How much noise can be made during repairs

From how much to how much you can make noise in an apartment according to Russian law

There is no single law on this issue that would be valid throughout the country. On some completely unimportant occasions, the federal center suddenly recalls that Russia, according to its structure, is formally a federation of independent subjects and leaves at the mercy of the regional authorities such undoubtedly important issues as, for example, quiet hours.

And yet, despite the fact that there is no single provision on how much to how much noise can be made in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation, all regional laws have common features and largely copy each other. Let's highlight the general points of regional laws on this matter:

  • All laws on silence converge on the fact that it is forbidden to make noise from 22-23 o'clock until 7-8 o'clock in the morning.
  • It is unacceptable to break the silence for more than six hours in a row, even during the permitted hours.
  • It is unacceptable to make noise in connection with repair work for more than three months, even if the noise was made far from daily.
  • It is unacceptable to make noise on Sunday (sometimes on Saturday) and on public holidays declared days off.

In some subjects of the federation, the time of day is specified when it is allowed to engage in especially loud and unpleasant things for neighbors, such as repair work related to drilling walls, etc. This time coincides with the standard work shift, for example, from 9 am to 7 pm, when most of the neighbors are at work.

Some regional laws also specify a period of time during the day when you can not make noise at all - this is done for the sake of families with small children.

People meet different and neighbors can be different. Each of us can find ourselves in this situation both on one side and on the other.

Even if we can hardly tolerate repairs and other noise from the neighbors, one day we may need to drill a few holes in the wall, and our child will come up with the idea of ​​​​learning to play the violin.

Of course, not all neighbors understand such a conversation; for some, politeness is falsely perceived as weakness. Remind them that there is an order from how much to how much noise can be made in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation in 2017, for violation of which a fine is imposed.

Again, each region sets this fine on its own, but most often it is an amount from 500 rubles to several thousand for ordinary residents and tens of thousands of rubles for organizations.

It is not so difficult to punish the perpetrator of the violation of silence - just call the police, who are obliged to take action. If the police do not want to respond, demand the number under which the operator registered the fact of your appeal (he is obliged to register every call) and warn that you will complain about inaction.

This is enough for the police to arrive. When the police arrive, you will have to file a complaint against your neighbors, who will be punished with a ruble for breaking the silence.

Peaceful settlement of the problem with noisy neighbors

Any litigation will begin with the question of whether the complainant verbally warned the defendant that the noise was disturbing. Therefore, for an affirmative answer, it is better to use this opportunity. It is possible that the builder will not break the silence in the evening or give the neighbor the right to rest after the work shift.

In the complete absence of understanding, you will have to contact the district inspector. There is a possibility that after the intervention of a representative of the authorities, the conflict will still resolve. If preventive measures do not help, residents have the right to call an employee of the authority with a sound level meter to measure the level of the sound threshold. Having put together police acts and papers from Rospotrebnadzor, with the support of housemates, you can safely go to court.

Watch the video: "What time can you do noisy work in the house."

No one is against the fact that the owner or tenant of housing sometimes improves it. However, legislation limits noisy work in the apartment for a certain period of time. At night and on holidays, the reconstruction of living space is strictly prohibited. Legal acts of the country guarantee each Russian peace and tranquility for relaxation.

How much noise can be made during repairsHow much noise can be made during repairs

Free phone consultation! Moscow and region:; Regions of the Russian Federation:

How much can you play the piano in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation 2019

As you know, in houses where people live in the neighborhood, the apartments have poor sound insulation. You can especially hear the neighbors when they play musical instruments. Playing the piano often causes resentment in people in high-rise buildings, even if they are also noisy.

How much noise can be made during repairsChild education

When a child is just starting to learn to play the keys, for example, he constantly repeats sounds, the same scales sound, then many neighbors can lose their temper and complain to the police. Not always the authorities can do something in this situation, as there is a law.

If the sounds from the piano are not loud, then the neighbors should not come to swear, much less insist on stopping making music. By law in 2018-2019. you can not violate the norms that the government has established in Moscow.

