What can replace a plunger at home

Mechanical cleaning with a rope

What to do in a situation where boiling water in combination with a plunger cannot cope with blockages in the sewer? In this case, the surest way would be a cable. Care should be taken, since such a device can easily damage plastic pipes, and they will leak.

To make a cable yourself, you will need a metal flexible wire. Then one end of the cable must be bent to make a small hook. It will be convenient for them to cling to the debris stuck in the drain hole and pull it out. As for the second end, then a piece of fabric should be wound to it, making a handle.

It is necessary to carefully shove the cable inside the drain pipe and try to push through the accumulated dirt. In order for cleaning to be better, you can turn the device clockwise. Then you need to pull out the cable with the remaining debris.

What can replace a plunger at home

To wash off the blockage completely, it is necessary to flush the drain with a strong stream of boiling water from the shower or faucet. This method is one of the most effective to date. This is what most plumbers use.

How to get rid of a blockage without a plunger

The basic principle of the plunger is to push the air plug into the pipe. Crashing into the water, the air bubble creates a water hammer, which, as a result, pushes the blockage to a wider sewer area. You can get rid of small clogs in the sink and bath without any tools at all, literally with your bare hands. Act like a plunger with your palm - cover the drain with a palm bent by a hump, and then sharply straighten it, pushing air into the pipe. Do this a few times and the blockage will go away.

If you need to “break through” the toilet, you can build a kind of plunger from a stick and an unnecessary rag. Wind the fabric around the stick so that the winding fits snugly into the toilet hole. Then lower the resulting structure into the drain, and then pull it out sharply. You will get the same water hammer effect as when using the original tool.

How to make a plunger from a plastic bottle

If there are no sticks and unnecessary rags nearby, you can build a kind of do-it-yourself plunger from a plastic bottle. Take a two-liter container and cut off the bottom of it completely. Then insert the bottle into the toilet drain with the cut bottom down. Wait for the water to fill the bottle and screw the cork back on. Now sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water that has come out of it forms the same water hammer that will push the blockage deep into the sewer.

What to make a plunger for cleaning the sink

If your sink or tub drain is clogged, a plastic bottle won't work as a cleaner. Its diameter is much larger than the size of the drain hole, which means that it will not work to create a sufficient vacuum of air with its help. How to make a plunger suitable for such a case? We take a tetrapack from under milk or juice and cut off a corner for it so that the cut is approximately equal in diameter to the plum. With a cut corner, insert the bag into the drain hole and hit it well to squeeze the air collected inside into the pipe. If it didn’t work the first time, straighten the tetrapack and repeat the operation.

Boiling water is a simple and effective helper

The first step is to establish the scope of the problem. If the blockage is observed in only one area, then the problem can be solved quickly. If the water does not drain in all pipes, it is necessary to call specialists - you cannot cope here on your own.

Boiling water can only be used in a situation where metal pipes are to be cleaned. The principle of cleaning is simple. It is necessary to heat about 4-5 liters of water and, slowly, pour it into the drain. If the blockage is not removed on the first attempt, all actions are repeated. Cleaning will be much more effective if you additionally use a plunger.Boiling water will not solve the problem if water has accumulated in the pipes and is shown outside, gathering near the drain. You need to understand that boiling water simply cannot get to the blockage. When using a plunger, you need to be extremely careful not to get burned from hot liquid.

What can replace a plunger at home

How to clean plastic pipes in the bathroom? In such a situation, boiling water cannot be used. The liquid should be moderately hot. Washing powder is added to it. Just a few tablespoons per liter of water is enough

The liquid is poured down the drain slowly and carefully.

How to replace a plunger

The plunger at home can be replaced with:

The temperature of the water used will vary depending on the material from which the pipes are made.

It has an aggressive composition and easily corrodes substances that hold together debris that prevents the free flow of water. The same chemical compositions are suitable for the bathtub and sink, the most popular being Mole.

This is one of the most budgetary items that will definitely come in handy on the farm and easily replace the plunger.

