Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Pavilion construction process

In order to build a pavilion with your own hands as quickly as possible, it is recommended to use sandwich panels. Their installation is quite simple, so that the work can be done without the help of specialists. Quite often, such buildings do not even require a foundation.

Interesting Facts!
When erecting a pavilion, it is recommended to pay attention to the filler of the panels used. It is best to choose the category of materials protected from fire, this will be indicated by a special designation on the packaging

The fact is that kiosks often become victims of hooligans, so their fire safety must be up to par.

How to make a pavilion with your own hands? The lightness of the material, the weight of which can vary from 30 to 80 kg, and the ease of installation allows you to do all the work yourself. For small buildings, a foundation is not required; a flat concrete surface will suffice. The help of construction equipment is also not needed. The procedure for the construction of the pavilion is as follows:

To build a trading pavilion with your own hands, you will need to use drawings. The kiosk project can be ordered from a construction company, found on the Internet, or calculated by hand if you have the necessary skills. Often calculations are made based on the characteristics of the panels used, but since this material is difficult to adjust, it is better to give preference to standard plates. You can also use the following drawings.

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

  • The foundation is being built. If the construction will be carried out on a flat concrete surface, it can be abandoned. Since the sandwich panel kiosk is light in weight, a lightweight shallow-depth tape base or a tape-column base will be sufficient. The construction of the base consists of pulling out a foundation pit, mounting the formwork based on boards and filling it with concrete mortar. For a strip-column foundation, you will also need to install piles.
  • A metal frame is being erected. The first step is to assemble the wall and roof separately. The width of the profile is selected based on the calculation of the pressure on the building. You will also need to take into account that the frame structure has a large windage, because of this, the load increases. Then the walls and roof are connected.
  • The wall installation process starts from the corners. When connecting the panels, heat-insulating materials are laid between them, the formed seams are filled with foam. Plates are fastened with self-tapping screws. For safety and maintaining the integrity of window openings, you can use.
  • Roof sheathing is performed in a similar way, but roofing sandwich panels are used to work with it. For sun protection functions in such designs are used:,.

After all construction procedures are completed, the pavilion can be filled with goods, brought in all the necessary equipment and gradually proceed to its opening.

Speed ​​and ease - a kind of motto of modern technology. In construction, it is relevant in the same way as in the Internet sphere, only lightness means a low mass of elements, and speed means the speed of their connection, and, therefore, the short construction time of buildings.

SIP panels are an excellent modern tool for achieving speed and ease.

Application of polyurethane foam

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Speaking about how to insulate a separate trading pavilion with a metal floor, walls and ceiling with polyurethane foam, one cannot but note the advantages of this heat-insulating material:

    • the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is at the level of 0.028 W / m * deg, and the thermal conductivity of extruded (solid) polyurethane foam is 0.03 W / m * deg, and this is not the limit;
    • polyurethane foam is durable in operation and resistant to wear;
    • polyurethane foam components do not require special preparation for use and actively react already at room temperature (25-30 ° C);

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

    • polyurethane foam is absolutely non-toxic, does not rot even in a waterlogged environment, and also does not allow rodents and harmful microorganisms to settle inside the thermal insulation;
    • installation of polyurethane foam does not require special pre-treatment of the surface, including leveling. The foam fills all cracks, crevices and cavities, after solidification forming a monolithic coating without joints, and therefore with a minimum probability of deformation and destruction during operation.

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

the approximate service life of polyurethane foam insulation is 25 years, provided that the integrity of the coating is maintained;
polyurethane foam does not support self-combustion, which is very important in terms of fire safety.

To insulate a trading pavilion with polyurethane foam means to save yourself from the need to use additional steam, moisture and electrical insulating materials and means of protection against corrosion and wind. The internal structure of foamed polyurethane foam in the form of many small cells is an insurmountable barrier to moisture, and also maintains a comfortable microclimate inside the pavilion both in hot and cold weather. In addition, it is necessary to repair such thermal insulation much less often.

Construction of a kiosk

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First, a frame made of timber is placed, then it is sheathed on the outside with any facing material. A wind-moisture-protective film is stretched under the lining. On the inside there is insulation, which is closed with a vapor barrier film.

All this is closed by the interior decoration of the walls. When installing walls by layer-by-layer assembly, additional racks from a profile pipe are installed in the place of the doorway to stiffen the doorway. When installing walls using sandwich panels, the frame is the corners with the installation of window openings in the places where the window openings are installed - frames from the corners. A closed frame is made of the corners for the entire window. Also done on the door.

The upper belt of the frame (base for the roof) It is made from a corner or a channel, depending on the size of the kiosk (pavilion). Beam - a jumper of the upper belt. Placed on every meter. Most often it is made from a profile pipe. Author How simple! Starting a business, everyone wants to save money, and this is quite reasonable. One of the ways to save money when opening a stall is a self-constructed room. To make a stall yourself, you need to know some points.

