Luxury or convenience Why do you need a urinal at home

How to install urinals

Luxury or convenience Why do you need a urinal at home

For many, this is no longer just plumbing that is found in public places, but a home, everyday thing. Having a urinal is very convenient and practical. Many people think that installing a urinal is easy, but for this you will have to follow certain requirements. Urinals are classified according to the type of flush and type of installation.

Wall or floor urinals are very convenient for installation both in public places and in apartments.

wall mounted urinals

This view is increasingly being installed in apartments today. This is justified by the fact that urinals are easy to use and take up very little space.

Despite the fact that a wall-mounted urinal is a bit more expensive than a floor-mounted one, they are still most often preferred to be installed, as they are convenient for cleaning the room and save space. They come with or without solid siphons.

Often they are not equipped with a tank, they have a special drain valve, which turns on the water supply directly from the water supply at the right time.

Wall-mounted urinals are mounted to the wall using two or four screws through the holes in the ears of the device using dowels.

Modern urinals have a hidden flush system that is installed into the wall.

First of all, you should mark the place on the wall where the installation of the urinal is supposed to be and do not forget that you should level the place for installation with a level so that the urinal is positioned correctly. Then drill holes for the dowels, insert the plugs.

To protect faience from breakage when fastening with screws, it is advisable to put rubber or leather washers under their heads. Under the urinal, which does not have a hydraulic shutter, a revision siphon is mounted.

To connect the outlet of the urinal with the siphon, it is necessary to smear the process with minium putty and wrap it with a resin strand at a distance of 3-4 mm from the edge and again cover with putty. After that, the process is tightly inserted into the siphon. The top of the siphon around the process must also be smeared with minium putty.

Most often, metal pipes are used to connect plumbing to the water supply, and not flexible plumbing. But for this, before installing the device, you need to install the water pipe a little higher from the location of the urinal tap.

And after that, a piece of pipe with a drive is screwed to the metal pipe using a coupling. Then a lock nut and a coupling are screwed onto the drive. After installation, the coupling must be rolled from the spur onto a pipe with a urinal faucet and secured with a lock nut.

And of course, we seal the connection with flax and red lead.

For wall-mounted urinals on a mounting frame, the mounting method is significantly different. The installation of these urinals is approximately the same as in the toilets. Wall-mounted urinals usually have a flush cistern, and installation is done in exactly the same way as a concealed toilet cistern.

Floor urinals (urinals)

To install floor urinals (urinals), it is necessary to have a sewer opening coming out of the floor.

Such urinals are not very popular in apartments, since the sewer socket coming out of the floor is usually already occupied by the toilet. But they can often be found in public toilets.

Floor standing urinals are often installed in multiple sections, assembled from individual sections made of ceramic. To begin with, a sewer pipeline is installed in the floor and hydraulic gates are mounted.

The sections are installed 100-115 mm below the floor level, pushing the outlet holes into the hydraulic seal. After installation, the gaps near the urinal bowl are sealed with a resin strand and asbestos cement.

What you may need when installing urinal:

  • spirit level;
  • electric drill and drills;
  • quick installation (expansion dowels with screws);
  • strands of flax or hemp;
  • asbestos-cement mixture;
  • red lead putty.

When connecting plumbing with knees or minium putty, the outlet is most often located obliquely or horizontally, and for this type of toilet bowl, the socket is located vertically, as in a toilet bowl with a similar outlet.

Choosing a home urinal

If you have already firmly decided to buy a urinal, then you need to approach this issue correctly. There are some nuances here that must be taken into account. And the first one is the size.

It is important that you not only be able to “plug in” such a design, but also ensure your comfortable use of it in the future.

It would be wise to first take measurements, and then go to the store. So you can choose the perfect option. For example, you can pick up an excellent urinal from the Kolo brand, here you will find different dimensions and shapes.

In addition to the size, do not forget about the overall style. Of course, bright funny urinals are cool and funny. But, nevertheless, such designs are more relevant for public institutions, and not for a home environment. Unless the "cheeky" boho-chic style or something like that allows you. In other cases, it is better to choose a more conservative model that will not get out of the "rut" so much. 2a01:4f8:192:2::2

We decided on the size and style, but is that all? No. Another important point is the drain system. There are different mechanisms and each manufacturer offers its own. The brand "Kolo" offers urinals with horizontal, vertical flush, felix urinal with thermal flushing system

That is why it is so important to choose a more well-known brand that you are sure of.

