What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

Redevelopment of the apartment with the dismantling of the load-bearing wall

Sometimes drywall is used to build walls inside the apartment, and then the column plays the role of the supporting structure. In this case, redevelopment can be done quite easily.

If, however, the load-bearing walls are indicated in the building plan, then for their complete or only partial demolition, it is necessary to coordinate the proposed project in the BTI. To carry out such work, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits.What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

If the redevelopment involves the dismantling of the load-bearing wall, then it can only be partially dismantled, since, in accordance with safety regulations, it is impossible to deprive the building of its fastening. Uncontrolled demolition can lead to damage not only to a certain living space, but to the entire house. Therefore, in place of the demolished section of the bearing wall, an additional support must be installed, for example, in the form of columns. In other cases, redevelopment of the apartment, associated with the dismantling of load-bearing structures in the house, is strictly prohibited.

In order to demolish the wall in compliance with all existing rules and regulations, you need to seek help from professionals. Experts will help to correctly determine which of the structures is the carrier. They will also dismantle using modern technologies and equipment.

It is important not only to carry out high-quality repairs in the room, but also to correctly distribute the load of the overall structure of a monolithic house, thereby maintaining its strength.

Monolithic house pros and cons

Advantages of a monolithic house

Sufficiently high construction speed.

Small shrinkage.

Light weight. Due to improved technology, the required thickness of the outer walls is reduced.

Uniform distribution of the load on the foundation.

High strength. Achieved by minimizing the number of butt joints.

Free layout of apartments.

Increased living space by reducing wall thickness.

Long service life.

High seismic resistance.

Cons of a monolithic house

Price. Compared to a panel house, material costs are 10-15% higher.

Influence of weather conditions. Since the creation of building elements is carried out directly at the construction site, the air temperature significantly affects the quality of the structures being created and the construction time.

Importance of exact observance of correctness of technological processes. Good heat and sound insulation, high strength of the building and its durability are achieved only with the proper level of control over all operations.

The need for high-quality compaction of the poured mixture.

Reinforced concrete walls imply the need for insulation.

Soundproofing is also poor in monolithic structures.

practical or pretty

Despite the tiny footage, if you approach it wisely, Khrushchev's kitchen can be made comfortable and beautiful. However, it is often difficult to fit both of these requirements into one project. After all, a tiny footage allows you to either make the kitchen functional or stylish. Why is that? Question for fashion. Now everyone is striving for the stylish minimalism that is characteristic of Japanese homes.

Trying to be in trend, they forget that the kitchen is primarily a work space. So, its functionality should be in the first place. Therefore, throwing most of the lockers out of it, leaving a beautiful table, stove, microwave and a tiny refrigerator, may be fashionable, but not very practical. And you have to make sure of this after the first arrival from the store or trying to cook something. Suddenly it turns out that the bought / cooked does not fit in such a stylish, but small-sized refrigerator or there are simply not enough work surfaces.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

On the other hand, if you prioritize only functionality, it often turns out that although it is convenient to cook and store food in the kitchen in Khrushchev, you don’t feel like eating there at all.

Is it possible to somehow combine both practicality and beauty? Definitely yes, though it will take a lot of effort.

Below are the most popular options for how to place everything you want in the kitchen in Khrushchev and keep it cozy.

Basic provisions

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

There are several ways to determine whether a load-bearing wall is in front of you or not. For example, by location. All external walls are always load-bearing, as well as those that are located on the side of the staircase. These can be walls that border your neighbors. In addition, you can determine by its thickness and what it is made of. If brick is used, then the supporting structure in this case will be more than 380 mm. As for the reinforced concrete structure, this is 140–200 mm, and in the case of monolithic walls, the load-bearing wall will be 200–300 mm or more. You can also find the supporting structure by the location of the floor slabs. All walls that are perpendicular to the slabs are load-bearing. Although there are houses where there are exceptions to the rules, for example, Czech buildings.

These are the basic provisions that will help you determine which of the walls are load-bearing and which are not. Now let's take a closer look at where and what walls are in a panel house, Khrushchev, brick and in a monolithic house.

Other questions on this topic

Make a hole in the wall.

