GOST for soundproofing an apartment, responsibility of the developer
Z.Y. Normal soundproofing is not quite a budget option for me. He himself tried to lay foam and sheathe with KVL. The result is almost zero 🙁
KVL cuts out noise. you need to put something soft under it, obviously not polystyrene, but something like Izover, and of different densities in several layers, something like this
Z.Y. Here, for example, to force them to do something like this for me - http://acoustic.ru/productions/walls/nonframe/zips/ Why not myself? The cost of 1 sq. m - 1150 rubles. That. the cost of material for one wall is about 20,000 rubles. And the second wall is about 15,000 rubles. And also work. And in general, if there is a GOST, but the square does not correspond to it, then, in theory, the developer is obliged to bring it into compliance.
Styrofoam is not a sound insulator. Full wall carpet and neighbors too 🙂
Caldina ET196`95 5E
In general, if the double solid is on the right, this is a bad omen. (from forums)
1. In case of detection of deficiencies during the acceptance of the result of the work or after its acceptance during the warranty period, and if it is not established, a reasonable period, but no later than two years (for real estate - five yearsr) from the date of acceptance of the result of the work, the customer has the right, at his choice, to exercise one of the rights provided for in Article 723 of this Code or to demand a free re-performance of the work or reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to correct deficiencies with his own funds or by third parties. And in 214 fz of December 30, 2004 on shared construction:
Article 7. Quality guarantees stipulated by the contract less than five years. The specified warranty period is calculated from the date of transfer of the object of shared construction to the participant in shared construction, unless otherwise provided by the contract. 6. A participant in shared construction has the right to present claims to the developer in connection with the inadequate quality of the shared construction object, provided that such quality is revealed during the warranty period.
You had to file a claim with the developer within five years, however, there is a pitfall here - according to these claims, the statute of limitations is 3 years from the date of filing an application for shortcomings (within the warranty period). That is, if you filed a claim with the developer within a period of up to five years, then from that moment you have another 3 years so that, on the basis of a court decision, the latter is obliged to eliminate the shortcomings
“9.25 Sound insulation of external and internal enclosing structures of residential premises should ensure the reduction of sound pressure from external sources of noise, as well as from shock and noise from equipment of engineering systems, air ducts and pipelines to a level not exceeding that allowed by SNiP 23-03. Inter-apartment walls and partitions must have an airborne sound insulation index of at least 50 dB.
Is there anyone close to decibels? I understand correctly that I should not hear all the noise below 50 dB from the neighboring apartment? And do I understand correctly that the squeak of a microwave, the trill of a telephone, stirring tea, talking at a normal volume, etc. Is it all below 50 dB?
Types of sound insulation
To ensure sound insulation at the junction of walls with the ceiling, the seams must be sealed with a special material. It is made from polyethylene. A floating floor is required. Overlappings hold sound better if they are hollow inside. They are not only thicker than monolithic structures, but also incorporate a filler in the form of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.
The optimal partition is a pie. In the middle is the main material - reinforced concrete, and on both sides it is lined with a sound insulator.Such work is carried out with external walls, the thickness of which must be at least 180 mm, and internal. Their thickness should be from 80 mm.
By type, soundproofing materials are divided into:
- sound-absorbing. Mineral wool;
- sound-reflecting. Drywall.
To completely eliminate noise in the apartment, it is necessary to use these types in combination. Mineral wool is laid inside, which absorbs sound. Drywall is laid on top, which reflects it.
Full soundproofing includes works:
- floor insulation:
- ceiling;
- inter-apartment walls;
- partitions between rooms;
- replacement of door and window openings (read the article on choosing an interior and front door with good sound insulation);
- ventilation soundproofing.
With partial sound insulation, only the elimination of flaws is carried out:
- If the installation of entrance doors and window frames was performed poorly, then voids remain through which noise enters the room. They need to be filled with mounting foam or non-hardening sealant. Detailed article on soundproofing doors.
- Sockets and junction boxes are isolated. They receive noise coming from neighbors.
- Sewerage is insulated with expanded polystyrene.
Step-by-step apartment isolation
Depending on the need, full or partial sound insulation is used in the new building. In this case, thin but dense insulators, sandwich panels, polystyrene or mineral wool boards can be used.
floor soundproofing
The best option for soundproofing is the formation of a floating floor. The manufacturing process is as follows:
- Mineral wool is laid on the prepared base.
