Expert answers
Andrey Kulikov:
TOPAS, this particular septic tank today is the best option. In addition, a full guarantee for service, installation and components. In general, you can not talk about the most reliable compressors, there are none, no one has them. TOPAS has been working for me for more than two years, there are no problems and delays with it
I advise you to pay attention to it
And which one is cheaper? I do not have.
grandfather mikhey:
poplar works. wash yourself. 2 years
Poplar M took a shit and launched in the USA
SeptiCity :
Topas is not a septic tank. This is an aeration station. So if you need a septic tank, choose from non-volatile ones. There are many of them on the market. If you don’t want to delve into it at all, I advise you to read this little book, and everything will become clear.
Kirill Drannikov:
At Topas, everything is created for comfort, so I advise you to order this septic tank
Victor Dulin:
Only Topas, the rest are less cool
Sanya Tochkin:
I advise you to buy Topas with delivery in Moscow! You will definitely be satisfied
Slavik Nedzelsky:
Topas, Asters are all good, but why overpay if there are other proven septic tanks. We bought Biodeca and have been using it for a year now, saved money and got the same result.
Nur Tuuganbai Kyzy:
I definitely don’t recommend the tank, my neighbor in the country had a bad experience! I myself have been using Astra .sbm-group for four years already, it works well, for all the time I only had to call the service workers once, something got clogged there, they advised me to operate it with special bacteria, since then there have been no failures ...
Offer Service:
Good afternoon, a table comparing two septic tanks on kanalizaciya.offerty /comparison-septic-tank-2-OR-septic-topas-5.
Here you can compare prices for these septic tanks, as well as see offers for other stations.
Alexander Kulikov:
Two compressors for topas are better than one and an electromagnetic valve for asters and the like, topas have stronger bodies than unilos astra, the latter often have a leak between the silt collector and the receiving chamber. I'm for TOPAS!
Izumrud Izumrudov:
I once chose Topas. costs. working. satisfied. but much depends on whom to order and who installs. I installed eko-group
The answer to this question is quite deeply disclosed in this Mosseptic article /info/articles/poleznoe/chto-takoe-septik-pokhozh-li-on-na-topas/
Mikhail Tinishov:
Definitely Topas or Unilos. Everything else is below comfort level. This is a modern solution designed, first of all, to preserve the ecology of a suburban area.
Igor Zhukov:
So do not take it, there are a lot of negative reviews about it. You are tormented to pump out of not shit .. Here is the site of the official dealer Topas -
Maxim Sidorenkov:
Definitely TOPAS, TANK is not even worth considering.
If the site has clay soils or a high level of groundwater, then the aeration station is the only correct option. In terms of price-quality ratio, the best system on the market is Unilos Astra. The septic tank works only in sandy soils with low GWL.
Tatyana Rogachkova:
We have TOPAS-10. I haven’t heard anything about the TANK, none of my friends have such a thing, I can’t say anything. I can tell you about TOPAS
I want to buy and choose. topas consumes el. , and the "tank" is not. if you live in winter, then topas, and el. must be enabled all the time. and the “tank” is self-flowing! I'm leaning more towards the tank! good luck!
Topas is a cleaning station. At the exit (ideally) it gives clean water, or almost clean water, which can simply be drained into a ditch. The tank is a septic tank. It needs a filter field. This is not a cheap building. On clay, the septic tank does not work at all. It is necessary to consider the total cost of the system, and not just the units.
Installation of a septic tank Tank
Among the large assortment of similar products, this equipment is perhaps the most popular.This cleaning system is represented by series-connected plastic containers. Each of them contains partitions that form several compartments. They serve as settling tanks, in addition, the installation has a biofilter.
If you want to have a good cleaning device for an affordable price, then Tank septic tanks are exactly what you need.
The principle of their work is effective and simple:
- Water enters the first storage chamber, which also serves as a primary settling tank, where the largest particles settle.
- Second camera. It serves as a secondary sump, here the effluents are cleaned of small particles.
- The special design of the device slowly moves water through the tray system, and so it is effectively cleaned of heavy particles.
- Biofilter. This is the next stage of purification, where organic matter is actively decomposed.
In the system, drains are cleaned by three-quarters. These data are impressive when compared with simple septic tanks. But this is not enough to dump water. Therefore, the system is equipped with infiltrators - devices that clean up wastewater in the soil.
