The principle of operation of septic structures
A septic tank is a facility designed to treat sewage. The scheme of its device assumes the presence of a multi-chamber system. Waste water enters the first tank through a pipeline from the house. This is a sump. It undergoes bacterial decomposition of wastewater. In some devices, most often industrial production, special facilities are installed here that produce primary filtration of polluted water. The decomposition of wastewater occurs under the influence of anoxic or anaerobic bacteria. They convert the liquid entering the sump into clarified water, gas and mineral insoluble sediment or sludge.
All anaerobic septic tanks consist of several chambers. In the first, primary wastewater treatment and partial filtration take place. In the second and subsequent purification process continues
The gas formed as a result of the decomposition of wastewater is removed using a ventilation pipe, while the water goes through the overflow hole into the second tank. Here, anaerobic bacteria continue to clean the drains. From here, the clarified water can flow into the next tank or is fed to the so-called filtration fields. After soil filtration, the pure liquid is absorbed into the soil. Such facilities are non-volatile or anaerobic type systems.
There is another type of device that requires electricity to operate. These are aerobic septic tanks with a biological treatment system. Wastewater treatment in such devices is carried out by aerobic microorganisms that cannot exist without oxygen. Therefore, the compressor, which automatically turns on at certain intervals, supplies air into the tanks. The process of decomposition of wastewater in such installations is as fast as possible. The degree of purification of polluted water reaches 98%.
For the operation of an aerobic septic tank, a constant supply of oxygen is required, since the bacteria contained in activated sludge die without it, and the cleaning process stops
The storage septic tank is one of the simplest structures. This is a single-chamber sealed device designed to accumulate wastewater, which is subsequently pumped out using a sewage truck. The tank is additionally equipped with a tank filling level sensor. This option is optimal for those who rarely appear in a country house, as well as if for various reasons it is impossible to equip an effective area for post-treatment of wastewater.
Stages of biological treatment and installation of the station
The steps are:
- Waste water enters the first chamber, where the heavier particles settle at the bottom, while the fine ones remain at the top. Here the process of primary oxidation of substances takes place.
- The biomass is sent to the next chamber - the aerotent. There are beneficial microorganisms that purify the incoming mass and form activated sludge.
- The precipitate that has formed enters the stabilizer. There is also water that was purified in the previous tank, so it enters the next section for final purification and settling.
- The resulting clean liquid enters the soil.
No special equipment is required to install the station. First you need to dig a pit. The depth is determined depending on the height of the groundwater. If they are located high, then it will be necessary to install a loading plate, and if the water is low, then you need to compact the site well.
After the station is placed in a dug pit, covered with sand (layers) and well compacted. They make inlets and outlets for sewer pipes, conduct and connect an electrical cable. Everything is carefully cleaned, only the hatch remains on top of the site.
Popular models and how to choose
The structure of the autonomous station "Eurobion".
"Unilos Astra", in comparison with other brands, does not require special attention during operation. You can check the installation and wash it 2-3 times a year.
Dimensions may vary depending on performance. The body is made of polypropylene, which is a durable and environmentally friendly material. On the sides are installed "stiffening ribs", which provide additional resistance to loads.
The body itself contains 4 compartments inside: a receiver, an aerotank, a secondary settling tank (for separating sludge) and a finishing settling tank (for separating clean water).
Topas is also a compact treatment plant for summer cottages. Consists of polypropylene. Inside the case is divided into separate compartments by partitions. The station has additional installations in the form of a pump and a compressor, which provide high-quality water purification.
The stand-alone model is easy to maintain, reliable and does not require much space for installation. There are many brands that are designed for a different number of people living in the house. As a standard, the maximum number of people who can service the equipment is written next to the name (for example, "Topas-5" for a house where 4 or 5 people live permanently).
The treatment plant for a private house "Poplar" was developed jointly by Germany and Russia. The case is durable, made of three-layer homogeneous polypropylene. On the sides, as in the Unilos station, there are stiffening ribs. The material isolates heat well, which is why it can be used all year round without additional insulation.
Eurobion is a new model for a country house, so it has practically no drawbacks. There are also stiffeners. Compared to other stations, the presence of electronics is kept to a minimum. All electrical appliances are in a special separate compartment. The station itself is small and light, it needs maintenance every six months.
According to user reviews, the Eurobion biotreatment station is working properly. There is no unpleasant smell, the water after cleaning is crystal clear. Maintenance is easy with the drain pump. The disadvantage is that after a break, the station starts up for a long time.