Surely everyone has had such a situation when the water in the bathroom, sink or toilet stagnates and does not go away, and there is no time to wait for a plumber. In such cases, a plunger usually helps. However, such utensils are not always at hand, so the question arises of how to replace the plunger at home.

Various home methods will help to cope with such a problem, for which funds available to each are needed.

What are the methods of cleaning blockages

Blockages can be cleared in three main ways.

  1. Thermal - when hot water with various additives is used.
  2. Chemical - based on the use of household chemicals, which are sold in almost all stores.
  3. Mechanical - for elimination, special devices are used that are inserted into the drain hole.

Each method is the most effective. The result is affected by the type, location of the blockage.

Thermal cleaning

This method will require products that are in the kitchen of every housewife. If you need to clean metal pipes, you can use boiled water, if plastic, it is better that the liquid is at room temperature.

Water must be poured into the drain hole and wait one hour, if the blockage remains, you need to use salt, soda and washing powder. They should also be poured into the drain, then pour water on top. After a couple of hours, rinse the drain with hot water.

You can also heat baking soda in a pan, then mix it with water and pour it down the drain. After a couple of hours, there will be no trace of blockage.

If just using baking soda doesn't work, you can add vinegar. To do this, pour a glass of soda into the drain, then pour vinegar on top. A chemical reaction will begin, which corrodes any salt, fat deposits. After draining, rinse with plain warm water.

Chemical Options

On the modern market there are many varieties of household chemicals that can be used if you need to urgently eliminate the blockage.

The choice of chemistry and its amount depends on the degree of clogging of the drain. Usually, such products just need to be poured or poured into the drain hole and wait a few minutes.

Mechanical methods

Such cleaning methods are based on the use of various special tools. Can be used:

  • plumbing cable,
  • metal hook,
  • plastic bottle,
  • a vacuum cleaner,
  • floor cloth.

Also, if the design allows, you can simply disassemble it and easily remove debris from it that creates a blockage. If a floor rag is used, then you need to choose a material that will absorb moisture as much as possible, keep a voluminous shape.

You can make a plastic rope out of the bottle, which is easy to clean and pull debris out of the drain or use it as a plunger (not the most effective method).

If you urgently need to find a way to replace the plunger at home, you can use any of the above methods.Each of them is highly effective, but only when used correctly and taking into account the degree of clogging of the drain.

Best Answers

Natasha Lipovetskaya:

Eliminating the blockage of the bath begins with pumping with a plunger. In this case, there should not be an air suction under the plunger bowl, however, at the upper edge of the bathtub there is a mesh overflow cover, which is connected to the outlet through a tee pipeline. If you put the van - ace on the outlet of the bath, in which there is some water blocking the plunger bowl, and start pumping, you will hear how air enters and exits through the overflow. Therefore, for a better fit to the surface of the bathtub, close the overflow lid with the cup of the second plunger soaked in water. Therefore, to pump the bath, you need to have two plungers and work together. If the pumping is successful, the tap is opened so that the water flushes the pipes, and the pumping is repeated again. If there is a flexible hose on the mixers, then its shower screen is applied to the outlet for a few minutes and hot water is opened. Instead of a plunger, you can use a damp cloth large enough to cover the overflow cap. In this case, air leakage cannot be avoided.

With a very strong blockage of the sewer pipes under the bathroom, pumping with plungers does not give a result. In this case, turn out the plug that closes the cleaning in the sewer pipe to drain water from the bath. A cable is inserted into the cleaning in the direction of the outflow of water from the bath and move it back and forth. To facilitate the work, open the hot water faucet above the bath. Water will lubricate the cable and at the same time carry away part of the blockage. In doing so, many difficulties can arise. In residential buildings built in the last couple of decades, the sewer pipe from the bathtub is mostly located above the floor. The knee of the siphon of the washbasin is also lowered into it. If the plug does not turn away or there is no cleaning at all, the siphon is dismantled under the washbasin, the elbow is removed and a cable is inserted into the hole formed in the pipe. After removing the blockage and installing the siphon, it is better to caulk the annular gap between the elbow and the hole in the pipe, since the next time the bath is clogged and overflowed, water will go into this gap.

