determine slope

Slope calculator

Slope calculator will help you at the right time to calculate the slope, elevation or distance without any problems.

The calculator is able to calculate roof slope. pipeline slope. slope of stairs. road slope etc. It is also possible to calculate elevation between points or distance from point to point (useful in geodesy).

Operating procedure:1. Select the value you need to calculate2. Choose in which unit of measure you want to set/calculate the slope (3 types to choose from: degrees, ppm, percent)3. Set the 1st unknown4. Set the 2nd unknown5. Press the "Calculate" button

For reference:- the slope in degrees is calculated through the tangent of the angle: tgx = h / L- the slope in ppm is calculated according to the following formula: x=1000*h/L- the percentage slope is calculated according to the following formula: x=100*h/L

Slope calculator created as an addition to the main online calculations on the site, and if you like it, then do not forget to tell your friends and colleagues about it.

Slope calculation for external sewerage

For your own home, you need to know that installing a storm system is a very troublesome job. Storm sewerage consists not only of a pipeline, but also of ditches that also drain water. The minimum slope per meter of storm pipes also depends on the type and what diameter it has.

For storm sewers, pipes should be 150-200 mm in diameter, and the slope at 200 mm should be 0.007, and at 150 mm - 0.008. that is, the larger the diameter, the smaller the slope. Since the water in such a sewer in any case will pass without any difficulties. And also the slope depends on how the surface of the drainage system. If it is rough, the more you need to do it and vice versa.

For the external system, a level is used. After all the pipes are connected, thanks to the level, their correct slope is set. But it's very hard to do it alone. For such work, at least 3 people will be needed: one sets the slope, the other monitors what level the level shows, and the third, of course, manages this process.

Basic rules for calculating the slope and installing a sewer pipe:

  1. For a pipe that is 50 mm in diameter, 3 cm of angle is needed per meter, and if it is 110 mm in diameter, then 2 cm.
  2. The total length of the piping angle for both outdoor and outdoor systems is 15 cm.
  3. When calculating the norms for an external sewer system, according to SNiP, it is necessary to take into account how much the ground freezes.
  4. Using the above formulas, it is possible to calculate the correct slope of the pipe yourself, but in turn, to confirm your calculations, you need to consult with specialists.

Thus, having learned all the details about the slope, everyone will be able to carry out such work on their own. But do not forget to get all the recommendations from the experts. Use different tilt methods for apartments and private homes. Take into account all the details, do the calculations correctly. Then your system will last a very long time, it will be reliable, and you won’t have to worry about the fact that it can break through at any moment.

More materials:

  • air valve for sewage 50;
  • check valve sewer internal 50 mm;
  • valve vacuum sewer 110 mm.

How to convert a roof slope in degrees to a percentage table and therefore the choice of materials

Depending on the slope of the roof, a certain roofing material is used and the number of layers necessary for this slope is arranged (Fig. 2). Roofing materials according to technical, economic and physical properties are combined into groups 1-11, which are indicated on the graph by arcuate arrows. Slanted lines indicate the slope of the ramp. The thick sloping line on the graph shows the ratio of the height of the ridge h to half its laying 1/2.The ratio 1:2 (given in the upper part of the slanted line) shows that the vertical segment h fits on the horizontal segment 1/2 twice. On a semi-circular scale, this sloping line shows the slope of the roof in degrees, and on a vertical scale, in percent. Similarly, according to the schedule, you can determine the smallest slope for a particular group of recommended roofing materials:

i = h. (1/2) = 2.5. (12 / 2) = 5 / 12 or 5.12.

To express the slope as a percentage, this ratio is multiplied by 100:

i \u003d (5 / 12) 100 \u003d 5 100 / 12 \u003d 41.67.

The design slope of 41.67%, subject to the given structural dimensions of the roof, ensures normal discharge of storm water.

Rolled roofs of various types with roof slopes up to 2.5% are arranged in four layers on an adhesive bituminous mastic. GI-G, GI-K hydroisol, C-RM glass roofing material, RKM-350B roofing material, etc. are used as rolled materials. Roofs that are in operation are arranged from five layers. A protective layer of gravel 20 mm thick on antiseptic mastic is poured over the roofing carpet.

Percent slope

Slopes in degrees and percentages 1º - 1.7% 1% - 34′ 20″ Just for reference.

you would not be dishonored, to say that the magnitude of the slope is directly and linearly proportional to the angle - this is simply ignorance of the basics of mathematics! or just misinformation! “in secret”: the slope is the ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent one - in mathematics they call it the “tangent of the angle”, now open the textbook and look at the graph of this function - as you can see, it does not look like a straight line at all.

