Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

Silence law and renovations

The requirements for the maximum permissible noise and responsibility for exceeding it are provided for:

  • Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999;
  • Sanitary norms SN 2.2.4 /, which indicate the time frame for noisy work, restrictions on the maximum volume of work;
  • Regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which provide for administrative liability for violation of silence.

In the event of a violation of the peace of Russian citizens, the violator can really be punished in a completely legal way. Where to go about non-compliance with the law on silence If you yourself find yourself in a situation where your neighbors violate your peace with “noisy” actions at the wrong time, write a complaint against them (of course, after preliminary peace negotiations).

So, according to the prescribed regulations, the permissible sound level in the premises should not exceed: adults who want to relax after a hard day. If the sound of heels and the movement of chairs from a room located on the floor below are heard in your home, then questions should arise first of all about the thickness of the ceilings (floors and ceilings). Normally, such sounds should not be heard from the lower floor.

Therefore, leave one copy of the applications submitted to the housing and communal services, HOA, Rospotrebnadzor and the district police officer

It is important to demonstrate in court an impressive evidence base:

  • copies of statements;
  • an act on the examination carried out to identify the noise level;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • video with fixation of the time when the noise was heard;
  • audio recording of noise.

The restriction does not apply to new buildings that were put into operation less than a year and a half ago. According to the current amendments, the law on silence in the Nizhny Novgorod region establishes night time from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays and from 23:00 to 10:00 on weekends and holidays.

The use of televisions, radios, tape recorders, other sound-reproducing devices, as well as sound amplification devices, including those installed on vehicles, temporary (non-capital) objects of the consumer market, which entailed a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night at protected objects in St. Petersburg, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand rubles. 2.

The 2019 Law on Silence in St. Petersburg includes the following exceptions: It is forbidden to disturb noise by any means, including listening to music, playing loud musical instruments, setting off firecrackers, fireworks, except for New Year holidays, and carrying out construction and installation work.

Law enforcement officers draw up a protocol and hand it over to the inspector. He, in turn, conducts an explanatory conversation with violators. Uninterrupted public transport is more important than the peace of the Russians.
Bills that would establish a time frame for noise and punishment for their violation are adopted by all cities of the Federation independently, according to the characteristics of a given region. The law on silence in Moscow was first created in 2002. It has been repeatedly amended and amended. One of the latest innovations came into force on March 22, 2014. This bill toughens penalties for disturbing the peace on weekends and during holidays.

A significant increase in fines for both ordinary citizens and legal entities, as well as commercial and government organizations.For example, Moscow Law No. 45 dated November 21, 2007 is in force on the territory of the capital. Article 3.13 of this Law provides for punishment for violating the peace and quiet of citizens.

Silence law in st. petersburg how to protect your sleep

Please note: when faced with noisy neighbors, just call the police on the phone. Representatives of law enforcement agencies will arrive at the scene and establish the fact and identity of the offenders with the presentation of requirements to eliminate all sources of excess noise

As an alternative, you can directly write a statement to the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities or Rospotrebnadzor, indicating the address, house number or hostel where the violation of the law occurs. In this case, the fact of a complete inspection of residential buildings for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law CH 2.2.4 / 2.1.8 will be initiated.
562- with noise level measurement by special devices.

Silence law st. petersburg 2019

Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

The so-called "Laws on Silence", which protect the peace of mind of citizens at night, as well as on weekends and public holidays, have been adopted in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg is no exception.

At the same time, the normative acts on silence in the regions have differences. Federal regulations set noise level limits that must not be violated during the day and at night.

For these actions, the “law on silence” in St. Petersburg 2019 provides for administrative liability in the form of a warning or a fine:

  1. legal entities - from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  2. individuals - from 500 to 5,000 rubles;
  3. officials - from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles;

The only exception is the celebration of the New Year.

Law on observance of silence in St. Petersburg 2019

Contact the district police officer to bring the neighbor to administrative responsibility.