I want to combine the kitchen with the loggia, i.e. remove the window block and insulate the loggia. Is it possible to make such an alteration, and is it necessary to formalize it? In addition, I read that it is impossible to make a heated floor on the loggia.

I'm going to do pretty standard things in my odnushka in the Golden Harbor: somehow combine the loggia with the kitchen, and I want to remove the partitions - the so-called pantry. Maybe someone can advise a company that did projects in the Golden Harbor.

September 7, 2011, 16:46 • reply

Is it possible to make any wall shifts in a panel Khrushchev, on the ground floor with adjacent rooms? And is it possible to demolish the hood, with the installation of any pipes and systems.

There is a 2-room apartment with a master layout and a kitchen niche, if possible, I still want to separate the kitchen area from the guest area. What is the best way to do this? I can't think of anything worthwhile!

We demolish walls during redevelopment, what can be demolished and what not

Many people, especially those living in Khrushchevs, are trying to remake their small and uncomfortable apartments using redevelopment. But it is one thing to complete it in an individual building, and quite another to change the doorway or move the partition in a high-rise building, where almost every wall is load-bearing. All this ensures the safety of residents in combination with the entire technical design of the house.

What is rescheduling? According to the housing code, this concept includes all changes in the configuration of the apartment that require them to be included in the technical passport. This:

  • changing the location of load-bearing walls and partitions,
  • moving window and door openings,
  • re-equipment of vestibules and dark closets,
  • arrangement of internal stairs,
  • bathroom refurbishment,
  • division of large rooms,
  • expansion of living space due to household premises,
  • glazing of a balcony or loggia,
  • replacement of gas stoves with electric ones,
  • relocation of a bathroom, kitchen or toilet.

All these types of changes in the apartment are redevelopment and require approval by the relevant authorities.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

Work carried out on load-bearing walls

When working on solid walls, remember that electrical wiring can be hidden in the wall, if damaged, you can get injured. In older houses, there may be gas pipes in the wall.

You need to work as carefully as possible and with extreme caution, if possible, adhere to the project documentation. Remember that they cannot be demolished completely, as the floors will remain without support.

If partial removal is required, then supports must be installed in the opening, which can then be hidden under the finish.

Watch the video: What walls can be demolished in a socket

Small-scale partitions

Brick partitions laid out in half or a quarter of a brick

The brick can be either fired clay (red) or silicate (white). The thickness of a brick partition, depending on the method of laying and the thickness of the plaster layer, is 10-18 cm. As a rule, brick partitions were made only in brick, block, stone and private adobe houses. But even in brick and block houses, partitions may not be made of brick. It is not recommended to make new brick partitions in multi-storey buildings half a brick thick. The load on the floor slabs from such partitions approaches critical.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove and simple blocks of gypsum or foam concrete

The thickness of the partition from blocks, taking into account the plaster layer, is 8-12 cm. As a rule, block partitions were made in brick and block houses.

Partitions made of cinder blocks, ceramic or natural stone

The heaviest type of partitions. They are practically never found in Soviet apartments. It is highly discouraged to make partitions in multi-storey buildings from such materials - floor slabs may not withstand such a load.

Glass block partitions

They are practically never found in Soviet apartments. But now, with the advent of a large selection of colored and embossed glass blocks, they are gradually conquering their sector.

Important clarifications

Monolithic houses are a type of residential premises being built according to new technical standards.

Therefore, there are higher requirements for:

  • structural strength;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • soundproofing.

However, such characteristics are often written only on paper. At the same time, the quality of housing leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many owners decide to redevelop.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

Monolithic houses create more opportunities for redevelopment due to the absence of load-bearing walls (their function is assigned to columns, and walls can only be marked in bathrooms, kitchens)

Owners can independently install heating radiators and conduct electricity from the shields on the landing.

Between the columns are diaphragm walls. They are necessary for fixing load-bearing structures. You can find out about their location from the project of the house.

In some cases, developers even at the time of building a house offer the client a choice of several layout options. In this case, you can save time for subsequent approval, as well as money for changing the type of residential premises.

