Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Selection and features of an electric boiler

In the process of choosing an electric boiler, you need to be guided by what area needs heating, so the power of the electric boiler is selected depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room, about 1 kW per 10 m² of a well-insulated house with a ceiling height of no more than 3 m.

The most popular are double-circuit devices with a capacity of 6-15 kW, and among household floor-standing electric boilers, most of which are used in the construction of cottages, the most popular are models whose power is 20-30 kW.

The principle of operation of modern electric boilers is extremely simple: for heating the coolant, i.e. water, the principle of its ionization is used.

Scheme of installation of an electric water heater.

The bottom line is that the energy of the electric current is directly transferred to the coolant molecules, as a result of which its temperature instantly increases. In turn, the heater of the type in question very quickly reaches the level of its rated power. When the water supply stops for any reason, the heating unit also immediately stops working. This minimizes the risk of explosion, fire or thermal damage to the system. The boilers of the type in question have a collapsible design, which makes it possible to replace the old electrode, which for some reason no longer works, with a new one without any problems.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the financial costs of heating when using an electric boiler is the principle of multi-tariff electricity metering. It is quite obvious that the need of users of various electrical appliances for electricity during the day is constantly changing. Thus, the maximum consumption, when many different devices are operating, falls on periods from 08:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 22:00, half-peak periods - from 07:00 to 08:00 and from 11:00 to 20 :00. It is precisely these time intervals of the day that account for the bulk of the work of household electrical appliances and the maximum industrial consumption of electrical energy. The minimum electricity consumption occurs at night, i.e. from 23:00 to 06:00. Therefore, it is advisable to use this electricity for domestic purposes, and specifically for heating with an electric boiler. This principle of energy distribution makes it possible to save up to 30% as a result of maintaining the optimal air temperature in the room throughout the day.

The principle of the combined use of the "night" tariff in the operation of electrode boilers and other devices is very effective and economically justified. The use of such combined heating systems as: an electric boiler and a gas boiler, an electric boiler and a solid fuel boiler is widely practiced. This gives users the opportunity to minimize the cost of natural gas and ensure maximum convenience in the operation of solid fuel boilers.

Installation of the manufactured boiler

Before you install the boiler, you need to choose the most suitable place for it. It should allow you to correctly and easily perform the following manipulations:

  1. Distribution of the necessary pipes of the heating system.
  2. It is convenient to connect.
  3. Control the work process.
  4. Maintain and make repairs as needed.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to first draw up a detailed layout of the radiator and the wiring of all pipes belonging to the heating system.

In addition, it is very important to choose the best option for the location of the manufactured boiler.As a rule, such equipment has a compact size, because they can be placed on the ground floor of a residential building, many are installed in the basement

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Experts recommend mounting heating elements on the wall using special dowels. If we are talking about electrode boilers, they need to be installed on the pipes of the heating system, it is also possible to fix them to the wall by using clamps. Due to their large weight, induction boilers are recommended to be mounted on the floor, strictly in an upright position.

The process of connecting a do-it-yourself electric boiler is carried out strictly to a separate machine, which is located in the electrical panel and to the ground loop. The shield must be designed for the highest power ratings of the boiler, and it is advisable to entrust the quality of the ground loop to a specialist.

It is quite simple to make a high-quality electric boiler with your own hands and save material resources. All that is required is to simply approach the assembly process as responsibly as possible.

The quality of the work carried out is very important, since the operation of the boiler is based on the circulation of water, which, if there are problems, can leak. This will automatically lead to serious waste of material resources.

A responsible approach to the implementation of an electric boiler will lead to the fact that it will work as long and efficiently as possible.

Making an electrode boiler with your own hands

To assemble an ion boiler with your own hands, you need: a pipe, an electrode, hot metal.

If you have become familiar with the principle of operation of ion boilers, as well as the features of their operation, and still want to make it yourself, then you will need:

  • welding machine and skills to work with it;
  • steel pipe of the required dimensions;
  • an electrode or group of electrodes;
  • neutral wire and ground terminals;
  • insulators for terminals and electrodes;
  • coupling and metal tee
  • desire and perseverance in achieving the ultimate goal.

Before you start assembling the boiler with your own hands, you should pay attention to several important points. First, the boiler must be grounded

Secondly, the neutral wire from the outlet is fed exclusively to the outer pipe. And thirdly, the phase must be supplied exclusively to the electrode.

The do-it-yourself boiler assembly technology is quite simple. Inside a steel pipe with a length of about 250 mm and a diameter of 50-100 mm, an electrode or an electrode block is inserted from one side by means of a tee. Through the tee, the coolant will enter or exit. The other side of the pipe is equipped with a coupling for connecting the heating pipe.

