Retractable socket block: choice, pros and cons, installation and operation

At the present time in apartments and houses there is a huge number of electrical appliances. To make their operation convenient and fast, it is necessary to provide for the installation of the required number of sockets at the design stage. As a rule, the number of sockets should exceed the number of electrical appliances by twenty percent. This ratio will allow all the necessary devices to work simultaneously, while leaving a margin for relatively rarely used ones (such as a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, and others). A retractable socket will help you change the trivial options for connecting such devices.

Retractable socket block

Features of retractable sockets

Hidden blocks are more than a good addition to traditional sockets. They are very easy to use and take up a small amount of space, and are also an excellent substitute for all kinds of extension cords and network filters that do not have a presentable appearance. Their design is appropriate in modern apartments with European-quality renovation.

First of all, they are intended for temporary connection of devices of various capacities. The installation process will not seem difficult even to an inexperienced person who has not previously been involved in the installation of electrical installation products.

The block of retractable sockets is appropriate to install in the table, countertop, nightstand or closet. And the last option is the most successful place. It excludes the ingress of dust, water and condensate into them. The folded product is almost imperceptible, since the installation part is located in the cabinet of kitchen furniture.

Distinctive features of movable socket blocks

Pros and cons

Retractable sockets have a lever with which they can be pulled out or inserted back. The unaesthetic power cable is hidden right in the kitchen furniture. The advantages include the following features of such devices:

  • appearance;
  • the ability to choose the position (horizontal or vertical);
  • occupy a minimum of space;
  • come with a high degree of moisture and dust protection;
  • there are products with the possibility of connecting a grounding cable;
  • installed on the surface of any material;
  • the range offers socket options for connecting a TV, telephone, modem, etc.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Features of connecting sockets with a loop

Benefits of a countertop design

One of the most important advantages of retractable sockets is inaccessibility for a small child.

List of disadvantages:

  • take up some space in the hidden space of kitchen furniture;
  • it is not possible to install in lockers where the drawers are pulled out;
  • relative high cost;
  • over time, the product itself or its base is able to deform from exposure to moisture.

The retractable device is not without some disadvantages

Types of retractable blocks

The retractable block of sockets according to execution can be:

  • Horizontal - extremely reliable and easy to use. It opens after pressing the edge of the lid, turning on its axis. It is resistant to any physical influences, which has a positive effect on its service life. The disadvantages include the difficulty when including corner plugs in it, as they will overlap the sockets.

Horizontal retractable model with USB connector

  • Vertical - extends directly from the surface of the furniture after pressing the key located on the visible part of the block.

Retractable socket block vertical type

Important! The built-in socket is mainly used for low-power, small appliances. Such devices do not have to work constantly, they are connected as needed.

If the room is large, it makes sense to use several hidden blocks. Their location is more convenient to choose at the design stage.

Features of installation and connection

If the connected devices are built-in, then the most suitable place for installing the built-in socket block will be bedside tables or countertops located near the appliances.Installation height varies widely - from 3 to 60 centimeters from the level of the plinth.

Installation of hidden socket blocks is a relatively simple process. You can do the installation yourself, be sure to be guided by the product passport.

  1. First you need to make a hole of the required diameter in the place where the bearing part of the socket will be installed (we are talking about the vertical version).
  2. After installation, the product must be fixed with a nut.
  3. Then the connection to the network is made (in the case of a long cable length, it makes sense to hide it in the body of the selected base).
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Connecting an rj-45 socket

The scheme is similar for installation "into the ceiling", that is, so that the finished unit slides out from top to bottom, from the bottom of the wall cabinet.

Top location of the socket block

When installing hidden sockets, you must follow some rules.

  • As in a conventional socket block, each will be connected to the other by a parallel connection. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the total load on the unit and make sure that it does not exceed the allowable limit specified in the passport. It will also help in choosing the required cable section.
  • It is also recommended to connect the unit to the network under a separate circuit breaker in the electrical panel.
  • The surface in which the hidden device will be installed must have a thickness of 2.5 to 5.2 centimeters.

The nuances of connecting movable socket blocks

Drawer selection

The choice of a hidden socket block is exclusively a matter of taste, but for all the simplicity of the process, a number of nuances must also be taken into account:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the overall quality of the product, the accuracy of the surfaces, and make sure that there is no damage.
  2. For powerful equipment, as in the classic version, the choice should fall on an outlet with the ability to ground contact connection (if grounding is not provided in the house, it's time to think about its arrangement).
  3. For kitchens or bathrooms, you should purchase a unit with increased moisture and dust resistance. It is recommended to choose a product with a value of at least IP54.

If the device is constantly running, it makes no sense to plug it into a retractable outlet, you should use a regular one.

Choosing the right product

A few mounting rules

When installing, you also need to follow simple rules:

  1. Sockets should not be installed close to water sources. Despite being protected against moisture in a hidden state, the unit may be exposed to it when opened, which will cause a short circuit.
  2. The cable must be protected from any physical impact as much as possible. It should not be frayed by doors or pinched by fittings.
  3. Vertical type socket blocks must be supported when plugging and unplugging the plug.