Free planning is also available for typical buildings, which are made on the basis of a monolithic frame. In this case, the presence of load-bearing walls is noted. But the rooms are large, so they are divided into several parts.

If a monolithic house is built according to the standard version, it does not differ much from other buildings. But making a hole in the wall in such a building is much easier. After all, damage to the walls is minimal. Therefore, the project will be approved much faster.

Liability for illegal redevelopment of an apartment

According to the law, changing the design features of the premises without an appropriate permit provides for the payment of a fine. But such a measure of punishment still does not exempt the owner from completing the necessary documents. If, within the specified period, the owner does not draw up redevelopment in an appropriate way, he will be fined again.

But if, due to some circumstances, the design of the redevelopment of the apartment fails, then the owner, in addition to paying a fine, will need to restore the demolished wall, which means redoing the repair at his own expense.

Is it possible to combine a room and a loggia in a monolithic house by removing a wall of foam blocks, where only columns are load-bearing.

The house is monolithic (new building), the walls of the foam blocks are not load-bearing. Bearing, only columns, which naturally do not touch. We insulate the loggia, demolish the wall, thereby expanding the room as much as 5 squares. Let me know if there are any difficulties with the agreement?

best answer

In the foreseeable future, an energy passport will be drawn up for each building in order to develop and implement measures to save energy consumed. In new buildings, within the framework of this state program, individual water meters are already installed in apartments on a mandatory basis, and in some - individual heat meters. Heat meters not only determine the amount of energy consumed for heating, but also allow you to control the consumption of this energy in order to prevent its consumption in excess of the established norms. In order to develop measures to save heat, heat leaks from the building through the building envelope (walls, windows, loggias, roofs, etc.) will be detected. Thermal imaging is used to find the place of the most intense heat leaks. Here is a picture of a residential building in the infrared spectrum. The attached loggia with excess heat leakage cannot go unnoticed. I would call this place the energy hole of the building. What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartmentsThe picture also shows the places of heat leakage through the interpanel seams. For this building, external insulation of facade walls will be recommended. Such work has been carried out for several years in Moscow and the region, and, for sure, in other cities. It will be interesting to hear the opinions of the interlocutors about how the city authorities will deal with such owners of the attached loggias, who uncontrollably and with impunity release heat into the atmosphere, intended for heating the whole house? Who will pay for these sunk losses? How will the residents of the house react when they find out about this?

Remodeling with the demolition of the load-bearing wall

Redevelopment in a monolithic house, as a rule, is easy, since it either does not have partitions, or they are easily removable, since they do not have a bearing function. Therefore, redevelopment is easier to coordinate.

In a monolithic house, columns can also perform a supporting function. If you don’t see walls on the apartment plan, but the columns are marked, it means that they support the structures located above. Bearing columns, like walls, cannot be demolished.

Partial demolition of the load-bearing wall is possible if it is necessary to combine two apartments according to the project. However, the project for demolition and new redevelopment must be agreed, and permission must be obtained for the work.

As for the free redevelopment in modern monolithic houses, it is worth mentioning here that such layouts do not exist. On any plan of an apartment of a monolithic house there is a layout. If the partition walls are absent in reality, then they are marked on the floor with a brick line.

There are walls on the floor plan, which means that their demolition must be coordinated according to all the rules, as if they were fully erected.

Bearing walls in an apartment in a monolithic house, as in any other, cannot be completely removed. Top floors should not be left without support. It is allowed to remove only a small part of the wall, make an opening, and support structures must be placed in it. The design of the apartment does not suffer, as the supports are easily removed under the false beams.

If the project involves the demolition of the load-bearing wall, then reliable support in the form of, for example, columns should be provided instead. Experts will correctly calculate the location of the columns and their required thickness.In all other cases, the demolition of a load-bearing wall in a monolithic house is prohibited.

Our experts will take care of all the checks and approvals for the demolition of the load-bearing wall, advise you on all issues, give their recommendations and design redevelopment.

Contact the experts.

Our phone: +7 (812) 642-16-14

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190020, Russia, St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal embankment, house 134-136-138, building 96, room 65-N, letter A. Company details.