Papa Bear:

if the blockage is not large, then you can try to break through with your palms, the principle is the same as that of the plunger - you put one on top of the other and do a “heart massage” on the sink. Sometimes it helps to remove the watering can from the shower, lower the hose into the drain and turn on the hot water to full.

Vladimir Gorbylev:

I have the first remedy - I remove the tube from the hose of the vacuum cleaner, insert it into the drain hole of the sink, lightly seal the annular gap with the girth of my palm and blow strongly into the tube. Breaks at a time!

But if the toilet is clogged, it’s more difficult there, you can’t blow there, a punching cable is needed there.


wrap a rag in a bag and pump it

Elena Shelekhova:

I used the option of a cloth wrapped in a bag. And it worked. I was happy that it was so easy to deal with the blockage in the sink in the kitchen (the water no longer drained and stood in the sink).


if someone has an old (Soviet) set from a flush tank lying around, and so there is a rubber “plug”, insert a screwdriver into it, for example, and go ahead, I’ll tell you it breaks through no worse than a plunger

Oleg Kutsenko:

Same problem. I took a bottle of 5 liters filled with water, put the neck into the drain and pressed hard. Water under strong pressure cleared everything instantly

What happened and how to deal with it

The cause of blockage is the accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the sewer, soap and powder deposits, as well as hair and fibers of various tissues are added here. Where did all this come from, you ask? The fact is that the inner surface of the pipes is not perfectly smooth, this is especially true for old cast-iron structures.

What can replace a plunger at home

This is what the reasons why the drain is clogged look like

Plastics are also subject to similar pollution, although to a lesser extent. Here, the formation of plaque begins at the joints of pipes and sealing rings.Under such conditions, it is enough to appear in one place on the fly, and the rest of the particles will cling to it, reducing the internal section of the pipe until it is completely clogged. This is the reason why the pipes in the bathroom are clogged. What to do in this case?

There are three ways to solve the problem:

  • with the help of excess pressure;
  • chemical method;
  • mechanical method.

Let's dwell on each method in more detail.

Expert answers


although I’m not a man, I clean it like this: I pour soda into the drain, then pour vinegar into it and plug the drain .... punches just fine.


unscrew the pipe at the bottom and throw its contents into the trash, then screw it back


remove the siphon and clean everything out of there

Andrey Vertepov:

buy a powder in any household department of supermarkets, pour boiling water into the pipe, it will be cleaned instantly -_-


I'm certainly not a man. But you can pour soda and pour vinegar (only more carefully), and let stand, then spill hot water and that's it!


They speak right. Open, clean. . And you can also blow there with a vacuum cleaner for cleaning =)


you can splash a little acid - everything will corrode and go away. Suitable battery. Right now they are selling in the household. store special liquid - same acid.

Comte de Wall:

1. wire, preferably steel2. electric copper wires (hard) — a bad option, but option.3. Call the plumbers if there's nothing else. Do not tear with dynamite.

Olga Kolodiy:

Change the sewer

Vadim Kotov:

I tried it with caustic sodium, but the silumin cork was corroded, I had to change the system under the bathroom to plastic. But caustic sodium cleans perfectly + liquid soap. Unless the pipes are aluminum.

Svetlana Borzenkova:

Strong water pressure.

User deleted:

real men break the problem in the bud. change pipes

Olga Golubnicaya:

I pour bleach and do not touch it for several hours ....


Where is the man doing? Don't spin anything. On the street you can always find a wire. 3-4 mm in diameter. And you need to have email at home. drill was. Or from a neighbor. Here is one piece you need about a meter and fix it in a drill and twist it for a short time. Then try with a plunger. If not, then take a meter and a half and spin again, not for long. And again a plunger. Get it, don't worry. And not my potatoes in the sink. And it’s better to find a man first, so he will have a control task.

Alena ^^:

Ask a neighbor...