An insulator is placed between the tee and the electrode, which will also ensure the tightness of the boiler. The insulator is made of any suitable heat-resistant plastic. Since it is necessary to ensure tightness and at the same time the possibility of a threaded connection with a tee and an electrode, it is better to order an insulator in a turning workshop in order to withstand all design dimensions.

A bolt is welded onto the boiler body, to which the neutral wire terminal and grounding are attached. It is possible to secure with one more bolt. The entire structure can be hidden under a decorative coating, which will also serve as an additional guarantee of the absence of electric shocks. Restricting access to the boiler is the first and most important task to comply with safety regulations.

As you can see, assembling an electrode boiler with your own hands is an achievable goal for almost any person. The main thing is to know the principle of its operation and observe safety precautions. Warmth for your home!

The principle of operation of electric boilers

Heating boiler wiring diagram.

The electric boiler can be connected everywhere, it works normally where there is power supply, it does not need to purchase and store fuel or equip a special room.It is enough just to connect to the mains and remove the pipeline. For many people, such boilers have become an indispensable tool. Due to its compact size, the electrode boiler can be installed even in a very small room, while the modern design of the equipment will allow it to fit seamlessly into any interior. The basic equipment includes an expansion tank, a heating element, elements for regulating and controlling the operation of the heat generator.

The principle of operation of the equipment is extremely simple: a coolant is supplied to the expansion tank, which is heated by electricity and then distributed through radiators and pipes. Heating electric boilers are distinguished by high efficiency, which often reaches 100%, ease of operation, affordable cost of units, silent operation, safety and environmental friendliness are also undeniable advantages of such heating equipment. Of course, in addition to the advantages, heating boilers powered by electricity also have certain disadvantages, which are largely related to the domestic organization of the electrical system. It is necessary to remember about the cost of electricity, which is increasing all the time, about frequent interruptions in the supply of electricity, power surges that adversely affect the functional part of the equipment and its service life.

Electric boilers for heating are endowed with a stylish and modern design, ease of maintenance and step-by-step power switching. Equipment can be connected in cascade to create a powerful installation. Electric boiler: advantages and disadvantages

Scheme of the device of the electric boiler.

Like any other equipment, an electric boiler has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the indisputable advantages, one can single out, first of all, compactness. This equipment is really very compact and almost imperceptible in the overall design of the system. Such boilers are low cost, have a smooth output to the rated power and, among other things, the peculiarity of their operation eliminates the possibility of an emergency in case of water leakage. If water suddenly disappears in the system, the equipment simply will not work.

Among the shortcomings are the following points:

  • the need for water treatment. The equipment will work effectively only if certain values ​​​​of water resistivity are provided, which very often cannot be measured and brought into line with the standards;
  • ensuring optimal circulation of the coolant. Under the condition of weak circulation, the water in the electric boiler can boil. If the forced circulation is too fast, the equipment may not start;
  • non-freezing liquids cannot be used as a heat carrier.

Thus, having become acquainted with the principle of operation of an electric boiler, everyone will draw conclusions for themselves: to buy it or not.

Advantageous indicators of electrode heaters

The operation of an autonomous heat source allows you to manage not only the microclimate and thermoregulation in the house, but also the cost of heat. At the same time, electrode boilers have a number of obvious advantages compared to heating elements and induction devices.

All the water that enters the electric electrode boiler is heated almost instantly and in full. Due to the absence of uncontrolled inertia of heating the coolant in the design, a very high level of efficiency is achieved - up to 98%.

Constant contact of the electrodes with the liquid heat carrier does not lead to the formation of a scale layer. And, accordingly, the rapid failure of the heater. This is due to the fact that in the design of the device there is a constant change of polarity - the alternate movement of ions in different directions at a speed of 50 times per second.

The principle of electrode heating of the liquid makes it possible to reduce the volume of the heat generator by several times compared to heating elements of similar power. The small size and light weight of the equipment are very advantageous features that mark electrode boilers. Reviews from experienced users confirm the convenience of using household appliances, ease of installation and the possibility of their location in any room.

The presence of a digital setting unit on the external panel of the apparatus allows you to reasonably regulate the intensity of the boiler. Functioning in a given mode helps to save up to 40% of electrical energy in the house.

In the event of a system depressurization or water leakage, you can not be afraid of electric shock. Without a coolant, there will be no current movement, so the boiler simply stops working.

The absence of sound vibrations ensures quiet operation.