Demolition of a wall in a monolithic house

Many apartment owners want to do a redevelopment with the demolition of the wall, which can radically change a boring, uncomfortable project. If you are determined and ready to demolish a couple of walls in the apartment, you should know exactly which of them is the carrier and whether it can be demolished in your house.

If elements located above the floors rest on the wall, the wall is certainly load-bearing. Such walls in the house perform one important function - they support the strength of the entire building. Structural elements also include beams and columns.

The demolition of a load-bearing wall can lead to big problems not only in a single apartment, but in the entire building. Due to improper removal of the wall or the production of an opening in it, cracks may appear on other walls, the most deplorable result is a collapse in the house.

To avoid fatal mistakes, you need to decide in advance which walls in your house are load-bearing and whether one of them can be demolished.

Which house is better, monolith or panel

First, let's figure out what a monolithic house means. This is a building constructed by pouring a concrete mixture into a prepared formwork, inside of which a reinforcing cage is located. In this case, each subsequent element is connected to the previous one without connecting seams.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

There is also another concept. Brick-monolithic house - what is it? The difference between a brick-monolithic house and a simply monolithic one is that in the first type of building, the outer walls of the building are additionally lined with bricks.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

Let's go through the main properties that characterize housing construction.


For a potential buyer, this characteristic is the most important when choosing the type of house. And the "panel" here stands out from the best side

And even if the cost of a monolithic house does not differ much from the cost of a panel house, then at the stage of repairing and finishing an apartment, the future owner of a “monolithic” living space will have to spend a considerable amount.

Speed. Panel houses are built almost 3 times faster than monolithic ones.

The panel house, in fact, is created at the factory, and is transported in parts to the construction site. Monolithic is being built directly on the construction site. Here, the speed of construction is influenced by many external factors. Weather conditions play a significant role here. For example, at negative temperatures, concrete does not set at all, and therefore it becomes impossible to carry out construction. It is necessary either to heat up the concrete mixture, which reduces its quality, or to introduce special antifreeze additives, which significantly affects the cost, or to freeze the construction during the cold period, which increases the construction time.

Appearance. Here, on this point, monolithic housing construction occupies a leading position. "Monolith" does not limit the imagination of architects both in choosing a facade solution and in planning apartments.

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

Panel houses are characterized by the uniformity of forms, patterned facades and standard planning solutions. Apartments in a panel building, mainly one- and two-room apartments, are small in size and have a boring layout.

  • Shrinkage. The question of whether a monolithic house sits down is relevant for many potential apartment owners.After all, experts often advise not to immediately make serious repairs in a new building, but to wait a year or two, because due to shrinkage of the house, freshly laid tiles can crack and fall off, drywall will also crack, and plaster will begin to crumble in pieces.

A monolithic house shrinks less than other types of houses, since due to the one-piece construction, shrinkage occurs evenly.

In order for you to form an objective opinion, we will determine which house is better, a monolith or a brick.

We are looking for a carrier in a panel house

The most common residential buildings are panel-type houses. Depending on the series of the house, the location of the carriers is different. In any case, there are much more of them than partitions. One of the most defining is the measurement of thickness. So, remember that basically its value for partitions in panel houses is 80-100 mm, but the carriers can be 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200. When measuring the thickness, it is worth considering and. It must either be removed at the place where the wall was measured, or subtracted from the result obtained.

In 80% of cases, the partitions of panel houses, and their thickness is 80 mm. Thus, everything that is thinner than 120 we attribute to partitions, but if the measurements are higher than the specified figure, then the walls are load-bearing. Of course, it may happen that the indicator is equal to 120 mm. Then you should use the services of engineers who developed the layout of the house. One way or another, even if you yourself determine that this wall can be dismantled, you will need a technical opinion from engineers. Only on its basis any redevelopment is allowed.

3. Ceilings, stairs, partitions, coverings and other elements

in houses with monolithic
and prefabricated monolithic walls

In houses with monolithic
and prefabricated-monolithic bearing external
and interior walls
performed, as a rule, teams of
hollow core or ribbed decking slabs.
This allows for floor-by-floor concreting
walls after the set of concrete walls of the floor
required strength unhindered
clean up and out of the floor all the elements
internal technological equipment,
which would be difficult to achieve
installation of monolithic ceilings.

