Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

Dead end heating system

Among the many existing types of heating systems, the choice of developers often stops at a dead end. What is a dead end heating system?

This is the name of one of the varieties of two-pipe networks, for which the difference in the duration of the supply and return pipelines is characteristic. Although in a single-pipe version, a dead-end system is also possible.

The coolant in such a scheme moves in opposite directions along the supply and return pipes. In turn, the dead-end system is also divided into two types: vertical and horizontal.

  • The vertical scheme involves the connection of radiators to the riser. In this case, there is an uneven circulation of the coolant. Since the circulation rings located closer to the riser are shorter than the distant ones. In this case, rooms that are far from the heat source warm up longer and worse than those close to them. Such networks are used, as a rule, in multi-storey buildings.
  • Horizontal dead-end wiring of the heating system is more economical and easy to install. It consists of a series of heating devices, combined into a common scheme by supply and return pipelines. With the natural circulation of the coolant, this scheme can work in buildings of small area and volume. For other cases, it is necessary to organize the forced movement of hot water through the system.

What is a dead-end heating system

Radiator water heating systems are diverse in their design. Depending on the number of main lines, they can be single-pipe and two-pipe, and according to the location of the risers - horizontal and vertical (based on the location of the supply line). In the case of vertical wiring, the systems can be mixed, as well as with lower and upper wiring. The pipeline laying scheme determines the division into two types of systems: a dead-end heating system and a system in which the movement of water in the mains is passing can be used.

Each heating system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding on the choice of a system for building a house, you need to familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of existing species, because they can become decisive in different conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing two-pipe heating

The advantages include the following factors:

  • the ability to easily and conveniently adjust the degree of heating of radiators in each individual room;
  • heating of large objects in comparison with a single-pipe system;
  • ensuring the comfort of staying in the room

The disadvantages of such heating systems are:

  • the need for an elongated pipeline, as well as fittings, fasteners, valves, elements for fastening heating pipes;
  • labor-intensive installation work;
  • higher (compared to single-pipe systems) cost of materials and work performed

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

Wiring methods

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

The scheme of a dead-end heating system can be organized with an upper or lower coolant supply. The upper wiring is most often used in natural circulation, the lower one is possible only if there is a circulation pump in the circuit.

In the first case, pipelines are installed with obligatory slopes for more efficient movement of the coolant. An open type expansion tank is installed at the top of the system.

The most suitable way to connect radiators in a two-pipe dead-end heating system with natural circulation is diagonal.A Mayevsky crane or an air vent of a different design must be installed on each battery.

The lower wiring involves laying the supply and discharge pipelines above the floor surface. In this case, the pipes are placed one above the other - the feed is from above. The circulation pump and the closed expansion tank of the membrane type are implanted in the return pipe at a short distance from the boiler inlet pipe, if it is single-circuit. In double-circuit boilers, the pump and tank are located inside the body and are elements of heating equipment.

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

dead end system heating from the bottom wiring is good because the main pipelines can be drowned in the floor structure or closed with a small box behind a wide plinth. Its biggest drawback is its dependence on electricity. However, the problem is solved by purchasing a small generator that will help out during the absence of electricity. Radiators can be connected in any way: bottom, diagonal or side.

There is also a shoulder dead-end heating system. One of the varieties with side connection of radiators is shown in the diagram for a two-story house:

The coolant can serve the entire network at the same time, at the same time, each arm of the system can work independently. In addition, valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of each radiator. It is convenient to adjust the heating temperature in each room.

Installation of two-pipe heating

Regardless of which type of two-pipe heating you prefer, its installation should be reduced to installing batteries, pipelines, an expansion tank and a boiler. Up from the heat generator, the main pipe is discharged, supplying the hot coolant, which is connected to an expansion tank equipped with a drain and a signal pipe.

Further, the pipeline of the upper line is removed from the tank, from which pipes are already successively laid to all the radiators in the house. At the point indicated in the project (it can be both at the inlet of the boiler installation and at the outlet), a bypass with taps and a circulation pump is installed.

A return line is drawn parallel to the upper line, connecting to the radiators - this line is brought in and cut into the lower part of the boiler. As a result, you will receive a closed heating circuit, which will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. If you want to control the consumption of heat energy, you can install thermostats.

Thanks to the ability of some models to automatically control the operation of the boiler, turning on or off the additional burner if necessary, energy and fuel are consumed economically. It must be remembered that a dead-end heating system requires fewer pipes for installation, but when setting it up, it is more complicated.

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

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Some features of the dead-end heating device

To avoid mistakes, to prevent alterations and excessive consumption of materials, you need to know the following nuances:

The calculation of the power and throughput of any heating system, including a dead-end one, is carried out according to the internal diameters of the inlet and outlet pipes. The drawings and diagrams indicate symbols that are not known to everyone. So, if there is an inscription DN 20, then it indicates the inner diameter of the pipe or connecting element. And the icon Ø33x3 indicates the outer diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its wall

This is important to know in order to avoid mistakes when purchasing.
If an extensive dead-end network is being constructed, then shut-off and control valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of each shoulder. It is recommended to install taps equipped with a device for draining air and excess water.
It is important not to confuse modifications of thermostats for batteries

Devices intended for use in gravity systems are endowed with a higher throughput.
The supply pipeline should be assembled from pipes of different diameters. It should gradually decrease from the first to the dead end.
The slope must be observed when arranging all systems. Only for the natural circulation of the coolant, it will be more, about 5 mm per 1 m of pipe, for forced movement - less. Enough 2-3 mm per meter of length.

The dead-end heating system is easy to install and affordable. You can install it in a one-story house on your own, having some locksmith skills. This applies only to the wiring itself. Since the gas or electric part of the legislation is allowed to be carried out only by professionals who have special permits and approvals.

Types of dead end heating system

Dead end heating system. which is a subspecies of the two-pipe, is characterized by a pronounced difference in the length of the circulation rings - it, in turn, can be vertical and horizontal.

In a vertical system, the principle of connecting all devices to a vertical riser dominates (circulation rings located close to the riser are shorter in comparison with those located at a distance). The practical application of this principle leads to an uneven intensity of water circulation - as a result, different rooms in the building heat up differently.

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house

Evaluating this scheme only from this point of view, we can conclude that it is not practical, since the inability to evenly heat all rooms is its significant drawback. The scheme is used, as a rule, for the arrangement of multi-storey buildings.

As for the horizontal dead-end heating system, its principle is to connect two pipelines to the heaters - direct and reverse. In terms of design, it is simpler than vertical, since both lines have the same dimensions of connecting elements and pipes.

It is also important that it is more economical in terms of material consumption. Its main disadvantage is the difficulty of balancing individual radiators.

If we compare the wiring diagram of a dead-end type heating system with circuits of other types, then the first one has an advantage - it can be arranged with any circulation of the coolant (both natural and forced)

It is important to consider that with natural circulation, the scheme is only suitable for the construction of one-story and two-story houses. It is possible to use such a scheme for multi-storey buildings only if there is a forced circulation of the coolant

Efficiently and reliably do-it-yourself two-pipe heating system for a private house


