In what houses what audibility Which apartment is better to choose
» » » One of the indicators of the comfort of housing in an apartment building is the degree of its sound insulation. How much external noise is felt and how much the activity of neighbors disturbs depends on several factors, one of which is the type of construction.
Is it possible already when choosing an apartment to determine what will be the audibility in the apartment and is it possible to increase the sound insulation? The first thing that interests a potential buyer after information about the footage and cost of the apartment is the technology of building a house and the material of the supporting structures.
Today's building market offers three types of houses: •traditional brickwork; •prefabricated panel houses; •.
More than two-thirds of Moscow's new buildings today are built using monolithic technology, panel construction is also actively used, especially when developing new and sparsely built-up areas.
Brickwork in its pure form is practically not used, but is used as an addition to monolithic structures.
Traditionally, brick houses are associated with the idea of high reliability and comfort, including a fairly high level of sound insulation. But this is only in the case of high-quality construction, including inter-apartment partitions of at least 10 cm and interfloor ceilings of at least 16 cm. Panel houses, the newest technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings, have a stable reputation as the most low-quality housing, with cold walls, high noise levels.
This fully applies to old-built houses, while new panel structures are made thicker, and technologies are used during construction to increase sound insulation. This is, firstly, the use of expanded clay as a filler, and, secondly, the use of concrete sandwich panels, where insulation is laid between two concrete panels. Monolithic houses, due to the integral design and the absence of seams, do not have bridges to prevent the passage of sound waves, i.e.
have a low level of sound insulation.
"Shock", vibration noises are especially well carried out. The sound of the perforator is carried throughout the house, and you can also feel the low frequencies of the acoustic systems. In addition, monolithic new-build houses are often rented out with unfinished finishing, and you need to be prepared that the completion of apartments by residents will take 2-3 years.
In whatever house an apartment is purchased, it is worth paying attention to the insulation of all elements that can become noise conductors: • there must be a soundproof door and windows with good sound insulation; •insulation of water supply and sewerage pipes, including junctions with ceilings; the latter also applies to heating pipes; • soundproofing of walls, ceiling and floor can be performed additionally if the apartment is purchased at the stage of rough finishing or a major overhaul is planned. When choosing an apartment, you need to take into account that the issue of noise safety is, first of all, a matter of choosing neighbors
So, extreme and corner apartments are less noisy due to fewer neighbors.
, are among the most favorable in this regard, since repair work and listening to loud music is regulated by the law on time, but there is no law prohibiting walking in your apartment in heels or moving furniture after midnight.
Other interesting questions and answers
You can hear the neighbors from above. How to reduce the audibility?
You can’t hear the neighbors at all from the side. Noise and voices are only from above, near the battery. The material of the house is aerated concrete.
First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all sound-amplifying cavities. They work on the principle of a resonator box. It is necessary to fill all the cavities with a solution or at least mounting foam. Then it is better to make acoustic ceilings.These are suspended ceilings with additional elements. When designing the ceiling frame, vibration decoupling must be done. The cheapest option is the Dichtungband tape, which is laid between the wall and the frame elements. Vibration damping must be done in the suspension profile. To do this, the inner cavity of the profile is filled with mounting foam. After that, sheets of sound-absorbing material are attached to the ceiling. These are mineral wool mats with a density of 30 to 60 km/m3. It is they who will dampen the sound, and therefore, the larger the area covered by them, the better. After that, attach drywall to the frame, which will play the role of a sound reflector. For me, similar ceilings made it possible to significantly reduce the audibility from the neighbors from above.
How can you reduce or even remove the audibility of the pipe?
Our apartments are arranged in such a way that all the neighbors have a toilet above our corridor. We have a sewer pipe hidden in a niche. We recently replaced the metal one with a metapol. And now we hear all plums and not only. During the day it does not interfere, we are used to it, but at night it sometimes interferes a lot. How can you reduce or even remove this audibility? Or what else can be done?Guest2
Soundproofing pipes
What can loneliness and bezvylazno sitting at home lead to?
