At what height should sockets and switches be installed?

The main criterion that determines the location of sockets and switches is the convenience of their use. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure maximum safety in the operation of electrical appliances and the aesthetics of the interior of the room. Currently, most of the apartments of the old building are equipped with sockets and switches, which are located at a height of 90 or 160 cm from the floor. In many cases, this distance is not very convenient in terms of comfortable operation. The fact is that the placement of the switch at the shoulder level of an adult is not always comfortable for those family members whose height is much lower. That is why there is a need to make the location of these electrical wiring elements more convenient.

socket and switch on the wall

Accommodation Requirements

There are currently no specific location requirements. sockets and switches.

In European countries, the installation height of sockets is not strictly regulated, however, it is generally accepted to install these devices at a level of 30 cm from the floor. At the same time, switches can be installed from 30 to 90 cm from the floor, based on the convenience of their use. In everyday life, such placement is often called "European standard".

layout of sockets and switches

Just like the European standard, the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE) do not impose special requirements on the height of the placement of sockets or switches, limited to a recommendation for their installation in the most convenient place for the user.

female hand inserts the plug into the socket

Concerning socket mounting or a light switch at the entrance to the room, it is customary to do this at the height of the lowered arm of an adult. This recommendation was reflected in domestic official documents. In particular, SP 31-110-2003 refers to the need to place switches near the front door to the room, from the side of the door handle at a distance of up to a meter from the floor. The European standard also provides for the same placement of switches. It not only allows you to quickly find the switch in a dark room, but also does not create obstacles for children to use it.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  What are the types of electrical outlets?

girl turns on the light

In rooms with a large area, care should be taken not only about the level of placement of switches that is most convenient for the user, but also about ensuring maximum ease of lighting control. For these purposes, various wiring diagrams for walk-through switches. You can choose one of them, based on the individual characteristics of the room.

Ensuring electrical safety during installation

The lack of clear requirements causes a lot of controversy around how to properly wire sockets and switches in residential premises. The installation of these devices must ensure a high level of electrical safety during the operation of electrical appliances. That is, there are still certain requirements for it, but they are not directly related to ease of use.

The main danger that is associated with the use of the electrical wiring elements in question is their availability. That is, the quality that provides the convenience of using these devices adversely affects electrical safety. This becomes especially relevant in apartments where small children live.

child playing with an electric extension cord
In such cases, it is recommended that you carefully select electrical outlets, as well as comply with all necessary conditions when connecting them.

To ensure the maximum level of electrical safety during the operation of sockets, the following rules should be followed:

  • Use high security products from external mechanical influences, as well as dust and moisture.This is especially important in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or shared bathroom.

socket with cover

  • Connecting individual groups of sockets and switches should be done using differential automata or RCD. Such automation is triggered in the event of a current leakage through damaged insulation. This makes it impossible for people to be electrocuted if they touch ungrounded housings of electrical appliances.


  • Use a ground wire. Such a requirement can be met by replacing the old wiring. If repair work in the apartment does not provide for such large-scale changes, but is limited only to changing the location of sockets and switches, then it makes no sense to purchase expensive models with an additional grounding contact. It should also be noted that the connection of powerful electrical appliances, such as a washing machine, boiler or hob, necessarily involves the use of a separate outlet. For it, you need to draw a dedicated line to the switchboard, connected through your own circuit breaker.
  • The location of sockets in the kitchen has a feature associated with a large number of electrical appliances in this room, as well as rather harsh operating conditions. Therefore, to ensure a convenient and at the same time reliable power supply, it is recommended to use a sufficient number of sockets. At the same time, they are located, as a rule, at a level of 15 cm from the surface of the countertop.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Connecting a power three-phase socket with a grounding contact

kitchen outlet layout

  • The minimum distance at which sockets or switches can be located from the pipes of the gas pipeline system is 50 cm.
  • When using such devices in bathrooms, it is recommended that they be connected via an isolating transformer or RCD with a rated current of up to 30 mA. In addition, sockets or switches should not be located closer than 60 cm from the doorway of showers, the edge of a bathtub or a sink.

Choosing a location method

In order to choose the most appropriate way of arranging electrical installations in the room, it makes sense to be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Determine the number and power of consumers, which will be powered from sockets in each room.
  2. Draw up a layout of furniture, taking into account the size of its elements. In this case, it is necessary to determine the connection points for stationary consumers of electricity. Sockets for them are best placed in such a way that the wires are not visible.
  3. Mark on the diagram the optimal location of sockets and switches. This should also take into account telephone and television outlets.

In conclusion, it must be said that the most acceptable option for installing sockets and switches is determined directly by the owners of the apartment based on their personal preferences. For example, the location of the switch at a level of 160 cm from the floor is convenient in terms of placing pieces of furniture that do not block the device during various rearrangements. The high placement of sockets allows you to avoid inconvenience when turning on and off portable electrical appliances. As for the European standard when installing such devices, its advantages are increased ease of use.

Thus, if all the necessary conditions are met to ensure the safe operation of sockets and switches, then the only condition governing their location is ease of use.