Even the simplest example: a 45º angle. and slope = 100% - this does not fit into your formula. or do you think that at 45º the legs are not equal?

in some documents I saw that this bias is written much more, what is the reason for this?

so it may be connected with that - that the bias in some cases is much greater! for example, some of us and the slope of the pitched roof are still written in fractions, and not in degrees. so if you compare the slope in shares for the road and the slope for the roof slope - the difference can be huge, but there is no mistake in this.

Types of roofs and the choice of their material

Types of roof shapes.

For each building, the roof slope is calculated individually.

There are 4 types of roofs:

Flat ceilings are not absolutely horizontal, but have an angle of inclination, but it is not less than 3º, while the roof is equipped with special drainage funnels with a wall slope of about 1.5º.

During operation, the wind exerts pressure on the roof surface, therefore, high ones are more susceptible to this effect, and from very flat roofs, a hurricane can tear off the roofing.

The angle of inclination of the roof depends on the material chosen for the roof, as well as the plane of the slope.

With an increase in the size of the angle of inclination from 11º to 45º, this pressure increases by almost 5 times. Considering wind loads, in areas with mild winds, this size is chosen within 35-40º, and where the speed of air masses is high, 15-25º.

It should be noted that at large values ​​of the angle of inclination of the floor plane (about 50º), in winter the snow will move out of it under its own weight, reducing its pressure on the roof to zero.

The choice of material, and sometimes the number of its layers during laying, depends on the slope of the slope plane.

The diagram relates the minimum roof slope to the roofing material and helps in choosing both if necessary. The vertical scale indicates the slope in percent, the arcuate one in degrees, the shelves indicate the ratio of height to laying. The material is conditionally grouped according to its technical and economic properties into 11 categories.

Practice shows that roll materials are used to cover roofs with a slope of 0-25% (0-10% - a three-layer coating, 10-25% - a single layer coating, but the material must be sprinkled). Asbestos-cement slate is laid on roofs with a slope of up to 28%, steel sheets - up to 29%, tiles - more than 33%.

How to maintain the required slope

Determining the slope of the sewer is not enough.It still needs to be held while laying. The most convenient option is the presence of a special level with a goniometer. If there is no professional equipment, you will have to cheat.

determine slope

Building level with goniometer

There are ways to control the angle of the sewer pipe using the usual level:

  • Having drawn a line on the wall with the desired slope, apply a building level to it, make a mark on the plastic in the place where the edge of the bubble is located. When placing the tubes, arrange them so that the bubble is in the desired position.
  • If you take a meter level, you can attach a lining of the required width on one side. In short sections, this method does not work, but it is convenient to expose an extended pipeline.

Internal sewerage

When laying the pipeline, it is necessary to maintain a given slope, to prevent deflections and sagging. By the way, when laying outlet pipes from different plumbing fixtures, it is required to withstand different slopes (see photo below).

determine slope

The slope of the outlet pipes from various plumbing fixtures

When laying an internal pipeline, you can draw the required slopes on the wall, and put pipes along them. You should not focus on the floor level, it is better to beat off the horizontal line. It is easier to do this if you have a level, if it is not, you can use a bubble level. After that, having calculated the required difference (described above), you “lift up” the far end. Once again check the accuracy of the calculations and the applied lines. After you can proceed with the installation.

determine slope

An example of the layout of the internal sewerage

In bathrooms and toilets, the required level is usually laid out with a thick sand-cement mortar. Anyway, then the pipe gets off - a drywall box is placed, on which the tiles are then glued. A more modern option - laying pipes in a strobe is not available to everyone - in panel houses there is no such wall thickness. When laying sewer pipes from the kitchen, stands and wedges are more often used. After the pipeline laid with the required slope is fixed to the walls with the help of special holders. They are installed in increments of no more than 40 cm.

Outdoor sewerage

Sewerage on the site is laid in trenches. When laying the track, try to make it as straight as possible. Any turns are a potential site for clogging. If you can’t do without turns, install a tee next to it, bring the pipe out just above the ground level and plug it with an airtight lid. This will be the right decision - you can quickly and without problems clean the traffic jams.

