Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

What to do if the neighbors dog howls, where to complain

If the owner of the dog did not take action after the conversation, a complaint should be filed against the neighbor for the dog. What to do if the neighbors dog constantly barks, who to complain to? When a dog disturbs the peace with a loud howl, whining, barking, then you can file an application (complaint against the neighbors' dog) with Rospotrebnadzor, the district police officer and the administrative court. Loud noises at night are a violation of Federal Law number 52, so the application must be accepted and considered by the authorities.

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to doIn addition, if the dog barks throughout the day, you can file a complaint against your neighbor for animal cruelty, which is regulated by article 245 of the Criminal Code. In accordance with this article, the owner may face an impressive fine or criminal punishment for up to 2 years.

If the dog shits in public places, then you should contact the Management Company and the district police officer, who will draw up protocols. The legislation does not limit the maximum allowable number of animals kept on private property, but their owners must comply with cleanliness and order, which is regulated by Article 30 of the Housing Code.

When the owner walks the dog without a muzzle and a leash, and the pet is characterized by aggressive behavior, you should write a statement to the police, to the district police officer. In accordance with the “walking rules”, the owner is obliged to walk the dog in public places (which includes the entrance) in a muzzle and a leash.

This restriction is regulated by the Decree of the Council of Ministers adopted at the time of the RSFRS under the number 449. Part 3 of the said Decree states that:

  • the pet must be walked on a short leash or in a muzzle - walking without them is permissible only for puppies who have not reached the age of three months;
  • walking is allowed around the clock, but at night the owner is obliged to ensure silence;
  • walks without a leash are allowed only within special fenced areas.

Where to complain if the neighbors dog howls

If a neighbor's dog howls or constantly barks, then you can write a complaint to the district police officer, to Rospotrebnadzor, and even to the local administrative court.

In apartment buildings, the quality of walls and all structures is far from always such that all neighbors live without hearing each other. Most often, the opposite is true, the life of neighbors passes in front of everyone, since the audibility between apartments is much better than we would like. The barking or howling of a dog, especially a large breed, can be a real test for the hearing and nerve cells of the residents of the entire entrance. The animal, separated from the owners, who disappear at work during the day and sometimes at night, yearns and can howl for hours. How, according to the law, you can cope with such an unpleasant situation and regain peace, we will consider in detail.

Silence Law

Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999, often referred to as the “Quiet Law”, limits the permissible noise level in residential buildings:

To make it clearer, car alarms make sounds on average about 125 dB. Although each region has the right to make certain amendments to the norms of this Federal Law, nevertheless, these criteria - “time - permissible noise level”, are observed everywhere.

Thus, each of the tenants of an apartment building who violates the requirements of Federal Law No. 52 can be held administratively liable in the prescribed manner. The only thing left to do is to measure the noise level emitted by the dog so that you can appeal to this law in further proceedings.

To whom should complaints be addressed?

It is worth starting to solve the problem with negotiations with neighbors. It is possible that they do not suspect that in their absence the dog creates problems for other residents.If peace negotiations do not bring any result, then you should proceed to the

A source Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

During my absence, my dog ​​barks incessantly. But as soon as I go home, she is an obedient, sweet dog. The neighbors are complaining. and I don't know what to do. I love my dog ​​very much and I care about her. And I understand the neighbors, the constant barking is annoying and does not allow you to rest in peace. Please help me.

When you leave the house, the dog should be walked to the state of "just to sleep." The dog must have at least 5 toys (toy change every 5-10 days) + long-lasting TitBit treats. Leave the radio (or stereo or TV) on. If you are going to return in the evening, leave the light at least in the corridor.

Option number 1. We stocked up on coffee, cigarettes, watches, a book and left the apartment (clothing for the street). to the stairwell (back door, one floor lower or higher, to the neighbors, etc.). The main thing is that the dog should not feel you, and you should hear well everything that happens in the apartment. You can use the speakerphone or webcam. DO NOT return to the apartment to the “solo singing” of the puppy. Of course, the dog will yell like a victim, and you must steadfastly endure and wait for the 10-minute “intermission” to finally come (no less.). Only then do you return. The purpose of the exercise is that while you are yelling, your beloved owner will not come, and when there is silence, your beloved owner “appears”!