The principle of operation of the electrode boiler implies the complete absence of combustion products or other types of waste. It also does not require a supply of fuel resources.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Design features

A double-circuit type heating boiler is distinguished by a simple device, although it performs the function of a mini-boiler room. Both of its circuits can work both separately and in pairs, heating the house and providing hot water at the same time. The considered equipment consists of the following components:

  • heat exchanger;
  • boiler;
  • heating elements;
  • expansion tank;
  • circulation pump;
  • air vent;
  • safety valve;
  • automation;
  • control unit.

Electric double-circuit differ from single-circuit models by the presence of a built-in boiler in the design.

In appearance and the main design features of the model of electric boilers can be:

  • wall-mounted - compact and relatively light;
  • floor - massive, with a high power index (more than 60 kW).

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

As the name implies, the heating equipment of the first group is mounted on walls or on specially installed metal frames. The second group of boilers is placed directly on the floor in a specially designated place. It should be noted that modern electric boilers are quite aesthetic and in no way can spoil the interior of the room.

According to the method of heating can be divided into three groups:

  • TENovye - highly reliable, having one or more heating elements inside the tank in the form of a metal tube;
  • electrode (or ion) - heating the coolant in the process of passing through the liquid medium of alternating current. They have the ability to self-shutdown in case of a short circuit, a maximum increase in temperature and a decrease in the volume of water to a critical level;
  • induction - functioning thanks to inductors. They are energy saving devices.

The first option refers to indirect heating of the coolant, and the second is considered as direct heating.

By power, electric boilers intended for heating needs can be:

  • single-phase (up to 12 kW);
  • three-phase (more than 12 kW).

It is recommended to select power with the help of specialists, since only they are able to make a competent calculation. The method of choosing a boiler according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is incorrect, since in addition to this parameter, a number of others are taken into account (wall thickness, number of openings, orientation to the cardinal points, etc.).

As a rule, household heating units operate from a 220V network.

Installation Procedures

To hang the device, you need a mounting plate, which is included in the delivery package: it is fixed to the wall with four dowels or anchor bolts with mandatory horizontal and vertical alignment. If this is a floor boiler, then it is installed on a special stand.

The machine must be grounded, inspected to make sure that it is in the correct position, the water pressure in the system is normal, and all communications are connected.

Electric heating units must be connected with a wire, the cross section of which is indicated in the documentation for the equipment. Wires are conducted in special protective boxes.

Circuit options

There are various schemes: a scheme for connecting an electric boiler with heating radiators, schemes with the possibility of mounting a cascade. The latter option is used if it is necessary to heat large areas. For the operation of devices in a cascade, the terminals of the control unit are connected to the terminals of the controlled unit. If the room thermostat controls the installation system, its control contacts are connected to the terminals of the master equipment.

Heating apparatus piping

Binding can be carried out in a straight line and mixing scheme. The direct scheme involves temperature control by a burner, mixing - by a mixer with a servo drive. The binding is carried out as follows. A boiler collector is installed, a pipe of the required diameter is connected to the boiler.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

A three-way mixing valve is installed at the inlet, which will regulate the temperature. A circulation pump is installed on the return line and a control unit is mounted. After tying, you can fill the system with coolant and test the equipment for correct operation.

This stage should not be underestimated: in reality, it is not as simple and insignificant as it might seem. Normal piping allows the use of equipment without an automation system, and this greatly reduces costs. Therefore, it must be performed at a professional level and taking into account the design features of the system and the boiler.

The piping of the electric boiler must be done by a specialist. If you still have to do it yourself, then you need already assembled distribution nodes. General scheme for the implementation of the heating system in the house.

What ensures the efficiency and reliability of ion heating devices

In any case, electrode boilers for a private house are a profitable purchase. High profitability in their work consists of a combination of several indicators:

  • reduced heating inertia;
  • a single increase in temperature of the entire volume of the coolant;
  • construction of a two-pipe system of a closed type;
  • the use of automation to control the temperature of the coolant and the ambient air in the room;
  • simple design using innovative materials;
  • high boiler efficiency.

Due to what else is there savings in the operation of electrical appliances?

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

The device of electrode boilers

Electric mini boilers "Galan" electrode type are available in three versions:

  • single-phase HOCAG have a power of 2, 3, 5 and 6 kW;
  • three-phase GEYSER and VOLCANO - 9, 15, 25 and 50 kW.

They are compact in size and light in weight. The most powerful device weighs 11.5 kg, and its diameter is 180 mm with a length of 570 mm, and it can heat the space up to 1650 m3. The smallest boiler has a diameter of only 35 mm and a length of 275 mm, its weight does not exceed 0.9 kg, and the heated room can reach 120 m3.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Ionic boilers are made up of several elements. Inlet and outlet pipes are located on the metal case, enabling unhindered circulation of the coolant (water or antifreeze). Thanks to the case, ionic processes occur, as it performs the function of an ionizer. From above, the case is protected by a plastic casing, which improves the electrical insulation of the device and reduces its heat transfer. Inside a single-phase boiler there is one electrode, and in a three-phase boiler there are three electrodes with a terminal group brought out.