- The top is covered with foil.
- A mortar is mixed, consisting of cement, sand and water. Prepared and poured concrete screed.
- The top coat is applied on top.
As a simplified version, soundproofing material is laid between the floor joists. From above it is covered with boards and topcoat.
Wall soundproofing work
If the area of the room is small, then thin materials are used. These include:
- Cork coating;
- soundproof wallpaper;
- plaster;
- foam polyethylene.
In the case when the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, you can use less expensive material. This includes mineral wool, fiberglass or foam boards.
The order of work is as follows:
- After carrying out cleaning work, the surface is treated with a waterproofing material. This is a special liquid, after drying of which a film is formed. It does not allow moisture to penetrate.
- Stuffed profile.
- A layer of vapor barrier film is laid.
- A layer of mineral wool is laid between the profiles.
- From above it is sewn up with sheets of drywall.
ceiling insulation
This work can be done in 2 ways:
- work on soundproofing your own ceiling;
- creating an insulating floor on top of the neighbors.
The procedure with the ceiling is not much different from working with walls. Profiles are stuffed, and sheets of mineral wool are laid between them. Sheets of drywall are stuffed on top.
Soundproofing doors and windows
After installing the doors in the new building, you need to eliminate all the gaps between the jamb, the wall and the door. This is achieved in 3 ways:
- Leatherette with an overlap is stuffed on the outer surface of the door. As a result, he covers all the cracks.
- Sealing rubber bands are glued to the jamb, and the inside of the door is filled with a sound insulator.
- A second door is being installed. The resulting layer is a good insulator.
Window glass does not let in sounds. It remains to cover the cracks between the package and the window opening with putty, to adjust the sashes. To check: when they are closed, a sheet of paper should not be pulled out.
Soundproofing work in the bathroom
To do this, the following materials are used in the bathroom:
- Membrane, 4 mm thick, is glued to the surface of the walls. They are made from polymer.
- Soundproof panels are glued.
- Used plaster, which includes a porous filler. The maximum layer is 25 mm.
- All sewer pipes are wrapped with polyethylene foam.
- Slabs made of basalt fiber are laid on the floor and ceiling.
An apartment in a new building always needs soundproofing. This is due to the fact that this kind of construction is carried out in an economical mode. It is better to immediately conduct a complete soundproofing of the room, overlay reinforced concrete walls with mineral wool. Do the same procedure with the ceiling, and fill all the remaining voids in the doorway and windows with filler.
It is convenient when developers offer to move in apartments in new buildings in a draft version - with bare walls, floors, ceilings. Such a purchase makes it possible to create an apartment of your dreams using any materials, bypassing the stages of disappointment with the quality of the overhaul. Finishing from scratch is cheaper than reworking, and very significant, especially if you do everything yourself. Noise isolation is the most expensive measure when creating comfort in an apartment. You won't need it unless you're born deaf. In other cases, the cost of materials cannot be avoided.
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Door soundproofing
In a new building, entrance doors, as a rule, are installed the cheapest. They freely let sound and cold into the apartment. To solve this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps between the wall and the jamb, as well as the jamb and the door. This will help:
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- The outer skin of the door is leatherette or leather with a layer of insulating materials. The fastening of the skin is done with an overlap on the cracks.
- The inner cavity of the door is filled with mineral wool, foam plastic or liquid sound insulation. In this case, rubber gaskets are glued to the jamb, eliminating the gaps between it and the door.
- Installation of a second entrance door. This creates a heat and sound insulating air layer.
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Soundproofing the floor in the apartment
The most popular at the moment method of soundproofing the floor in an apartment is the installation of a “floating” floor.
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- The base is lined with a sound insulator (basalt slabs, mineral wool).
- Covered with foil.
- The cement screed is poured.
- Finishing materials are laid.
The second option for soundproofing provides for installation floors on logs. The lag is fastened to gaskets made of a material that dampens vibration. The space between them is filled with densely packed sound-absorbing slabs.
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There is another option: to use soundproofing materials of the ZIPS-POL system in the apartment. This system is assembled from sandwich panels fitted with elastomer point supports. The method is convenient for quick installation with your own hands.