How much noise can be made during repairsNorms of silence in Russia

On weekdays from 23:00 to 07:00, it is unacceptable to make noise in apartments of high-rise buildings (MKD). Also from the same article 3.13 "Violation of peace and quiet of citizens" you can find out that:

every day it is important to take into account that two hours are allotted for this, when you need to observe general silence, from 13:00 to 15:00;
in addition, it is undesirable to disturb with loud sounds from the piano on weekends - on Saturday and Sunday, although it is possible by law from 10:00 to 22:00.

The same norms correspond to some regions of Russia: Tomsk and Leningrad regions. In St. Petersburg and Samara, it is allowed to play the piano on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00.

How much noise can be made during repairspiano playing

This should be taken responsibly. Especially for those people who have recently moved to a new home and do not know their neighbors. Don't ruin your relationship right from the start. If you decide to buy a piano, then it is desirable to discuss such nuances as the sounds from it with other residents of the apartment building.

Below are times by region when instruments cannot be played.

How much noise can be made during repairsWhen you can not make noise in other regions

The law in the suburbs: how long they play the piano there

If in the middle of the working week you start playing the piano loudly in the house, then neighbors may come with claims and indignation. They will be right if the law has been broken in this region. This is stated in the Law of the Moscow Region No. 16/2014-OZ “On Ensuring Peace and Quiet for Citizens on the Territory of the Moscow Region” dated March 7, 2014.

How much noise can be made during repairsNoise levels

The limitation applies specifically to musical noise. You can not use sound amplifiers for musical instruments, even in a private home. In the Moscow region, time is allotted in order not to make noise:

  • from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays;
  • quiet hour - from 13:00 to 15:00 on weekdays, Saturday and Sunday;
  • from 22:00 to 10:00 on weekends.

When you can not make noise norms in the regions

Although a certain time for silence is established by law, these data have been changed in almost all subjects in order to adapt to local residents. For example, in the capital it is forbidden to make loud noises between 23.00 and 07.00 on weekdays. In other regions, there is a ban on noisy activities from 22.00 to 8.00, etc.

How much noise can be made during repairs

The law also provides for the so-called "quiet hour" - a period during the day when you can not exceed the volume level. In most subjects it lasts from 13.00 to 15.00, in some - from 12.00 to 14.00. Quiet Hour primarily protects the rights of parents, as it allows the child to go to bed without fear that the sleep will be interrupted by loud music or the sound of a perforator.

What should residents do if a neighbor violates the law on silence in Moscow

Violation of the law on silence in Moscow is considered an administrative violation according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow. You can call a district police officer or the police, who will draw up a protocol on an administrative offense.

Violators will face a fine: individuals 1,000-2,000 rubles, officials - 4,000-8,000 rubles, legal entities - 40-80,000 rubles. Fines are not very large, but, nevertheless, they can change the opinion of repairmen. If the noise is strong, then, most likely, the owner of the apartment started redevelopment, which occurs in 80% of cases. For redevelopment, you need to obtain permission, which not everyone does. Therefore, we advise you to contact the Housing Inspectorate of your county in order to check the noisy neighbor for inconsistent redevelopment. At your request, an inspector will come to the site and check the redevelopment for compliance with building codes. The owner of the apartment will face an administrative fine of 2,000 rubles, as well as an order to agree on the redevelopment and an order to return the repair to its original position in terms of violated norms. (information from the site)

Permissible noise threshold

  • 7-00-23-00 - max 40 dB;
  • 23-00-7-00 - limit 30.

The above threshold applies not only to ordinary citizens living in private and high-rise buildings, but also to public catering establishments, trade establishments, consumer service stations.

The rules apply to the organizers of concerts, various discos and mass celebrations. This is the removal to the balcony during the day of sound-reproducing equipment, which should not emit a volume of more than 40 units.

The table gives data on some noise indicators:

Table 1.

Noise threshold, dB (dBA) A source
30 whisper, wall clock move
41-45 discreet conversation
55 a car
75 a vacuum cleaner
79 baby crying
90 cry of an adult
95 perforator
120 mechanical jackhammer

Based on the above data, it can be understood that the action of the fender exceeds the night noise threshold by four times, which leads to a ban on scheduled repairs in apartments and on the streets in the evening. However, the anxiety of a small child is also noise, but it is caused by unforeseen circumstances.