Electrode coppers "Galan" are delivered assembled.The automation system that allows you to manage and control the heating system is not included in the equipment package, therefore it is purchased separately. In addition, you need to buy an expansion tank and, if necessary, a pump.

Without the installation of automation, the GALAN company does not give a warranty period for the operation of the boiler.

Also, the manufacturer declines responsibility in case of improper installation or operation of the electrode heat generator, the presence of mechanical damage and the presence of foreign objects in the system.

Models of electric boilers

The principle of any electric boiler is the conversion of electricity into heat. Electric units are not the most cost-effective, but the efficiency of their use is 95-99%, which is good enough for such units. Such boilers are divided into three types according to the type of coolant. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Tenovy electric boiler

Electric heating boilers equipped with heating elements work on the principle of an electric kettle. Water passes through tubular heating elements - heating elements. Acting as a heat carrier, it passes through the entire heating system, circulating with a pump.

One of the advantages can be called its compactness, neat appearance and the ability to mount on the wall. The installation process will not cause any particular difficulties, and the operation is comfortable and simple, thanks to the sensors and thermostats. Automation allows you to maintain the desired heating, focusing on data from sensors that measure the ambient air temperature.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

The coolant can be not only water, but also a non-freezing liquid, due to which scale will not form on the heating elements, which cannot be avoided using water.

Attention. Scale formed on heating elements impairs heat transfer and energy-saving properties of an electric heating boiler

This option for home heating is also good because it has a low cost. For the convenience of adjusting the consumption of electricity, it is equipped with several heating elements that can be turned on separately.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Electrode Electric Boiler

The principle of operation of an electrode electric boiler for heating a house is completely different from the previous model. The liquid is heated not by a heating element. The electrode, installed in the housing, gives the liquid an electric charge, under the influence of which the molecules are split into negatively and positively charged ions. The coolant has its own resistance, which provides intense heating. Either water or a special composition (similar to antifreeze) is poured into the system.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

This type of electric unit for heating the house is completely safe, if a liquid leak occurs, it will simply turn off. Electrode models are very compact (looks like a small cylinder with nozzles), equipped with sensors for measuring ambient temperature, controlled by automation.

The maintenance of this model comes down to replacing the electrode, as they gradually dissolve as they work, which worsens the heating of the house. It is also necessary to monitor the proper operation of the circulation pump so that the liquid in the system does not boil. Correct and efficient operation of an electrode electric boiler for heating a private house is possible only with prepared water - it must have the required resistivity value. Measuring them yourself is not always convenient and simple, just like preparing water. Therefore, it will be easier and more reliable to buy a liquid specially designed for operation in electrode boilers.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Electric induction boiler

This type of electric heating unit for the home works on the basis of induction heating of the liquid with ferromagnetic alloys.The inductive coil is located in a sealed housing and does not have direct contact with the coolant that flows along the perimeter of the device. Based on this, not only water, but also antifreezes can be used as an energy carrier for heating a house. This electric home heating boiler is not equipped with a heating element or electrode, which improves its efficiency. Also, the absence of heating elements ensures complete safety during operation. This version of the boiler for heating the house is not subject to scale formation, practically does not break and does not flow.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

The downside of induction models is only their higher cost and large dimensions. But over time, the size problem is eliminated - the old ones are replaced by improved models.

In addition to this classification, electric boilers for heating a private house are divided into:

  • single-circuit (designed only for heating the whole house);
  • double-circuit (provide not only heating throughout the house, but also water heating).

You also need to highlight:

  • wall boilers;
  • floor boilers (high power models are produced).

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

Let's sum up

Having dealt with the device and principle of operation of electrode boilers in detail, several important conclusions can be drawn.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

The ability to economically achieve a high level of power and quickly heat large volumes of water has a great influence on the overall dimensions of heat generators. Compact devices with minimal weight can be easily installed anywhere in the house.

If there is a need to heat a room with a large area (500 or more square meters), it is quite possible to create a connection scheme for several electrode boilers. One more positive point should be noted - when installing ionic electric heating, permission and control of the boiler supervision inspection are not required.

Of all the heating devices that exist today, the electrode boiler seems to be the most acceptable solution. Simple and economical equipment can give warmth to our home and heat hot water for domestic needs.

Electric boiler for heating a private house how an electric boiler works, installation methods

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