About the heating system of a multi-storey building
Home heating system. as a rule, it is single-pipe; the spill is either upper or lower. As for the return and supply, they can be placed in the basement, but it is possible that the return is in the basement, and the supply is located in the attic. The movement of water in the risers can be passing and go from top to bottom or oncoming and go from bottom to top (in this regard, what matters is which house heating scheme was used).
There are such risers that are used with a counter coolant, they can also be associated. If the house heating scheme is exactly like this, then in any system there is a heated towel rail riser (in this case, the system can be either with an open water intake or with a closed one).
The number of sections and the size of heating radiators is very important. Such parameters must be determined through calculations as the water in the coolant cools down.
In this regard, there is one good piece of advice: if there is a desire to replace radiators with newer and more modern ones, then you should not use the services of friends, since you need to take into account the advancement and cooling of the coolant. In this case, it is recommended to use the services of a house maintenance company, and you should not throw out the jumpers, as the company is interested in restoring them
Thus, it becomes clear that a multi-storey building is heated according to a fairly simple, but very effective system. Nevertheless, if some failures have occurred, then you should not repair it yourself (especially if there is no appropriate training). In any case, it is imperative to call the masters from the service company, who, as a rule, fix all problems in the shortest possible time. Masters use the following tools:
- pipe (gas) wrench;
- wrench;
- pipe bender;
- crimping pliers.
With such tools, all problems are quickly eliminated.
Final stage of work
At the last stage, radiators are connected, while their inner diameter and volume of sections are calculated taking into account the type of supply and the cooling rate of the coolant. Since centralized heating is a complex system of interconnected components, it is quite difficult to replace radiators or repair jumpers in a particular apartment, because dismantling any element can cause interruptions in the heat supply of the whole house.
Therefore, apartment owners who use central heating for heating are not recommended to independently carry out any manipulations with radiators and the piping system, since the slightest intervention can turn into a serious problem.
In general, a well-designed, productive scheme for heating a residential apartment building allows you to achieve good performance in matters of heat supply and heating.
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Features of the vertical wiring diagram
What is the difference between a vertical single-pipe heating system and a similar horizontal one? First of all - minimal heat loss. This is ensured by the location of the supply lines. Unlike a horizontal pipe, in a vertical system they perform the function of heat risers.
In fact, vertical heating distribution in the original version is very rare. This is due to the peculiarity of the installation and distribution of the coolant throughout the system. A similar scheme was popular in the design of Khrushchev houses. Due to the small areas of the apartments, it was impractical to install horizontal piping. Therefore, we developed a vertical hot water supply scheme. It has the following features:
- Several heat risers to which batteries are connected. In most cases, this was a one-pipe heating system;
- The ability to regulate the temperature of the radiator. This is a consequence of the features of the system;
- The flow of coolant into the rooms was carried out through separate circuits.
As can be seen from the above, the vertical wiring of the heating system has a number of significant drawbacks. That is why it is practically not used for private houses, as well as in modern multi-storey residential construction.
In some cases, a combined scheme is applicable, when the distribution riser is made horizontal, separate lines already diverge from it for connecting radiators to the system. Therefore, you need to find out whether it is advisable to use vertical heating distribution for a private house.
Radiant heating system optimal solution
Diagram of a radiant heating system.
Anyone who owns their own home naturally wants to organize an optimal system of good heating with their own hands. He must know for sure: the ideal heating system has not yet been invented, therefore it is necessary to choose what is most practical and has received positive approval. The heating system, nicknamed radiant, can be given preference. Its romantic-geometric name is quite understandable: every radiator has its own beam as a pipeline.
If the owner owns a cozy, not very massive house, consisting of two floors, then the scheme for constructing a heating system using collectors implies the presence of a collector on each floor. They are combined in a parallel way, then they put the boiler, then the expansion tank. This heating system is sometimes called a two-pipe system. And it is right. A pair of pipelines runs through all the rooms that need to be heated. One line of pipes is created for the direct movement of the fluid - the coolant, the other is responsible for the way back.