Option number 2. (IMHO - I do not advise puppies). A leash is fastened to the dog, a thick fishing line is tied to the leash, which you pass under the front door or at the butt of the door to the wall (figure it out!). Wear leather. gloves (so as not to hurt your hands) or tie the fishing line to something else (for example, a “rubber ring” toy or a handle from a roulette leash). Go away. As soon as heartbreaking cries were heard, it was necessary to pull with all the strength. Most often, the dog at this moment is near the door, so from the jerk it should slap

A source Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

What to do if your neighbor's dog keeps barking

A peaceful way to resolve the conflict is to talk with a neighbor. Often this measure is sufficient. If not, you should go further and protect your right to rest and sleep peacefully.

To the district inspector

According to sanitary standards No. 36-SN, the noise level in the premises of MKD should not exceed:

  • 52 dB during the day - from 7 to 23 hours;
  • 44 dB at night - from 23 to 7 hours.

For example, a howling yard alarm generates approximately 125 dB of noise. A barking dog can also create noise far beyond the legal limits.

If the neighbors do not negotiate, you need to write a complaint to the district police officer. According to part 2 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On the Police" dated February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ, within the first day after receiving the application, the police officers will come to the owner of the dog and start a serious conversation.

If the preventive measure was not enough, when the violator revisits, he will be fined from 100 to 500 rubles (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

These are the minimum amounts. In some regions, a repeated violation is subject to a fine equivalent to the minimum wage.

To animal control authorities

A dog cannot howl and bark for days on end just like that. Possibly the owners

  • the animal is mistreated, it constantly does not have water or food;
  • they tie the pet on a short leash, and the animal suffers;
  • the dog is beaten or punished, and it howls and whines in pain.

In this case, you need to contact the animal protection: on the fact of cruelty to animals, the consequences can be more serious than for violating the “Law on Silence”. If the fact of ill-treatment is proven, criminal punishment is possible, according to Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and clause 3 of the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of November 15, 2007, No. 45 “On judicial practice in criminal cases of hooliganism ...”.

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

To court

If all else fails - the owner ignores requests, fines and visits from animal rights activists, you need to go to court.As evidence, a photo and video of negotiations with the owner, noise measurements, extracts from the district police officer must be attached to the statement of claim.

Before the claim, you can write an appeal to Rospotrebnadzor. They will send a member of staff to measure the noise level. This official document can be attached to the statement of claim.

In the event of a chronic violation of the rules of residence in the MKD, the court may even evict the negligent owner from the apartment.

Dear readers, the information in the article could be outdated. If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please call:

  • Moscow: +7 (499) 110-86-72.
  • St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 245-61-57.
  • Regions: 8 (800) 600-36-07.

If Complaining Didn't Help

If complaints to the authorities did not help and the neighbors' dog still interferes with the neighbors, then the only option is to go to court.

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to doDue to the fact that, according to the law, it is necessary to conduct a pre-trial settlement of the conflict that has arisen, and it is required to talk with a neighbor, write a complaint to the district police officer and to Rospotrebnadzor.

It is these actions that will become evidence of the preliminary measures taken. The complaint to the administrative court should contain only correct data, while the execution of the document should be completed with a line about awareness of the liability threatening for a false denunciation (Article 306 of the Criminal Code).

An evidence base can be attached to the application - records, testimonies, copies of the conclusions and responses of officials to complaints.

If the neighbor's dog makes noise at any time of the day, violates the cleanliness of the entrance and the adjacent territory, and its owner does not follow the rules of walking and does not raise the dog, you should try to solve the problem peacefully. But, if you wondered where to complain about neighbors with a dog and the neighbor is not going to change anything, you will have to contact the police, Rospotrebnadzor, the management company and, last but not least, go to court.

+7 (812) 627-13-62 (Saint Petersburg)

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

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A neighbor got a boxer’s dog, the dog howls and barks all day at work, I made a remark about this to my neighbor, and instead of taking some measures, she put on heels and trampled on us for an hour for evil. She lives on the floor above, and my mother is 93 years old, her blood pressure has risen. I called the precinct. He came and for 40 minutes convinced me that the neighbor was right and had the right to do what she wanted until 21:00. And how can we be?

Marina answered you incorrectly - there is no such law that allows the barking or howling of an animal. But first you need to specify the region of your residence. because you may have local rules for keeping animals in an apartment building or wait for the adoption of a law that is under consideration in the State Duma.

Unfortunately, we have such a law that you can make noise until 21:00. And in our legislation there is no law banning dogs in apartments. Although this is very relevant, as many treat animals as things. And not only the neighbors suffer, (you), but the animal itself. Try to negotiate, try to explain, call the police in the evenings if necessary.