Death Death:

Figasse question... Is it smart? :))) If the pipe is straight into the drain, maybe this pipe is inserted too deeply and rests against the drain wall (then you need to lift it up) if there is a blockage ... Then to the store for a "liquid plumber" :)))


Most likely, the drain pipe coming out of the bottom of the sink rests against the wall of the sewer pipe. You just need to lift it up. If it is already clogged, then the easiest way is to unscrew it and clean it with a strong pressure of water. Maybe on the other side too. The sink has been cleaned. And what if this does not help, what to do next is the next question)))

Alex Mishin:

A plunger, as a rule, does not work due to the fact that you did not plug the extra holes. For example, you give a water hammer with a plunger into the neck of the sink, and the overflow is not plugged - and the pressure immediately goes into the atmosphere. If you clean the sink in the bathroom, then you also have to plug the outlet of the bath and its overflow - otherwise, nothing will be cleaned deeper than the first fork of the sewer pipe (to the bath and to the washbasin).

"Mole" is a technical caustic alkali with additives. You can just use a chemical.

In general, if there is nothing that is needed for some kind of work, it is acquired. Or they invite a specialist who has everything that is needed for the job and the ability to do it. Sometimes you have to disassemble the pipe, if there is no other way. You just need to know how to put it back together.

Lenya Golubkov:

throw out this pipe and put a normal siphon that can be cleaned.

Maxim Ivanov:

Insert a 1.5 liter bottle with water and press hard. everything will break through


Tiret or KroTaran

Alexey Alexandrovich Bogomolov:

plastic bottle


if the knee is made of plastic, then disassembling and assembling is not a problem, everything is untwisted there by hand


spin the siphon under the sink, it may help if the pipes below are not clogged.

Solomon Salmonello:

A special cable...

Maria Afanasyeva:

run to the hardware store - there is something like a tire or a Russian ANTIZASOR (it costs 10 rubles in general), they clean it well

Marcel Gabdrakhmanov:

you take a bottle, fill it with water, turn it upside down into the drain hole of the sink, and squeeze the bottle with all your might .... should help)))

Natalya Alexandrovna:

Take a shower hose, turn on hot and cold water to the maximum and into this hole for about 5 minutes and that's it))) It should be cleaned with pressure))


It is worth unwinding the siphon and throwing out the contents. Vantus in this case is not an assistant.

Natalia Khvorostinina:

Tiret Zay.


You can just use your palm. According to the principle of vantus. Just pour water into the sink. And with sharp movements, push the water back and forth several times.

Chemistry will cope with any blockage

What to do if the pipe that is clogged cannot be cleaned either by the plunger or the cable, and even cleaning the siphon does not give the expected results? In this case, you have to resort to chemicals. With the help of chemistry, you can clean any blockage without applying the slightest effort.

What can replace a plunger at home

When choosing a pipe cleaner, you should take into account all the active components of the selected drug. Some of them are so aggressive that their use is only possible in cast iron pipes. And some can be used exclusively for plastic piping.

Very important!!! When working with any chemical preparation, maximum care and protective equipment is required. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to pour the amount indicated on the label into the drain hole and wait until it does its job. Then open the warm water and clean the sewer pipe with water from the blockage and the flooded product

Then open the warm water and clean the sewer pipe with water from the blockage and the flooded product

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to pour the amount indicated on the label into the drain hole and wait until it does its job. Then open the warm water and clean the sewer pipe with water from the blockage and the flooded product.

Observe safety precautions when working with chemicals. Avoid contact with skin or mucous membranes. You should also be careful not to get such products on chrome surfaces, otherwise it can not only clean the pipe, but also clean the mixer from the chrome coating.

What can replace a plunger at home

Chemical preparations are also used for prophylactic purposes, small doses of a substance diluted with water are poured into the drain hole and wait a few minutes for the drug to take effect. Then washed with running warm water. This procedure is carried out at least 1 time per month.