Penalties for violators of silence in apartments fines for noise

If the verbal persuasion of the neighbors cannot calm them down, they say that after 23 hours you can make noise, the residents need to protect themselves with the following measures:

  • call the police to issue an administrative protocol;
  • record ignorance of the law with the help of electronic recording devices;
  • apply to Rospotrebsoyuz by registering a violation;
  • submit a petition to the court to protect their legal rights and freedoms.

It is also possible to provide information about responsible persons, i.e., those who make loud noise in the apartment, to the local executive authorities.

How much noise can be made during repairsHow much noise can be made during repairsFive tips for dealing with noisy neighbors

Calling the district inspector on the fact of noise in the apartment

You can contact the local policeman about the constant noise or bickering of neighbors. The latter has the right to bring violators to justice. The petition addressed to the inspector is drawn up in the form of a regular application.

The best evidence is continued noise from neighbors, video or audio recording. Other residents of the site will also meet the compiler of the appeal. In this case, visual confirmation of the violation is not even required. The precinct or police squad will issue an act of offense, which will result in a fine for fidgets.

Lack of police response to noise from neighbors

The district police station, due to the heavy workload, cannot always adequately respond to an incoming call about noise.

To defend your legal rights, to achieve the arrival of law enforcement officers, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Call the duty station, give your full nominal formula, address, cell or landline phone number.
  2. Explain the reason for the appeal, inform about the violation of the order.
  3. Say you are ready to apply.

Arriving police officers must take from the applicant an explanation, a petition written by him, and with violators - to carry out explanatory work with a fine.

If the police refuse to respond to the call, warn about filing a complaint against them.

Court for Noisy Neighbors

If the sounds and noise really interfere with the rest of the residents, they have the right to apply to the district court with a statement of claim and compensation for moral damage.

Referral factors may include:

  • noise from 11 pm to 7 am;
  • repair work during the prohibited time of the day;
  • discos, entertainment, festive events in the late period.

If the latter comes from the decision of the local administration, the organizers of a noisy party are not fined.

Noise penalty

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the city of Moscow established the following penalties for violators of the peace of citizens, silence.

The first time can only be a warning, a repeated appeal to the police or local authorities threatens a noisy flatmate with a monetary penalty in accordance with the Code of Contraventions:

  • from 500 to 1 thousand rubles citizens;
  • 1,000-2,000 - for legal entities;
  • the same amount - to private entrepreneurs or suspension of activities for three months;
  • 10,000-20,000 - to a limited liability company or a ban on work for a period of 3 months.

They are expressed in the following monetary penalties:

  • 100-500 - for individuals;
  • 500-1,000 - officials;
  • the same amount - to private entrepreneurs;
  • 10,000-20,000 - legal.

Legislative acts of Moscow and St. Petersburg indicate local penalties:

  • up to 2,000-5,000 rubles, respectively, for citizens;
  • 8,000-50,000 - to officials;
  • 80,000-200,000 - to organizations.

Watch the video: "How much noise can you make."

Maintaining calmness in the apartment at night, the absence of loud noise during the day, is one of the rules of the new law of the country. Ignoring it by individuals or legal entities can lead to a large monetary or administrative fine.

How much noise can be made during repairsHow much noise can be made during repairs

Free phone consultation! Moscow and region:; Regions of the Russian Federation:

How to respond to silence violations at night

First of all, small children, the elderly and seriously ill citizens suffer from loud noises at night. How to behave in this case? First of all, you should try to settle the matter peacefully, that is, just talk to the troublemakers and try to influence them with reasonable arguments.

At the same time, all claims should be presented in a polite manner, without threats and insults. Otherwise, the case can end very badly, up to the appeal to the police by the violators of the silence regime themselves.

If the persuasion and request does not work, then it remains only to call the police and tell about the violation of the law on silence, indicating the persons who are currently making loud noises without any good reason. When the police squad or the local policeman (which is much more realistic) come with a check, they will have a conversation with the offenders. But everything will be limited to a verbal warning only if the violation happened for the first time.

In the event that troublemakers have already been warned, other measures of influence will be applied to them, that is, an administrative fine or other administrative penalty will be imposed. If the police did not arrive by phone call, then it is best to submit an application to your district police officer the next day.