When laying an external sewer, they dig a trench with a flat bottom. The depth of the trench - 20 cm more than necessary - is a place for a sand cushion. With a small length and a small drop, the bottom can be left as it is - even. If the difference is large, you will have to form a slope. At this stage, there is no need to maintain the slope too much - do it approximately. Then the bottom is leveled, all stones and roots are removed, the pits are compared, compacted. There should be an even solid base.

determine slope

Key points to remember

Sand is poured onto the leveled bottom. It must be poured in layers of 5 cm, leveled, compacted (spill with plenty of water). Having laid 4 layers in layers, we get a pillow of 20 cm. Pipes are laid in the sand, forming a given slope. The slope can be checked with a long building level (1.5-2 meters or more). If this is not the case, you can attach a bubble level to a long even rail (beam) in the middle with adhesive tape. This way you can achieve the minimum error.

After the pipe is laid and its slope is checked, it is covered with sand. It should close it almost halfway. The sand is carefully leveled and spilled. After that, the pipe is 1/3 covered with dense sand (it is possible that the level is higher). Then you can fill it with soil.

Skate Height Calculation

determine slope

Ratio degree / percentage of roof slope

After you have decided on the roof structure, decided what material will be used, took into account all climatic conditions and decided on the slope of the roof, it's time to find out how to calculate the height of the ridge.

This can be done using a square or a mathematical method. For the second option, the width of the span of the house (h) is divided by 2. The resulting number is multiplied by the relative value.

To find it, use the table below (Fig. 4). As you can see, the values ​​​​are painted for each angle of inclination. To make it clearer, let's take an example. The width of the building is 6m, the slope of the roof is 20 degrees. We get:

The height of the skate is 1.08 meters. Using this formula, you can find out the slope of the roof (this may be necessary when repairing an already finished roof). How to count? In reverse order.

The roof pitch is the ratio between the height of the roof ridge and half the pitch.

What we get: 1.08:3=0.36 multiply this value by 100 and get the roof slope as a percentage: 0.36x100=36%, look at the table and see: 36%=20 degrees, which was required to prove.

We learned how to calculate the angle of the roof slope, and how to determine this value using an inclinometer, what is this tool?

This is a rail with a frame attached to it. Between the bars there is an axis to which the pendulum is attached (two rings, a plate, a weight and a pointer).

Inside the cutout is a scale with divisions. When the rail is in a horizontal position, the pointer coincides with zero on the scale.

To determine the angle of the roof slope. the inclinometer rail is held perpendicular to the ridge (at an angle of 90 degrees). The pendulum pointer will show the desired value in degrees. To convert to percentages, use the above table (Fig. 3).

Very often, during the construction of roofs, you can hear the phrase "roofing". What it is?

Calculating the slope angle to the horizon

It can simply be measured with an inclinometer, which is a bar with a frame with a pendulum with an arrow showing a degree value. But today this device is no longer relevant, since there are many drip and electronic inclinometers with much higher measurement accuracy and ease of use.

determine slope

In the absence of geodetic devices for measuring, there is a simple mathematical method that allows you to relatively accurately calculate the angle of inclination of the rafters. For this, a tape measure and a plumb line are used. A plumb line is lowered from the ridge to the ceiling of the building and the height h is measured. Then, from the point at which the plumb line touched the ceiling under the ridge, we measure the distance to the lower point of the slope - laying l.

The angle of inclination of the roof depends on the material chosen for the roof.

The angle of inclination of the slope i is equal to the ratio of the height of the ridge to the laying (with the same units of measurement) i = h:l. At the same time, the slope is expressed by a ratio that shows to what height the roof rises during the laying unit (by how many meters the upper edge of the roof will be raised per one meter of horizontal overlap). To calculate the same slope as a percentage, we multiply the resulting ratio by 100%. If you need to know this value in degrees, we translate it using the table.

For example: roof height h = 3.0 m, laying length l=6.5 m. Then i = h:l = 3.0:6.5 = 1:2.17. This is an example of measuring slope by ratio. i = 3.0:6.5 = 0.4615. In percentage terms, this value is calculated by multiplying it by 100%: i = 0.4615. 100% = 46.15%. To determine the angle in degrees, we translate according to the table and get 25º. If there is a need for a more accurate degree value, then from the resulting ratio, using a calculator or special tables, we calculate the cotangent, which will be equal to 24.78º.

It should be noted that a slope of 100% is when the height of the roof is equal to the laying, that is, it corresponds to a ratio of 1: 1 or a slope angle of 45º. But one should not think that the percentage value of the slope and its degree value are directly dependent.After all, the slope in percent is the value of the tangent of the angle at the bottom point of the slope, multiplied by 100%, and the tangent (tangentoid) graph has never been a straight line. And if 100% is 45º, then 50% is not 22.5º, but about 27º (more precisely 26.56º).