- high percentage of cleaning;
- hull strength, which allows not to use various protection against ascents and damage under the influence of soil;
- the system works without the use of energy;
- reliable construction. There are no nodes that will quickly wear out or become unusable.
About which of the Tank septic tanks to choose for a summer residence, read here.
We also bring to your attention an article on how to install a Tver septic tank.
Now it is necessary to compare these types of treatment facilities in terms of the cost of work and installation features.
Septic tank "Tank" (model 2.5)
Dimensions (L*W*H, cm): 203*120*185. It has a weight of 140 kilograms. Made of 1 cm polyethylene, since this material is quite soft, such a unit must be installed on a concrete slab and sprinkled with concrete. The approximate cost is 36,000 rubles.
- In any case, a concrete base, an anchor and subsequent sprinkling with a mixture of cement and sand are necessary.
- For sandy soil with a groundwater level below 2.5 meters, the average cost of a set of works, including all materials, is 103,000 rubles.
- For loamy and clayey terrain with increased GWL, this pleasure will cost 127,000 rubles.
Septic tank "Topas" - 5PR
Dimensions (L*W*H, cm): 110*120*260. With a mass of 240 kg. It is made of durable polypropylene, the thickness of which is 12 mm. Perhaps, the application for any composition of the soil and does not depend on the GWL. True, the price of equipment is several times higher and amounts to 80,000 rubles.
But when using such a treatment plant option as Topas, it turns out to significantly save on installation materials, since only sand is needed.
Therefore, the cost for sandy soil with groundwater level up to 2.5 m is 99,000 rubles. And for the second type of soil - 104,000 rubles.
The most important criterion in choosing a treatment plant for your site will be the composition of the soil and groundwater. If you own sandy soil and groundwater runs deep, then the decision is yours, since any type of septic tank will work efficiently.
But if the soil consists of water-resistant materials (like clay) and the GWL is high enough, then the only solution would be to purchase the Topas biological treatment plant, which is manufactured by the plant and has a guarantee. The main thing is to comply with all operating conditions and the result will please for many years, the presence of a smell can only signal a malfunction in the system. Otherwise, there is no smell. Do not forget that it is impossible to merge everything into such a system, as this will lead to malfunctions and failure of the entire unit. Can be used permanently.
If you decide to install a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings or a "Tank", then be attentive to the work of the contractor.Since if during the installation process mistakes are made in creating a filtration structure after the septic tank or the fan pipe itself, then this can play a cruel joke. The constant presence of odor is inevitable. On the other hand, these types of cleaning devices are more loyal to the composition of wastewater. Better for occasional use.
How to install
Let's consider how the country sewerage of the septic tank Tank is mounted. Installation work can be divided into several stages:
- choice of location;
- earthworks;
- installation;
- backfilling.
Where to install a septic tank?
The choice of the installation site of a septic tank is a rather responsible matter, while it is necessary to take into account the norms of sanitary and building codes:
The septic tank must be located at a distance from the house, the minimum possible distance is 5 meters. When choosing an installation site, you need to take into account the relief of the site. The septic tank is located at the bottom of the site so that sewage can move by gravity
It is very important to correctly determine the level of groundwater and the composition of the soil, since the choice of installation scheme for the septic tank Tank depends on this
Advice! Do not forget that the septic tank will need to be periodically cleaned of solid waste accumulated in it. Therefore, when choosing an installation site, it is worth making sure that sewage equipment can drive up to the treatment plant.
This part of the work is the most time-consuming, therefore it is advisable to dig pits and trenches using earthmoving equipment. The use of special machines will significantly reduce the installation time:
- The pit is dug out a little wider than the dimensions of the installation body. That is, after installing the septic tank in the pit between the walls of the housing and the pit, there should be a gap of 20-25 cm wide.
- At the bottom of the pit, a pillow of sand 30 cm high is arranged.
- If there is a threat of raising groundwater, then it is recommended to anchor the septic tank. To do this, a reinforced concrete slab with loops for fastening is laid at the bottom of the pit or it is concreted using the reinforcement tab. For fastening, bandage belts are used, throwing them over the top cover of the case and fixing them in the loops of the embedded reinforcement.
Installation and backfilling
- to install a septic tank, it is worth using a manipulator crane or other lifting equipment, since Tank 1 weighs 75 kg, and more productive modifications have an even greater mass;
- outlet and inlet pipes should be connected through rubber seals;
- backfilling is performed with a mixture of sand and cement, this prevents soil movements from affecting the septic tank body;
- it is recommended to insulate the upper part of the septic tank with isolon or other material.