  • https://o4istote.ru/sovety-po-domu/kak-sdelat-vantuz/
  • http://fb.ru/article/396709/kak-prochistit-trubyi-v-vannoy-sposobyi-i-sredstva-zasor-v-vannoy
  • https://moemchistim.com/vanna/kak-prochistit-zasor-v-vannoy-bez-pomoschi-specialista.html
  • https://pochistim.com/2017/04/chem-i-kak-prochistit-zasor-v-vannoy-effektivnyie-sposobyi-i-sredstva/
  • https://vseotrube.ru/kanalizatsiya/zasor-v-vannoj
  • http://kvarremontnik.ru/zabilas-vanna-kak-prochistit-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh/
  • http://OUborke.ru/kak-prochistit-zasor-v-vannoy
  • http://remontonly.ru/kak-pochistit-sliv-v-vannoj.html
  • http://santex1.ru/kak-prochistit-sliv-v-vannoj-podruchnymi-sredstvami.html
  • http://vanna-prosto.ru/chistka-i-uborka/kak-prochistit-zasor-v-vannoj/
  • https://odomah.org/1041904764515519448/reshenie-izvechnoj-problemy-kak-legko-prochistit-zasor-v-vannoj-i-rakovine/
  • http://abvseptik.ru/kanalizatsiya/chem-rastvorit-volosy-v-kanalizatsii.html
  • https://sandizain.ru/uxod-i-sanitariya/zasory-i-prochistka/kak-samostoyatelno-ustranit-zasor-v-vannoj.html

Best Answers

Insolent Impulse of the Soul:

Make rotational translational movements with the plunger in relation to the drain hole)))))))!




Depending on the type of pipe, remedies range from steel wire and mole fluid to mild laxatives.


and I'm talking about the same, vantus, vantus, and again vantus ... or a man under the sink...


Yong understood but healthy !! and what does a clogged pipe have to do with food and cooking ??

Sveta Shubina:

You unscrew the pipe, remove the garbage (do not forget to put a bucket) and twist it back, and everything is ok. Good luck in this not easy work.

User deleted:

flood the neighbors! they will help!!!

Yulia Usacheva:

Pour soda into the drain hole - 2 table. spoons, pour vinegar on top, and a violent cleansing reaction will begin. It is necessary to cover the hole a little, and then rinse well with running water.

Vyacheslav Danilov:

I have a piece of oxygen hose and a piece of steel wire is twisted at the end, I pull out the “Gusak” from the sink and insert it there with a rotational movement to the end and then insert the other end into the faucet and turn on the hot water to the fullest, at this time I drive the hose back and forth, well, how fuck…. and then you gradually pull it out, then I fill the sink full of hot water in the kitchen, and in the bathroom the hose from the washing machine inserts the bathtub drain, too, hot water for the whole and at the same time the wife pulls out the cork in the kitchen from the sink and all this under pressure washes away what I picked up in pipe. you can wind a rag around the end with a hose from the washing machine and insert it into the drain of a bathtub or sink and rinse it off under strong pressure of hot water, although the effect is smaller than in the first version, that's all I wish you good luck.

What to do if there is no plunger

A fairly common problem is clogging of pipes in the sewerage system in an apartment, which, in turn, is very convenient to eliminate with a plunger. Any plunger works on the principle of creating short-term pressure in the pipe, due to which a breakdown of a weak plug occurs. Of course, it does not always help, and even a simple situation when it is simply not at hand, and a blockage has formed and needs to be eliminated. If there is no plunger, you can use several options, we will consider each of them in more detail.

  • Use a rope. As a cable, you can use an ordinary automobile cable, if the cork is not far away, or a coil specially designed for this purpose with an appropriate length, which will even reach China. But unfortunately, it is also far from always possible to find it, especially in your apartment.
  • You can use household chemicals, namely means for dissolving fatty growths, if it was they who caused the blockage in the pipe. If the cause of the cork is household dirt, then chemistry is unlikely to help you. Also, when using cleaning products, use only compounds specially designed for this purpose and in no case do not pour various alkalis and acids into the pipe - this can lead to an explosion, as a result of the interaction of alkalis with vegetable and animal fats, or at best you can damage plastic pipes.

What to do if there is nothing suitable for this at hand at all? Let's look in the direction of children's toys or an ordinary first-aid kit. Do you have a medicine bulb or a small rubber ball? If there is, then fine, we take them in our hands and cut off the nose of the pear, and in the case of the ball we make a small hole in it. We apply them to the hole in the drain pipe in the sink and press sharply, that is, we work with it according to the principle of the plunger.

