical network. Due to the fact that the convector is a powerful electrical device, in addition, it works without stopping for at least 5 hours, it requires a separate cable. That is, you can not turn on the electric convector in any outlet that is in the house.
  • Great difficulties for controlling convectors remotely. It is quite possible to do this, but for this it will be necessary to combine all devices into one network, and then connect them to some actuating device that will receive commands from you. This will require additional cash costs.

It turns out that buying an electric boiler and installing electric convectors correctly will cost you about the same amount. The cost of an electric boiler during installation will be a little more, but it will pay off in the first year of its use.

For which house is it more profitable to use convectors

Heating with convectors involves the installation of a separate heating device in each room. It is impossible to heat two or more rooms at the same time with one convector.

If the house is small and has no more than four rooms, then four heating devices will also be required to create comfortable conditions in it, if the house has two rooms, then two electrical appliances are enough.

Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

If we are talking about a building with a large number of rooms, it is more profitable to install a heating boiler. It is believed that a house that needs 4 convectors to heat can be heated using these devices, but if 6 or more convectors are needed, then it is more economical to install a heating boiler.

This ratio was not chosen by chance. The fact is that during operation, the heating boiler allows you to heat the house at a lower cost compared to convectors. Just with a small number of heating devices, this benefit is imperceptible, but with an increase in devices, it becomes more tangible.

Best Answers

Boss Heat:

The store correctly said if the ceiling height is 3m. Electric convectors are the cheapest option in terms of equipment cost and installation. And you will pay for electricity from the money saved on equipment. You can increase savings and comfort by connecting one convector through a room thermostat by air. The cheapest electric convectors are Chinese or joint production, cheap does not mean bad

Pay attention to the configuration of the heating element in the convector, if it is tubular with a screw tape around the tube (DELSOT) - you will hear at night how it clicks when it cools down, heats up. If you take more expensive convectors - Siemens, Atlantic, Nobo, then they have a built-in thermostat for air and they do not click

Installing convectors under windows, do not block curtains, do not dry things on them, do not block the air flow from above, that is, observe fire safety. Infrared devices can be placed where there are no people and high ceilings. It's uncomfortable to sit underneath. Pay special attention to the safety of electrical wiring.

Pavel Melnikov:

I heat it, outside the window -30 sometimes I open a window in one room, I went too far, but I’m quite satisfied.

prickly hedgehog:

how much will you pay for electricity????


In such frosts, a lot of energy will burn. Four kilowatts without turning off, Ten kilowatts per day. Heating is real, if the same money that is spent on firewood is spent on electricity. .But, in my opinion, it will be more expensive. Fan heaters heat well.


depending on what permitted power (introductory machine) and in general in what condition the electrical wiring

Kitten Pie!

didn't encounter... on the contrary, I think why I took off air conditioning for the winter - in a room below +30 only with an open balcony !!!! - they're stoking!!!!


During the period when it is cold outside, and the heating is not turned on, I use a convector. It is very convenient, you turn it on at 22 degrees and this temperature is kept constantly. My relatives heat the house in the village. 1.5 kW at 18m.

Stupid number one and a half:

Infrared are demanding on dimensions - ceiling height, distance from the ceiling and walls. If the ceilings are low, they will be reachable, and the temperature is high, someone taking off a sweater can get burned. For such housing, they are inconvenient to use. Better convectors. The calculation indicated is applicable.

Konstantin Lozhkin:

Infrared in the house as the main heating is insanity, a constant headache is guaranteed. Convectors are good because they are inexpensive, easy to install and quite reliable. On the selection of power, of course, they correctly said, but with a ceiling height of no more than 2.8 meters and good thermal insulation. In general, I put a nobo in my house, divided it into 2 groups. Each group has its own thermostat. It’s a little expensive to heat up purely on electricity, so I still heat the stove in the cold.

