How to replace individual hot water meters?

When it becomes necessary to replace or check hot water meters, this can be done independently. It is enough to have minimal skills in working with the tool. However, you need to deal with the legal intricacies, otherwise there is a possibility of wasting money and time.

hot water meters

The need to replace water meters

Now individual hot and cold water meters located in almost every apartment and in many houses. In large cities of Russia, the need to install devices for the entire apartment building and for individual accounting of each consumer has been legally established. Like any device, meters wear out over time, the accuracy of their readings decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the operation of metering devices and replace them after the end of their service life.

From 2004 to 2013, Moscow had a decree on payments for water and heat energy. According to him, verification must be produced by accredited companies. The frequency of verification of cold water meters was 5 years, and hot - 4 years. This decision was canceled due to numerous complaints to the prosecutor's office. However, only clear deadlines for verification were canceled, the need for expertise remained. Now it is carried out according to the interval specified in the data sheet of the device. There is a state register of measuring instruments in which you can find a lost technical passport for a device. In most cases, meter verification is performed at the same frequency as before.

The cost of checking meters is from 1 to 2 thousand rubles, which is comparable to the price of buying and installing a new device. By law, the service life of water meters is not limited, it can work as long as it gives the correct readings.

If there is a suspicion that the readings of the water meter are erroneous, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure established by law. You need to contact the organization that supplies water. The organization checks the compliance of the data provided by the owner of the house and apartment with the estimated expense. If the water consumption differs, then the organization has the right to initialize the verification of the data provided and the metering devices themselves.

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money is flowing

The organization with which the contract for the supply of water is concluded draws up an act and notifies the owner of the property about it. By agreement of both parties, the correctness of the meter readings is verified. If the error does not exceed the allowable according to the data sheet, then the device is allowed to be used in the future. The verification date is recorded in the documents.

Thus, it is required by law to replace hot or cold water meters only if the device does not perform its functions. The erroneous readings of the device must be confirmed in the presence of its owner and a representative of the water supply organization. However, taking into account the fact that the instrument is verified after its dismantling, then installation of new water meters can be more profitable, especially with long-term use of meters.

Reasons for the failure of meters

Water meters for cold and hot water can become unusable for the following reasons:

  • Low water quality. Water passing through the meter rotates the impeller. The mechanism converts the rotation of the impeller into the rotation of wheels with numbers from which readings are taken. If a foreign object gets into the rotating assembly, damage is possible. Also, sediments accumulate on the meter elements, which interfere with the free rotation of the impeller. To increase the service life, coarse filters are installed on water pipes.However, if the filter is not cleaned in a timely manner, then the dirt accumulated in it enters the water supply.
  • Mechanical damage. The meter is a fragile device, and a strong impact can lead to its failure. Repair work should be carried out carefully near water meters.
  • Unauthorized intervention. Some property owners perform various manipulations with meters, trying to achieve a decrease in readings. To do this, install magnets, place a fishing line with beads, insert needles into the slots. As a result of these actions, the counter may break. In addition, if manipulations are proven to deceive the water supplier, then the owner of the device faces a large fine.
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Neodymium magnets

Hot water meter replacement sequence

First you need to call a representative of the organization that supplies water. In his presence, an act is drawn up on the performance of work on the replacement of water meters. The document indicates that the seals have been preserved and the device has been dismantled.

For dismantling, the shut-off valve blocks the flow of water into the system. If it is not there, then you will have to turn off the water for several consumers. In this case, it is recommended to install the valve immediately so that this situation does not happen again in the future. But when installing a valve, the complexity of the work increases significantly - there is a need for cutting pipes.

Using a wrench or adjustable wrench, unscrew the two nuts that fix the device on the pipe.


The nuts are made of brass and are not subject to corrosion. However, they can jam and require considerable effort to unscrew them. You should carefully turn the nuts - brass is a soft material, and it is not difficult to “lick off” the edges. If the nuts do not turn, then it is better to use WD-40 spray or its equivalents first. If after that it was not possible to unscrew the nuts or the edges fell off, then the water meter will have to be dismantled by welding or a circular saw. Most likely, for such work will have to call specialists.

After dismantling the meter, you should clean the surface of the pipes and check the condition of the gaskets. If the dismantled device is submitted for inspection, then a straight pipe is installed instead. Fittings may be required for installation. If the meter is being replaced, then the new device is placed strictly in place. Gaskets made of rubber or silicone are placed at the joints between the elements. Threaded connections are sealed with a thin white sealing tape. On contact with water, it swells and fills the gaps.

Please note that only devices that have been registered by government authorities are allowed to be installed. A list of acceptable appliances can be obtained from the water supplier.

After installing the counter, the nuts are tightened. Both nuts should be screwed on and tightened in turn. Then the water is turned on and the absence of leaks at the joints is checked. To eliminate them, nuts are tightened or a sealing tape is additionally wound. Due to the swelling of the tape, it can eliminate even significant leaks, so there is no need to worry that a leak will go unnoticed.

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fum tape

In case of self-replacement, registration will also have to be done by yourself. To do this, you need to obtain an act of work performed and an act of acceptance of the device into operation. To obtain these certificates, you need a technical passport included with the device, and an act of testing its operation. If everything is fine, then a representative of the organization will put seals on the device, and it will be serviceable.

counter sealing

Replacement of meters by the management company

When there is no desire or opportunity to replace cold or hot water meters, you can contact the organization. For this purpose, an application is written to the management or service company. If services are offered by a third-party organization, then you should check that it has a license for this type of activity. Otherwise, the replacement of devices will need to be performed again. The specialist must provide a contract and an estimate of work and equipment. Masters often offer to purchase counters from them, however, you should check the price for them. The cost of the device at the dealer or manufacturer can be much lower.

The duration of work to replace meters varies significantly depending on the complexity of the work. If the plumbing is in good condition and there is an individual valve, then the master can handle it in half an hour. Welding or brazing pipes will require much more time, up to several days.

To register the device, the presence of a representative of the organization with which the water supply agreement has been concluded will be required. The representative will seal the device and draw up an act of work performed. Documents must be taken to the water supply organization.


