How to clean an artificial stone sink

Basic rules for care

  • Try to remove stains and dirt as soon as they occur. Fresh stains are removed quickly and easily. Moreover, even standard dishwashing detergents will eliminate pollution;
  • Do not wash the sink with a hard washcloth, brush or abrasive sponge. They leave micro-scratches on the stone. Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaners for cleaning. When using a melamine sponge, do not use additional detergents and cleaning compounds;
  • After washing the sink, thoroughly dry the surface with a dry, soft towel. Then salt will not remain in the sink and calcareous whitish spots will form, which appear when the water dries;
  • Do not pour leftover tea, coffee or colored drinks down the sink, or immediately rinse the product thoroughly with warm water;
  • Try to avoid exposure to extreme temperature fluctuations. Do not pour boiling water on the surface, and then use cold water! Otherwise, cracks and chips will appear in the sink;
  • Do not use artificial stone as a cutting board, do not place hot pans or pots in the sink and on the edges of the sink, do not allow strong impacts and strong mechanical impact on the material;
  • Clean and rinse the sink drain in a timely manner. How to do it right, read the article “How to clean the drain in the bathroom and sink”.

How to clean an artificial stone sink

Remove limescale and stains

Limescale and stains appear on a sink made of composite materials with irregular care. To wash such contaminants, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Once a week, the container is filled to the brim with water and 2-3 teaspoons of bleach are added to it. After 20 minutes, the solution is drained, the surface is washed with water, dried dry.
  • Once every 2-3 weeks, the sink is treated with household bleach. For cleaning, take one part of bleach and dilute in 4 parts of water. The solution is sprayed onto the surface, after 3-4 hours it is washed off with water.
  • Melamine sponge helps to clean stains of various origins. The sponge is moistened and cleaned with the foam of pollution formed on it. Then the treated area is washed with water.

daily care

Any furniture, especially standing in the kitchen, requires daily care. The same applies to stone shells. It should be noted that it is best not to treat a stone sink with strong chemicals. In addition, it is best to avoid using abrasive cloths.

To care for an artificial stone, you can use both folk and professional remedies.

home remedies

Caring for a stone sink requires care, as the use of strong chemicals will ruin the look of the sink. Every day, preferably in the morning, disinfection must be carried out before using the sink. To do this, fill the sink with 25% water, and then add 2 cups of liquid bleach to it. After that, you should wait about 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the solution is drained, and the sink is rinsed with clean water.

The stone sink must be wiped daily with a dry cloth. It is best to do this at night. Of course, if desired, such a procedure can be carried out more often.

The rest of the coffee and tea is poured into the sink every day. Such drinks leave noticeable traces that can penetrate deep into the structure of any product. That is why it is recommended to wipe the surface of the sink with table vinegar every day. It is enough to drop a little of the product on the sponge, and then wipe everything. Wear rubber gloves before cleaning the sink.

Special funds

You can take care of the sink not only with improvised means. This can be done using specialized tools.Nowadays, it is easy to find substances that can be used for daily care. Most often, hostesses use:

  • Cilli Bang;
  • Akemi cleaner;
  • Cleaning agent PolyGran.

Of course, there are other products that can be used to clean sinks.


You can clean a stone sink at home using improvised means or special household chemicals. The following videos will help you understand the nuances of cleaning:

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Do you know that:

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Caring for a sink made of artificial stone

Having an idea about the properties and features of artificial stone, you can provide high-quality care for the sink and maintain the beautiful appearance of the product for many years.

How to wash a sink made of artificial stone? Due to the fact that artificial stone in its structure is a very dense material that does not even have microscopic pores, it is not able to absorb foreign particles. Therefore, dirt, grease, food residues are easily removed from its surface with soapy water and conventional detergents and cleaners (without abrasives), and fungus and microbes do not multiply.

To care for such plumbing, special products are also produced (marked as products for composites) - they are safe, act more gently, and do not leave streaks and scratches. They should be selected in accordance with the type of material and type of pollution. For daily use, a regular mild soap based on natural ingredients is ideal - it cleans the stone well, does not contain wax and does not form a film on the surface.

Fresh stains (from coffee, wine, tea, oil, food residues) can be removed with soapy water, persistent (usually appearing with irregular care) - with the help of preparations for cleaning stone from stains, available in liquid form, in the form of powders, soluble tablets, gels. You can also use abrasive powder for washing dishes, but, as they say, without fanaticism. Before using an abrasive cleaning powder (such as Pemolux) to wash the sink, it must be slightly moistened to a paste.