Most users speak well of all models. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages that are easy to deal with.
Multiplast septic tanks Termit
Production technologies and assortment
The equipment is represented by 2 main product lines:
- settling tanks. Produced under the brand name Thermite. Includes several modifications: Profi - 2- and 3-chamber septic tanks for summer cottages with low GWL; Transformer - the same as the Pro, but with one neck (more rigid construction); Transformer PR - modification with a pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater at high GWL. There are also accumulative models with a capacity of up to 5.5 cubic meters;
- biological treatment plants. Produced under the Ergobox brand. They are modifications of the Transformer (PR) models in which a compressor and aerators are installed.
All these products are made by rotational molding of Korean-made HDPE. It turns out a strong seamless construction with developed stiffeners. The wall thickness is 20 mm.
Watch a short commercial about the production and work of the Multplast company in general. You will learn how and from what materials cast containers are made and what capacities the company has.
Model | Termite Profi 3.0 | Ergobox 6S* |
Operating conditions | For a family of up to 6 people with a low GWL, when the soil is sand, sandy loam, loam. | For a family of up to 6 people with low GW, because the gravity version. The type of soil doesn't matter. |
Short description | 3-chamber horizontal settling tank for primary treatment under anaerobic conditions. It is obligatory to arrange a filtration field for the post-treatment of wastewater. | 3-chamber LOS in horizontal execution with the Japanese compressor and the German pump. Discharge of treated effluents into a ditch, onto a relief, into the ground. |
Material | HDPE 20 mm thick | |
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm | 2300×1155×1905 | 2000×1000×2100 |
Electricity consumption, W/h | — | 63 |
Weight, kg | 165 | 137 |
price, rub. | 52100 | 73700 |
* S - gravity. There is a PR modification with a pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater. It costs 6 thousand rubles. more expensive than the gravity version.
Video demonstrating the process of installing a septic tank Termit. From a short video, you will also learn about the diameter of the supply pipe, whether it can have 90-degree turns, how and where to drain the treated wastewater, etc.
Conclusions: it is easy to notice the similarity of products from "Multplast" with products of the Tank type. All the same pronounced stiffeners and a simple design. Of particular interest may be versions with a compressor - a simple refinement gives the design special properties. However, it should be borne in mind that a small number of chambers can lead to a low quality of wastewater treatment and, as a result, the need for a field device or a filtration well for post-treatment.
Topol-ECO treatment plant Topas
The manufacturer's catalog includes both individual treatment facilities for private houses, as well as complex and specialized solutions - for a group of houses, villages and enterprises. Other plastic products are also available: cellars, decorative stones, contact tanks, galvanizing baths, etc.
Production technologies and assortment
To assess the scale of production, we recommend that you first look at the "kitchen" from the inside. 13 minutes tour of the factory, from which you will learn about the applied assembly technologies and methods for controlling the finished product.
The company produces VOCs, which make up 3 large groups:
- For private houses. Topbio - non-volatile septic tanks for installation in sandy soils. Topas and Topas-S are stations with two or one compressor, respectively. Topaero - treatment facilities with protection against increased volley discharge of wastewater.
- For businesses and communities. Topglobal - a set of equipment with reinforced concrete tanks for cleaning households. and industrial waste. Topaero-M - a set of VOCs with increased total productivity for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Topaero-M / E - an analogue of the previous version for any type of wastewater.
- specialized stations. Toplos-FL - for cleaning wastewater from organic matter. Cyclone - a system for post-treatment of domestic wastewater. Toplos-KM - LOS container type for households. drains. Toppolium is a separator of fats from effluents from public catering establishments. Toprain - installation for the treatment of storm drains.
The presented equipment covers a wide range of performance. The youngest models are designed for 4 people, the oldest - up to 200. The use of active forced aeration guarantees 98% of domestic wastewater treatment. Therefore, the company positions its SBOs as treatment facilities that do not require the call of a sewage truck.
In most cases, polypropylene sheets with a thickness of 8 to 20 mm are used as the main material. The rigidity of the structure is achieved by using internal partitions and lattice structures as stiffeners.