You can try to tap the pipes with a non-heavy object. Depending on the material from which the plumbing in your apartment is made, strike lightly, but sharply and for as long as possible. If the blockage is not strong, then there is a chance to break it. Also, do not forget to combine different options to achieve the greatest effect.

If the pipes are made of a soft material, such as metal-plastic, then you can try to slightly bend them, thereby stirring up the blockage and it may move.

In principle, these are the main ways that will help eliminate the blockage in the absence of a plunger. In all other cases, if the cork cannot be moved, it makes sense to turn to plumbers.

Expert answers


Take one and a half from the mineral water, cut off the bottom and. Insert cut down and press on the top of the bottle. Choose a softer bottle In general, I put a hose on the tap. I stuck a hose into the canal and washed everything under high pressure


Might be worth a try, though I don't know. It's easier to go to the store for a new one

Crazy M.:

Perform artificial respiration and give a second life to plumbing

Sergey Pimenov:

it is better to use liquid "mole"


By hand or rag

Roman Banshchik:

If for a bath or sink, then a heating pad is even more effective. Especially if you fill it with water - because water is incompressible - it will push through everything


I wonder where it is possible to lose the plunger

Alexander Rechkin:

How to clear a blockage in the bath

You use the bathroom, sink and toilet with the utmost care. It never occurs to you to flush down the toilet, for example, a fur coat cut into pieces, and you never throw food leftovers into the sink. It would seem that there should be no trouble. But at one not very pleasant moment, you find that the water from the bath or from the sink does not go anywhere. And worst of all, you can’t figure out exactly where the blockage has formed. Instructions: You will need: Drain cleaning gel Plunger Steel wire with a hook Drainage borer 1 Take your time to scold your family. It is not at all necessary that one of them threw something wrong into the bath. Insoluble debris could accumulate in the pipe for quite a long time - hair, threads, if you tend to rinse clothes in the bath, and much more. To get started, try chemical clog cleaners, they are sold in any hardware store a lot. Most often it is necessary to pour the substance into the pipe and wait a few hours. 2 A small blockage with the help of household chemicals is successfully eliminated, but it may also happen that this method will not help. Take a plunger. Place it over the drain and press firmly. Pour water into the bath so that it covers the rubber part of the plunger. Plug the overflow hole if necessary. This can be done with a cork, a rag, or even just a hand. The main thing is to close the air supply. Push the plunger sharply and release. Do this ten times. Check if the water is running out. Repeat this operation two or three times. 3 The next step is to clean the siphon. It is necessary if the plunger does not help. If you have a bottle siphon, unscrew the sump and substitute a bucket. Clean the siphon with hooked wire. Assemble the siphon. At the siphon with revision, unscrew the lid that closes the hole, and clean it with wire in the same way. 4 If cleaning the siphon does not help, there is no other way out but to clean the outlet pipe. Take a drain drill, pass its cable through the drain grate. Push the cable into the sewer pipe. Rotate the cable around its axis and move it back and forth. 5 Replace the siphon. Repeat pumping the plunger. Turn on the water and check how it goes

Please note: Before using chemicals, carefully read the instructions and act in strict accordance with it. Helpful hints: If the instructions say that you need to wait a certain number of hours, then you can not use the bathroom all this time

answer.mail /question/35882098/


You can climb under the sink and unscrew the connections there, substituting a bucket first, because the smelly slurry will drain. Drain everything, clean the cork (there are basically all sorts of hair and debris). But it's often best not to. It helped us before, now we just keep the funds at hand all the time.

Grishin Andrey:

Caustic soda if available. And bodyazhit only a little. a little, but the reaction is strong.


Telephone! Always at hand - call a PLUMBER.

vitas Latin:

you have been described cleaning the siphon... pipes can be cleaned with a RK-50 cable, stick the end as far as possible for 5-8 meters and twist, then supply water ... so I used to clean the risers ... fine….


Pour a glass of soda and pour half a glass of vinegar.