So, an autonomous sewer, which includes a tank septic tank, is an excellent choice for a summer residence. This is also evidenced by the good reviews of summer residents who already use this installation.
Basic principles of work
In the receiving chamber of the "Topas" installation, waste averaging takes place. With the help of air, a uniform transition to the aeration tank takes place. This is followed by cleaning the drain with special bacteria and clarifying the water in the sludge chamber. The excess sludge is sent to the stabilization department, and the sludge is re-moved in the receiving chamber to activate the work. As a result, the water that has been purified flows directly into the ground by gravity or using a pump.
In a septic tank of the "Tank" type, the process of precipitation of particles occurs in a special septic chamber. Then, with the help of anaerobic bacteria, the sediments are processed, and they begin to ferment. Water is formed in the middle layer and redirected directly to the ground.
Effluent requirements and frequency of use
There are basic requirements for wastewater for optimal operation of the treatment facility:
- Topas is susceptible to chlorine, so you should not clean plumbing with products containing it.There is a taboo against dumping food residues, parts of mushrooms, solid particles of garbage into the sewerage system. Varnishes, paints, various oils and pesticide products are also prohibited. The aeration unit can be used permanently or for a season, it is also suitable for active use on weekends.
- The septic tank "Tank" can process almost everything, with the exception of pesticides and chlorine. Easily copes with sharp injections of pollution, but it is necessary to control the liquid level and carry out cleaning during cleaning.
System Differences
After a detailed study, it becomes clear that there is a whole set of differences between these two systems.
Septic Topas:
- Needs little power.
- You won't have to call for a scavenger for it.
- It has optimal weight and excellent wall quality.
- The soil does not need to be prepared before installation.
- Drains are cleaned by 98%.
- The latest models are designed for a volume of 220 liters.
Septic Tank:
- Before installation, it is required to prepare the ground.
- The system does not need electricity.
- A sewer specialist will have to be called up to two times a year.
- Waste is cleaned up to 80%.
- The volume of the system is 800 liters.
- The cost of this installation is two times lower when compared with Topas.
Differences between Tank and Topas
Despite the similarity of the principles of operation, there are significant differences between the 2 units.
If the tank septic tank and the Topas septic tank are compared, then it is easy to see that the first one works without energy consumption, but requires the installation of additional equipment. The second unit needs a power supply, but no additional devices need to be installed.
"Topas" costs about 80,000 rubles, has small dimensions and weight. When cleaning it, there is no need to call the vacuum cleaners. The tank can be buried in any soil.
"Tank" costs about 60,000 rubles, has a volume 3-4 times larger, needs to call a cleaning service 1-2 times a year. Before installing it, you need to prepare the ground.
Comparison of septic tanks in the table
The septic tank is equipped with built-in pumps.
- Washing process.
- Settling.
- Treatment of fractions with special sludge with microorganisms.
The principle of operation of the septic tank "Tank"
"Tank" is a simple sump, the cleaning of which is carried out with the help of anaerobic microorganisms. In the process of biological wastewater treatment, heavy inclusions and solid fractions accumulate at the bottom of the tank. Under the action of bacteria without access to oxygen, they are fermented and processed.
The work of the sump "Tank":
- Sewage, together with dirty water, enters the receiver, where primary purification takes place. Part of the large solid inclusions (faeces, fat deposits, toilet paper, food waste) remains at the bottom and after a while turns into sludge.
- The smaller fractions go along with water to the next chamber, where exactly the same process takes place with the settling of inclusions.
- The treated effluents gradually pass into the third compartment, in which there is a special biological filter that clarifies the liquid.
- After that, everything is poured into the prepared infiltrator. In it, the drains are completely cleaned and go by gravity into the ground or a prepared reservoir.
Advantages and disadvantages of "Tank"
The disadvantage is that the owners do not quite accurately calculate the required volume of the sump. This affects the performance of the septic tank.
Has the following advantages:
- durable and reliable, withstands most types of mechanical stress;
- does not rust (plastic case);
- can be placed in the ground;
- easy to maintain and operate;
- recycles various substances, including toilet paper;
- non-volatile;
- complete cleaning (pumping out) is carried out once every 12 months.
- under normal operation, it functions for 40 years.
The principle of operation of the septic tank "Topas"
This installation operates on a different cleaning principle. Air is necessary to ensure the normal course of various biochemical reactions. It is forced into the working chambers of the structure.