  1. 1,000 - 2,000 rubles for representatives of official bodies;
  2. 500 - 1,000 rubles. for individuals;
  3. 1,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Moreover, the changes were proposed not only by federal officials.

People complained about the rumble of repairs and loud music.

The deputies decided that it was easier to establish certain noise standards than to try to sort out each specific conflict.

Juris Information

This article is devoted directly to the law on silence in St. Petersburg.

Let's talk about the amendments to the repair work, what sounds are not forbidden to make, at what time citizens have the right to make noise, what responsibility they will incur for a violation, and so on.

  1. noise-absorbing cladding (applies to public buildings);
  2. planning that meets the standards;
  3. the presence of noise silencers in ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  4. vibration isolation (applies to plumbing).
  5. proper sound insulation;

In Russia, the average night time starts at 23:00 and ends at 7:00.

Even if changes are introduced to regulatory legal acts, these conditions will definitely not be simplified, but only tightened in favor of citizens in need of silence. For the northern capital, there is a law numbered 273-70, articles 8 and 38, regulating the stipulated issue.

How does the law on silence in St. Petersburg protect local residents?

The peace of citizens living in the northern capital is protected by law No. 273.

Unlike federal norms, night time in the northern capital starts from 22:00 to 08:00.

They concern the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens living in Russia.

Important! Citizens are prohibited from exceeding the noise level from 22:00 to 08:00. In St. Petersburg, several amendments have been adopted that relate to the implementation of repair work

Law on silence in a new building 2019

It is not allowed to live in housing that does not comply with these standards. The official text regulates the permissible sound volume level:

  1. during the day, 40 decibels is considered normal;
  2. the level of 30 decibels is set at night.

It is allowed to exceed the indicator by 15 units, but only during the day.

For example: 40 dB is the volume of speech, the cry is fixed at a level of 80 to 90 dB. The list includes sounds made by pets, a rumble when repairing or rearranging furniture.

Basic provisions

Free legal advice

The federal law on silence was adopted by many regions, St. Petersburg was no exception in this sense, since the authorities perfectly understood the need for such a law specifically for the metropolis. Of course, as in most regions, the law on silence in St. Petersburg has undergone some changes. It is also called differently - the law "On Administrative Offenses". But directly articles 8 and 38 of this law are devoted to protecting the peace of residents of apartment buildings at night and on weekends.

Article 8 of this law indicates what is related to prohibited acts:

Watching TV

No one can forbid this to citizens, but it is important to adjust the volume so that extraneous sounds do not reach the neighbors.
Listening to music in loud mode. And this applies not only to apartment neighbors, but also to music coming from a car parked near the house.
Screams, scandals, loud singing, whistling, barking dogs - these sounds perfectly penetrate the walls in high-rise buildings and disturb the peace of citizens.
Loud playing of musical instruments. Even if the child of the neighbors goes to a music school, this does not mean that the whole house should hear his rehearsals at the wrong hours.
Repair work, furniture rearrangements.
Use of pyrotechnic devices

It is not only noisy, but also dangerous. There are people who try to launch such devices directly from their own balcony. Pyrotechnics are prohibited at any time of the day, the only exception is New Year's Eve. For launching fireworks at any time, a fine of 1,000 rubles is imposed.

Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

What threatens violators of the law on silence in St. Petersburg in 2019

Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

The right of Russians to rest after work at night, as well as on holidays and weekends, is protected by regional legislation. The so-called silence laws have been adopted in many regions of Russia, including St. Petersburg. Failure to comply with the requirements of these regulations entails administrative liability.

Federal law on silence in St. Petersburg in 2019

St. Petersburg has Law No. 273-70 "On Administrative Offenses", two articles of which (8 and 38) are directly devoted to protecting the peace of citizens at night and on weekends.

