The new law on silence in the Pskov region has been published

The law on silence in the Pskov region works in 2019

Moreover, they operate not only inside the apartments, but also on the street.

Although a certain time for silence is established by law, these data have been changed in almost all subjects in order to adapt to local residents. For example, in the capital it is forbidden to make loud noises between 23.00 and 07.00 on weekdays. In other regions, there is a ban on noisy activities from 22.00 to 8.00, etc.

The law also provides for the so-called "quiet hour" - a period during the day when you can not exceed the volume level. In most subjects it lasts from 13.00 to 15.00, in some - from 12.00 to 14.00.

  1. carrying out reconstruction, redevelopment, repair work in a residential building in an apartment building or repair work in a non-residential building that does not belong to the owners of premises in an apartment building on the basis of common shared ownership, which entailed a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens;

Violation of the peace of residents during the daytime belongs to the category of violation of sanitary requirements, compliance with which is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor.

Employees of this state body have special devices to record the degree of noise and the fact of violation.

Law of the Moscow Region No. 193/2017-OZ

The federal law on silence was adopted with the aim of ensuring public order for the citizens of Russia.

Home for each of us is a fortress where we recuperate and relax. In 2019, amendments were made to Law No. 52 on Silence. In 2019, you can be fined for the following actions:

  1. construction and finishing works;
  2. car alarm operation;
  3. barking or howling of domestic animals, in respect of which the owner does not take any action;
  4. exceeding the volume of the TV or devices that reproduce audio sounds;
  5. the use of objects that make noise (this concept includes noisy household appliances, as well as explosives, such as firecrackers);
  6. moving furniture;
  7. baby crying.
  8. exceeding the volume level of speech, screaming;

You don't have to worry about loud noises if your apartment is soundproofed.

The new law regulating the norms of silence applies to both day and night. A day is a period in which the noise should not exceed 40 dB. At the same time, the sound from a car alarm at its peak reaches 100 dB.

In this case, the neighbors are unlikely to hear what is happening in your home. In other situations, the established rules must be observed. As for noise sources, this included the operation of electrical appliances, the noise emitted by repairs and construction, barking dogs, people screaming and other sounds.

The current version of the document allows you to "ignore" the limits only on the night of December 31 to January 1.

Law on silence Pskov region 2019

The new law on silence in the Pskov region has been published and will come into force in 10 days. On July 8, the law of the Pskov region dated July 6, 2015 No. 1548-OZ was published on the official Internet portal of legal information

.From the day the law comes into force, new fines and new “silence parameters” will apply.

In multi-apartment buildings, it is prohibited to perform actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens from 21.00 to 08.00, from 13.00 to 15.00 on weekdays (from Monday to Friday inclusive). On weekends and holidays established by federal law, noise is prohibited from 22.00 to 10.00. A new law on silence in the Pskov region has been published and will come into force in 10 days.

On July 8, the law of the Pskov region dated July 6, 2015 No. 1548-OZ was published on the official Internet portal of legal information

.From the day the law comes into force, new fines and new “silence parameters” will apply.

In multi-apartment buildings, it is prohibited to perform actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens from 21.00 to 08.00, from 13.00 to 15.00 on weekdays (from Monday to Friday inclusive).On weekends and holidays established by federal law, noise is prohibited from 22.00 to 10.00.

The above laws are known to the public as silence laws. Let's make a reservation right away that at the moment the legislators of our country are considering several bills, the final adoption of which will make significant adjustments to the time frame that limits the period of permissible noise.

At the stage of consideration in the Moscow City Duma is a draft regulatory legal act, according to which a ban will be introduced on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises in an apartment building, other repair work in the specified premises from 19 to 9 hours and from 13 to 15 hours. ( as amended by the Law of the Moscow Region No. 7/2008-OZ) the following changes: 1) in the name of the word

exclude; 2) in Article 2 the words “and also establishes administrative responsibility in the field of their technical operation” shall be deleted; 3) in Article 4: a) in Part 2, the words “by this Law” shall be replaced by the words “Law of the Moscow Region No. 37/2019-OZ “Code of the Moscow Region on Administrative Offenses”; b) in paragraph four of Part 7, the words “by this Law” shall be replaced by the words “Law of the Moscow Region No. 37/2019-OZ “Code of the Moscow Region on Administrative Offenses”; 4) Article 5 shall be declared invalid; 5) Chapter 3 shall be declared invalid.

Article 4 Include in the Law of the Moscow Region No. 240/2006-OZ "On Environmental Protection in the Moscow Region" (as amended by the laws of the Moscow Region No. 33/2008-OZ, No. 200/2008-OZ, No. 182/2010-OZ , No. 228/2011-OZ, No. 26/2012-OZ, No. 35/2012-OZ, No. 103/2013-OZ, No. 20/2014-OZ, No. 64/2015-OZ, No. 104/2015-OZ, No. 255/2015-OZ) the following changes: 1) in Article 1 the words “and also establishes administrative responsibility in the field of environmental protection and nature management in the territory of the Moscow Region” shall be deleted; 2) paragraph 5 1 article 4 to be declared invalid; 3) Article 11 1.

Law on silence in Pskov 2019

» It is important for citizens to demonstrate in court an impressive evidence base:

  1. copies of statements;
  2. witness's testimonies;
  3. audio recording of noise.
  4. video with fixation of the time when the noise was heard;
  5. an act on the examination carried out to identify the noise level;

Often, as a result of considering the claim, the court decides to impose a fine on the culprit.

In addition, you can count on the forced eviction of the violator, but only tenants fall under this rule. If the offender is the owner of the apartment, he is not subject to eviction.

Residents who are disturbed by noisy neighbors must write a statement about this.

If it is addressed to the district police officer, then it is better to write a statement in his presence.

The precinct can provide ready-made forms to help fill it out. Quiet mode in Pskov time The question of the mode of silence in an apartment building is relevant and painful for any city dweller.

Not all neighbors know the laws and are ready to compromise with other residents - to postpone the time of repairs, parties, and other high-profile events.

In this case, quite logical questions arise: what to do and to whom to complain about this disgrace? The first thing that comes to mind is contacting lawyers and law firms, but you will have to pay considerable amounts of money for their services and spend your personal time.

The fact that the regulatory framework contains laws and sanitary standards that contain certain criteria for safe noise is, of course, good.

The maximum amount of recovery is 150 thousand rubles. If neighbors are not responding to requests to turn down the volume of music or stop renovation work, you need to act decisively.

First of all, you need to stock up on evidence.

This may be an audio recording, but it is best to provide a video recording to confirm the fact that the volume was exceeded in a particular apartment.

you will need it when you call the district police officer, because by the time he arrives, the neighbors may stop making noise. The law enforcement officer must file a written complaint. Another problem that prevents the observance of silence in an apartment building is the maintenance of pets.

If the noise from the neighbor's dogs is unbearable, you should complain about the violators to the management company.

Almost every house can be inhabited by neighbors suffering from alcohol addiction. In their families, swearing scandals are common.

Such brawls - sources of disturbing silence can become a significant problem for others.

Minor hooliganism is punishable by law with a fine, so you can’t turn a blind eye to this, you should file an application with the district police officer against violators.

What to do if a small child lives in your house who often screams?

How to fight for silence in this case?

The only way out is to endure, because the law does not apply to small children.