Special cleaners designed for composite stone products will help to quickly and completely eliminate limescale. They are applied to a wet surface and, after a few minutes, washed off with water (the concentration is selected depending on the level of contamination). If there is no special product on hand, and the plaque needs to be removed urgently, you can use the usual universal plaque cleaners or, preferably, a vinegar solution (2.5%). Do not leave the product for a long time to avoid damaging the surface! The top protective layer of the sink may react to certain substances during prolonged contact with them. One or two minutes will be enough, after which the place where the plaque appears should be quickly rubbed with a soft sponge and rinsed with plenty of water.

It is allowed to use liquids and powders containing chlorine for disinfection, since they do not damage the surface and are removed without a trace. However, artificial stone sinks usually do not require disinfection, because bacteria do not accumulate on their surface. If possible, it is better to purchase special disinfectant solutions produced for the care of stone plumbing - they do not contain strong acids, chlorine, they do an excellent job of removing dirt, they can be used for regular cleaning.

After washing, it is advisable to wipe the sink dry, because, evaporating, water drops can leave noticeable marks (they appear more clearly on a dark, uniform surface).

How to clean an artificial stone sink

Stone sink care instructions

The stone sink is resistant to high and low temperatures; under the influence of temperature changes, cracks and splits do not form. Grease is well removed from granite, and many manufacturers specially coat the product with a dirt-repellent composition. Despite the fact that the surface of granite is resistant to chemicals, it is not recommended to use abrasive products for cleaning.

The main steps in caring for a stone sink:

How to clean an artificial stone sink

Granite sinks are environmentally friendly, they are not afraid of contact with chemical compounds, acids and alkalis.

  1. The sink should be washed daily with a grease remover.
  2. Manufacturers do not recommend leaving vegetable peels and tea leaves in a light sink.
  3. Hard water in the tap leads to the formation of plaque, to remove it about once a month, you need to apply a descaling agent to the sink and leave it for about half an hour. Then the substance is washed off with warm water.
  4. Experts advise washing the sink once every few months using dishwashing tablets in the dishwasher. The chemical is diluted in water, applied to the entire sink, left for an hour and then completely removed with a soft sponge.

Only soft dish sponges, special cloths and gel-like products can be used to treat the surface of a stone sink. Manufacturers of sinks also produce a specially designed product that is safe for the surface of granite. After washing with gel, the sink is rinsed with clean water and wiped dry, especially on glossy dark products. Colorful bright shells are much more preferable to have in the kitchen, since traces of various foods and detergents are almost invisible on them and they are easier to wash.

On an artificial stone, dark marks from drained coffee or tea often remain, they can be easily removed with an ordinary slice of lemon or table vinegar. You can use various disinfectants and bleaches, they must be dissolved in warm water and the sink should be filled almost to its full height. The disinfectant must be left for at least 15 minutes and then completely removed from the surface.

Removing difficult stains

How to clean an artificial stone sink

Stone sinks for the kitchen are resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage, they do not form limescale.

During the cooking process, situations often arise when an attractive sink is exposed to strong food components, and stains remain on it that cannot be removed using conventional means. If in the first minutes it was not possible to immediately get rid of the stain, it is necessary to apply a gel-like agent to the stain and leave it overnight. After prolonged exposure, such defects do not leave a trace. When it is unacceptable to use hard metal brushes and scrapers. They can be used if the mixer is made of stainless steel. To remove stubborn dirt, a synthetic sponge with a dense base is suitable; its use in conjunction with a detergent is sometimes enough for the sink to acquire its original appearance. You can find out by composition how some detergents differ from others, and, based on this, choose the best option

How to clean an artificial stone sink

Sinks from an artificial stone are unpretentious in leaving, fat is easily removed from them, they are not painted.

Artificial stone is considered a material that is durable and resistant to mechanical impact, but still you should not experiment and test the kitchen set for strength. You can not throw cutting objects into the stone sink, butcher frozen meat in it with a knife.Sometimes a heavy frying pan accidentally dropped can lead to very undesirable consequences - the appearance of cracks and chips. In this case, you should not follow unverified advice and glue the fragments using different sealants. Specialists involved in the installation of headsets can eliminate such a defect using special technologies in a minimum period of time, while after the repair the crack or chip will not be noticeable at all.

The glossy, shiny surface of sinks can be treated with stone polishes. After such processing, the surface looks perfect, luxurious and presentable. A stone sink with chrome parts should be cleaned with substances that will not harm either material.