Timofei Gavrilov55
He did that for about half a year. I've been struggling with this for the last 3 months. First with the help of some people, and now it began to turn out independently. Reasons: depression. Cruel, fierce and with pills. At home it’s good, calm, quiet, your favorite twilight always reigns. 4 walls inspire confidence and a little peace in the soul. Well, as I didn’t communicate with almost anyone, I still don’t communicate, but at least I began to go out into the street without good reasons. it became hard to talk to people, really hard; I lost 10-15 kilograms, now I look somewhat skeletal, the bruises under my eyes in winter were worthy of imitation by heroin addicts, and without that aristocratic pallor became too aristocratic with slight notes of light green; most of the warm attitude of many acquaintances has evaporated sharply. Pros: I didn't find any. Unless I shoveled a ton of literature, alcohol and my musical sketches, but I don’t think I wouldn’t do it outside 4 walls.
Zhenya Maltsev102
Strong audibility in the apartment what to do
Contents of the page Audibility in panel houses often causes a lot of inconvenience. You can find reviews that living in a brick or monolithic house, every rustle is heard.
We need to find out why this is happening. And then take action to fix the problem. Neighbors in panel houses are familiar with the problem of poor sound insulation.
Strong audibility is due to a number of factors. It is necessary to take into account how many redevelopments have been made in the house, what repairs the neighbors have and other nuances
It is important how the house was built, whether there is insulation and insulation, what kind of noise susceptibility specific residents have
Increased audibility can be influenced by what the partition borders on, how many walls separate you from your neighbors.
Poor sound insulation happens when the wall is adjacent to the elevator. Neighbors from above or below can be heard both in a brick house and in a monolithic house. Causes of poor sound insulation in panel houses:
- Construction using cheap materials;
- The presence of redevelopment of the apartment;
- Small thickness of walls between houses;
- Poor-quality finishing of communications;
- The central location of the apartment.
Corner houses and part of the building on the upper floors are distinguished by better sound insulation.
It does not mean at all that all houses made of panels have increased audibility.
It all depends on the quality of the build. Sometimes sounds can pass sewer risers, often the problem is in thin walls. In addition, individual susceptibility of people cannot be ruled out.
In order to not hear the neighbors, it is necessary to provide soundproofing of the walls. The surface is inspected for cracks, dents and other defects.
Features of the use of drywall:
- Tight adherence of sheets to the wall surface is prohibited. A gap of 4 mm must be observed. After completion of work, it is filled with a hermetic agent.
- The frame is not attached to the wall itself with the help of rigid fasteners. It is better to connect to the floor or ceiling. To reduce vibration noise, rubber gaskets are used. An alternative to them is tape soundproofing.
When choosing a heater, it is recommended to pay attention to mineral wool. They are dealt with with cement mortar.
Particular attention is paid to the areas where the sockets are located. So that the neighbor does not hear unnecessary sounds, you can plaster the walls or sheathe them with drywall with thermal insulation
They are dealt with with cement mortar.
Particular attention is paid to the areas where the sockets are located. So that the neighbor does not hear unnecessary sounds, you can plaster the walls or sheathe them with drywall with thermal insulation
It is affordable, durable and does not burn. So that a neighbor in the house does not complain about noise, you can use ZIPS panels. Together with ecological wool, the proper level of noise absorption will be achieved. You can also take ceiling panels. They include basalt fiber, which increases the insulation. To reduce the noise level, roll materials are used.
Before work, all cracks and defects must be eliminated. Cotton wool is placed in the gaps, and then the hole is filled with cement mortar.
If you use mineral
And what is the audibility in the monolith
And what audibility in brick-monolithic houses compared to panel, I mean the neighbors from above? maybe someone had the experience of comparing How lucky, or rather, it depends on the particular house. Both monolithic and panel.
less deaf noises, such as conversations, etc., but more sonorous ones. we have terrible hearing. Behind the wall we hear how they write (especially the neighbor!).
There is a real war with the neighbors from above. And yesterday, (it’s even a shame to say), at 1 a.m. they went out to smoke to the elevator to the window, from the neighbor’s apartment (they didn’t have a vestibule) they heard sooooo. orgies))))) they ran home from surprise))) )) Damn, the question is straight to the point. And we are perfect
) no one at all!
Maybe of course it depends on the neighbors, but. Sometimes they stomp on top, they have children. Sounds are not heard. such. that on weekends it seems that you live in a 15-storey hostel.