Yuri Dubov:

Dmitriy! If you can survive the winter in the same mode, try to survive, in spring and summer, plan work on warming the house, look at foam pasting technologies, etc., there are a lot of interesting things, but only then deal with heating. These works do not require special qualifications, but only then deal with heating. I would recommend a combined heating system

Pay attention to electric boilers "beril", but first of all, eliminate heat loss to the maximum, the costs will pay off

Artyom Shlentov:

To anyone who is interested, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of electricity consumption by ceiling film electric heaters:


I have been heated for 4 winters with convectors "noirot" France, I heat 94 squares, at - 10-20 degrees I pay 2300-2900 per month if -25-40 degrees I pay 3500-5000 the temperature is set to +22 throughout the house, "nobo" is also a cool manufacturer, all other convectors except "noirot", "nobo" are not intended for constant heating, the main house is well insulated and the wiring is good, I have a separate machine for each convector, start with one convector, calculate how much electricity it eats and make a decision, the devices are very convenient, turned it on in the fall and turned it off in the spring, it's convenient!!!

Features of electric boilers

Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

An electric boiler is a heating device that is able to heat a large area, thanks to the provision of heat supply from the central heating device to the actual heat sources. That is, a heating device is placed inside the boiler itself. It heats the water, and the water passes through the laid pipelines to the radiators (batteries), which are the sources of heating.

The features of electric boilers are that they:

  • They don't dry the air. They do not burn oxygen, and do not create the feeling of combustion in the air.
  • You can choose double-circuit models that can not only heat the room, but also provide hot water.
  • Unlike single heaters, an electric boiler can effectively heat a fairly large area. After all, it is the center, the distributor of heat supply.

The price will depend on the complexity of the installation itself. It can be noted that low-power simple installations are quite cheap.

Depending on the needs and the room where it will be used, you can choose a simple or more advanced option, in particular, boilers are distinguished:

Equipped with a heating element and a trigger for commissioning.
In addition to standard settings, they are equipped with temperature control sensors.
Advanced options include a remote control system.

Boundary rule 4 and 6

In order to decide how best to heat the house, it will be very important to know the size of the house, or rather, the number of necessary heaters around the entire perimeter of the house.Experts were able to establish fairly clear boundaries

If the house is very small and it needs only 4 heaters, then there is no point in installing an electric boiler and a radiator network. In such a house it will be much easier and easier to install electric convectors. If the house is large enough and it already needs 6 heating devices, then experts definitely recommend purchasing an electric boiler. A rather difficult situation arises if 5 heaters are enough for your house. Indeed, in this case, you can choose for yourself one or the other option.

Features of electric boilers

Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

Scheme of the operation of an electric boiler.

Until recently, there was an opinion that the electric boiler is suitable only for heating oversized premises. But this opinion turned out to be wrong. Today, a wide variety of electric boilers are presented on the market, the power of which ranges from 40 to 100 kW. Such equipment will easily be able to cope with the heating of a room that has an area of ​​​​up to 1000 m². In addition, an electric boiler is able to compete in the number of advantages with a liquid fuel boiler.

However, when choosing equipment, it is worth considering not only power, but also many other factors. An electric boiler will save money, because when purchasing it, you will only have to pay for the boiler itself, unlike, for example, liquid fuel equipment, where you have to pay extra for a mounted burner and a container. You can save not only on purchase, but also on installation. Thus, the cost of installation work will be minimal. During operation, the electric boiler is also ready to show itself very positively, since it will not need constant maintenance and mandatory cleaning. The electric boiler will not need

Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

The design of a three-phase electric boiler.

fuel costs. Its use allows you to comply with all environmental requirements, and during operation it does not emit extraneous odors.

However, such devices still have disadvantages, the main one is that when they are used, it is not possible to allocate a sufficient amount of electricity power that is necessary for operation, in addition, interruptions in the operation of power networks can affect the work. But in case of power outages, the electric boiler can be used in parallel in the heating system with other types of boilers. Such a heating system has gained popularity in recent years.

Heating elements of electric boilers

Comparison of the capabilities of a convector and an electric boiler

All electric boilers can be separated depending on the type of heating element. Each of them has its own principle of operation and features. And so, such boilers can contain:

TENs are a well-known and widespread method of heating water. The tubular heating element heats the water, which moves and provides uninterrupted heat supply.

However, it has certain disadvantages. TENs often suffer from scale, which is formed from heating water at high temperatures. Because of this, it fails. This is solved by replacing the heating element. But it can still create discomfort during the heating season.