When buying a stone sink for the kitchen, you need to consider that all maintenance activities must be carried out regularly. Only if this condition is met, a stone sink can not be changed for decades.

Daily care rules

The state of plumbing can destroy three main points:

  • Lime scale.
  • Scratches.
  • Temperature fluctuations.

Rules that will ensure the safety of the sink:

  • Wash and remove dirt regularly and efficiently using appropriate techniques.
  • Dry with a dry cloth after each use.
  • Do not pour any remaining coffee, tea or other drinks into it. Otherwise, carefully wash off the traces with warm liquid to avoid stains and drips.
  • Do not use very hot or cold water. Do not drain boiling water, and then an ice stream.
  • Do not use hard brushes, metal and abrasive sponges for cleaning.
  • Use for cleaning, only approved high-quality preparations.

Precautionary measures

Not all available folk and chemical products are suitable for washing composite material. The use of some can harm, or even spoil the item. You need to forget about acetone, organic solvents, detergents containing acids. If, nevertheless, prohibited mixtures have got in, they should immediately be washed off with a large volume of running water.

Popular folk methods for cleaning stone sinks

Stone sinks and sinks, despite their name associated with strength, are not particularly practical and resistant to the influence of various factors. Unlike stainless steel sanitary ware, products made of polymer-based composite material are unstable to temperature changes, staining with coffee, tea, juices of berries, vegetables, and fruits. They are prone to chipping, cracking with a strong impact. If the faucet leaks water due to a malfunction, rusty streaks can “tightly” eat into the texture of artificial stone and are difficult to remove.

You can choose a product for cleaning stone sinks on the shelves of the store or use improvised means.

Baking soda is a universal substance used by housewives in many areas of life. If you add a small amount of water to the white powder and rub the surface of the sink with the resulting slurry, you can wash it from dark spots, soap stains, salt deposits, greasy deposits

When rubbing the sink with sodium bicarbonate, it is important not to overdo it so as not to leave traces of scuffs, scratches

Mustard powder does a great job of removing grease from kitchen plumbing fixtures. It can be used in pure form or mixed in equal proportions with soda. A paste is prepared from the powder with warm water and applied to the places of contamination, lightly rubbed with a sponge, washed off with running water.

Citric acid is an organic chemical compound that even delicate surfaces are not afraid of. Dark areas due to exposure to coffee or tea, yellowness, salt deposits, streaks and stains can be removed by rubbing the problem area with a slice of citrus fruit.On more persistent dirt, you can leave lemon juice for 10-20 minutes, and then rinse the surface with warm water.

Crystalline powder with a sour taste will dissolve limescale, whiten the yellowed surface of a stone sink. To do this, close the hole in the sink, fill it with warm water to the brim, pour the contents of the package (50 g). For faster dissolution, you need to stir citric acid in water and leave the resulting solution in the sink overnight. In the morning, the water is released, and the product is rinsed with clean water and rubbed with a dry, soft cotton cloth.

Table vinegar 9% or an aqueous solution of acetic acid 70-80% will help clean the old stone sink from dark spots, lime deposits. Vinegar 9% is diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1, and acid - 1:10. A sponge is wetted in the finished solution, and the place of contamination is rubbed with a rough side. At the end of the procedure, the plumbing is rinsed with warm running water.

We are talking about Coca-Cola, which does an excellent job with rust and salt precipitation. The drain hole of the sink is closed with a plug, a drink is poured into the product and left for half an hour. The edges, the top of the sink must be moistened with a sponge. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is drained, and the surface is washed with water.

Toothpaste and powder are great alternatives to cleaning products. They will remove dirt, refresh the product with a pleasant aroma. A little paste is squeezed onto the sponge or powder is poured, after which the problem area is rubbed, and then washed off.

How to clean an artificial stone sink

How to properly clean a sink

Daily sink care involves quick and easy cleaning with ordinary soap or dish detergent or a specialized cleaner for artificial stone. Mustard powder is also suitable for daily cleaning.

First, remove dishes, leftover food and other foreign objects from the sink. Then apply detergent to a soft sponge or cloth, wipe the surface and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Finally, dry the sink with a soft cloth or towel.

It is important to clean the sink every day, otherwise difficult stains and limescale will appear on the surface. To remove stubborn and stubborn stains, take a bleach solution and fill the sink with the powder.

Leave for twenty minutes and then rinse with warm water. Wipe the sink dry. Such cleaning is used as a general cleaning and disinfection agent once a week.

