Advantages and disadvantages
Corrugated toilet drain is in demand among consumers due to a number of positive qualities:
- simple installation: special tools are not needed, as well as extensive experience in performing such work;
- light weight of the product: installation is done by hand;
- low price;
- when displaced or in a complex configuration area, the flexible pipe provides the ability to connect the sewer riser and the toilet outlet;
- the corrugation helps to join the elements of the sewerage system that do not match in diameter;
- resistance to corrosion;
- no need to dismantle the toilet;
- significant permeability due to the device: when stretched, the stiffening rings that make up the walls of the flexible pipe acquire a certain volume, which slightly increases the diameter of the product in the area between the cuffs.
Corrugation for the toilet bowl advantages and disadvantages.
There are also disadvantages to this product:
- low strength: when a sharp object, a fragment, gets into the pipe, the risk of damage to the walls increases, as a result, a leak may form, which cannot be eliminated;
- do not use too small or large pipe, because it will sag under the weight of the contents;
- installation errors (installation at an inappropriate angle, significant bending) are fraught with blockage;
- rapid clogging is also determined by the ability of the pipe to retain contaminants on the walls;
- insufficiently long service life;
- in terms of attractiveness, such a product is inferior to smooth-walled counterparts;
- installation restrictions: it is impossible to close the toilet outlet with drywall, as well as to install it inside the floor.
The ban on installation in the thickness of the wall is due to the high probability of leakage. It is difficult to detect damage in time, as a result of sewage will get into the room.
Features and purpose of corrugations
This is the name of the type of pipe. It has a wide range of applications, it is also used as a transitional element of the sewage system - when installing a toilet bowl. When installing this plumbing fixture, a large pipe is used. This is due to the significant cross-country ability of the product, the dimensions of the outlet of the toilet bowl.
Communications of this group are made of thermoplastic. The pipe weighs little, can be installed by hand. One side has a cuff. There is a rubber seal in this area. The cuff connects to the toilet outlet and is relatively short. The length of the product varies depending on the position of the stiffening rings: from 23 to 50 cm. This allows you to change the parameters in accordance with the location of the plumbing fixture and the sewer riser in the toilet.
The outer and inner diameters differ from the standard dimensions of the pipes of the sewerage system, respectively 134 and 75 mm. However, the end of the corrugation corresponds to the cross section of the outlet of the sewer riser - 110 mm. This eliminates the need for adapters at the stage when the drain tube is being installed.
Types and dimensions of corrugated pipe
Commercially available options:
- rigid pipe;
- non-rigid
Options corrugations for the toilet.
The first type is much stronger. Wear-resistant such a corrugation makes a significant wall thickness. The connection with the outlet of the sewer riser in this case is performed when the deviation from the horizontal is small. Such a pipe serves for a long time, but due to its rigidity, the scope of its application is narrowed.
Non-rigid products, on the contrary, are elastic. They easily take the desired shape, allow you to make a bend of any size. Such properties help to install the corrugation on any toilet bowls (with direct, oblique outlet). However, the pipe wall is thin, which reduces the strength and wear resistance.
Non-rigid products do not last long.During operation, there is a risk of damaging the corrugation, since it is exposed to any relatively sharp object. An elastic pipe is used only when it is not possible to install a smooth-walled counterpart or a rigid corrugation. Such products quickly begin to sag, which is why they are soon damaged, because they cannot withstand the load exerted by the contents.
There are other types of corrugated products:
- reinforced;
- unreinforced.
The first of the options better tolerates the impact of loads, durable, wear-resistant. Due to these properties, the corrugation lasts longer. It is distinguished by the presence of reinforcement in the walls. To reinforce the pipe, a wire of a minimum cross section is used. It is poured into the thickness of the material at the production stage.
Non-reinforced products are inferior in strength. They do not tolerate the impact of significant loads, so they do not last long. This option is used as a temporary measure. Reinforced corrugation is also used on an ongoing basis. Only a flexible pipe is used in this case for the purpose of connecting in a difficult area.
Varieties of sizes of corrugations for the toilet.