Basic provisions

Article 8 of Law No. 273-70 stipulates prohibited activities during the night, including:

  • watching TV with loud sound;
  • turning on all the volume of music or radio programs - this rule also applies to cars parked in the yards;
  • screams;
  • singing or whistling a tune;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • rearrangement of furniture and equipment;
  • launching fireworks and firecrackers;
  • other noisy works and activities.

When eliminating the consequences of an accident, to protect law and order, as well as during citywide festivities or religious ceremonies, compliance with the "law on silence" is not required.

Sanctions for violations

Violation of the night rest of citizens is fraught with administrative sanctions:

  • warning - for noisy rearrangement or loud singing;
  • fine in all other cases.

In this case, the amount of the fine depends on the offender's belonging to a certain category:

  • from five hundred to five thousand rubles - for citizens;
  • from twenty-five to fifty thousand rubles - per official;
  • from fifty to two hundred thousand rubles - for a legal entity.

If a citizen launched fireworks at the wrong time, then the fine cannot be less than 1000 rubles. The upper limits of penalties are applied, as a rule, in cases where the violators carried out repair or loading work, causing concern to others.

From 23:00 on December 31 until 04:00 on January 01, fireworks are allowed. This is an exception to the "law of silence." Such actions will not be regarded as a violation during this period. Another exception is snow removal, which, for all its noisiness, is allowed to be carried out at night.

Temporary restrictions

At the federal level, “night” is considered the time from 23:00 to 07:00, however, regional authorities are allowed to increase this interval in order to protect citizens from noise exposure.

So, for Petersburgers, according to local law, the night begins at 22-00, and ends at 8-00.

At this time, it is forbidden to disturb neighbors with noisy activities: watching TV at high volume, listening to loud music, repair work using sounding equipment, playing the piano or button accordion, etc.

Hours of silence by law

The following “hours of silence” have been established for residents of St. Petersburg:

  • on weekdays - from 22-00 to 8-00;
  • on holidays and weekends - from 22-00 to 12-00.

Compliance with these standards is mandatory for all residents of apartment buildings, and those who live in the private sector are subject to this rule. Noise level restrictions must be observed by legal entities and entrepreneurs if the building or office of their company is located in a residential area and works at this time.

Silence during repair work

Construction or repair is a special kind of activity, since noise cannot be avoided during their implementation. Article 38 of Law No. 273-70 imposes a ban on noisy types of work even in the daytime - from eight in the morning until ten in the evening. They must be agreed in advance with authorized persons from the management company, HOA, etc.

If the noise lasts no more than an hour, then prior approval is not required.

Penalties for violators:

  • from one to three thousand rubles - for individuals;
  • from five to ten thousand - per official;
  • from ten to thirty thousand - for organizations.

Thus, the law on silence in St. Petersburg establishes the length of time during which one cannot make noise. At the same time, this period is extended for holidays and weekends.

However, there are exceptions regarding certain types of work, events and calendar dates.

For minor one-time violations, a warning is provided, in all other cases, non-compliance with the law is punishable by a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles.

What changes are expected

Today, both in St. Petersburg and in other regions of the country, the so-called “Law on Silence” is at the regional level. It is planned to legalize a new government project with transfer to the federal level, with officially specified night time 22:00-6:00.

These measures are necessary primarily because the police officers called by the citizens, whose peace is disturbed at night, do not have special powers. That is, they often cannot take measures, write out a protocol, and so on, due to the fact that local authorities are responsible for this. Because the police do not always respond to the calls of citizens. If the federal law is legalized, the problem will be solved.