Not without a circulation pump
Scheme of the device of the collector heating system.
The layout of this heating system involves the circulation of fluid under duress. This function is assigned to the pump. It is this part of the beam system that distills the liquid with the indicated pressure and guarantees the best temperature readings that are comfortable for people.
The parameters of the pipes, the dimensions of the heat exchangers affect the type of circulation pump that will be in the organized heating system. It is preferable to purchase a pump that moves liquid through pipelines at high speed. It is more difficult to choose a pump for a radiant floor heating system. This will require devices large in their power, capable of pumping water.
The strength of such a pump and the power of a radiant heating system must have equivalent parameters. Anyone who ignores this warning will receive noise as a result of a stupid error.
The circulation pump should start functioning if the resulting heating system is completely filled with water. Otherwise, damage may occur.
The pump is allowed to start its operations only clean - it must first be thoroughly rinsed.
The system of created collector heating requires the placement of a pump for fluid circulation closer to the expansion tank. According to the plan, it is fixed on the return pipeline. There is not too high a temperature, and in this place it fulfills the conditions stipulated by the instructions.
When preparing a plan for radiant heating, it is necessary to think it over, double-check it several times. High-quality materials, tools and the scheme of assembling the beam system itself will require time, money and attention. But this will turn into comfort in terms of uniform heat generation in any of the rooms of the equipped dwelling.
Basic schemes
There are the following horizontal heating schemes.
Single pipe line
Constantly moving from source to source, the heating fluid maintains the set temperature. This heating system has excellent technical performance, combined with a low price.
- minimum costs;
- ease of assembly;
- high level of wear resistance;
- suitable for heating a large area.
- limitations in temperature regulation in each individual heat source;
- brittleness with mechanical damage.
It is also worth considering the fact that in the chain each subsequent radiator must be larger than the previous one - this is provided so that the efficiency does not decrease. To heat a large area, it is necessary to install heating collectors more often so that the water passing through the pipes does not have time to cool.
Two-pipe line
For greater efficiency, you need to install radiators. In a private house, they are usually installed under the window, but you can "heat" the north side, as it is the coldest.
Thus, in the event of a malfunction, you do not need to turn off the entire heating system at once, but only a specific “node”. The presence of compensators is mandatory, since pressure drops can lead to breakage. As practice has shown, radiators cope well with pressure drops, sudden water pressure and do not freeze even at sub-zero temperatures.
The apartment reversing system is closed and has a number of advantages:
- The same temperature at the outlet and inlet.
- Suitable for heating a multi-storey building, cottage, warehouse.
- The ability to disable / enable the system, specifically in a specific area. This is convenient, since this fact greatly simplifies the repair.
difficulty in controlling the temperature in a branched system.
Two-pipe parallel manifold
To reduce the cost of construction, polyethylene or polymer pipes are used, which are highly durable.
The system is connected directly to the collector, which evenly distributes the incoming heat over the entire coverage area.
Features of the structure of the collector heating system: the return and supply pipes work autonomously, then heat passes through the pipelines to the radiators, then returns. The cooled liquid heats up again and returns to the radiators. It turns out a closed cycle, regulated automatically.
It is imperative to have a high-quality circulation pump, since the performance of the entire system will depend on it.
The shield containing all the equipment can be located in the hallway or bathroom. If this type of heating is installed in an apartment building, then the shield can be installed in the basement.
- minimum costs for pipes;
- hidden installation, behind the wall (in the floor);
- the ability to link equipment into a single structure;
- low cost (no expensive fixation elements);
- installation is carried out even on large areas;
- Uniformity of heat supply eliminates the occurrence of water hammer.
- difficulty in installation, since often the system is a whole network of small subsystems;
- use in a pipe system of the same diameter.
Plastic pipes are not subject to corrosion, they tolerate temperature extremes well and have proven themselves well at sub-zero temperatures.
Due to their design, two-pipe systems have more advantages, since the water does not cool down with constant movement. The heat is distributed evenly, which creates a pleasant climate in the apartment.
