Bath mixers with shower

External mixers

External taps are two-valve (according to the old Soviet scheme) or single-lever. The people have their own names, but this does not change the essence of the matter. All boxes with a drip tray and partial corner have an external mixer by definition.

Single lever faucet repair

In this case, the repair is simplified to the simplest set of procedures:

  1. Breakdown: leaking hose. Reason: violation of sealing between the rings of the metal sleeve. Action Required: Buy a new one, install. Tool: plumbing gas wrench, soft gasket under the nut (so as not to scratch).
  2. Breakage: the gander of the mixer is leaking. Reason: violation of the integrity of the rubber gasket. Necessary action: installation of a new gasket, you can use not only rubber, but also fum-tape, as well as linen with insulating paste. Tool: the same.
  3. Breakage: weakening of the jet from the tap. Reason: clogging of the mesh aerator at the junction of the biter and the body of the single-lever mixer. Required action: the gooseneck is unscrewed, the aerator mesh is cleaned, installation is performed. Tool: the same.

    Features of the jet pressure

  4. Breakdown: the lever sticks or does not reach the limit positions, the water pressure is poorly regulated, it is impossible to adjust the temperature, leaks from under the lever, the tap does not close completely. Reason: failure of the mixer cartridge. Necessary action: unscrew the screw holding the lever (located under the plug), remove the regulator, unscrew the nut, remove the cartridge, make sure that the fittings are not clogged with anything, reassemble in the reverse order with installing a new (purchased) cartridge. Tools: screwdriver, gas plumbing wrench.
  5. Breakage: leaking faucet nut at the base of the hose. Cause: seal failure. Necessary action: the nut is unscrewed, a new gasket is installed, it is allowed to use fum-tape or linen tow with sealing paste. Tool: plumbing wrench.

How to choose a cartridge

Cartridge selection is important. Many scammers copy well-known foreign brands. It is recommended to take products from a trusted store for installation. Not so long ago, Chinese products were scolded, but today the authors cannot blame Mao Zedong's country for anything. Chinese products are getting better and better. In particular, this applies to electronics. The variety of cartridge models comes down to just two designs:

  • ball;
  • ceramic.

How to disassemble and assemble the cartridge

The first type is itself repairable. Therefore, it makes sense to disassemble it and repair it with a lack of funds. Ceramic cartridge, not afraid of hard water and more durable.

Bath mixers with shower

Shower Faucet Cartridge

Consider the disassembly process using its example:

  1. It is necessary to find two small windows on the body, into which the teeth of the removable part are threaded.
  2. From above, the jumper is pushed up to the window, and the tooth pops out. The same must be done on the other side.
  3. The removable part comes out, inside the case are:
  • Movable lever.
  • System of two ceramic plates.
  • Distribution armature.

To protect against improper assembly, the design has an abundance of spiked keys. Sometimes a part breaks, but in most cases the faucet just starts to stick. This means that it needs to be lubricated. You will need to find the right material. It can be silicone (synthetic lubricant). It is applied between the plates and on all moving parts. Silicone grease is not afraid of water and has good hygienic performance. Moving parts, with the exception of plates, can be treated with Litol 24, which is not afraid of water and is operated at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 120 degrees Celsius.Both are not hard to find in stores.

The cartridge designs themselves are very durable, but plumbers are too lazy to repair. Sometimes there is a grid inside. This is a noise suppressor, such taps never blow.

Shower cabin equipment and typical breakdowns

Integrated shower box faucets can be designed with a lever. But the handles are at different heights, above the hydromassage unit. Inside is a cartridge, most often ceramic. Such as was discussed above minus small details. The shower is controlled by a separate button. Often it is also performed according to the cartridge type. Just in case, once again we list the typical malfunctions:

Bath mixers with shower

Shower broken and not working

  1. Breakdown: the shower does not turn on. Reason: it's time to change the lubricant, or parts have broken, including ceramic plates. Repair: It is necessary to carry out maintenance according to the above information.
  2. Breakdown: the regulator sticks. Cause: Scale and salt deposits have clogged the cartridge joints. Repair: Requires lubrication.
  3. Breakage: water does not shut off. Reason: internal parts, including plates, are probably broken. Repair: replacement of defective parts or replacement of the entire cartridge.
  4. Breakage: water does not open in the side position. Reason: breakage of parts, or excess salt deposits on internal parts. Repair: remove the cartridge, open it, inspect it, perform the operations necessary to restore performance.
  5. Breakdown: water flows from the shower and faucet at the same time. Cause: The shower cartridge is defective. Repair: remove the shower cartridge, disassemble, inspect, carry out the necessary operations to restore performance.