Instruction 1 The simplest and cheapest stall is a welded frame. To build it, you first need to install the frame. The best material for it is metal pipes, because other materials (channel, profile) will not provide your stall with the necessary strength

2 Now pay attention to the bottom of the frame, it will be three-layered. It should be sheathed with some kind of moisture-resistant material: for example, galvanized sheet or rubimast

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips from the Business Consultant: You need to install the kiosk at some distance from the ground in order to avoid moisture and freezing. For this, concrete blocks or a small brick foundation are suitable.

Additional information and useful tips from the Business Expert: The kiosk can be sheathed not only with galvanized profiled sheets, but also with PVC panels (lining). Both materials are durable and strong. Corrugated aluminum sheet or linoleum can be used as a floor covering. Corrugated sheet is a durable material, resistant to various kinds of influences, highly environmentally friendly. How to open your own stall — open a sales stall at a retail kiosk… 05.12.2011 Linoleum can be baseless and with a foundation. The first option has good moisture resistance and low price. Linoleum on the base is more expensive, but at the same time much stronger.

Site selection for the pavilion

Many novice businessmen do not know how to put up a pavilion in the city. To organize a trade pavilion, you will first need to choose a suitable place. This stage is extremely important, as a kiosk located in a good place will bring more profit. It is better to give preference to places near residential buildings and major roads.

It is also desirable that there are no supermarkets nearby, most of the buyers will go there. But if fresh fruits or vegetables are sold in the store being built, there is no need to be afraid of competition from large buildings.

For a small kiosk selling food, a plot in the courtyard of a residential building away from shops would be an excellent solution. The people living there will be grateful and all the costs of building a kiosk will pay off in the shortest possible time.


Styrofoam. This insulation is usually mounted outside the room, so it is recommended to protect it with a special membrane that protects against mechanical damage.

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

glass wool

This material is used in cases where thermal insulation with foam plastic is unacceptable, for example, if the pavilion is made using dark-colored corrugated board. Such a coating will heat up significantly in the hot season, so polystyrene foam is not suitable as a heater. Glass wool should be covered with a vapor barrier from the inside and protected from wind and moisture from the outside. It is also possible to use basalt mineral wool, but this option is more expensive.

How to open a kiosk

Kiosk as a business, where to start? How to open a kiosk, a stall for small retail trade, answers to all questions.

A business in the field of trade is considered one of the most profitable activities; a kiosk located in a good, accessible place with a well-chosen group of goods can bring good profit to its owner. The markup on goods in kiosks is about 30%, in round-the-clock shops it can reach 50%.

The main difference between kiosks and stationary retail outlets is that they are intended for small-scale retail trade in food and non-food consumer goods.

Kiosks can work around the clock, are installed in crowded places - near transport stops, in underground passages, near metro exits, at stations, on busy streets and markets.If a person needs to buy, say, a chocolate bar, mineral water or cigarettes, then he will not specifically go to a supermarket or store for this, it is much easier for him to buy at the nearest kiosk.

How to open a kiosk, stall

For small retail trade, it will be enough to issue an IP.

OKVED codes are selected depending on the type of goods that you will trade in the kiosk.

For foods, the following codes can be used:

  • 52.2 Retail sale of foodstuffs.
  • 52.4 Other retail trade.

In the tax office, you will need to choose a taxation system, the best option is a simplified system.

The next step is to register with the pension fund.

First you need to rent a place for a kiosk, for this you need to contact the city or district administration to obtain permission for the placement of a small retail trade facility. If the kiosk is located on the territory of the market, then you should contact the market administration to obtain a trade permit.

The next permission is obtained from the local department of architecture and urban planning.

We coordinate the placement of a trading kiosk in the department of trade.

We set up a kiosk.

We obtain permission to operate the premises in the State Fire Supervision Authority.

You will also need to obtain a permit for small retail trade in Rospotrebnadzor, where you must first submit an application and provide a list of documents, which depends on the type of products sold.

Premises and equipment for opening a kiosk

As a room for a kiosk, a metal structure is used from shaped pipes sheathed with sheet iron or ordinary corrugated board, installed plastic windows with a window and protective shutters.

The size of the kiosks depends on the design, usually the size does not exceed 3x3m.

Metal structures have a significant drawback, in summer they heat up under the sun, in winter they cool quickly without heating. Therefore, the room must be insulated with stone wool or other insulation, which will significantly reduce the cost of heating the kiosk in the winter.

As a heater, it is better to use an infrared heater of the UFO type, it consumes less electricity and heats the room more efficiently.

The kiosk, depending on the purpose, can be equipped with racks and shelves for certain types of goods.

For trade in chilled drinks, juices, beer, you can install showcase refrigerators near the kiosk.

The kiosk can be purchased second-hand, or a new one made to order. Such structures are easily transported by trucks equipped with manipulator cranes.

Kiosk as a business

The profitability of a kiosk directly depends on the location and skillfully selected assortment of goods.

During the summer period, revenue increases due to the sale of chilled carbonated drinks, bottled beer and ice cream.

Cigarettes are traditionally in demand, as well as prepared coffee and tea.

The markup on goods in stalls is at least 30%, in round-the-clock shops - 50%. As for the round-the-clock stalls, they receive the main revenue at night.

In most cities, all good places for stalls have long been occupied, so getting a place to rent without connections in the city administration is quite problematic.