Hello, I live in the private sector, the site is privatized. One side of the house with 3 windows overlooks the neighboring area. The neighbors have a big dog, is not on a leash, constantly howls (even at night). There is no fence. I'm afraid that small children will open the window and she will just pop into the house. Question: How do I get my neighbor to put up a fence on my side? And how far from my house should he retreat? Thanks in advance.

Hello Lika. In your case, litigation seems out of the question. If your neighbor is sane, and will always keep the dog on a leash (which is unlikely), then you can negotiate. Better collect video evidence.

No law obliges you to put up a fence for your neighbors, but it does oblige you to keep your dog on a leash and not howl at night. But we still need to clarify local legislation on the rules for keeping pets.

what to do with neighbors who complain about barking dogs


We moved with our dog to a new apartment. The upstairs neighbor complains that barking bothers her. He threatens to call “Iria and the vet”. The dog, like all dogs, sometimes really barks; in our opinion, very moderate. I don't know what can be done about it. Other neighbors do not complain.

Do not offend the dog. In fact, there are no mechanisms to deal with real incessant barking. And if the dog does not bark at night and, in general, only when the reason (plays, outsiders come to the door), then this is ridiculous. Send a neighbor. She will call the veterinarian. Oh well. Now he will come.

Above us lives a small dog, a breed with a flattened muzzle, when the nose is almost on the forehead, and all hairy. She has a thin and sonorous voice, does not bark, but yelps. The dog itself is friendly and amusing, I stroke it another time when I meet the owners in the elevator, and it is glad, it becomes its front paws on me. So on Saturday mornings and in general in the summer she is often left alone on the balcony, I don’t know why, so that at home she doesn’t get underfoot or too lazy to take her for a walk. And she starts to yelp like a clockwork, one yelp every half a minute, a minute. You can hear it with open windows in three of the four rooms, but especially in the salon, pinat ohel and in the kitchen, because. balcony above the saloon. Closing the windows in the cabin does not help, you can still hear it, and in the morning and in the evening you want to breathe fresh air when it is not hot yet or already. There isn't really anyone to talk to. And what to say? That on Saturday morning, somewhere after 7, about 8 o'clock, the dog barks for an hour and you can go crazy listening to it?

We have a balcony and the dog sometimes goes out on it, but he certainly doesn’t stay there alone for a long time. I generally understand that barking can interfere, and we try to monitor this. But you can't make a dog not bark at all.

Girls write about sore. Lived quietly in

A source Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

How to report a barking dog to the police

You should start by collecting information about the laws and regulations in force in your area. It is worth looking at what is on the Internet on this issue. It is quite possible to find regulations or ordinances of local legislative authorities that regulate the level of noise and the keeping of dogs. Maybe it will be possible to find measures to influence neighbors who do not respond to your comments.

The police can tell you exactly where to turn with such claims. Having received the name of the authority that deals with such cases, you need to inform them by phone about the existing noise, the source of which is your neighbor's dog. Law enforcement officers are required to arrive at your call and conduct a preventive conversation with the violator.

This will help them figure it out. If successful, they will inform you about the results. If the neighbor, after the conversation, did not undertake to wean his dog from barking, then the call will have to be repeated. Where else can you turn? Find an animal welfare organization and let them know that your neighbor is being irresponsible with their pet.

Before doing this, it is worth making sure that the animal is barking due to poor handling. It makes sense to visit such an office when the dog lives on the street in severe frost or unbearable heat, as well as exhaustion due to hunger or thirst. When the employees of the organization collect enough evidence of your words, the pet can be taken away and transferred to a shelter.

In fairness, we will report that there are not many examples of such solutions. Representatives of the organization will regularly come to the owner of the dog, look at the conditions of its maintenance and explain the rules for keeping animals.They can tell him what to do in order to stop her from barking. It is worth telling neighbors where to carry complaints. When several complaints are received in one case, the activity of employees will be higher.

When a neighbor's dog howls and does not bark, your actions should be similar. In extreme cases, you can sue a restless neighbor in court. So you can get some minor compensation and another tool to influence the owner of the dog. To get an edge, be sure to collect as much evidence as possible and hire a lawyer who specializes in such cases.