Periodically check the operation of the thermostat, it regulates heat and reflects indicators. Heat regulators maintain an acceptable temperature in the radiators around the clock: depending on the weather, the consumer's heating costs are reduced several times.
Professional engineers will help you draw up a plan for your home, taking into account all the features of the equipment and the area. Entrust the installation to highly qualified specialists with experience in this field. High efficiency at the lowest cost will provide comfort and warmth in your home.
Watch the video in which the specialist explains how to make collector horizontal heating wiring:
Collector cabinets and blocks
In an apartment with horizontal radiant heating distribution (on the floors of private houses), distribution manifolds (supply and "return") are arranged, collecting all supply and return pipelines at their outlets. They are placed in metal cabinets of a special design, often built into the partitions of bathrooms and opening inside them. It is also possible to install distribution manifolds in specially arranged wall niches. Often, the collector unit is combined with the heat metering unit in one collector cabinet.
Collector cabinet with heat metering unit.
Collectors can be complete, which are sections of thick pipes with outgoing nozzles, or assembled on tees. These devices can be:
- plastic;
- nickel-plated brass;
- copper;
- stainless steel.
Many well-known manufacturers of heating equipment (VALTEC, etc.) produce ready-made manifold blocks that combine supply and return manifolds, manual adjustment valves (on the supply manifold), thermostatic valves (on the return manifold), automatic air vents, drain valves and mounting brackets.
Complete manifold block.
The task of individual adjustment of the thermal regime of each single-radiator branch of the collector-beam heating system is solved by tuning valves with built-in flow meters. The branches are obtained in different lengths, and the coolant tends to flow in the shortest way with minimal hydraulic resistance. It flows around short branches more intensively, warming up the radiators installed there more strongly.
Adjustment valves on the supply manifold change the flow rate of water (antifreeze), narrowing their conditional passages in short circuits, and expanding in long ones. Setting is a painstaking process, and the setting valve is not designed to quickly shut off or open the coolant flow along the circuits. This function is performed by thermostatic valves.
Thermal valves on the manifold - "return" - these are valves that smoothly shut off the flow manually or automatically. The radiant heating system is easily hydraulically balanced.
Feature of the horizontal pipe laying scheme
Scheme of horizontal heating in a two-story house
In the vast majority, a horizontal two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is installed in one or two-story private houses. But, besides this, it can be used to connect to centralized heating. A feature of such a system is the horizontal arrangement of the main and return (for a two-pipe) line.
When choosing this piping system, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of connecting to various types of heating.
Central horizontal heating
To draw up an engineering scheme, one should be guided by the norms of SNiP 41-01-2003. It says that the horizontal wiring of the heating system should ensure not only proper circulation of the coolant, but also ensure its accounting. To do this, two risers are equipped in apartment buildings - with hot water and for receiving cooled liquid. Be sure to calculate a horizontal two-pipe heating system, which includes the installation of a heat meter. It is installed on the inlet pipe immediately after connecting the pipe to the riser.
In addition, hydraulic resistance is taken into account in certain sections of the highway.
This is important, since the horizontal wiring of the heating system will only work effectively while maintaining the appropriate pressure of the coolant.
In most cases, a single-pipe horizontal heating system with a lower wiring is installed for apartment buildings. Therefore, when choosing the number of sections in radiators, it is necessary to take into account their distance from the central distribution riser. The further the battery is located, the larger its area should be.
Autonomous horizontal heating
Heating with natural circulation
In a private house or in an apartment without a central heating connection, a horizontal heating system with a lower wiring is most often chosen. However, it is necessary to take into account the mode of operation - with natural circulation or forced under pressure. In the first case, immediately from the boiler, a vertical riser is mounted to which horizontal sections are connected.
The advantages of this arrangement for maintaining a comfortable temperature level include the following:
- The minimum cost for the purchase of consumables. In particular, a horizontal single-pipe heating system with natural circulation does not include a circulation pump, a membrane expansion tank and protective fittings - air vents;
- Work reliability. Since the pressure in the pipes is equal to atmospheric pressure, the excess temperature is compensated with the help of an expansion tank.