Model* | Topas 4 | Topbio | Topaero 3 |
Operating conditions | For permanent use by a family of up to 4 people on a site with any groundwater level and type of soil. | For permanent or seasonal use by a family of 3-6 people on the site with sandy soil and low GWL. | Permanent use for a large family and guests - up to 15 people in total. Any ground conditions. |
Short description | System with two compressors for aeration of drains and deep biological treatment. Effluent can be dumped into the ground or ditch. | Vertical 5-chamber non-volatile septic tank for which a filtration field is required. | Aeration system with the expectation of volley discharge of wastewater up to 1 m3. Effluent with cleaning up to 98% is odorless, they can be dumped into a ditch. |
Material | Polypropylene 12.5 mm for external walls, internal partitions 8 mm thick. | ||
Size, L×W×H, mm | 950×970×2500 | 1600×1200×3000 | 2400×1200×2500 |
Electricity consumption, W/h | 42-63 | — | 208 |
Weight, kg | 215 | 400 | 605 |
price, rub. | 89900 | 115900 | 218700 |
* you can choose a modification with a built-in pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater. Higher capacity models come with an extended neck for deep station installation when away from home, as well as heavy duty versions for difficult ground conditions.
Watch a short commercial about Topas systems. It tells about their principle of operation and installation features on a real site.
Conclusion: the main part of the products from Topol-Eco, which can be used in a private house or in a summer cottage, are volatile biological treatment plants. They are made according to the most advanced technology to date, which is why they are more expensive than conventional septic tanks with a filtration field. But you also need to consider that such equipment requires qualified maintenance, does not tolerate a long power outage and is designed for continuous use.
Station for biological treatment description and principle of operation
The station for deep biological treatment works using the waste products of microorganisms that are in the effluents. The device creates special conditions under which microbes can exist. Air is pumped in there, with the help of which bacteria decompose waste. The chambers contain anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms that absorb harmful substances that enter the liquid and process them in the course of their vital activity.
The device itself is a reservoir, inside of which there are several chambers. Depending on the number of sections, several degrees of purification are distinguished.
In the first chamber, large particles settle to the bottom, which leads to water stratification. It is divided into separate factions. After the precipitate is removed.
2 chamber - "activator". Air is supplied there through a special compressor. Air is necessary for the normal functioning of microorganisms. Due to the fact that there is an anaerobic process, activated sludge is obtained, which is a good fertilizer. On his flakes there is a cleansing.
This is what the cleaning plant looks like.
The same sludge that is formed in section 2 enters the 3rd chamber. This section is another settling tank. From here, clean water enters the last chamber. The degree of purification in this case reaches 98%. This water can be watered vegetables in the garden.
Harmful impurities undergo oxidation under the influence of oxygen. The process is called "aeration", i.e. phosphorus and other harmful substances are removed from wastewater.
Pros and cons of a biological treatment plant
Station advantages:
- Easy to install at home without the help of specialists.
- The unit itself is compact and does not take up much space.
- Compared to a septic tank, the degree of purification is higher.
- Since processing is carried out in a timely manner, there is no unpleasant odor.
- When installing, there are no special requirements for the soil.
- The station works stably even in the cold season due to its high frost resistance.
- The station works using electricity, so if it is not there, then the device is not in operation.
- You need to regularly check the health of the equipment.
- If necessary, clean the device, be sure to use special detergents.
- If the equipment is installed in a country house and no one lives there in winter, then the device must be mothballed, and then restarted.
Facilities and methods for biological wastewater treatment
Cleaning is in full, sometimes nitrogen can even be removed. The sludge is stabilized, so it is used as a fertilizer.
The device is easy to use, so there is no need to hire specially trained people to work with the installed equipment. Such a station can be installed anywhere on the site. In addition, systems are made of polypropylene, which does not deteriorate under the influence of the sun and is not subject to corrosion. Therefore, the device will last a long time.
During the year, the stability of cleaning is maintained, because inside the body there is a foamed substance that retains the thermal layer of the biological mass.
Ozonation stations are often used to completely clean wastewater or for complete disinfection. The device has a high oxidizing capacity, which does not lead to a change in the salt composition. In addition, the environment is not polluted.
TD Engineering equipment of septic tanks Tver
Production technologies and assortment
- for private houses. Stations of biological treatment from polypropylene of the Tver-P line are designed for 2-36 users, depending on the performance of the system;
- for residential complexes. Cleaning equipment in a metal or polymer case of high capacity for 30-1500 people.
- for shift camps. Container version Tver-S for 6-1000 people;
- in block-modular design. Modular designs Tver-BM with flexible adjustment of wastewater flow rate by varying the number of connected units;
- for landfills. Specialized Tver-MSW stations in container design for deep wastewater treatment of MSW landfills.
All models of treatment systems Tver are volatile installations for seasonal or permanent residence. Polypropylene 5 mm thick is used as the material for the walls of the containers. Rigidity of a design is provided with stiffening ribs and internal partitions.