Honestly. The house is beautiful, like a business class, decent neighbors, underground parking, everything is OK except.
audibility. I somehow take it more calmly, and my husband is terribly furious, we really think to dump it. to a cottage, to a town in a kraynyak, such an allergy to high-rise buildings after a monolith. we lived in brick, panel, stalin, there is something to compare with, I never wanted to “run away”, I’m lying, or rather I wanted to, to a “decent” house, and now from "decent home" - somewhere where there are no neighbors at all. Well, from a monolith for sure. And we have a monolithic twenty-five-story building, NO NEIGHBORS ARE HEARD Or maybe you are hard of hearing, since you use caps lock?
What kind of soundproofing you do during the repair, this will be the audibility.
+1 otherwise it's a laminate on concrete and they are waiting for absolute silence!
And here come the freaks. We don’t hear extraneous sounds in the monolith (unless someone starts drilling, but this is extremely rare).
The panel could hear everything that was happening from above and from the side in neighboring apartments.
Monolith is definitely better. Friends in a couple of monolithic houses complain, while the former apartments in block and panel houses did not cause any complaints.
If we get lucky. Buyers came to us (when we sold the apartment) and said that they had bought an apartment in a monolith for their son. The son's family just hangs themselves!!!
You can especially hear the sounds from above, and not only the steps on the sonorous laminate, but the words and, for example, the sneezing of the neighbors, gryat, I want to directly answer “be healthy”
We ourselves are now buying in a panel house (new building) and taking an end apartment, so there will be fewer neighbors.
IMHO, the same as in the panel house. I did not notice the difference. Soundproofing must be done.this is not the case here at all. We lived in different houses and our repairs do not differ in any way (we don’t put laminate on concrete by the way - the difference is enormous!
In Stalinka, in general, you can arrange a disco night (did not try)
, block house audibility
- I’m considering buying a kopeck piece in a Soviet block house, many after a major overhaul. How is the audibility there, especially the upstairs neighbors? Like in a panel or deaf? noises from above? in the sense of strong
- I live in a block one-entrance 12-story building, in general I don’t hear my neighbors, neither from above, nor from below, nor from the side.
- And we heard the neighbors from the side and very well, it was possible to watch TV without sound. But it was the only such wall in the corner apartment. Made soundproofing. It is very audible how a neighbor got up in the night out of need, as if he was pondering on my head. Walls in block 12s, if not load-bearing, then everything is heard very well. Partitions are made of straw and cement, in one room you drive a nail into another crawls out. We were lucky, the neighbors from above are elderly people, otherwise it’s scary to imagine. But in my opinion, it’s normal to live in a three-ruble note in such houses, it is angular. Everything is individual, but in terms of soundproofing, these are terrible apartments
- Mom has such a three-ruble note on the top floor. As a child, when I came to my grandmother there, a neighbor from below hammered at the battery. Despite the fact that my grandmother was not allowed to jump / run. I heard the descendants of this grandmother when they cursed at home, but that was before we opened the floor and moved it.
- I don’t know, I don’t need to lie, we really don’t hear anything and no one, the apartment is in the middle of the house. And you don’t really hammer nails into our walls, my husband uses Pobedite drills almost everywhere. The only thing is that we have a cooperative house, it was built inside a slightly different project, we don’t have three rubles at all, only kopeck piece and odnushka.
- Some other project, I guess.
- I have been living in a block 12-storey building since 1989. Before the repair of new neighbors (2014) - nothing was ever heard. They removed everything down to the concrete slab, filled in the screed and slammed the laminate without any soundproofing. And that's all. Absolutely everything is heard - every conversation, not to mention the clatter and all sorts of sounds. But the sounds of the bath - water - are not heard. It depends solely on what kind of repair (if any) the neighbors have from above / below. We have good sound insulation - for 10 years the neighbors from below have not complained, although sometimes children are noisy. I think that audibility smaller than in the panel, although they also complain about the monolith.
- I live in the same. either the neighbors are quiet, or I'm picky. I don't hear anyone.
In which houses are the neighbors the least heard?
Oh, the problem of soundproofing! Every year it becomes more and more acute, because most developers do not pay attention to such "little things" and save on the most important. After all, when you come home after the stress and noise of a big city (and not only a big one), you want to fully relax. And if, upon returning home, you hear the neighbors swearing from above, heavy music from a student neighbor on the side and a TV that works to its fullest from a retired neighbor, then it becomes not up to relaxation, and the person is nervous, cannot sleep normally, and in the morning, broken, goes to work. I think it is familiar to many, isn't it? There is a desire to escape from everyone to a desert island surrounded by an ocean teeming with piranhas and crocodiles, and you simply start to dislike all people. So in which houses is the sound insulation better?