There are products that differ in length. It is recommended to purchase a pipe with a margin of no more than 5 cm. Otherwise, the corrugation will sag, which will lead to blockage.
For the same reason, do not install too long products. If the corrugation is short, it will have to be stretched to the limit due to stiffening rings. Because of this, the functionality of the product is reduced, since the load is not only on the stiffening rings, but also on the soft areas.
The corrugation diameter is 50-200 mm. In apartments, a 110 mm product is installed for connection to the sewerage system. The length is limited: 0.23-0.5 m. Communications that are less than or greater than the values of the specified range are not advisable to use.
Corrugated Alternatives for Releases
In fact, the only alternative to corrugation for connecting the toilet to the sewer pipe is the use of plastic pipes and toilet elbows (corners). Now a huge variety of varieties of components for plastic sewerage are being produced, and you can always find the right parts. Pipes and bends have sockets. Joints are sealed with rubber cuffs and sealant.
Connection with plastic pipes is more aesthetic and durable, but more cumbersome. A serious minus - to replace the pipes, you will have to dismantle the toilet.
Vertical release
Such models are rarely installed and mainly in bathrooms in private homes. The main reason is that to repair the sewer, you will have to open the floors. Connected with direct pipes with a diameter of 110 mm and the same corners (one at 90 ° or two at 135 °).
When to install a corrugated connector
It is permissible to install such a pipe when other options cannot be used:
- corrugation is used as a temporary measure, at the construction stage or in the event of an existing pipe leak, and it takes more time to select, purchase and deliver a new one;
- changing the existing layout of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom: the toilet bowl is shifted relative to the sewer riser, the floor level becomes higher;
- discrepancy between the diameters of the toilet drain and the pipe pipe of the sewerage system;
- the plumbing fixture was replaced, and when buying a new one, the type of outlet was not taken into account: straight or oblique.
The reason may be the repair. In this case, the cladding is often mounted on top of the old coating. The bathroom also has household appliances, such as a washing machine. Often problems arise when installing communications when you need to install a new plumbing fixture in a bathroom where pipes have not changed for a long time.
Corrugation Alternatives for Release
To install such products, you will need to dismantle the toilet tank. Communications have a broadening at the end - a bell. This is how the connection is made. Seams are treated with sealant in case of leakage.At the end sections (in the socket) a rubber gasket is installed in a special internal groove. It seals the joint. Smooth-wall communications are purchased for permanent installation.
For a toilet bowl vertical branch.
This option is used when installing the sewerage system of a private house. In the apartment, communications are located in such a way that it is impossible to connect by joining a vertical outlet with a riser.
The pipeline must be brought strictly under the toilet. Fittings are allowed. However, an angle of 90° is considered sufficient. An alternative option is to use 2 corners of 135° each.
Benefits of a vertical outlet:
- high drain efficiency;
- the supply pipe can be hidden underground, which will significantly improve the interior;
- the water level in the bowl is increased, thanks to which the surfaces are better cleaned;
- splashes are insignificant, due to which hygiene is ensured;
- the tank in such models breaks less often.
The only drawback of this option is the need to dismantle a section of the concrete floor to lay communications underground.
This is the more common way to connect a toilet to a sewer riser. It is used on any objects, including in the apartment. When organizing the drain of a plumbing fixture, corner fittings are used. Their diameter should be 110 mm. This option is more efficient. It is distinguished by ease of installation, since it is not necessary to dismantle part of the concrete floor.
Oblique outlet for the toilet.
A direct release is considered a modern solution, and an oblique one is a familiar and rather old version. It is still in use today. The cross section of communications in this case remains unchanged.
Given the wide distribution of oblique release, it will be easy to pick up components to replace the old ones. Toilets with direct and oblique drain are interchangeable. However, in each case, fittings of different shapes are used.
The disadvantage of this option is the need to accurately determine the distance between the outlet of the toilet bowl and the branch pipe of the sewer riser. Any inconsistencies will lead to skew when installing a plumbing fixture. When the toilet is loosened, the tightness of the seam at the connection site of the communications is broken. As a result, the likelihood of leakage increases.