How to clean an artificial stone sink

If the sink is heavily soiled, take household bleach and mix with water in a ratio of 3 to 1. The resulting composition is sprayed from a spray bottle, left for 8-12 hours, then washed off with warm water and wiped dry. Do not forget about folk remedies that effectively and safely remove severe pollution. First of all, it is lemon and soda.

Home remedies for stain removal

When there are no special cleaning preparations on hand, use the substances that are in the kitchen. You can wash the stone sink with different means; composite materials are resistant to short-term exposure to acid or alkali.


You can wash the stone sink in the kitchen from limescale in different ways:

  • Moisten the entire surface with 9% vinegar, additionally remove especially contaminated areas with a sponge. Leave on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse.
  • Wipe the sink with a slice of lemon, then rinse off the acidic juice with water.
  • Sprinkle dry mustard on the sponge and scrub the sink. For remaining dirt, dilute the mustard powder with water to a paste and apply to the mark for several minutes.
  • Clean the white sink with gel toothpaste.

General pollution

Baking soda will help clean the stone sink in the kitchen from general dirt and stains. The powder sometimes contains hard grains that scratch the surface. Make a saturated solution and wait a few minutes.Rigid fragments will settle to the bottom, then type the top of the composition on the sponge and wipe the sink.

Rusty spots

You can clean rusty smudges with Coca-Cola. Be careful: a dark drink leaves stains, especially on a white stone. Apply a soda-soaked tissue to an inconspicuous area for several hours and look at the result. If the product does not spoil the color, close the drain hole with a stopper, fill the sink with liquid and leave for half an hour. Spots on the top of the sink periodically moisten or place a Coke-soaked napkin on them.

Do not leave cleaning agents on the surface for too long, they can change the color of the stone and ruin the shine. If it was not possible to cope with pollution in a few minutes, take a stronger drug.

Properties of artificial stone

Artificial stone is a composite material consisting of stone chips (80%) and acrylic resin (20%). This material is moisture resistant, durable, resistant to chemicals, high temperatures.

How to clean an artificial stone sink

But, despite the obvious advantages, stone washing requires a special approach to care:

  • The surface of the sink is quickly covered with limescale. It is especially noticeable on kitchen sinks and dark-colored sinks.
  • Light products are regularly stained with dyes: tea, coffee, vegetable and fruit juices. If they are not removed in a timely manner, the sink is covered with ugly colored stains.
  • A leaking faucet can cause a lot of problems. The surface, on which water constantly drips, becomes covered with rust.
  • Artificial stone is sensitive to high temperatures. Unlike stainless steel sinks, you can’t pour boiling water into stone sinks or put hot dishes. Such treatment leads to the destruction of the binder resins, the appearance of stone chipping on the surface.
  • The surface may be damaged by strong impacts from heavy objects. Do not drop cutlery into the sink, as chips will appear.
  • Do not cut food at the sink, this will leave deep scratches on it.

Recommendations for the care of a sink made of artificial material in the kitchen

This sink looks stylish and fits well into the modern interior of both the kitchen and the bathroom. According to external characteristics, it is not inferior to marble or granite products. However, in order for the composite sink to last for a long time, be sure to consider the basic rules for its operation.

Daily cleaning will help maintain its original appearance and operational properties. This will keep the stone sink in perfect condition, preventing the formation of large deposits and stubborn stains. However, it should be washed carefully, using only gentle products. At the end of the process, be sure to wipe the entire surface dry with a soft towel.

How to clean an artificial stone sinkIn order for the composite sink to retain its original appearance for a long time, provide it with competent care.

Do not throw heavy objects, crockery or cutlery into the sink. Such neglect will result in scratches or chips. Dirt, food debris and plaque will clog in them, which will only complicate the cleaning process. In addition, chipped surfaces look unaesthetic.

Artificial material does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Never place pots, pans and other kitchen utensils that have just been removed from the fire on the sink. This hello to the appearance of cracks or color fading.

Helpful sink care tips:

  1. Do not use aggressive substances with abrasive particles and hard washcloths for cleaning.
  2. Use soft cloths for cleaning. You can also use melamine sponges.
  3. Rinse the sink after each use and wipe dry.
  4. Avoid sudden temperature changes, do not pour boiling water into the sink and do not put heated appliances in it.
  5. Do not use acetone or other solvents for cleaning.

How to clean an artificial stone sinkA sink made of composite material is afraid of temperature changes, shocks and exposure to aggressive substances. For cleaning, use only gentle products and soft cloths.