Another option is to immediately file a claim with the court or prosecutor's office, including the following information:

  • detailed personal data of the applicant and the disturber of the peace (full name, residential address, contact details);
  • information about the state body to which the claim is filed (name, address);
  • the essence of the offense and the conflict that has arisen;
  • studies carried out by specialists on the level of noise emitted at night (desirable);
  • claims for compensation of a specific amount in respect of non-pecuniary damage;
  • evidence of an offense (testimony of witnesses, audio and video recordings);
  • number of the protocol drawn up by the police (if any);
  • links to articles of laws that have been violated;
  • date of writing the application and signature of the applicant.

To try to influence the violator of silence, you can file a complaint against him and other institutions. For example, to Rospotrebnadzor, to your management company (housing and communal services) or to representatives of the HOA. And yet, first of all, it is worth trying to simply negotiate with loud neighbors. This will help save a huge amount of free time, nerves and effort.

Time for silence according to the law of 2019.

Silence Act 2019 amended for New Year's Eve. Starting this year, the night of December 31 to January 1 is the time when complaining about neighbor noise is useless. In connection with the large-scale celebrations of the Russians, the law meets them halfway.

This is the only night of the year when you can make noise and not be punished. On other holidays and weekends, loud sounds can be made from 10 am to 10 pm. In Moscow, restrictions are set on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

In Voronezh, the time frame is softer, the ban only applies until 7 am. But in the cultural capital on weekends, noise is allowed only from 12 noon.

As for repair work, the main source of noise in apartment buildings, the law allows them to be carried out strictly from 9 am to 7 pm. But the time interval from 13 to 15 is considered to be a quiet hour for children, therefore, it is worth taking a break for this time.

My neighbor is making noise, what should I do?

How to solve the noise problem. To begin with, you should try to calmly talk to the neighbors who are making noise. If you are extremely polite and do not stir up a scandal, then the neighbor himself will understand that he was wrong and will meet you halfway.

How much noise can be made during repairsPhoto taken from the site:

Often, people do not suspect that someone else other than the household hears it. And even more so, it happens to be unaware that you are listening to a football match with him.

But it happens that polite requests do not help. Then you should contact the Criminal Code, to which your house is assigned. If there is still no change after that, feel free to call the police. In situations where a neighbor is persistent in breaking the law, you can send written complaints to the district police officer, to Rospotrebnadzor and, finally, to the court.

Do not forget about the correct drafting of the complaint, so that it is effective. It would be nice if you get other neighbors on your side and make a collective complaint.

During the trial, it will be necessary to conduct an examination confirming the high noise level from the neighbor. Not superfluous in such a situation would be a video recording with a violation.

The amount of fines for violators.

A neighbor who works as a puncher at night on weekdays risks getting a fine of 5,000 rubles. Listening to loud music on the same days - from 500 to 4 thousand rubles fine.

The amount of the fine on weekends is higher by 500 - 3000 rubles than on weekdays. Legal entities have their own system of fines. For example, if repair or construction work is carried out at an office, store, etc., located in a residential building at the wrong time, then the organization risks receiving a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

When the law doesn't work.

The law also provides for cases of inaction. These are, first of all, emergency situations: fire, emergency work, police and ambulance work.

Also, the law does not apply to babies - they are allowed to make noise. The law allows residents of new buildings to make noise around the clock, provided that the house is commissioned no later than 1.5 years.


In order for it to meet the established requirements, citizens can contact a lawyer.

If desired, the paper can be compiled independently, including the following items in it:

  1. The name of the police department.
  2. Precinct data.
  3. Information of the applicant or the initiative group with the obligatory indication of contacts (for example, telephone numbers).
  4. Title of the document.
  5. Description of the violation that caused the conflict.
  6. The exact time of action.
  7. Law provisions.
  8. Brief summary of the request.

At the end, you must put the date of compilation, as well as signatures.

The document drawn up should be attributed to the district police officer. The police officer must accept the application, and then provide residents with a copy of it marked as accepted for consideration. When applying to other authorities, this document will become part of the evidence base of the citizen's guilt.

How silence is prescribed by law

In modern legislation, as such, there is no separate law that would say about the order of silence, there is a law "On Ensuring the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population". In one of the subparagraphs of the law, it is said about what period of time you can make noise, and when you need to keep silence.