Varieties of urinals

At the moment, there are not many varieties of urinals. Basically, they are classified according to 4 criteria:

Type of instalation. There is a floor and wall urinal, as well as a hidden installation model. The floor version is not much different from a conventional toilet. It is quite large and the water supply to it does not look quite respectable. The wall model is smaller, so it is a more compact option. The most difficult installation is with a concealed urinal, as it requires the purchase of a special installation. But such a urinal looks the most aesthetically pleasing;

Type of drain system. Here, urinals are classified as follows: manual flush, semi-automatic and automatic. In the first case, the product is equipped with a tap that must be opened and closed every time after the need has been relieved. The semi-automatic option implies the presence of a button and a lever for draining. An automatic drain device is the most modern option that works regardless of human intervention thanks to special sensors;

bowl material. The most common material for making urinals is glazed porcelain or faience. Sometimes manufacturers use plastic, metal or glass, but these are usually exclusive models according to a design project;

Form. The standard shape is an obliquely cut bowl. All models differ from each other only in small details that are offered by different manufacturers. But if this is an author's project, then you can choose a more interesting shape of the bowl.

If earlier urinals were installed only in public toilets, today they can also be found in modern bathrooms in apartments and houses.

For example, if you have a large bathroom area, you have a large family, or you are a hospitable host who always has a lot of people at home, then you should also pay attention to this plumbing fixture.

To choose a quality urinal that fits perfectly into your bathroom, will be easy to use and will not cause additional inconvenience, you need to know the following nuances:

If you have a ready-made sewerage and plumbing system, then it is better to give preference to floor models. If all the wiring is hidden, then you can choose any type of installation, as you will still have to do a major or partial renovation in the bathroom. The greatest damage awaits you if you choose a concealed urinal;

If you have a small bathroom, then take a closer look at the wall-mounted models, as they are the most compact and use the free space economically;

The drain system is selected depending on your preferences and budget. But it does not have to be the same brand as the urinal itself. Since any product can be equipped with a manual, semi-automatic and automatic drain system - everything is sold separately and fits together;

Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer, as the quality and durability of the product depends on it. Leading positions today are occupied by European brands; Do not forget about design, because the urinal must be combined with other plumbing items in order to form a single composition with them;

Do not forget about design, because the urinal must be combined with other plumbing items in order to form a single composition with them;

For home use, look for models with a lid, as this is more practical.

Buy or not

The purchase of a urinal is considered a controversial point in the arrangement of the bathroom. Of course, many still do not see the point of such a purchase and are limited to a standard set of plumbing.

The main reason for buying a urinal is to provide convenience, in which case you will significantly increase the comfort level of the restroom. This item will perfectly complement the style of your room, adding an accent that will make your interior completely complete.

Most modern sanitary areas for men are equipped with urinals, more generally referred to as urinals. Urinals today are an essential attribute of the men's toilet. Relatively recently, there has been a trend that urinals have been installed in private houses and apartments. However, you can only meet a urinal in a bachelor's apartment, since the installation of this plumbing in a woman's apartment would be inappropriate. The only situation where a urinal is used in houses where women live is when it comes to a large family, for example, in a country house. Installing a urinal is a simple procedure for professionals, as it is not much different from installing a toilet. When choosing a urinal, you need to respect the style of the bathroom and its dimensions.

Probably, many have also come across female urinals, which are somewhat rarer, but still have a place to be. The device of a female urinal is seriously different from a male one, and the main difference is that it is selected and installed taking into account the anatomical features of each person. The main task of such a device is to allow a woman to cope with her natural need without bending and touching the edges, which occurs when using an ordinary toilet bowl. If a woman suffers from arthritis, then a urinal will make her life much easier.

If public toilets need a urinal to prevent the spread of infections, then in homes it is installed mainly only for the reason that this device will be very convenient.

When choosing a urinal, an important point is the technical features and characteristics that should be suitable for the plumbing that is used in your home.In general, domestic and public urinals are similar in technical specifications, but differ in their color schemes to create a complete choice for the buyer, taking into account the design of the bathroom. Urinals can also differ in designs, but it all depends on what your preferences are.