Determining the slope during construction work

Roofing professionals are often faced with the need to measure roof slopes. Knowing these parameters allows you to choose the type of materials to be used, check the recommended values ​​for buildings, and choose the method of roofing.

In order not to make complex mathematical calculations every time, a special tool called an inclinometer was developed. This device is quite simple. A special frame is attached to the rail, inside which the pendulum is fixed, it has a weight and a pointer. The rail is installed in a horizontal position on the measured section of the roof and, using the pointer, the numerical value of the slope is determined on the scale.

In the case when the value of the roof slope in degrees is known, it can be converted into percentages using special tables. They already have percentage values ​​for each angle from one to forty-five degrees.

determine slope

Tips in the article "Types of Laminate Laying" here.

How to saw down the rafters at the right angle and the right size, see the video:

What factors influence the choice of roof slope

Despite the fact that humanity is constantly evolving and is no longer dependent on natural circumstances, it is these conditions that often affect the choice of slope.

Atmospheric precipitation, the accumulation of which threatens to collapse the roof or the appearance of dampness and fungus. If in a given region constant rains, downpours, thunderstorms and snowfalls are common, then the roof slope should be increased. Quick disposal of the roof from water is the key to the durability of the structure.

In regions with strong winds, such as the steppes, it is more important than ever to find a middle ground. Too high a roof the wind can simply fill up, and a flat one can be torn off

The most optimal roof slope is from 30 to 40 degrees. In regions with strong gusts of wind - from 15 to 25 degrees.

When choosing a roof slope, it is imperative to take into account these two serious factors. Having understood this issue, further work on the flooring will be greatly simplified.

determine slope

According to GOST and SNiPs, which operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, the roof angle should be measured only in degrees. In all official data or documents, only degree measurement is used. However, it is easier for workers and builders "on the ground" to navigate in percentage terms. Below is a table of the ratio of degree measure and percentage - for more convenient use and understanding.

Using the table is quite simple: we find out the initial value and correlate it with the desired indicator.

For measurement, there is a very handy tool called an inclinometer. This is a rail with a frame, in the middle is an axis and a division scale to which a pendulum is attached. At the horizontal level, the device shows 0. And when used vertically, perpendicular to the ridge, the inclinometer shows a degree.

In addition to this tool, geodetic, drip and electronic devices for measuring the slope are also widely used. You can also calculate the degree of slope in a mathematical way.

determine slope

To calculate the slope angle, you need to find out two values: B - vertical height (from the ridge to the cornice), C - laying (horizontal from the bottom of the slope to the top). When dividing the first value by the second, A is obtained - the slope angle in degrees. If you need a percentage of the roof angle, refer to the table above.

What roofing material to choose

Roof coverings differ in structure, strength, price range.Yet the most important criterion for choosing a material is its structure. The rougher the surface, the longer the precipitation will linger on the roof.

determine slope

There are several types of roofing material that affect the determination of the amount of slope.

  1. Roofing from rolled bituminous materials is used with a minimum roof slope of 0 to 3 °. Roll roofing is quite easy to use and has several advantages: flexibility, strength, thermal insulation.
  2. With a roof slope of 4 °, a seam roof is used, which has an increased degree of wear resistance and strength. This is due to the fact that this material consists of polymers.
  3. It is customary to use slate coating from 9 °.
  4. Various types of tiles (ceramic, bituminous, metal and cement-sand) are used if the angle of inclination exceeds 11 °. Tiling, in particular metal, is one of the most popular types of roofing today, as its use is possible in various climatic conditions.
  5. Above 39 °, a wooden roof is usually used, however, such material requires constant attention and proper care.

In order for your roof to be built correctly and last for a long time, it is not necessary to contact the services of specialists. It is enough to correctly calculate the angle of inclination of the slope and select the appropriate material.

Watch the video and find out what the roof should be

When creating project documentation, very often the slope is indicated not in degrees, but as a percentage. This avoids problems with the installation of the finished structure.

The slope in degrees is calculated for steep roof slopes, so it will be more convenient. But when it comes to a small angle, using percentages to indicate the value of the slope will help to avoid errors in the calculation and installation.

