Retractable socket box in the countertop

A modern apartment is literally "stuffed" with a variety of household appliances, which, for the most part, are powered by the mains. Therefore, even at the stage of developing a design project, it is necessary to determine the location and number of outlets. If there are no problems with large-sized and built-in stationary appliances (refrigerator, stove, hood, microwave, TV), then it is very difficult to calculate the number of sockets needed for periodically used household appliances. To do this, the number of frequently used devices is summed up (kettle, toaster, mixer, blender) and an additional 2-3 pieces are added. But over time, the number of devices "living" on the countertop increases. In order not to mount too long a row of sockets, you can use built-in retractable sockets for countertops or kitchen cabinets.

Retractable socket in the kitchen worktop

What is a drawer block

Built-in retractable socket is a block of sockets of 3 or more pieces, enclosed in a durable case, equipped with a retractable mechanism, thanks to which the device is immersed in the tabletop and removed from it with a light touch of the hand.

The principle of operation of the retractable socket block

Such a block is a kind of alternative to extension cords and surge protectors and allows you to get rid of bundles of wires that “irritate your eyes”. At the moment, there are several types of retractable devices on the market.

Vertical retractable countertop rosette

The most commonly used fixture, an example of which is shown in the photo. However, this is not the most practical and durable design, since the “tower” towering above the surface is easy to accidentally touch and damage. In addition, when inserting the plug into the socket, some force is applied, which leads to loosening of the retractable mechanism.

Vertical drawer

This type of device is ideal for small and irregular loads, and is also a stylish element of the interior, for example in high-tech style.

Horizontal retractable socket

It differs from the vertical one only in the location of the socket block and, as a result, in the height of the retractable part. This design is significantly lower than the vertical one, therefore it is more durable and convenient to use. But a significant drawback of this model is the problematic connection of electrical appliances with a plug in the side version.

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Horizontal device

Retractable swivel socket block

Another type of device built into horizontal surfaces that facilitates the use of a large number of household appliances. This design is preferable for arranging a kitchen worktop, as it is more reliable and ergonomic. The block is tightly fixed in the tabletop and perfectly withstands numerous on / off plugs, which means it is strong and durable.

Unlike simple retractable options, such a block is equipped with a swivel mechanism that works when you press certain parts of the lid with your hand. After the working part has moved out, access to the sockets opens and the device is fixed at a given angle.

swivel block

The weak point of this design is the movable and locking mechanisms, which nevertheless fail over time, and the disadvantages, as for the previous model, include connecting a side plug with a wire sticking up.

Currently, the following types of built-in sockets are also gaining popularity:

  • mortise - mounted in the countertop and equipped with a safety cover;
  • corner - installed at the joints of walls or at the bottom of a hanging cabinet.

Mortise socket

Advantages and disadvantages

Such devices are gaining more and more popularity, as they have a number of advantages over conventional power supplies for electrical appliances. Their advantages are:

  • Saving time and space. Instead of searching for and connecting an extension cord, splitter, surge protector, one movement of the hand is enough to pull out the sockets. This also includes significant savings in precious space on the countertop (especially the kitchen), which is usually not enough for every housewife, in this regard, vertical retractable sockets win.

Convenience of built-in unit

  • Safety in operation, since in most cases, built-in sockets are not accessible to small children. Also, the attractiveness of such models of sockets is increased by the absence of wires tangling underfoot and protection from water ingress into them.
  • The functionality of such a device, because each vertical or horizontal block is designed to turn on several electrical appliances at once.

New models of retractable sockets may contain special connectors, for example, for charging mobile phones, for a TV antenna, Internet connections, etc.

Socket block with additional connectors

An important role in choosing this method of power supply is played by the aesthetic component, since retractable socket blocks, on the one hand, work as an independent part of a modern interior, and on the other hand, they help to “mask” numerous sockets.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Connecting an rj-45 socket

Despite the numerous advantages of choosing such a device, it has several disadvantages:

  • Retractable sockets are categorically not suitable for connecting stationary devices; the presence of an electrical appliance constantly plugged into such a socket deprives it of all the advantages.
  • Vertical blocks tend to loosen.
  • Horizontal views are inconvenient when connecting plugs with side cords.

Selection and installation

When choosing retractable socket blocks for the countertop, in addition to the design solution (color, model, backlight and additional options), you should pay attention to a number of important technical points:

  • First of all, the device should not have any mechanical damage, chips, scratches, etc.

Evoline socket blocks are of high quality

  • If you intend to connect a large number of electrical equipment (or high-power devices), you should provide grounding.
  • Socket blocks installed on the countertop in the bathroom or in the kitchen next to the sink must have increased protection against moisture (IP 44 marking).
  • For greater convenience and extended service life, you can pay attention to sockets with an additional plug ejection function at the touch of a button.

Embed do-it-yourself sockets in the countertop not difficult. The package of the device includes a box and fasteners necessary for rigid fixation, as well as fuses from power surges. It is marked in the countertop, then a hole is cut out with a suitable nozzle, in which the device is fixed. After installation, it remains to connect it to the mains.