Noise from renovation

Repair is a separate topic for conversation. On the one hand, if one of the neighbors starts it, this can greatly worsen the quality of life of many residents of the entrance. On the other hand, every citizen understands that he can start repairs in his apartment at any time. Noise during repairs is inevitable, and it doesn’t matter at all whether the team will work or the residents decide to do it on their own. In order to avoid any problems, it is advisable to coordinate your actions with the management company or the HOA

Such coordination will not be required if it is not planned to maintain the noise background for a long time up to 1 hour in length.If the noise continues during the prohibited time and it is known that it occurs due to repair work, then the violators face a fine of 1-3 thousand rubles for ordinary citizens, 5-10 thousand for officials, 10-30 thousand for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

In order to avoid any problems, it is advisable to coordinate your actions with the management company or the HOA. Such coordination will not be required if it is not planned to maintain the noise background for a long time up to 1 hour in length. If the noise continues during the prohibited time and it is known that it occurs due to repair work, then the violators face a fine of 1-3 thousand rubles for ordinary citizens, 5-10 thousand for officials, 10-30 thousand for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Repair work is often banned in St. Petersburg, even at the allotted time. For example, when families with small children live in the entrance. In such cases, a work schedule is developed, it must be agreed with this family and work within the allotted hours.Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

building soundproofing requirements

Unfortunately, residential buildings are built in such a way that the walls cannot serve as reliable sound insulation. Neighbors are forced to listen to everything that happens behind the wall.

According to the law, all residential buildings must have the necessary sound insulation, which can prevent the effects of noise and vibration. If the building does not meet these parameters, then it is forbidden to live in it. According to SNiPs, all residential buildings must:

  1. Have a layout and appropriate soundproofing.
  2. Have reliable protection against vibrations that plumbing equipment creates, as this is even worse than ordinary noise.
  3. The forced ventilation system must necessarily contain a special silencer.
  4. Any building for public use should be lined with high-quality sound-absorbing material.

How to protect your rights and where to complain

If noise from neighbors bothers you, there are several ways to restore justice:

  1. Agree.
  2. Complain to Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. To call the police.
  4. Go to court.

And this means that it will always be possible to complain about the repair enthusiast. That is why it is better to agree with all the neighbors - until how many hours you can do repairs on the weekend. For example, when you are not at home. Especially if noisy work lasts for a long time.

If an agreement could not be reached. Or your noisy neighbor decided to wash the purchased building materials, and mixed up the time of day and started laying tiles at 2 am, and in response to your remarks is expressed in complex idiomatic expressions, it's time to call the police.

The police has the right to bring a negligent neighbor to responsibility for disturbing the peace of residents with noisy work. At the same time, in order to be held accountable, it will be enough to see a neighbor in construction dust, and the repair situation in the apartment.

You should complain to Rospotrebnadzor when the violation of the silence regime occurs systematically.

For example, a neighbor is engaged in carpentry in his apartment and makes a lot of noise every day, including during the day, when, according to regional laws, this seems to be not prohibited. In such a situation, real responsibility will come only in case of systematic violations.

In order for him to protect your rights, you must write a complaint in which you describe in detail on what days and at what time the neighbor bakes you with construction noise. Without the knowledge of the violator, the supervisory authority will measure the noise level near the neighbor's apartment, and, based on the data received, draw up an act.

The court should be approached when other complaints about unacceptable noise have proven futile. The court of general jurisdiction considers such cases in the order of action proceedings. And this means that the noise victim will need to draw up a statement of claim against the offending neighbor and pay the state duty.

In addition, action proceeding takes place on the principle of competition between the parties.And this means that you will have to independently prove the fact that the neighbor violated the silence regime. For this, previously drawn up acts of Rospotrebnadzor, filmed video materials, as well as testimonies of other neighbors are suitable.

In such a case, the court may be asked to:

  1. Hold the perpetrator accountable.
  2. Prohibit repairs.
  3. Move out of the apartment.
  4. Pay moral damages.

Each of these requirements can be independent.

The court holds accountable under the same laws as the police, so there will not be a large fine. But the court can also prohibit the repair work to a particular citizen. And for non-compliance with the court decision, which will be a repetition of the violation of the silence regime, criminal liability may follow, which will be explained to the violator by the judge.

The federal law "On Silence" provides for the right of a citizen to compensation for violations of sanitary standards. Therefore, it is quite natural to demand compensation for moral damage.