To find out the percentage value of the slope on the land, you can use the following methods:

  • the simplest and most accurate way to determine the angle of the slope will be leveling. With the help of a special device, all the necessary quantities are measured and simple calculations are made using a simple ratio. The height difference is divided by the distance, then the result is multiplied by 100%. Modern levels are equipped with built-in memory, which greatly facilitates the work of measurers;
  • you can also measure the slope on your site without the use of expensive equipment. Elevations are often indicated on site plans or topographic maps. These places are marked on the land plot, pegs can be used for this purpose, then the distance between them is measured with a compass. Mathematical calculations are made according to the same scheme as when working with a level;
  • using the interpolation method, the slope value in percent can be calculated from the topographic map. To do this, the difference in marks is also determined, which is divided by the distance and multiplied by 100%.

determine slope

Slope calculator

Slope calculator will help you at the right time to calculate the slope, elevation or distance without any problems.

The calculator is able to calculate roof slope. pipeline slope. slope of stairs. road slope etc. It is also possible to calculate elevation between points or distance from point to point (useful in geodesy).

Operating procedure:1. Select the value you need to calculate2. Choose in which unit of measure you want to set/calculate the slope (3 types to choose from: degrees, ppm, percent)3. Set the 1st unknown4. Set the 2nd unknown5. Press the "Calculate" button

For reference:- the slope in degrees is calculated through the tangent of the angle: tgx = h / L- the slope in ppm is calculated according to the following formula: x=1000*h/L- the percentage slope is calculated according to the following formula: x=100*h/L

Slope calculator created as an addition to the main online calculations on the site, and if you like it, then do not forget to tell your friends and colleagues about it.

The slope of the roof and its importance in the construction of houses

Driving past settlements, we often look at the roofs of houses and buildings. Some look like the steep slopes of Elbrus, others look like the sloping slopes of the Far Eastern hills. Why do the floors have such a different slope? The slope of the roof contributes to the rapid removal of precipitation from the territory of the structure and is measured by the angle between the roof slope plane and the horizon plane. The greater the slope angle, the steeper the roof, and vice versa, with its decrease, the roof becomes more sloping or flat until it becomes horizontal. This angle is measured by architectural professionals in degrees (º), percentages (%), or a numerical ratio. If the angle is very small, then use the measurement in ppm (hundredths of a percent). For reference: 1º - 1.7%; 1% - 34′ 20″.

determine slope

The slope of any roof is a very important element. Its value is calculated depending on the climate and the roofing material used.

The slope of the plane of any part of the roof is a very important element in housing construction, and its value is selected depending on the climate and the roofing material used. It affects its reliability, tightness, the possibility of drainage, and hence the durability of the building as a whole. For the correct choice of roofing material, as well as for calculating its consumption, the height of the structure, you need to know how to calculate the roof slope.

Slope calculation for an apartment

To install a sewer system for a sink, washbasin and bathroom, you need to choose pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm. One meter should have a slope no more and no less than 2.5-3.5 cm. The minimum value of the slope coefficient per meter is 0.012, and the normative is 0.02. For a toilet, the required slope is 85-100 mm, and for a common riser - 100 mm. To calculate the slope coefficient, the formula is used:


where K is the coefficient for plastic and glass pipes 0.5, and for others 0.6,

H is the coefficient of how quickly the pipeline is filled,

V is the speed of fluid movement along the line,

D is the inner diameter of the pipe.

To correctly set the level of the slope of the pipe in the apartment, it is enough to use a regular ruler.

determine slope

How to calculate the filling level

For plastic and cast iron pipes, it is mandatory to calculate the level of filling with water. Thanks to this indicator, you can find out at what speed the water must move so that it cannot become clogged. And of course, the exact value of the slope per meter depends on such an indicator. To calculate the filling rate, you need to divide the water level in the pipe by the diameter.

The minimum indicator according to SNIPA is 0.3, and the maximum is 1. But, in practice, this occupancy is in the range of 0.3-0.6. He is the optimal one.

What should be the slope

How to understand what a pipe slope is? In SNiP, it is written in fractions - in the form of decimal dobies. It looks like this: 0.03 or 0.008. The numbers are deciphered as follows: this is the height difference between the two ends of a meter-long piece of a laid sewer pipe. The number 0.03 means that one end of the meter pipe is raised by 3 cm. Accordingly, the number 0.008 indicates that one end is raised by 0.8 cm or 8 mm.

determine slope

Recommended slope of a sewer pipe of different diameters (50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm)

The pipeline is usually much longer than one meter. You can calculate how much one end of it should be higher than the other by multiplying the selected slope by the length of the pipeline. For example, we will lay a sewer with a slope of 3 cm / m, its length is 25 m. This means that its far end will be lowered by 3 cm * 25 m = 75 cm.