But there are also disadvantages to be noted. The main one is the inertia of the system. Even a well-designed horizontal single-pipe heating system of a two-story house with natural circulation will not be able to provide rapid heating of the premises. This is due to the fact that the heating network begins its movement only after reaching a certain temperature. For houses with a large area (from 150 sq.m.) and with two floors or more, a horizontal heating system with lower wiring and forced circulation of the liquid is recommended.
Heating with forced circulation and horizontal pipes
Unlike the above scheme, forced circulation does not require a riser. The pressure of the coolant in a horizontal two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is created using a circulation pump. This is reflected in the improvement of performance:
- Rapid distribution of hot water throughout the line;
- The ability to control the volume of coolant for each radiator (only for a two-pipe system);
- Requires less space for installation as there is no distribution riser.
In turn, the horizontal wiring of the heating system can be combined with a collector. This is true for long pipelines. Thus, it is possible to achieve an even distribution of hot water throughout all rooms of the house.
When calculating a horizontal two-pipe heating system, it is necessary to take into account the rotary nodes, it is in these places that the greatest hydraulic pressure losses are.
Features of the use of vertical wiring of heating pipes
The vertical organization of the heating system involves the connection of all used devices to the main riser. Each floor is connected to the general system separately. During the operation of this system, air pockets almost never form.
When operating a heating system from two pipes with an upper wiring, various installation schemes can be created. These schemes will differ depending on the place where the expansion tank is located, while taking into account the height from the floor.
An organized system can contain pipes of various diameters, since the top of the pipe responsible for the supply is located at the beginning of the wiring.
The main constituent elements of vertical heating distribution
The vertical type wiring scheme currently prevails in residential buildings. The most commonly used heating system consists of two pipes. One of the pipes serves for direct heat supply, and the other for reverse. Such systems usually consist of the following elements:
- Pump;
- Batteries;
- Boiler;
- Bucky;
- Temperature gauge;
- valve;
- Valve guard;
- thermostatic valve;
- Air vent;
- Balancing device.
Advantages of organizing vertical heating from two pipes in an apartment
A vertical heating system is used in rooms where a single accounting of heat consumption is kept. In such systems it is impossible to install individual meters. The use of wiring provides the following benefits:
- Convenient adjustment of the heating system;
- Possibility to turn off autonomous heating elements;
- Ability to connect a system of two pipes floor by floor;
- Elimination of the possibility of overexpenditure of heating devices;
- Relative cheapness of installation of systems;
- It is possible to regulate and prevent noise generation;
- There is no need for expensive adjustment of the heating system;
- Good system stabilizers in the long run.
How is a heating radiator replaced for a vertical two-pipe system?
Work related to the heating system is always better to trust an experienced specialist. This will ensure an excellent result, get the result of work in the shortest possible time and save money. All experienced craftsmen have already developed an algorithm for the implementation of installation work. It is possible to highlight the main points of the work with the wiring of two pipes:
- Minimization of violations of the installation scheme to eliminate problems with the heating network;
- Using the services of a welder when replacing a radiator for a two-pipe system;
- Only polypropylene is used for heating "shtabi";
- For proper organization of installation, it is best to calculate in advance the pressure exerted on the pipes.
Features of heating an apartment in a multi-storey building
After carefully reading the instructions for the heating scheme of a multi-storey building, you can make sure that all norms and requirements must be observed without fail.
In any apartment there should be appropriate heating, raising the air temperature to 22 degrees and keeping the humidity in the room within 40%.
The scheme of the heating system of an apartment building provides for its competent installation, thanks to which it is possible to achieve such a temperature and humidity.
In the process of designing such a heating scheme, highly qualified specialists should be invited who will be able to qualitatively calculate all the necessary aspects for work. They must also ensure that uniform pressure of the coolant is maintained in the pipes. Such pressure should be the same both on the first and on the last floor.