When choosing a wall-mounted urinal, you need to consider the material from which this equipment is made. Of course, it will be most familiar to see a ceramic urinal, but it is worth remembering that if you wish, you can choose a urinal made of glass, natural stone, polymers and other unusual materials. It all depends on which of the urinals will look most harmonious in your bathroom. As for public places, the main requirement for a urinal in them is always strength, so they are usually made of stainless steel or sanitary ceramics, but at home, the strength of the urinal is not such a sensitive issue.

It's important that the urinal you choose matches your sink, bathtub, and toilet, and when installing it, think about how you'll feel comfortable equipping it. You can have a flush valve and drainage system inside the wall, and then this equipment will be internal, or you can use external equipment, in which everything will be accessible from the outside

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Which is used to satisfy natural needs. By taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person, the management of needs is more convenient and hygienic.

It is an obliquely cut bowl, which is supplied with a flush and drainage system. Flushing here is carried out using a tap, a button, a lever or an electronic unit, if it is a model with non-contact sensors.

Urinal flush system

Despite the absolute similarity to the toilet, urinals have an unusual flushing system. Of course, classic models with a mechanical drain are still on sale, but they are extremely rare, because it is inconvenient to rotate the faucet valve. But the urinal with automatic drain will please every user. The bowl is cleaned after a signal is given by the sensors installed in the product. Water can descend after a certain time after the person leaves the bowl. There are models equipped with motion sensors, infrared ports, photocells, water composition meters

This technology has no analogues yet, so products with automatic systems attract the attention of every connoisseur of quality products.

There are interior elements that do not have the most important practical role, but still contribute to the interior of the room. This is exactly what a urinal is.

Pros and cons

Many consider urinals to be something completely unnecessary when it comes to a home bathroom. In a way, of course, they are right. After all, there is a toilet that perfectly copes with all the functions on its own. So the urinal is perceived as something that takes up extra space in an already usually cramped bathroom.We are used to seeing urinals in cafes, restaurants, cinemas - in general, in every public place, but definitely not at home. But it is worth noting - if you like to receive guests, it will be very useful to you.

On the other hand, the urinal is much more convenient for men for certain needs. What's wrong with extra comfort? After all, at home, like nowhere else, you want maximum convenience. If finances allow you, and the bathroom is very spacious, then why not? Moreover, the market now offers many original and funny designs. Yes, and such an item takes up quite a bit of space, to be honest.

Varieties and benefits

According to the principle of installation, the products can be floor and wall. Floor urinals are most often installed in public places. This type can be equipped with a lid. Wall-mounted urinals are distinguished by their compactness and exquisite appearance, which is exactly what most buyers choose for home use. The bowl can be built into the toilet furniture, hiding all the hoses.

The urinal may have a manual or automatic flush system. The first implies the presence of levers and buttons, similar to the principle of the toilet. Models with automatic flush are equipped with sensors (touch, sound, infrared, photocell).

The design of the urinal is quite simple. Water is supplied to the tank from above, an outlet is built in from below. At the end of the use of the urinal, a jet of water washes the bowl and removes the contents. The installed siphon eliminates the possibility of penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer.

As a material for the manufacture of urinals, sanitary ceramics or aluminum are used. Under an individual order, you can become the owner of a granite or glass product, but in this case you will have to overpay for individuality.

Sizes vary from 33cm x 24cm to 47cm x 40cm, and the product can be of various shapes. Classic models outwardly resemble a round bowl. Elite versions can be in the form of a cylinder, triangle and square. You can see how the most popular urinals look like on the pages of the Kolo company website.

Urinal at home design and advantages of use

There are 2 types of products:

  • floor urinal
  • hanging urinal.

The floor urinal, like a toilet, is installed on the floor. Such models lost credibility after the advent of wall products for latrines.

Wall bowls are more compact and functional. The product is located at the level of the user's hips, which is the first advantage. The convenience of this placement lies in the fact that close contact with the bowl prevents drops from falling on the walls and floor. In addition, the bowl itself has side walls that prevent liquid from splashing on the sides. For men, the urinal is very convenient to use, and for women it facilitates the process of cleaning the bathroom. You can see how to properly position the urinal at home on the pages of the Geberit company's Internet resource.

The modern range of sanitary ware for the bathroom allows you to choose unusual options for the shape of the bowls. White is considered the classic color of products, but color options are also found at points of sale. The bowls are made of sanitary ceramics, thanks to which they have an impeccable appearance for many years.


