Socket with built-in RCD

Connecting powerful electrical consumers in the bathroom, such as a washing machine or boiler, requires a dedicated electrical wiring line. In addition, the increased risk of electric shock during the operation of such devices forces the use of additional protective automatic devices when connecting them. Connecting an RCD and a circuit breaker for each consumer is not always the best option, since it requires a large amount of free space in the switchboard.


In many cases, the best solution is to use an electrical outlet with a built-in RCD.

Options for protecting consumers from the occurrence of leakage currents

In order to properly connect consumers located in the bathroom, you can use several technical methods to protect them from shorting the phase or neutral wire to the housing. To ensure electrical safety during the operation of a washing machine or boiler, the following protective devices are used.


Installation of a machine and a residual current device on a dedicated line in an electrical panel. For the installation of electrical wiring in the bathroom, you will have to use separate lines to connect the washing machine, boiler, as well as other consumers of this room.

Residual current device


The use of this device allows you to somewhat save space in the electrical panel, but does not significantly simplify the wiring diagram.


Socket with built-in RCD

Socket outlet with built-in residual current device. In particular, when connecting bathroom consumers, this option often proves to be the most effective.

Socket with built-in RCD


Using a safety shutdown adapter. The advantage of this method of protection is that its use does not require intervention in the design of electrical wiring. This device can be connected to any socket. Most models of these adapters have a low degree of protection against moisture and dust (usually IP20), although some devices have an IP44 level, which allows them to be used to connect electrical consumers in bathrooms.


Thus, the use of a socket with a built-in RCD can significantly simplify the electrical wiring diagram, as well as reduce the cost of its installation. In addition, the installation of such devices will be an excellent option for retrofitting existing electrical wiring in order to increase electrical safety and ease of use of electrical equipment.


The design and principle of operation of a residual current device built into an electrical outlet is no different from its counterparts used to protect consumers of electrical energy from the consequences caused by damage to the insulation.

The main structural element of the protective device is a measuring transformer capable of responding to the difference in currents in two wires. If the washing machine in the bathroom is connected through a similar device, then it can only be powered if the difference between the currents of the phase and neutral wires does not exceed a certain value. This parameter is called the rated differential current and is indicated by the symbol ΔI in the socket passport and on its body.


To properly connect a socket with an RCD, you should follow the same rules as when installing an ordinary plug connection. The only feature that should not be forgotten is the need to place a circuit breaker in front of such a device. RCD is not designed to protect consumers from short circuits.The large currents that appear in this case are especially dangerous when operating washing machines in the bathroom.

Main characteristics

Depending on the purpose and place of use of such an outlet, it may have various degrees of protection against moisture and dust. For dry rooms, cheaper models with IP21 or IP22 protection are used; in rooms with high humidity, devices with IP44 protection are allowed.

The rated differential current is one of the most important characteristics of the RCD. For products with a built-in residual current device, this parameter is from 10 to 30 mA.

There are models of sockets with a residual current device that are used in electrical extension cords and are used to perform work using powerful hand-held power tools. In this case, reliable protection of a person from electric shock in case of damage to the insulation of electrical equipment is achieved.

Sockets with RCD in extension cord

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of devices with a built-in RCD, the following features can be distinguished:

  1. Their installation does not require intervention in the wiring diagram of the apartment.
  2. The correct installation of one product allows you to ensure the safety of consumers connected to a group of sockets connected by a loop.
  3. The operation of protective automation on such a product makes it possible to unambiguously determine in which of the consumers of the home electrical network insulation damage has occurred.
  4. The serviceability of the protection can be checked using the "Test" button on the socket housing.


  1. Many socket models with built-in RCDs require a deeper socket than the standard one. Replacing the junction box may damage the wall cladding in which the socket is installed.
  2. The high price of these devices. A high-quality outlet with a residual current device will cost much more than buying an ordinary outlet and an RCD separately.

Ensuring the electrical safety of consumers has become especially relevant with the advent of a large number of powerful household electrical appliances. The installation of difavtomatov or RCD for each group of consumers is in many cases a rather laborious process that requires a significant re-equipment of the apartment electrical wiring. Thus, the use of the sockets discussed in the article is an excellent way to increase the level of electrical safety in the operation of bathroom consumers without significant labor and financial costs.