Where to get cartridge repair parts

In addition to plastic welding technology, there is another option. After replacing the next cartridge, do not throw away the old one. But if it works properly, buy the same one. And there will be spare parts. Silicone and natural waterproof lubricant can be purchased at any store. From the height of our experience, we note that in many cases the hydromassage and main cartridges can be restored.

How to disassemble a regular mixer

The dismantling process is not much different from the one discussed above. The difference is only in the form of details:

  1. Remove the plastic side plug on the side of the regulator.
  2. Unscrew the bolt (slot, TORX, hexagon, etc.).
  3. Carefully unscrew the nut with a gas or other wrench.
  4. Take out the cartridge.

Read above for next steps. The only note is that the diameter of the cartridge may vary slightly. You need to take the right one, of course. To do this, measure its diameter with a caliper.

Pay special attention to the fact that the box switches sometimes regulate the flow of water into the hydromassage system. In this case, the cartridge there will be multi-position

Replacing the faucet cartridge in the shower

Assumes a preliminary check of the possibility of holding this event. Replacement cannot be carried out when the thread is either completely torn off or has been deformed during operation. In this particular case, you have to completely change the tap. If the thread is intact, you can safely purchase a new cartridge, guided by the advice of specialists. In addition, you must have at your disposal a set of wrenches, a set of screwdrivers, an adjustable Swedish wrench, and powerful pliers. These tools should be prepared or purchased in advance. Otherwise, the replacement of the cassette will simply be impossible.

Step-by-step instruction

The algorithm of action implies the exact following of a certain sequence. Work begins only after turning off the supply of centralized water supply. Each cartridge model has its own characteristics, but the general procedure remains the same.

Step 1

Remove the cap from the cartridge handle. It covers the fixing bolt for the cartridge handle. Using a hex wrench or screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners.A screwdriver with an appropriate profile unscrews a small screw located in the hole. Next, remove the handle from the structure.

Step 2

To open access to the cassette, remove the decorative nut. To do this, unscrew the protective metal casing and remove the cartridge. It is often difficult to do this. This happens when the casing turns sour and cannot be unscrewed.

In this case, a gas wrench will help to remove the casing, but first a piece of clean and soft cloth must be thrown on the part. It is necessary to act very carefully. Excessive pressure can damage the casing

Its design is quite thin and fragile. If you apply excessive force, the body will deform. A decorative trim is held in place by means of a nut. This hardware is removed, and then the clamp is unscrewed. Parsing the mechanism takes quite a lot of time. To facilitate and speed up the process of unscrewing old threaded connections allows the "Wedlock". It is used by many masters. It is sold in every auto parts store and has a low cost.

Step 3

Quite a lot of dirt is formed inside the plumbing device and solid deposits accumulate. Therefore, the exit surfaces must be cleaned. For this purpose, detergents are used. It can be ordinary dishwashing liquid. The main thing is not just to clean the device, but also thoroughly rinse it afterwards so that there are no traces of the cleaning agent left.

Step 4

Instead of the removed cartridge, a new device is installed. The main thing is to correctly position the part. To insert a cassette and not confuse anything, there are two grooves on the walls and a pair of protrusions at the entrance. This design feature prevents the cassette from being inserted in the wrong position.

The cartridge is held with a finger by the handle in the required position and clamped with a nut. When it is in place, turn on the water supply and check the functionality of the cassette. If there are no leaks and the mixer is working properly, the cartridge is closed with a nut (decorative), and the handle is put in place.