The main feature of the modern multi-storey building heating system is manifested in work on superheated water. This coolant comes from the CHP and has a very high temperature - 150C with a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres.Steam is formed in the pipes due to the fact that the pressure in them rises greatly, which also contributes to the transfer of heated water to the last houses of the high-rise building. Also, the heating scheme of a panel house assumes a considerable return temperature of 70C. In the warm and cold seasons, the water temperature can vary greatly, so the exact values \u200b\u200bwill depend solely on the characteristics of the environment.
As you know, the temperature of the coolant in the pipes that are installed in a multi-storey building reaches 130C. But such hot batteries in modern apartments simply do not exist, and all due to the fact that there is a supply line through which heated water passes, and the line is connected to the return line using a special jumper called the “elevator node”.
The heating system of a multi-storey building, the scheme, which is the most efficient, in any case, should provide for the presence of an elevator unit.
Such a scheme has many features, since such a node is designed to perform certain functions. The coolant with a high temperature must enter the elevator unit, which performs the main function of heat exchange. The water reaches a high temperature and with the help of high pressure passes through the elevator to inject the coolant from the return. In parallel, water is also supplied from the pipeline for recirculation, which occurs in the heating system.
Such a heating scheme for a 5-storey building is the most efficient, therefore it is actively installed in modern multi-storey buildings.
This is how heating in an apartment building looks like, the scheme of which provides for the presence of an elevator unit. On it you can see many valves that play an important role in heating and uniform heat supply.
As a rule, such valves are manually adjusted without problems. But the adjustment of valves, as a rule, is carried out only by highly qualified specialists who work in public services.
When installing heating in an apartment building, the scheme should also provide for the presence of such valves at all possible points so that in the event of an accident it is possible to shut off the flow of hot water or reduce pressure. This is also facilitated by various collectors and other equipment that operates in automatic mode. Therefore, this technique provides greater heating performance and efficiency of its supply to the last floors.
A large number of multi-storey buildings have one-pipe heating systems, which involve lower wiring. It is worth noting that the design of the high-rise building itself and many other aspects that may affect the heating scheme are also taken into account.
Depending on these aspects, the coolant can be supplied both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Some houses have special risers that act as a supplier of hot water up and cold down. Therefore, in many apartments, cast-iron batteries are installed, which are very resistant to temperature extremes.
Connecting radiators to the system
After the method of piping is chosen, heating batteries are connected to the circuit, while the scheme regulates the connection procedure and the type of radiators used. At this stage, the heating scheme of a three-story building will not be fundamentally different from the heating scheme of a high-rise building.
Since the central heating system is characterized by stable operation, versatility and has an acceptable ratio of temperature and pressure of the coolant, the connection scheme for heating radiators in an apartment may involve the use of batteries made of various metals. In multi-storey buildings, cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum and steel radiators can be used. which will complement the central heating system and provide apartment owners with the opportunity to live in comfortable temperature conditions.
Relevance for autonomous heating
The first problems may arise even at the stage of connecting the batteries. This is due to the location of the nozzles and the very design of the heater. Almost all models are designed for installation in a horizontal system. Therefore, experts recommend installing special vertical wall-mounted heating radiators.
However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their functioning. The lower the battery is located, the more efficient it will work. Cold air has more mass than warm air, so it concentrates near the floor. The task of the battery is to heat it. Therefore, it should be located as low as possible. Narrow vertical heating radiators structurally cannot fully fulfill this task.
But this is not the only drawback characteristic of the vertical wiring of the heating system. It can be solved by slightly increasing the length of the radiator inlet pipes. If you adhere to the canons of the scheme, another problem will arise. It consists in tying vertical tubular heating radiators to the location of the heat risers. For rooms with a small quadrature, this is not essential. However, if the room has an area of 40 m2 or more and at the same time 2 external walls, it will be necessary to install several heat risers.
Summing up, we can distinguish the following conditions when the installation of a vertical single-pipe heating system makes sense:
- Relatively large number of floors. Usually from 5 or more;
- Relatively small area of rooms;
- Good thermal insulation and even distribution of heat throughout the room.
Alas, these characteristics are not typical for most private cottages. That is why they prefer to install a horizontal heating system as one of the best ways to maintain a comfortable temperature.