Ways to resolve the issue

First of all, you just need to talk to the owner, you should not start the conversation with aggression or threats. The owner will not be set up for a productive dialogue if someone threatens his pet. You should explain what is bothering you, for example, you have a small child, and the dog is constantly howling and barking, so the baby cannot sleep.

If the owner does not want to resolve the issue peacefully, then there are certain organizations where you can complain.

1. To the district

You should write a statement and submit it to the police for consideration. The appointed employee is obliged to respond to the received signal within 24 hours. He will visit the problematic apartment, talk with the owner of the animal, and a verbal warning is issued during the initial visit. And if the district police officer does not respond to your application in any way, then it is worth writing a complaint against him.

When visiting the unlucky owner again, they can be held administratively liable. The amount of the fine for citizens is 100-500 rubles if the issue concerns violations of sanitary and hygienic measures (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

2. To an animal protection organization

It often happens that animals are presented to themselves, for example, in a private house

The dog barks because they forgot to feed it, or it is sick, and the owners do not pay attention to it

Animal advocates are also required to respond to the signal, they will not allow the animal to be kept in poor conditions. In especially severe cases, the owner may even withdraw the dog to provide more decent conditions.

If the fact of cruelty to animals is revealed, the owner of the animal, in addition to an administrative fine, faces criminal liability under Art. 167 or Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. To Rospotrebnadzor

The supervisory authority has a wide range of powers, the employees of the institution will help solve problems even with noisy neighbors.

The application is made in any form, but must contain the following items:

  1. the name of the institution where the complaint is filed;
  2. information about the applicant and the offender;
  3. consistent description of events only on the merits;
  4. make references to violated norms of the law;
  5. specify your requirements;
  6. list the attached evidence, if any;
  7. put the date and personal signature of the applicant.

A citizen can report a violation of silence in several ways:

  • personally visit the institution and submit documents to the general department;
  • send by registered mail, be sure to attach a notice of receipt of the envelope;
  • on the official website of the institution in electronic form.

The responsible person is obliged to go to the problematic address and take noise measurements. After that, an act is drawn up in which the results of the check are entered.

4. To court

If a dog howls regularly in a neighbor’s apartment, but none of the above institutions could solve the problem, it remains only to apply to the courts.

The statement of claim is drawn up in a free form, but in compliance with generally accepted norms. In the absence of some points, the judge will refuse to accept the application, you should carefully consider the preparation of the document, and it is best to use the services of a lawyer.

Attention! Before going to court, you need to make an attempt to resolve the issue out of court and have a written response from each institution confirming the appeal to the authorized body.

The statement of claim must be accompanied by evidence confirming the facts set forth in the document.

It can be:

  • audio recording of a conversation with the owner of the dog that there was a conflict about the noise;
  • video recording of a barking or howling dog with fixation of the time of what is happening and the duration of the noise;
  • testimonies of witnesses from other apartments;
  • copies of all appeals and responses from other institutions.

After the application is accepted, a court session will be scheduled within a few months and a decision on the case will be made.

Nervous strain due to the barking of a dog can affect the physical and mental state of a person. Insomnia may develop, people's blood pressure rises, children are naughty, sleep and eat poorly.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 52-FZ, citizens can demand from troublemakers if their health has suffered:

  • compensation for the cost of treatment, tests and purchased drugs;
  • reimbursement of expenses for conducting various examinations;
  • payment for the services of a human rights defender.

The law is always on the side of law-abiding citizens. You should not endure if you are disturbed by the noise of a neighbor's dog. However, you should not eliminate the dog yourself, since the person who poisoned the animal may himself become accused under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You need to act only legally.

How to write a good application for neighbors

In order for the complaint to be accepted and considered, it is necessary to take into account some rules when drafting it. So:

Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

  • draw up an application in 2 copies, one of which remains with the applicant after registration;
  • in order to be able to control the consideration of the application, it should be submitted in person or sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (in this case, 1 copy is sent, and the receipt of departure and notification of receipt of the letter remain with the applicant).

There is no single unified form for writing complaints, but there is a certain procedure for filing complaints and it should be followed:

  1. on the right, in the upper corner, the full name of the official, the position held by him, the name of the organization are indicated. Below is the name of the applicant.
  2. Further, a little lower, in the middle part of the sheet, the name of the document “Complaint” or “Statement” is written.
  3. Further, the very essence of the statement is written in continuous text. Here are the specific facts of the offense. When filling out this field, it is advisable to refer to the relevant legislative acts - to the Federal Law at number 52, if the noise from the pet interferes at night, article 30 of the LCD, if the dog shits in the wrong places, and so on.
  4. Further, on a new line, a list of requirements should be stated - for example, that the owner should take up raising a dog or follow the rules for walking a pet.
  5. If any documents are attached to the application, please indicate that they are attached.
  6. The text must end with the present date, signed by the applicant.