In such houses, even talking after 23:00 is dangerous - everything will be heard by the neighbors. I'm not talking about watching TV at normal volume. And everyone has a different concept of “normal volume” - both for TV and for music. A neighbor-student, who listened to music so that the floor shook in our apartment two floors later, asked quite sincerely - is it really bothering you, but I listen quietly. And someone may be disturbed by a neighbor's cat, which begins its games around midnight.
Everyone has their own level of perception of sounds. True, in some new buildings (in which, apparently, the prices for apartments are higher), additional sound insulation is mounted in the inter-apartment and inter-room floors. In second place are monolithic and monolithic-frame buildings. In such houses, good protection from external sounds, as well as from neighbors on the side. However, the ceilings between the floors are not resistant to noise, and the neighbors below will hear you perfectly, just like you - your neighbors from above. In third place are brick houses.
Modern technologies for the construction of brick houses are distinguished by good soundproofing properties of both external noise and sounds from neighboring apartments.
In houses of this type, you can safely watch TV even at night with a normal volume - it is unlikely that anyone will hear it. Separately, it is worth considering the houses of the old fund. Most residents claim that you are unlikely to hear your neighbors in these houses, if only from the yard through an open window.
I won’t confirm - only I haven’t been able to live in the houses of the old foundation yet. I can say that many people still make contact and if music or TV interferes with you, they will make it quieter, and turn it off at night. And for those who do not, you can always write a statement to the district police officer. Now such applications are being considered, especially in large cities. I would very much like to know your experience!
What houses do you live in and are there any problems with noise from neighbors?
Panel house. sound insulation and audibility in apartments of the main series built before 2000. is there a difference
Question silence and soundproofing walls and ceilings in the living quarters of apartment buildings has always been important, but it has been especially acute recently.
New technologies have made it possible to build buildings with the same strength and stability, but with a much smaller thickness of walls and partitions (due to the load-bearing frame). Designers began to reduce the cost of projects, and as a result, builders could use materials with lower rates and thereby further reduce the soundproofing properties of building envelopes.
Do you hear the clatter and voices, although you are alone in the apartment of the house? This does not require "go crazy" … This situation often happens in those houses and apartments that have poor sound insulation of walls, partitions and floors.
The topic of audibility in standard multi-apartment buildings is relevant for many.
But right away I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is impossible to divide houses into “good” (quiet) brick houses with a high degree of sound insulation and “bad” (noisy) panel houses with a high level of audibility. Everything is individual
The noise from the trampling of neighbors from above in 99% of cases does not depend on the type of house, but on the type of flooring in their apartment - some coatings smooth and reduce the overall noise level, while others, on the contrary, increase it.
Universal solution: if you want silence - go to a private house.The apartment is a compromise. In any case, it will be quieter in a private house without neighbors.
First, a few words about brick houses.
It is considered that brick - Ideal sound insulator. The legend of 100% soundproofing of brick houses has been living in us since childhood. Why are many skeptical about panel houses?
Because initially in panel houses they began to lay linoleum instead of the floor on the logs, which is why the vertical audibility became high. It was in panel houses that through sockets were used on inter-apartment walls, through which, of course, neighbors could be heard. But if you remove these 2 negative factors, then what will the comparison of panel and brick houses show?
Audibility horizontally: a standard inter-apartment reinforced concrete wall 160 mm thick has a sound insulation index of 52 dB (for comparison, a brick wall made of solid brick with plaster on both sides has a sound insulation index of 53 dB. I.e.
But soundproofing does not depend entirely on the type of house!
It cannot be said that all brick houses will necessarily have better sound insulation than other types of houses, because in brick houses not all inter-apartment walls can be made of brick (or there may be an inter-apartment partition thin half a brick), because of which you will hear neighbors on the side.
In addition, it should be remembered that the same floor slabs are used in brick houses as in other types of houses. Therefore, if the neighbors do not have parquet on the floor, but there is linoleum on a thin screed or a laminate with a thin substrate, then the clatter will be heard as strongly as in a panel or monolithic house.
And many outwardly brick houses have the same content as panel or frame-monolithic houses.