So, according to the legislation, the article provides for a ban on noise, established at night from 22 to 8 in the morning. The law applies to houses, adjacent territories, that is, noise on the street, in apartments, cafes and shops.

That is, when people come to a nightclub, it goes without saying that noise and loud music await them there, but when they are in a residential area or next to it, the maximum that they should listen to is the sound of passing cars or birds singing in the early in the morning.

If you do not live on the moon, but in a society where other people live next to you, then it is worth remembering that at night it is forbidden to use household noise sources, use pyrotechnics, sing loudly or listen to music and shout.

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An exception for pyrotechnics and fireworks is New Year's Eve, then people make plenty of noise, and no one has any claims against anyone.

However, such established norms do not at all mean a ban on any noise, so, for example, from 23 to 7 in the morning the permissible noise level is 45 dBA, this level is quite audible and is a normal conversation. That is, if the walls in apartment buildings are thin, and you, sitting in the kitchen with a cup of aromatic tea, hear the conversation of your neighbors from above, then this will not be considered a violation. To give you an idea of ​​how much 45 dBA is, for comparison, dance music plays at 110 dBA in a nightclub.

Such norms are established, in fact, for the whole country, but there are separate settlements that independently prescribe the item regarding permissible noise in houses and in adjacent territories. So, for example, Kiev has prescribed its own personal standards, according to which noise is allowed at night at the level of 30 dBA. In the daytime, the allowable rate is 40 dBA. In the capital, such rules apply not only to residential buildings, but also to retail outlets, concert events and catering establishments.

How to deal with noisy neighbors practical tips and tricks

If your noisy neighbors are far from legal norms, I don’t know what a regime is and such words as law and silence don’t tell them anything, and they continue to make plenty of noise, then you can and even need to visit them and not wait for what some major conflict. You need to find contact with them and enter into a friendly dialogue. Despite the fact that the nerves can obviously be on edge, you need to find the strength in yourself to talk to them politely and, referring to the established norms of the law, ask them to moderate the noise to an acceptable level. If your request was not responded to, and in some moments especially dirty companies can do evil and make the music even louder the very second after your visit, then this is another call to visit them and tell them about your desire to call the police.

Returning to your apartment, you should wait about 10 minutes, and if during this time the conscience of the noisy neighboring did not wake up, then call the police and tell in detail what happened to you.If this noise is not repeated for the first time, then you should find out who your district police officer is and have his contact at hand, since often such conflicts of a domestic nature between neighbors are within the jurisdiction of the district police officer. If law enforcement officers did not appear at your request within 40 minutes or an hour, then be persistent and contact them again. For greater effect, connect other neighbors to this problem, because noise from one apartment or house can interfere with several families at the same time. Some neighbors, due to their indecision or even indifference, may answer “what do I care about this?”. But as a rule, such thoughts are exactly until the moment when they are not affected. Also, in order for your appeals to be effective, it is recommended to take a photo or audio recording that will confirm your conversation with the offenders. And you will be lucky if law enforcement officers come with a sound level meter and then it will be possible to understand the compliance with the requirement of the law of silence is already gone. Accordingly, if there is no sound level meter, then it is impossible to prove that the noise level is exceeded, although this is obvious by ear.

You can go to the dirty trick yourself, for example, if your neighbors are noisy at night, and in the morning they want to sleep and relax, then you start making noise. If you live in the private sector, then it makes no sense to carry out repair work and drill something, because the neighbors are unlikely to hear it, for which they will perfectly hear your exclamations and loud music. Then, maybe they will understand what it's like for you to be in their place. If you live in an apartment building, then both loud music and repairs will be heard in the entrance, as well as in the offender's apartment.

There is another option, when there should be peace, but instead music is heard from the neighbors, then you can turn off the electric meter and thus the neighbors' apartment will be de-energized.

In order to live comfortably in a chosen place, sometimes you have to subtly hint and directly tell noisy neighbors that their personal day off and the desire to make some noise may not always converge with the days off of other people living nearby. You always want to hope that worthy people live and will live nearby, who can decorate life, and not bring a number of inconveniences to it. Therefore, in any scenario of events, it is necessary to be able to defend your legitimate point of view, referring to legislative norms.