Floor slabs
floors are supported by longitudinal
external and internal bearing walls
(variant of the structural scheme with
longitudinal load-bearing walls) or on
cross internal and external load-bearing
walls (variant of the structural scheme with
transverse bearing walls). Possible
also a combination of these constructive
schemes, i.e. part of the house may have
longitudinal load-bearing walls, and the second part
- transverse load-bearing walls. Length
support platforms of floor slabs
on monolithic concrete walls, not less than
50 mm.

Possible option
constructive solution of the building with
load-bearing monolithic internal
transverse and longitudinal walls, with
monolithic beamless ceiling and
with non-load-bearing outer longitudinal
walls that are installed floor by floor
on floors after removal of technological
equipment used for concreting
interior walls and floor slabs
cells of the house and attached to the ceilings
and transverse walls.

Stairs in houses
with monolithic and precast-monolithic
walls can also be monolithic,
resting on monolithic walls
stairwells. True, these stairs
not technologically advanced and labor intensive. So
more often used prefabricated large-element
or large-panel stairs, storey
and interfloor platforms which are supported
directly on the walls of the stairs
cages or on steel support tables,
welded to the embedded parts of the walls

Partitions in
such houses can be arranged
large-panel or small-sized
elements, but in houses with monolithic
partition walls can be
only small items.

Coatings in buildings
with monolithic walls suit
attic or combined, while
attic coverings can be cold,
warm or combined attic.
Bearing elements of coatings can
serve hollow core flooring slabs
or special ribbed plates with
ribs down. Coating slabs are supported
for external and internal monolithic
walls or special supporting elements,
arranged in attic coverings
above the attic floor.

On device
loggias or bay windows in external monolithic
the walls suit accordingly
sunken or protruding areas, on
which floor slabs are supported floor by floor
loggias or bay windows.

Houses with monolithic
and prefabricated monolithic walls have
high strength and spatial
rigidity due to high strength
monolithic walls and strong connection
at the intersections of internal walls
and their adjunctions to the outer walls, which
ensures that they work together
the perception of horizontal loads.
In addition, spatial rigidity
of these houses raise floor ceilings
of floor slabs that are horizontal
stiffness diaphragms.

When used
production technology and
use in concreting
reusable universal
technological equipment house building
with monolithic and precast-monolithic
walls can be more economical
(especially in terms of metal consumption) compared
with large-panel, large-block and
small-scale housing construction.


Frequently asked Questions

Is it possible to demolish walls in a monolithic house?

What is the thickness of the walls in Khrushchev between apartments

The owners usually receive an apartment in a monolithic house without internal partitions. In this case, the owner independently creates a layout for his living space. If there is a need to demolish the wall, it is worth remembering some rules.

There are 2 types of layouts: simple and complex. Simple redevelopments imply intervention only in non-load-bearing walls and structures, while complex ones, respectively, are characterized by a change in load-bearing walls.

Simple redevelopment can be done without prior approval. However, it should be noted that it is impossible to expand the bathroom and transfer plumbing outside the boundaries of the "wet zone".

After the redevelopment work is completed, they must be documented at the BTI and issued at the Housing Inspectorate.

If you want to expand the bathroom or move plumbing outside it, you need to create a project. Any design organization will help develop it. After all the work, it is necessary, again, to approve them.

Getting permission for complex redevelopment is not so easy. To do this, it is necessary to develop a project that necessarily includes drawings before and after changes and an explanatory note. You also need to arm yourself with the permission of the neighbors from above and below to explore their apartments.

Is it possible to ditch the ceiling in a monolithic house

Channels for engineering networks in a monolithic house are provided in advance. This is done so that by chasing or some other intervention, the structure is not weakened and the reinforcement is not exposed.

Chasing the ceiling in a monolithic building is the same as cutting the branch you are sitting on.

This dangerous operation can become a real threat to the life of not only your life, but the life of all residents of the house. In this case, if it is necessary to change the location of the wiring, it is better not to ditch the ceiling, but to mask the cables with a layer of plaster.