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Causes of poor sound insulation in new buildings
Poor sound insulation is the main problem for residents in all types of houses: from panel and block-frame to elite buildings. And developers are to blame for this, who in every possible way save building materials when building a house. Here are the main reasons for poor sound insulation in a new building:
- No floor screed. Most often, the developer offers "economy option" apartments. With this option, it is assumed that the floor screed will be done by the owner of the apartment on his own. But often the homeowner misses this stage of repair work, because he does not have the necessary building knowledge.
- Partitions. The second reason for poor sound insulation is the construction of inter-apartment walls from bricks of small thickness or foam concrete blocks. And these materials transmit extraneous sounds well, especially if end-to-end sockets are installed in the walls.
Now that you know the main causes of poor soundproofing in an apartment, let's look at the options for solving this problem.
How to solve the problem
The acoustic environment in your home will improve if:
- Increase wall thickness. You can increase the level of sound insulation by increasing the thickness and mass of the walls. And for this it is not necessary to violate their integrity.Alternatively, furnish the room along the walls with cabinet furniture. And if you fill the cabinets to capacity (books are good), then you will completely forget about extraneous noise from the neighbors.
- Use textiles. Textiles will be a good ally in the fight against unnecessary sounds. Having laid a carpet or a regular carpet on the floor, you will immediately notice how much less noise is carried around the house. Curtains and curtains perfectly dampen the sounds. They can be hung not only on windows, but also on walls. And if you are not sorry for the time and finances, we suggest you decide to cover the walls with fabric.
- Buy soft headboards. Decorators can offer many useful ways to improve sound insulation in an apartment. For example, soft headboards (nowadays a fashionable decorative technique) do a good job of absorbing extraneous sounds that come from neighbors. We just want to warn you: do not buy a bed with a massive hollow-core headboard, as such an acquisition will not save you from noise.
- Wall cladding. If extraneous sounds drive you crazy, we offer drastic measures - change the wall covering. For this purpose, acoustic panels made of simple materials can be used. Their diversity will pleasantly surprise you. And most importantly, the layers of materials that dampen sounds are hidden under a beautiful decorative sheathing, the existence of which none of your guests will guess.
- Paste special wallpaper. Bamboo, cork or “wooden” wallpapers have fairly good noise-absorbing properties. You can also use acoustic wallpaper, the thickness of which reaches up to 4 mm. The top layer of such wallpaper is an acrylic porous material.
- Soundproof windows and doors. Most often, sounds penetrate through cracks in windows and doors. The issue of soundproofing windows will be solved by itself when you install double-glazed windows. As for the doors, we recommend installing solid wood interior doors. If you find a gap between the threshold and the door, install a rising threshold (it only rises when the door closes). And in order to avoid the penetration of sounds through the front door, it is enough to install a second canvas (interroom doors are well suited for this role).
- Negotiate with neighbors. It is especially difficult to solve the problem with poor sound insulation if extraneous noise is created by neighbors from above. In this case, their usual steps resemble heavy blows. Increasing the thickness of the ceiling in your apartment is not a way out. The only solution to the problem is to negotiate with the neighbors. For example, offer them to lay carpets at your expense.
As you can see, there are many ways to improve sound insulation in a new building. The main thing is to have a desire!
The sound insulation of houses in a new building depends on the type of building material. In addition, often the cause of poor insulation is cost savings in the construction of a building. In the absence of a floating floor, you need to make it yourself or hire specialists. Thin interior partitions also need to be lined with soundproofing material. Do not disregard doors, windows and sewers.
Types of sound insulation
Soundproofing of apartments is divided into two types:
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- Sound-reflective (material that returns decibels back).
- Sound absorbing.
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Soundproofing materials are used both in new buildings and in old apartments. Some of their types are applicable for soundproofing bathrooms, some for entrance or interior doors. Manufacturers offer a wide range of soundproofing materials, there are plenty to choose from.
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- Thin dense materials are heavy and can compete with concrete walls in terms of sound-reflecting properties. Their price is quite high.
- Sandwich panels combine sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting materials. Mounted on the frame, thereby reducing the area of the room. They belong to the middle price segment.
- Mineral wool slabs serve as excellent sound insulation from general background sounds, but do not protect against impact noise. They are the most accessible material.