Compared to all-brick houses, all panel houses have the same drawback - the percussive sounds of the repair spread further. Repair can be heard 3-4 floors from the sound source. In brick, sounds do not spread so much and two floors will be heard.
Let'sconsider 12 main series of panel (block-panel) houses with floors from 9 floors mass building of the city of Moscow (1960-2000) in terms of sound insulation.
First, I will present general technical information for each series of houses:
1.P-18/12(9) - a series of block 9-12 (originally one-story one-section (single-access) residential buildings, one of the first series of high-rise buildings of industrial housing construction. There are also variants of semi-detached houses. The buildings were allowed from 1 to 3 entrances. Years of construction 1957 - 1972.
Floors: 12 (9) Apartment per floor: 7 or 8Floor Height: 2,64 (2,48) mFloor slab thickness: 220 mmWall thickness (external/partitions/internal): 400/ 80 /390 mmNumber of lifts: 1 or 2
2.P-44 - a typical series of panel houses, designed in the late 1970s and produced at DSK-1 since 1978.
Floors: 17 Apartment per floor: 4Floor Height: 2,7 mThickness of floor slab: 140 mmWall thickness (external/partition/internal): 300/ 80/ 180 mmNumber of elevators: 2
How to reduce audibility in a panel house
Audibility in panel houses often causes a lot of inconvenience. You can find reviews that living in a brick or monolithic house, every rustle is heard. We need to find out why this is happening. And then take action to fix the problem.
How to improve sound insulation and no longer hear neighbors behind the wall
Decorating walls with carpets has long gone out of fashion. Meanwhile, it was a good way to improve the soundproofing in the apartment. With the advent of the underfloor heating system, the need for floor carpets has also disappeared. However, this does not mean at all that it is now impossible to isolate yourself from noisy neighbors and sounds from the street.
In which houses is the soundproofing of the apartment better?
Inga Kay, October 25, 2014 When buying an apartment or exchanging, many are concerned about the issue of strong audibility in the house.
Which houses are best soundproofed? Sound insulation depends on the series of the house - a common opinion. We decided to conduct a survey and find out if this is really so?
We interviewed about 60 people living in various houses and looked at more than 20 forums on this topic.
And here's what we found out. So, in the houses of the P3M series, according to the reviews of the residents, there is audibility, but in the P44T it is much more. In the same house, one tenant claimed to have made soundproofing and did not help, while other residents said they could not hear anything. Some residents claim that the audibility is less in the houses of the KOPE series, while residents of exactly the same houses in other areas claim the opposite, that absolutely everything is heard.
Many write and say (on forums and personally) that in block houses the audibility is slightly less than in panel and brick ones, but this is also a controversial point, since some residents of block houses talk about strong audibility. Often, in the same series of houses, the audibility is completely different, it depends on many points: how much redevelopment has been done in the house, how exactly the neighbors have been repaired - how sockets and pipes are closed, etc.
Nevertheless, when interviewing residents, one should take into account such factors as: the presence of noisy or quiet neighbors, how this particular house was built, the difference in noise perception of different people, the presence or absence of soundproofing of a particular apartment, whether the upper neighbors have soundproofing floors, daily and work schedules, After all, there are people who are almost never at home.
- Does the wall border the elevator shaft;
- With whom do the walls of the apartment border and how many walls border with neighbors;
- The presence of noisy neighbors from above (children and dogs jumping on the ceiling in any house will be heard).
- Where is the apartment located (corner apartments and apartments on the top floors are usually quieter).
- The presence of redevelopment in the house;
- Thickness of partitions between apartments;
- The quality of the construction of the house (did the developer save on materials, concrete, etc.);
- Degrees of sound insulation of sockets, pipes, switches, risers;
Residents of panel 9 floors and 5 floors often complain about strong audibility.
At the same time, in a house of the same type, there is often completely different audibility.
It depends on how the particular house was built. There are "Stalins" in which there is no audibility at all and "Stalins" in which you can even hear how a neighbor sneezed or dropped his fork, the same applies to brick five-story buildings. For example, the Sovminov brick houses in the Bogorodskoye district - the audibility is ambiguous, the residents of this house say completely different things, for example, Tatyana, who lives in the 1st entrance of one of these houses, claims that in their apartment, since it is at the end, there is almost no audibility, they have quiet neighbors, but the neighbor complains that the audibility is strong.