How to open a business - a kiosk for small retail trade.

How to open your stall

How to open your stall for profit? Make a plan and then start working. The most difficult thing is to get permission to install and then open from the local administration. It will take at least a month to receive all the documents. Having received them in your hands, you can proceed to the further implementation of the plan.

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Registering your establishment provides answers to the following questions:

  • Name.
  • Founders.
  • Activity.
  • Taxation system.
  • The amount of initial capital.
  • Name of the CEO and accountant.

Documents for permission from the fire inspectorate:

  • Apply.
  • Company registration certificate.
  • Contract for the lease and installation of fire alarms.
  • Insurance.

For SES, exactly the same documents are needed, plus a sanitary passport for the facility, sanitary books for staff and an assortment of goods sold, and an agreement for garbage collection.

To register cash registers:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of the cash register.
  • Lease agreement, in the room where the cash register will be, certified by the TsTO master.
  • Copies of documents from the tax office.

The range of goods does not have to be huge. To begin with, make the list of products approximately the same as those of competitors, and make the prices lower. After a month of work, look at what is in demand, gradually remove less purchased goods from the assortment. Cigarettes and beer are always popular. Buy products from distributors who work officially. The markup is often about 20 - 30% for any unit.

Location is another point to attract customers. Well, if there is an opportunity to park, there will be an entrance. The layout of the internal space is an important component of normal operation. The buyer should feel comfortable and free. Make a separate service entrance, if possible, storage rooms. The cost of a trading stall is different. To determine the final cost of a trading stall, you can consult with the managers of a company that specializes in services such as the sale of commercial equipment. The cost will be slightly less than renting it.

Depending on the chosen trading system (self-service or through the counter), order the equipment.

Retail store equipment:

  • Rack.
  • Closet.
  • Counter.
  • Showcases.

There are quite a large number of companies that rely on commercial equipment, as a result of which you can easily order for your store exactly what will be needed in the course of work and fit into the design. Agree on the delivery time of products with suppliers, do it during non-working hours.

Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Your product must be laid out not according to the principle of greater capacity, but according to the principle of convenience for the client and greater safety. Use the knowledge of the psychology of the client to obtain greater benefits.

Carefully approach the selection of personnel. The seller is obliged not only to sell products to the client, paying at the cash register, but also to help in the choice, to stimulate the purchase. Given all this, you will be able to successfully open a stall. Read more: How to sell your business.

Cassette Pavilion

The cassette pavilion is a small mobile block with 10–40 compartments divided by plywood partitions, in which bee colonies live. This block can be easily transported, bringing closer to the melliferous.
Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

It can be of various sizes and designs. Its internal structure can be compared with a chest of drawers, where each "box" contains a separate beehive.

It is best if the pavilion is equipped with wheels, which will make it easier for the owner of the apiary to transport it to the source of the bribe to increase the volume of production.

Did you know?
To obtain one tablespoon of honey, 200 bees will need to work throughout the day. One insect brings one kilogram of honey after flying over eight million. During the day it is able to fly about seven thousand plants.

Beekeepers use the cassette pavilion in different ways: as a stationary apiary and as a mobile one.
Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

Pavilions are made or purchased for several purposes:

  • optimization of space in the apiary (you can compare how much space on the site, for example, 10 hives or one bee pavilion will take);
  • increase in the amount of honey collected during the season;
  • use not only for honey collection, but also as a pollinator, apiary for sectional collection of honey, creation.

The Berendey design earned the most positive feedback. It is considered the most effective, convenient and promising.

The cost of one pavilion for 48 families is about 3-4.5 thousand dollars in a used version and up to 9 thousand dollars for a new design.

Did you know?
The record amount of honey that one bee family managed to collect during the season is 420 kg.

Of course, a self-made bee pavilion "Berendey" will cost much cheaper - at least 40%.
Arbor-pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands

The frame of the trade pavilion from a wooden bar

Let's help Architect (Kyiv, Ukraine) Evgeniy 1979 Forum member There is no mail or manufacturing address at the moment Welder (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) Miko (Tarantula) Curator of subsection "Foundations and foundations, soil mechanics" what is the request. Eugene 1979 No one will answer you here (although there are exceptions). Putting together a frame, even for a stall, is the work of more than one hour.

Contact a local designer and add the cost of the project to your cost and explain why such a figure to the customer. In my opinion this is the most civilized way to solve the problem. Quote: Eugene 1979 dated May 24, 2013, 21:06 I know such advice as pay or read books without you, so don’t waste your time, well, this is rudeness, writing this and waiting for an answer…………

ImportantInstruction 1 First, determine what will be the legal form of your business. It can be an individual enterprise (IE) or a legal entity, for example, a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

To understand the disadvantages and advantages of a particular form, consult with a qualified lawyer.

2 After making the final decision and choosing the legal form, register the company in the manner prescribed by law. The procedure for registering an individual enterprise is simpler. To do this, you need to contact the tax authority at your place of residence, submit the necessary documents, which will be considered within a week.

3 Choose the system of taxation that is convenient for you. Get registered with the state statistics authorities and relevant funds.