How to use a plunger and how to replace step by step instructions

Almost every Russian in the household closet, among the jars and bottles filled with "miraculous" means, there is an ordinary plunger.And by the way, it is this elementary design that will save the sink, bath or toilet from blockage, and you from the need to call a plumber. To become a home sewer expert, it is enough to know how to properly use a plunger and put the knowledge into practice.

Operating principle. The standard plunger is a bowl-shaped valve made of dense rubber on a plastic or wooden handle. The operation of the device can be compared to a pump: when the handle is pulled, water “flows” to the valve, and with it the garbage plug is squeezed out. In addition, the effect of water hammer is triggered: due to a change in pressure, water rushes into the drain at high speed, pushing through the blockage.

Most often, pipes become clogged at narrowing points, at turns (corners) and joints. A plunger is not only an effective, but also a safe device. Unlike chemicals that can corrode pipes from the inside, a plunger is completely harmless.

Types of plungers. Depending on the tasks assigned to the adaptation, the following variations are possible:

  • A plunger with a bowl-shaped nozzle that copes with small blockages, but at the same time costs a “penny”.
  • Improved model with a cone nozzle (for better grip on the drain) for tougher clogs.
  • A powerful pneumatic plunger helps to cope with completely clogged drains and pipes, working like a pump. According to the configuration, such devices may vary (depending on the manufacturer).

Step-by-step instructions for using a sewer plunger

  1. Attach the plunger as close as possible to the drain hole.
  2. As a rule, water “stands” in clogged plumbing. If it is not enough to completely cover the plunger nozzle (and therefore create the necessary pressure), add the required amount.
  3. If the nozzle does not “stick”, lubricate the edges with petroleum jelly.
  4. Without moving or moving the plunger, firmly press the handle several times. A “sucking” sound is a sign that you are doing everything right. To clean the toilet or bathtub with a plunger, a few “approaches” of 3-5 strong pushes are enough.
  5. After getting rid of the garbage "plug", clean the hole from the floating litter, spill the pipes with hot water for 5-10 minutes. If the toilet was clogged, flush the water several times and pour a bucket of hot water down the drain.

What can replace the plunger

It happens that a blockage in the sink has already formed, but there is no plunger at hand. In this case, do not rush to call a plumber: look in the pantry, perhaps there is something to replace the plunger. The main thing is to create a pressure drop, simulating the operation of a plunger.

It is worth saying that such methods and means are suitable for eliminating only small blockages.

Mechanical methods

What can replace a plunger at home

Make at least ten sharp movements down and, as if pushing the plunger and lifting it by the handle. In this case, the rubber should not come off the hole. Such a vacuum cleaning will help remove contamination. If the first time it was cleaned badly, then hot water should be turned on and then the plunger should be used again.

However, it is impossible to create a vacuum in the bathroom. Therefore, there the algorithm of actions should be slightly different:

  • plug the hole for pouring water with a stopper;
  • lubricate the rubber of the plunger with petroleum jelly and press it against the drain hole;
  • make as sharp movements down and as possible.

When cleaning pipes in the bathroom, the water overflow hole must be tightly closed. To do this, you can ask an assistant to hold a second plunger on it.

Causes of the problem

If there is a blockage in the bathroom, water will not pass through the hole. It will flow back along with the dirt. Before you understand how to clean the pipes in the bathroom, you must first determine the cause of the blockage.

What can replace a plunger at home

This problem occurs due to the following circumstances:

  • Lack of preventive measures. Gradually, dirt accumulated in the pipe, but no one followed it, did not clean the drain in time, which led to blockage.
  • The pipes have fallen into disrepair. They loosened up, growths appeared on them.
  • There is a foreign object in the sewer that prevents grease and dirt from passing through the pipe. Such an object, for example, can be a stone.
  • Much depends on the material, because blockages often appear in cast-iron pipes, and such troubles rarely happen with plastic products.
  • During the installation of the sewage system, the pipes were installed incorrectly, at a slight slope.
  • One of the family members dropped an object, a rag, waste into the sewer pipe. Often, small children can push a designer part or something else into the drain hole.