Dependence on pipe diameter

Sewer systems are divided into internal - mounted in an apartment or house, and external - which are laid on the street. In both cases, it is necessary to maintain the required slope of the sewer pipe. When they say so, they mean the indicator recommended by sanitary standards.It depends on the diameter of the pipes used: the smaller the section, the greater the slope must be given.

Sewer pipe diameter Normal slope The smallest allowable
50 mm 0.035 (3.5 cm) 0.025 (2.5 cm)
100 mm 0.02 (2 cm) 0.012 (1.2 cm)
150 mm 0.01 (1 cm) 0.07 (7mm)
200 mm 0.008 (0.8 cm) 0.005 (0.5 cm)

The table shows the slope of the sewer pipe, which will ensure the normal operation of the system. If for some reason it is impossible to make the required angle of inclination (it happens in areas with difficult terrain), you can reduce the angle of inclination to the specified boundary norm. The chance of getting problems increases, but not by much.

What to do if the slope is more than required

Sometimes it is not possible to make the required slope - there are different conditions. In this case, there are two solutions:

  • Lay the pipe as it turns out (but the difference per meter should not be more than 15 cm per meter) and hope that everything will work. With a large slope, it is recommended to install tees with upward bends on the track after a while - so that it is possible to clean blockages. The probability of their formation with large slopes of the sewer pipe is high.
  • Lay the pipe with the recommended slope in the area where it is possible, then install the overflow well, again lead the pipe out of it at the desired slope. Several such wells may be needed.

The first option is cheaper in the device, but it involves frequent blockages in the pipes. Of course, with heavy use of sewage (large amounts of water), there may not be any problems, everything can work without problems. But this is rather an exception. By the way, when using plastic pipes, the likelihood of blockages becomes lower - they have smooth walls, on which precipitation rarely forms. The second option is more expensive and time consuming, but it guarantees the system's performance.

Methods for Calculating Slope Percentage

To find out the percentage value of the slope on the land, you can use the following methods:

  • the simplest and most accurate way to determine the angle of the slope will be leveling. With the help of a special device, all the necessary quantities are measured and simple calculations are made using a simple ratio. The height difference is divided by the distance, then the result is multiplied by 100%. Modern levels are equipped with built-in memory, which greatly facilitates the work of measurers;
  • you can also measure the slope on your site without the use of expensive equipment. Elevations are often indicated on site plans or topographic maps. These places are marked on the land plot, pegs can be used for this purpose, then the distance between them is measured with a compass. Mathematical calculations are made according to the same scheme as when working with a level;
  • using the interpolation method, the slope value in percent can be calculated from the topographic map. To do this, the difference in marks is also determined, which is divided by the distance and multiplied by 100%.

determine slope

Tip 3 How to calculate slope

If you need to calculate the slope of the roof slope or the slope of the road, your actions will be different, although the calculation thesis is identical. The formula for calculating the slope a should be chosen depending on the units in which the result is to be obtained.

determine slope


1. First of all, actually or mentally build a right-angled triangle, in which one of the sides will be a perpendicular lowered to the ground. In order to build such a triangle on a piece of land or a road, use a level. Determine the height at 2 points of the measured object above the sea level, as well as the distance between them.

2. If you need to detect the slope of a small object located on the ground, take a flat board or, using a level gauge, place it strictly horizontally between two points. At the bottom point, you will have to put improvised means under it, say, bricks.Measure the length of the board and the height of the bricks with a tape measure.

3. In order to detect the slope of the roof slope, go to the attic and from a certain point of the slope, lower the thread with the load down to the floor. Measure the length of the thread and the distance from the lowered load to the intersection of the slope with the attic floor. Measurement methods can be very different, right up to photographing an object and measuring the sides in a photograph - your goal is to find out the length of 2 legs in the resulting right triangle.

4. If you have a fairly detailed map of the physical map of the area, calculate the slope with its help. To do this, mark the extreme points and see what height symbols are marked there, find the difference between them. Measure the distances between points and use the given scale to calculate the actual distance.

Please note that all distances must be measured in the same units, say, only in meters or only in centimeters.

5. Divide the opposite leg (vertical distance) by the adjacent leg (distance between points). If you need to get the slope as a percentage, multiply the resulting number by 100%. In order to get the slope in ppm, multiply the result of the division by 1000 ‰.

6. If you need to get the slope in degrees, use the fact that the result obtained by dividing the legs is the tangent of the angle of inclination. Calculate its arc tangent using an engineering calculator (mechanical or online). As a result, you will get the value of the slope a in degrees.