Waste water is clarified in several ways:
- chemical - oxidation with oxygen occurs;
- biological - the action of bacteria;
- mechanical - pumping and irradiation.
The work of the septic tank "Topas":
- Primary treatment is carried out by anaerobic microorganisms that are in activated sludge, which is a biological substance. The solid fractions in the drains settle to the bottom.
- Then the saturation of the chamber with oxygen begins, which activates the bacteria, and they begin their activity.
- Upon completion of this process, the resulting liquid is transported to a special sump, where it is clarified and separated into water and activated sludge.
- The last component is released and pumped by a special airlift to the stabilizer compartment.
Advantages and disadvantages of "Topas"
The installation operates without filtration fields and infiltrator. At all stages of operation, oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent.
- can be placed in any soil;
- easy to install and operate;
- no unpleasant odors and noise are felt;
- cleans up to 98%;
- activated sludge is quickly removed from the device;
- the structural strength is high, the body withstands mechanical stress, including ground pressure.
The main drawback is only one - it is necessary to connect the treatment plant to the network. Without this, the unit will not be able to work even as a sump. Bacteria are not activated without saturating the chambers with oxygen, which is pumped by electric pumps.
Best Answers
Agrepina Western:
Storage shit? From the last century
Sergey Parfilov:
Are you addicted? Read first:
dveruki /voprosi/stoit-li-stavit-ochistnye-sooruzheniya-septiki-dlya-doma-tipa-topas4-kakaya-vygoda-ot-septikov
grandfather mikhey:
seo-v-pomosh /wp-content/uploads/2015/06/What-is-spam-300×218.jpg
That Tank, that Termite - these are the simplest designs, not much better than a drain pit. Put in a modern station, either Topas 4 or Topas of the sixth model. For our family, the fourth model came up in terms of performance as it was designed for 4 people. Topas-6 may suit you if 6 households
The stations are energy-saving, there are guarantees, inexpensive service and, most importantly, there are no problems with spare parts, since the company selling the plants is their manufacturer
Natalya Galkina:
It doesn't matter, take TOPAS eco-max /produktsiya/topas/. Choose a model based on the number of users. There is a standard and with forced water drainage. Experts will advise on the spot which is better.
All comparisons of these septic tanks can be found here if you have any questions - please contact us!
Vanya Belov:
There are a variety of septic tanks, but they are not as popular as the Tank or Termit, we put everything perfectly in our country house here ordered septiktermit /
Ivan Tarazevich:
A termite or a tank is no longer a septic tank, but probably a biological treatment plant. If, for example, ordinary reinforced concrete rings are used as septic tanks, then they are washed out quickly and the water does not leave them later. In septic tanks, the effluents pass from one compartment to another, while each time settling and being cleaned by means of anaerobic treatment (the natural process of bacteria) and then, as a result, it is discharged into the ground through the outlet pipe. Since many impurities have already settled and been processed in the septic tank, the scattering fields are not washed out, as it happens in ordinary reinforced concrete wells. I would advise you to take a closer look at good septic tanks with a strong body, for example, a septipk-es. rf
The main differences in the process of work
The Topas installation consumes 60 W of energy, if a pump is used to remove water, then its power is 350 W. The smell takes place at the time of launch or in case of violation of the rules of use. It is desirable to install a fan riser. Water is discharged into a ditch or trench, directly into a watering device or into a well for drainage. It does not need the services of a cesspool service, it is cleaned once or twice a year with a special feces pump.
The septic tank "Tank" is non-volatile. The use of a 350 W pump is only necessary when the filter is on a raised platform. The work is accompanied by the constant formation of a smell, so there is a need for a fan riser. Water enters the well after being filtered underground or a sand and gravel filter is used.Mandatory cleaning once a year by the cesspool service.
Why Tank
Why do many cottage owners recommend purchasing sewer installations of this particular brand? The fact is that the Tank is a country septic tank of a high level of strength.
This model has a molded body made of durable polyethylene, equipped with stiffeners. Therefore, there is no risk that the hull will be damaged by ground pressure or other natural influences.
In addition, when using the Tank installation, an autonomous sewage system will be non-volatile, which can be important for country conditions. It's no secret that power outages happen outside the city.
Due to the fact that the septic tank is installed complete with an infiltrator, an autonomous sewage system can also work in the so-called "torn" mode. This mode of operation is characterized by simultaneous discharges of a large volume of water, alternating with periods of downtime.
