Hitachi G13SS: angle grinder user reviews

HITACHI G13SS belongs to the category of angle grinders. The equipment is suitable for professional and domestic use. The main purpose of the machine is grinding and polishing building materials, cutting metal structures. The tool is widely used in the field of construction, suitable for repair work. The rights to manufacture the grinder belong to the world famous Japanese brand HITACHI, but this model is assembled in China. The manufacturer characterizes his product as reliable equipment with increased wear resistance of the main components. To make sure this statement is true, it makes sense to make a brief review and consider this model of grinders from all angles.

grinder hitachi g13ss

External parameters

When the HITACHI G13SS angle grinder is taken out of the factory packaging (cardboard box), the product makes a very positive impression. The plastic case is made in two colors: green and black, small size and ergonomic shape of the product. By the way, according to the manufacturer, the case is made of polyamide material and reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement. These indicators should increase the strength of the hull, making it not susceptible to external shocks. Accordingly, the body of the grinder should not crack when dropped from a small height.


The grinder is network, as indicated by the cord for connecting to the home electrical network. The cable length is 2.5 meters. It looks interesting to be able to install an additional handle on both sides. This feature allows you to work with the tool right or left hand, without experiencing discomfort. The product is regularly equipped with a protective cover, the delivery set includes a cutting disc with a diameter of 125 millimeters, a key for replacing cutting elements and a user manual.

Please note that the angle grinder is available in several versions. In particular, on store shelves, in addition to the basic model, you can find a tool with the NU or NS index. All modifications presented in the range have similar technical parameters, only the basic configuration differs. For example, along with the angle grinder, there may be an additional disk or pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner. The average price of a product is 2,300 rubles.


Now consider the technical indicators of the product. The main element of the design is an electric motor with a power of 580 watts. It should be noted that this parameter is declared by the manufacturer. The actual motor power output is 630W, which is quite good considering that the model is assembled in China. Please note that this model has a brushed motor. Professionals know that it is the brushes that are subject to wear, but this type of motor significantly reduces the cost of the product. In HITACHI G13SS, the brushes are fastened with screws that are placed on the body. This allows quick replacement of worn elements without the use of additional tools.

The spindle rotates at 10,000 rpm. Please note that this parameter is relevant only for the grinder to idle. When it is necessary to cut dense material, such as a thick-walled channel, the speed drops noticeably. For the fixing nut on the spindle there is a M14x2 thread, the diameter of the seat is 22.2 mm. For HITACHI G13SS 580W, discs or grinding wheels with a surface area of ​​125mm are suitable.


It is worth noting the high level of electrical safety. The cable is made of soft polymer material, which eliminates the fracture of the cores. The well-thought-out shape of the housing provides the engine with additional air cooling, which increases the life of the product.

The weight of the tool is 1.4 kilograms, there is a spindle lock function, built-in protection against engine overloads and voltage surges in the home network.


To identify the strengths of the HITACHI G13SS grinder, we analyzed the feedback from users using this model from one month to two years. Among the clear advantages are the following points:

  • Low structural weight. Thanks to this, you can work with the grinder with one hand. The technical description indicates a mass of 1.4 kg, this parameter is relevant for an "empty" angle grinder. If you install a disk (area 125 and thickness 1 mm) and screw the additional handle into place, the weight increases to 1.8 kg.
  • Good disc diameter. 125 mm is enough to work with almost any kind of building materials.
  • When working, does not clamp the disk.
  • Convenient replacement of brushes and cutting elements.
  • Acceptable value for money.
  • Relatively good performance: 580 W is enough for domestic and professional use.


This model also has some design flaws. Here's what customer reviews say:

  • Insufficient cord length. There is one caveat here: according to professionals, a cable length of 2.5 mm is enough. Masters usually use 4-5 posts in their work to connect equipment, given this aspect, a cable more than 3 meters long will simply get in the way.
  • No storage case. This is a problem for many manufacturers of power tools, unfortunately, and HITACHI was not up to par.
  • There is no spindle speed controller.
  • There is no soft start function.


According to experts, HITACHI G13SS 580 W fully corresponds to the declared cost. Some masters claim that the model is significantly inferior in terms of performance to grinders, on which discs with a diameter of 150 mm can be installed. It really is. However, buyers initially know that the product is designed to work with discs and grinding wheels of 125 mm, so performance claims can be ignored.

With prolonged use, the product shows a good margin of wear resistance of parts. Subject to the rules of work, even the brushes do not have to be changed. The manufacturer gives an additional guarantee for its products. In the case of the HITACHI G13SS, this is 36 months. Some criticism is also caused by the method of installing the protective cover: a threaded connection.

If you analyze all customer reviews, you can find out that 70% were satisfied with the purchase and have been successfully using the angle grinder for more than a year. Therefore, the model can be given a well-deserved 7 points out of 10 possible.