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Soundproofing windows
Glass itself is an excellent sound insulator. Sounds from the side of the window can only penetrate into the gaps left during the installation of double-glazed windows. They are easy to eliminate with your own hands - just carefully cover with plaster or putty.
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For soundproofing, it is necessary to adjust the frames. Check how tightly they fit, you can use a piece of paper. Clamp the leaf in the sash and pull. They pulled it out without effort - the connection is bad, adjustment or replacement of rubber seals is needed.
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When installing windows, you must initially use high-quality materials. If the windows themselves do not transmit noise, then the mounting foam on which they are mounted is an excellent conductor of noise, as it is light, solid, and has a closed cell structure.
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Therefore, when installing windows or doors, it is necessary to use a special soundproofing foam, which, unlike conventional mounting foam, has properties important for soundproofing:
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Compared to conventional construction foams, the use of MAXFORTE SoundFLEX foam adds over 10dB to sound insulation, which is equivalent to a 2 to 3 times reduction in noise feel.
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You can see the foam test video in the video:
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Which houses are better soundproofed?
The level of sound insulation in an apartment depends on the building material of the walls:
- Brick. It is considered the best material that does not let in noise from the street. To carry out soundproofing work in such a room, it is necessary to eliminate local sounds. They come from the window and door opening, as well as from the sewer. If possible, it is worth replacing wooden frames with double-glazed windows. As for the inter-apartment walls, they are made of brick, they almost do not let in noise.
- Brick-monolithic walls. This design conducts sound better.
- Monolithic houses. The material does not stop noise at all, since concrete is its excellent conductor. To eliminate sound penetration in such an apartment, it is required to carry out sound insulation of all surfaces, including the ceiling, walls and openings.
Soundproofing apartment walls
When installing soundproofing in a small apartment, a choice arises: either sacrifice space, protecting yourself from noise, or listen to a working elevator and voices on the stairs, preserving the territory. The most rational way out in such a situation is to use thin, but effective soundproofing materials. They are expensive, but worth the money.
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Materials to partially avoid noise:
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- Cork panels laid without gaps.
- Tufted wallpaper with a soundproofing layer.
- Plaster.
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If the area of the apartment allows, you can use less expensive materials for soundproofing, such as fiberglass boards, mineral wool, dense foam. They are fastened with a frame or frameless method.
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Frameless soundproofing methods are less time-consuming and easier to perform. As a result, less time is spent on the installation of the material. In addition to this, there is no possibility of making a mistake when assembling the frame, which will inevitably entail a redesign of the structure.
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MaxForte SoundPro is a rolled composite material of a new generation. Created taking into account theoretical developments in the field of building acoustics. With a thickness of 12 mm, it provides maximum protection against airborne and impact sound. An indispensable material in small apartments. No glue or chemicals included. It also acts as a fire retardant and thermal insulation.
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- Completely nonflammable.
- Not afraid of water.
- Phenol and odor free.
- Easy to install.
- Maximum class "A" for sound absorption.
Video on how to install soundproofing without making a frame with MaxForte SoundPro:
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Expensive, but high-quality material is liquid sound insulation. To carry out its installation in the apartment with your own hands, you do not need to have special experience. It is applied to the wall surface before fastening the rough finish sheets (drywall, plywood, OSB) or to the sheet material that will be sheathed on the surface.
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Soundproofing the bathroom
When choosing a material for soundproofing a bathroom, consider the high humidity of the room and its size.
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When using hygroscopic soundproofing materials, additional protection against the penetration of moisture into them will be required. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will appear in the bathroom over time, which is difficult to get rid of. This method "eats" a lot of space. In the context, it looks like a 3-layer: soundproofing - waterproofing - finishing.
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Other ways to soundproof a bathroom are not much more expensive, but much more effective.
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- Polymeric membranes up to 4 mm thick are not afraid of moisture, they are easily glued to wall surfaces.
- Soundproof panels. Kraft paper with mineral filler.
- Special plaster with porous fillers. The maximum effective material layer is 25 mm.
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Sewer and water pipes are excellent sound conductors. They are wrapped with soundproof tape or foamed polyethylene, avoiding gaps.
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To block out the noise of neighboring apartments, basalt fiber slabs are attached to the ceiling and floor of the toilet and bathroom.
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