Model | Tver 1P* |
Operating conditions | For permanent use by a family of 4-6 people. Can be installed under any ground conditions. |
Short description | 6-chamber biological treatment plant with anaerobic and aerobic reactors. Horizontal design with two service hatches. Treated wastewater can be discharged into the ground or ditch. |
Material | Polypropylene 5 mm thick |
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm | 2450×1100×1670 |
Electricity consumption, W/h | 38 |
Weight, kg | 150 |
price, rub. | 103800 |
* There are 7 more modifications of this station, for example, the model with the PN index has a pump compartment with a submersible pump for forced supply of treated wastewater.
The video below provides detailed information on the installation of a septic tank Tver-0.75 PN. A company representative at a real facility explains the structure of the system and the role of each of its elements. The maintenance of the station is described in detail. If you're thinking about buying this model, be sure to check it out!
Conclusions: Trade House "Engineering Equipment" does not offer a wide range of systems for country houses. The guys just designed a model that works well and scaled it up. It turned out not the most compact water purification station at an average price. The main thing is that it works, right?
Septic tank for home how to make the right choice
Site map One of the most important questions that people ask themselves when arranging a country house is what to do with household wastewater? After reading this article, you will learn the principle of operation of a septic tank and a cesspool, you will learn their advantages and disadvantages. In resolving this issue, you will be helped by a septic tank for the house, which must be installed on your site. To begin with, most people don’t particularly bother with this issue; there is a cesspool and that’s enough. Yes, this option is now most common among summer residents and people who are just deciding to build their own house. With an infrequent visit to the garden plot, this solution is the most optimal in terms of financial investment.It can be made from concrete rings KS-10-9 by digging 3-4 pieces into the ground, such work will not be expensive, and with little skill this work can be done independently without the use of lifting equipment. Having correctly performed these activities, a person calms down, thinks everything, the task is solved and forgets about it. Yes, for some time everything works fine and there are no problems, problems begin when the load on the pit increases for draining sewage, this may be due to the completion of construction and an increase in the length of the owner's stay on the site. The pit begins to silt up and does not provide the necessary drainage of water into the ground, which leads to the appearance of a smell and clogging of the sewer system. Now the problems begin. Where to buy bacteria for cesspools to eliminate odor and where to order a cesspool truck. Someone might think that's the problem, there is the Internet. Yes, there is, but you think about what you will do regularly. Buying bacteria and calling a car costs MONEY, which, as usual, does not happen much. I hope I gave you the idea that it is better to invest once and not do the dirty (earth) work when the whole site is in good condition. So, after all, what to do, how to solve the problem? There are two stand-alone solutions on the market, central sewage does not count, this is the most ideal option, I doubt that it is available to many. An improved cesspool is SEPTIC. There is a wide selection of manufacturers of septic tanks for the home and cottage designs of this product on the market, but you need to understand the principle of operation of the septic tank that you want to purchase. The main disadvantage of the design of septic tanks is the presence of filtration fields (drainage field), which ensures the absorption (discharge) of 40-70% treated wastewater into the ground. However, there is one thing here. Filtration fields occupy a significant place on the site, they are not recommended to be placed near wells and drinking water intake wells, while the distance from the house to the septic tank should be minimal. It should also be taken into account that in clay soils, as well as in areas where high groundwater level This is very difficult and sometimes impossible to do. And yet, a septic tank is an improved cesspool that requires bacteria for the speedy decomposition of organic sewage and removal of sludge by a sewage machine. It is not always possible to place a septic tank close to the roadway, and organize the entrance of special equipment, in this regard, it is necessary to take care of the place for this machine, which reduces the free space on the site for planting trees or shrubs. This option is suitable for a summer residence or a site with seasonal residence. SEPTIC BIOSTATION for wastewater treatment. This is the most modern way to remove household fecal wastewater, it takes up less space on the site and does not require filtration fields.
The water entering the overflow well has a stonecrop of up to 98% (depending on the manufacturer) and can both be drained into the ground and used for technical needs (watering the garden, etc.). The main disadvantages include its cost twice as expensive as a septic tank and the need for a constant electrical voltage of 220V. For a family of up to 5 people, the biostation's electricity consumption will be approximately 1.5 kW per day. This option is most preferable for permanent residence. P.S. no need to think that septic tank for home this is a 100% replacement of the central sewer, they have very strict requirements for waste that can be dumped into them. You can read about this in the passport for the septic tank that you have chosen. That's all! Good luck with your choice!
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