Hidden sockets in the worktop: options for execution and installation

Often kitchens in apartments do not differ in large dimensions. In addition, there are more and more household appliances that require connection to the mains. There is a dilemma: how to save space and at the same time provide power supply to these devices? The use of tees and extensions is not always acceptable. Laying new capital wiring in the wall is too expensive and difficult. In addition, it is impossible to take into account which household appliances and where they will appear in the kitchen in the future. It is much more expedient to build sockets in the countertop.

Socket built into the worktop

Features and benefits of built-in sockets

According to electrical parameters, sockets hidden in countertop or closet, differ little from ordinary ones. Their main advantage is different: when folded, the socket block is hidden inside the table or any kitchen furniture. At the same time, the surface of the tabletop can be used in normal mode with some restrictions.

If you need to connect any household appliance, the built-in sockets are easily removed from their hiding places, and then they are also easily removed back, as in the photo below.

Remarkable feature of the pull-out unit: after use, it hides in the countertop

Thus, their use brings the following advantages:

  • Increased electrical safety due to the absence of easily accessible wires. All electrical wiring is securely hidden inside the kitchen furniture, it is difficult to damage or catch on it.
  • Reduces the chance of moisture or dust getting inside the sockets.
  • Hidden blocks are more protected from access by small children.
  • In the stowed state, the devices save free space in the kitchen, for example by increasing the working area of ​​the countertop.
  • Many models are equipped with additional connectors for connecting electronic devices, such as USB ports.
  • The original design of sockets built into the countertop blends seamlessly into modern styles. kitchen interior design.

The benefits of countertop wiring accessories are clear and very attractive.

However, these devices also have disadvantages:

  • They are not suitable for connecting stationary appliances such as a refrigerator or TV. Hidden sockets are used for temporary powering of mixers, electric meat grinders, laptop chargers. It is impractical to keep them open all the time: it is much more reliable in such cases to use stationary, securely fixed sockets on the wall.
  • Although the tabletop surface appears solid when the devices are recessed, it is important to be aware of their presence. You can put some object on them, but cutting or putting wet vegetables or fruits is hardly worth it.
  • Placed in hanging drawers, such devices save space in the kitchen, but at the same time take up space inside the furniture. For a countertop, this is not so critical, but in a hanging drawer, pull-out blocks can take up a significant proportion of the volume. The device inside the locker is in the next photo.
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View of the built-in product from inside the kitchen cabinet

In addition, certain types of such outlets have their weak points. But we will talk about them later.

Main types

All variety of models is divided into three groups:

  • Open sockets. Recessed countertop appliances are accessible for free entry of water and debris. So, for the most part, they prefer to build such devices not in the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, but in tables in various office premises. They will not interfere with spreading papers, and at the right time they will provide power for the necessary equipment.

Open type device

  • Vertical. They can be round or rectangular, often equipped with gas shock absorbers for smooth extension. To get such a block, you only need to press on the cover, and then pull a little. After depressing the stopper, the entire structure is easily recessed back.

Vertical recessed unit

It must be remembered that when connecting electrical appliances, vertical sockets should be held by hand, otherwise they may not withstand the force due to the rather large lever.

  • Horizontal. The block of built-in sockets, after pressing the stainless steel cover, rotates on its axis, and the connectors for connection open. Such devices have some inconvenience: it is not always convenient to insert the power cord into them if the plug is attached at a right angle. It can simply rest against the surface of the countertop.

horizontal block

Leading manufacturers

When buying retractable sockets, you should pay attention to the products of companies that have proven themselves in the world market. These are companies from Europe:

  • German Evoline;
  • Swedish Kondator;
  • Italian Simon.

Socket for Evoline worktop

These companies offer a wide range of retractable sockets of all types, often equipped with additional sockets. The products of these companies are distinguished by reliability, practicality and stylish design.

Recently, more Chinese-made mortise sockets have appeared on the market. But with an attractive price and good design, they do not differ in durability. Quite often, some of their elements do not withstand even several months of operation. So, if you want to save money, you can only get additional costs.

Installation of built-in sockets

In the best case, such devices will be placed in custom-made kitchen furniture. Then, even at the stage of its design, it is possible to place the socket blocks in the most rational and convenient way for operation.

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For mounting products, you will have to drill holes in the countertop

But most often these devices are mounted in existing furniture. In doing so, keep in mind the following points:

  1. The distance from a stationary outlet to a retractable one is determined by the length of the power cord of the latter.
  2. If possible, the devices should be placed away from water sources. Or choose moisture-proof products with IP44 marking.
  3. The hole for the device is cut out in the tabletop using an electric jigsaw, fixing can be done with standard fittings.
  4. Wires must be securely fastened inside the furniture. If necessary, they should be enclosed in special corrugations.

The main function of retractable sockets is to provide maximum comfort for the consumer. Therefore, before installation, it is worth carefully considering their location, taking into account the installed electrical appliances, both existing and those that can be purchased in the future.