If the work done does not help, you should re-write the complaint. The applicant should keep all documentary evidence - complaints with marks on their acceptance, written responses from the district police officer about the measures taken, the imposition of fines on the violator.

After writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, specialists from the organization will come to the applicant and measure the noise level in his apartment (the maximum allowable noise level is 40 dB during the day, and 30 at night). Then the manipulations are carried out in the offender's apartment and an act is drawn up, a copy of which remains in the hands of the person who wrote the complaint.

Any complaint can be accompanied by a number of evidence of an offense that has occurred:

  • audio recordings of conversations with the offender;
  • video recording with sound and date;
  • certificate of other persons living in the neighborhood;
  • an act drawn up by employees of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • copies of complaints sent to the authorities.

dog barks neighbors complain

Before using the electronic anti-bark collar for the first time, you must read the instructions in Russian. Thanks to the instructions, you will learn how the device technically works and how to use it correctly on a dog.

Here I will talk about how to work with the dog (prepare him) so that your dog stops barking in the most "painless" way for him.

The BC-50E is battery operated and suitable for all dogs, while the BC-200E is mains charged (battery) and also suitable for all dogs, and is especially recommended for those dogs that do not live in an apartment, but in a private house on the street or in an aviary. The fact is that in the cold in winter, battery-operated collars will often be discharged, and rechargeable ones are more convenient in this regard.

But the anti-barking collar is discharged when it affects the dog, and the dog will stop barking quickly enough, so battery-powered collars are suitable for everyone.

So-called “self-learning collars” are collars that automatically adjust the stimulation levels that are optimal for your dog.

First you need to put the collar on the dog correctly - that is, very high under the jaw (not like a regular collar, but much higher), very tightly.

If you don't tighten the collar strap tightly enough, it won't work (no contact) and it will rub on the dog's neck. The collar should not be left on the dog for a long time! That is, after 8-12 hours it will be necessary to remove it and take a break.

The company's electronic anti-bark collars - BC-50E and BC-200E are quite sensitive, they react not only to barking, but also to howling, whining, and even in cases where the dog shakes its head violently or hits something.

A dog in the house is not only a devoted friend and guard, but also a pet that requires constant care and attention. Every dog ​​breeder knows that occasional hair loss means only a seasonal shedding, so the devil

Nowhere did I find the full text of the Law of the Perm Region dated March 14, 2003 N 672-132 “On Administrative Offenses”, so I ask for clarification

A source Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do

what to do if neighbors complain dogs bark

I am the owner of a small dog (like a dachshund), a male of the breed recorded as a mestizo. My pet is 7 years old. He is very mobile, friendly, sociable and does not have an aggressive disposition. Always gladly meets guests and even strangers, does not expect threats from outsiders and fully makes contact with them. Perhaps this will seem strange to you, he does not communicate with other dogs, he likes the company of people more.

But there is a flaw in his behavior that makes it possible for other people to express dissatisfaction with my pet. Since my dog ​​is quite active and has a high temperament, he often barks. Unfortunately, I was never able to wean him from this habit. As a rule, he barks when they ring the doorbell or enter the apartment. His barking is an expression of the joy of meeting.

We moved into a new apartment 2 years ago. And we started having problems with neighbors who live one floor below us. At first they knocked on the pipes of the battery, when repair work was being carried out somewhere (a new house), then they began to come with claims that something was constantly being done with us. Although we lead a quiet lifestyle, we never had any problems with our neighbors before. And whenever they came for one reason or another, they were sure to complain about the barking of the dog. We have 3 dogs on the landing - a Caucasian Shepherd, a Doberman and my dog. In addition, there are dogs on almost every landing. They sometimes howl (they get bored when their owners are not at home), bark even when moving the elevator and people up the stairs.

My pet's behavior is no different from other dogs. And my dog ​​doesn't bother the other neighbors, I asked them about it.

A few days ago there was a completely egregious case. These neighbors said that if we don't fix our dog's problems, we won't

A source Neighbors have a howling dog around the clock. What to do