Axle valve for mixing and adjusting the water of shower cabins and bathtubs Appollo.k

  • Shower rollers
    • Castors for shower enclosures
    • Single caster kits for shower enclosures
    • Double caster sets for shower enclosures
    • Double casters for shower enclosures
    • Single castors for shower enclosures
  • Spare parts for repairing shower enclosures and panels
    • Mixer-switch of water supply modes for shower cabins.
    • Cartridges for switching modes and mixing water for showers and bathtubs.
    • Thermostatic cartridges for faucets and shower faucets.
    • Rain shower, hand shower.
    • Spare parts, accessories, accessories for shower cabins.
    • Silicone profile and magnetic seals for the shower cabin
    • Electronics shower cabin control panels
    • Drain mechanism, siphon, drain-overflow for showers and bathtubs.
    • Shower door handle
    • Shower Cabin Lamp
    • Spare parts, fittings, accessories for APPOLLO shower cabins
    • Hinge for glass shower door
    • Spare parts for shower cabins and bathtubs System Pool
    • Shower cabins AQUANET
    • Faucets for shower cabins under the order.
    • Glass, shower doors
  • Jacuzzi & Hot Tub Repair Spare Parts
    • Pneumatic button on/off hydro/aero massage
    • The regulator of air supply in the hydromassage system of bathtubs
    • Bottom nozzles for air massage bathtubs
    • Jets for hydromassage bath systems
    • Spare parts and accessories for whirlpool tubs.
    • Aerocompressor for airmassage bath systems
    • Hydrocompressors for hydromassage systems of jacuzzi bathtubs.
    • Hydromassage and aeromassage kits for installation in a bathtub.
    • Electronics control panels for whirlpool baths
  • Crane box for the mixer.
  • Means for cleaning, restoration, prevention of shower cabins and bathtubs
  • Faucets, water supply mode switches and spare parts for installation on board the bath.
  • Potato products
  • Potato mixers
  • Faucets for kitchen bath and bidet.
  • Rollers for sliding doors
  • Acrylic bathtubs
  • Spare parts accessories for a toilet bowl.
  • shower columns
  • discounted item

Two valve mixers

In this case, temperature dosing is carried out by changing the flow section of the hot and cold water channels separately. Regulation is carried out using crane boxes with rubber gaskets. The shower is controlled by a spool operated by a crank.


If the taps start to leak, do not close, or show other signs of a problem, you need to turn off the water. Then the crane handle is removed (there is a slotted screw under the plug). It is necessary to unscrew the nut and unscrew the crane box. The main cause of the malfunction is the working rubber gasket (it can be recognized by its size - the largest). Replace. If necessary, change the small gaskets that protect the handle from leakage.

If the shower connections are leaking, unscrew the nut, wrap fum-tape or tow with sealing paste. Sometimes it is not possible to block the shower, and water flows from everywhere at the same time. In this case:

  • The switch button is screwed by hand.
  • The gas wrench removes the switch.
  • Change the spool seals.

In case of gander leaks, the same measures are taken as for a single-lever faucet.

How to get there

From the height of our experience, we note that access to the box faucet is often difficult. However, to replace the cartridge, it is not always necessary to carry out a complete dismantling with the release of the pallet. When glass sections fall, even from such a height onto a pallet, anything is possible. Therefore, the dismantling is carried out together.

How is the faucet in the shower. Photo.

We tell you how to replace the mode switching cartridge (diverter) in the shower cabin faucet. To replace, you need to perform a few simple operations. The picture shows the mixer in the form in which we do not see it in the cabin. We specially removed the faucet so that you could see its device and we hope this small guide or instruction for repairing the faucet in the shower cabin will help you solve the problem.

Bath mixers with shower

This is what the mixer in the shower looks like

How to remove faucet handles

To repair the mixer, first of all, you need to free it from all external elements that we see inside the cabin. These are shift knobs and decorative overlays. On the handle you can find a small hole in which the mounting screw is located. In practice, we came across two types of screws: with a hat for a flat screwdriver and for a hex key. Determine what is in your possession and take the necessary tool. In our case, this is a screwdriver. Loosen the screw and remove the handle. Do the same with the second handle.