Which septic tank to choose
Based on the foregoing, it turns out that there is no unambiguous answer to the question of which septic tank is better than Topas or Tank, since they have different ways of working and designs. If you rely on performance and overall dimensions when choosing, they will be equally compact and able to process instantly large volumes of wastewater. However, if you look at daily volumes, then Topas wins, since he can filter 4 cubes, and the tank is 2 times smaller. But at the same time, the Tank is able to cope with any kind of waste. It turns out that when Topas is used and there is such waste that it cannot filter and recycle, it will be necessary to additionally equip garbage disposal or install a drive, which will cause additional costs. If you look at its initial price, then such equipment will result in significant financial investments.
If we imagine that both septic tanks for some reason cease to function, then in Topas it will not be possible to identify the cause on our own, since it is impossible to visually determine the state of the bacteria. An exception may be cases of significant ground movements or non-compliance with installation rules when a crack has formed in the hull. Their terms of service are approximately the same and there is no clear leader.
Both septic tanks need technical inspections, but only the Tank needs regular maintenance. It needs to change filters if necessary, add special reagents to the chemical stage. But at the same time, it is non-volatile and can be installed even in those areas that are significantly removed from power lines or for some reason this has not yet been done. Of course, if only the sewer system is gravity, otherwise a pump will be required. That is, in terms of autonomy, it is the Tank that wins.
types of septic tanks such as Biotank
The tank during its operation can emit an unpleasant odor, which must be removed using ventilation pipes. For landscape design, this is unprofitable, since they will stick out in the middle of the yard or in any other place and create not only aesthetic, but also visual discomfort. From Topas, only a cover will be visible on the surface of the earth, designed to control its operation and maintenance, without standing out too much from the general background.
Septic tank selection criteria
Based on the foregoing, when choosing between Tank or Topas septic tanks, the following criteria should be taken into account:
- Availability of electricity on site.
- Determine the groundwater level in the spring.
- Take into account the expected composition of wastewater.
- Understand for yourself the need for 100% water purification, taking into account the estimated costs of equipment and evaluate the profitability of such actions.
- Use geological data on the composition and density of the soil, as well as the level of freezing, to estimate the cost and necessity of installing a reinforced concrete slab as a base for a septic tank.
- Consider the frequency of use of the septic tank and choose a design that can cope with such volumes of sewage.
- Estimate the cost and technical implementation of the removal of sludge from the site.
- Rely on the possible availability of experience in servicing a particular type of septic tank.
- Choose a structure that you can install yourself or move from one place to another if necessary.
Both septic tanks have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice must be made based on the technical capabilities of their installation on a particular site, the design features of septic tanks, their performance, and the type of waste.
The final cost of acquiring equipment should be the last thing to pay attention to, since the main tasks of a septic tank are: ensuring reliable operation and the maximum required degree of cleaning
Is a septic tank suitable for installation in a country house
In summer, many people are happy to move to summer cottages, and if the house is equipped with heating, then you can relax outside the city in winter. But in order for the rest to be really comfortable, it is worth taking care of supplying water to the house and organizing sewage. In most cases, a septic tank is used as a treatment plant. And if earlier homeowners had to build detuning chambers on their own from improvised materials, today you can purchase a ready-made installation, for example, a Tank. Let's consider how to choose a Tank brand septic tank for a summer residence.
Today you will not surprise anyone with a country house, which is equipped with plumbing in the same way as an apartment in the city. And this is despite the fact that not every village has a central sewerage system.
The fact is that today summer residents have the opportunity to choose and install an autonomous sewage system to service a private house in accordance with their needs.
It can be either a simple storage tank or a modern biological wastewater treatment plant. As the reviews confirm, the most practical and therefore popular solution to the issue of organizing local sewerage for a summer residence is an autonomous treatment plant. But what is the best septic tank to choose?
Why is there a septic tank in the country
When planning the equipment of a private house with plumbing, you need to immediately consider the issue of disposal and processing of wastewater. It is impossible to allow sewage contaminated with household waste to fall into the ground without treatment, because this will lead to a deterioration in the environmental situation on the site.
A septic tank will help solve the problem of wastewater treatment. This is the name of multi-chamber installations in which water settles and goes through the stage of natural purification with the help of bacteria that feed on organic matter. As the reviews confirm, a properly selected and installed septic tank will help solve the problem of waste disposal as efficiently as possible and much better than cesspools.