The law guards the rest of the citizens of Russia, and prohibits repairs on Sundays, other weekends and at night. The violator will face liability, but in order to be brought to it, it is necessary to use the provided mechanism of legal protection. But first it is better to resolve the conflict through peaceful negotiations.

Is it possible to make repairs on weekends law 2018 st. petersburg

It is indicated that night time cannot start after 23:00 and end before 07:00. Law on silence from January 1, 2019: official text The bill was first adopted by the State Duma in 1999. Since then, it has been repeatedly amended (sometimes even several times a year).

On other days, you can not exceed the standards. It is legally prohibited to make noise at night that is louder than 30 decibels. The restriction is valid from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays.

Indeed, firstly, you will always have time to write a lawsuit to the court, and secondly, the executed court decision will give you peace of mind, but it is unlikely that you will ever return friendly relations with your neighbors.
Noise is one of the most pressing problems for a resident of a metropolis. Noise surrounds people everywhere: in transport, at work, in the shopping center. Each person comes home and wants to relax, gain strength in peace and quiet. Why can someone violate this right?

A responsibility

All citizens, officials and legal entities are responsible for violating the law on silence and non-compliance with noise background standards in residential buildings and adjacent areas.

For such violations, administrative liability is provided, they are considered by municipal commissions for administrative fines. These commissions operate on the basis of regional legislation.

Dealing with noisy neighbors can be difficult. Therefore, for the greatest effectiveness, it is necessary to act in stages.


This stage cannot be avoided, since the neighbors may simply not realize that they cause negative emotions in someone because of their overly noisy lifestyle or constant repairs. It is required to try to explain in a civilized manner to such neighbors that their activity in the neighbor's apartment is too noisy. It is possible that people will listen to this and calm down a little. Then you won't have to take any further steps.

Complaint to the HOA

If the previous measure does not help, you need to file a complaint with the HOA or the management company

But here it is important to understand that apart from explanatory work, they will also not be able to do anything to troublemakers

Contacting the police

You can try to call a police squad or write a complaint to the district police officer. Upon the fact of the appeal, a protocol is drawn up, which will subsequently become the basis for the work of the commission on administrative violations.

Unfortunately, this step often has its pitfalls.As you know, the outfit may simply not arrive on time, and when it arrives after a few hours, the violators will calm down naturally and everything around will be quiet. In addition, the outfit may not be sent at all on a call to noisy neighbors - I’ll just say that at the moment there are no free people. Even if the outfit arrived, they may not draw up a protocol, and it is necessary to punish the neighbors, especially if the case goes to court.

But in any case, it is worth trying to call the police or at least scare the neighbors with this - sometimes this is quite enough.

Complaint to the prosecutor

The prosecutor's office is the body of power that should guard the interests and rights of citizens. By the way, if wrong actions of police officers are noticed when complaining about neighbors, this is also worth mentioning to the prosecutor's office. She appoints an audit, based on its results, a further decision is made.

It's good when the complaint is collective in nature, these are usually given attention in the first place. Therefore, you should first enlist the support of neighbors

Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

Contacting Rospotrebnadzor

Every citizen can apply to this organization when his rights as a consumer are violated, as well as sanitary and epidemiological standards. This is just the noise level in a residential area.

For success in this matter, a well-written application is important. It requires reference to Article 17 of the Constitution and quotes from the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

This organization is also good in that it has everything necessary for conducting noise measurements in the premises. If specialists are sent, the noise level is measured and an act is drawn up indicating the results. It will prove useful even in court. This work can be performed by independent experts for a fee.


This is an extreme measure, you can apply to it only once, so before drawing up a claim, you need to take care of a solid evidence base and witnesses. The court will make a decision and oblige the violators to answer according to the law, and in addition, reimburse the plaintiff for legal costs, possibly moral damage.

They will be able to evict noisy neighbors in cases of malicious violations of the rules of living in an apartment building, especially if the neighbors are not the owners of the apartment.