Bath mixers with shower

Using a screwdriver, unscrew the small screw in the hole in the handle and remove it

What keeps the faucet in the shower

Under the mode switch knob, we find the nut that holds the decorative trim, unscrew the nut and remove the trim. In fact, this nut not only covers the hole for a decorative purpose, but it also presses the faucet body to the attachment point. It is quite enough not to use any other methods of attaching the mixer.

Bath mixers with shower

The nut holds the trim

The same function is performed by the lower clamping ring. It comes in two types: threaded and unthreaded. There is no "best" way among them, they are just different. We remove this ring and, if no screws are visible under these linings, then our mixer is free from the shower cabin and can hang on the hoses from the back of the cabin.

Bath mixers with shower

Loosen the decorative nut

How to remove the function switch cartridge from the faucet

For further work with the mixer, for convenience, you can disconnect it from all hoses, but remember that we did not talk about turning off the water here, if you are going to disconnect all hoses, then you should turn off the water to the cabin. Otherwise, a refreshing surprise awaits you. So we can see that the divertor stem is visible from the housing. As shown in the picture, we unscrew the clamping nut (we specially showed the pliers in the photo) with any tool. Most often, this nut can be unscrewed by hand, clasping it with the palm of your hand.

Bath mixers with shower

Unscrew the cartridge clamp with a hand or a tool

Cartridge replacement

We take out the mode cartridge by hand, as shown in the picture, and put a new one in its place. You can choose the cartridge you need in the section SPARE PARTS >> MODE SWITCHING CARTRIDGE

Bath mixers with shower

After the clamp has been removed, we take out the mode switching cartridge.

How to remove the water mixing cartridge

The water mixing cartridge is held in place by a retaining nut. If your faucet is in good technical condition, you will be able to unscrew the lock by hand. There is no need to tighten the retainer with any tool, as hand strength is sufficient to tighten the cartridge retainer. If you cannot unscrew it without the use of tools, then do it carefully, without damaging the chrome latch itself.

Bath mixers with shower

Loosen the lock nut by hand

If everything went well, then you can remove the cartridge and change it to a new one.

Bath mixers with shower

Under the nut, the cartridge is no longer held by anything.

Assemble the faucet and install it on the shower cabin in the reverse order. And now, when everything is ready, you can again enjoy your morning shower.

>Shower Cabin Spare Part

Which model to choose

The purchased cartridge must correspond to the modification of the tap on which it will be mounted. Single-lever mixers are suitable for ball, hydroceramic and simply ceramic, and for two-valve mixers - bronze or ceramic bushings. Sealing elements can be rubber or paranitic. The following three parameters are of great importance:

  • number of holes;
  • rod diameter;
  • stem length.

Cartridges are collapsible and non-collapsible. The latter are more reliable in operation, but cannot be repaired. Experts advise purchasing ceramic models equipped with metal levers and rods. They fully satisfy the price-quality ratio. If we talk about specific brands, then cartridges from Blanco, Grohe, Kaiser are considered the best. The lower the water quality, the more reliable the cartridge should be. Inexpensive models will be able to serve the period declared by the guarantee only where the water supply fully meets the high standards of purification. In places with low water quality, it is recommended to install only good cartridges.

Criterias of choice

The best solution would be to purchase a cartridge similar to the one that was originally installed in the shower faucet, but this is not always possible. If the same model is not on sale, you should read the selection tips,

What to pay attention to?

In order to carry out a high-quality replacement and not face an early failure of the part, when making a purchase, they are guided by the following criteria: Material. Ceramic and plastic cartridges are considered the best option. They have good wear resistance. The best choice would be a product made of stainless alloys, the worst - from polymers. The latter are not reliable and wear out quickly. Cost and brand. Cheap models allow you to save on purchases, but after a year or even earlier they require replacement. Unscrupulous manufacturers use not only low-quality raw materials, but also molds. Flywheel travel. If it jams or wedges, then the part is defective. The tightness after installing such a cartridge will quickly be broken, which will lead to leakage. Inlet fittings.The quality of this element is evidenced by a cast structure, a thick partition of the clip. The fittings must be perfectly smooth and even. In addition, the packaging must contain all information about the manufacturer and full details. If this is an expensive model, then it is under warranty.


