Standards for discharged wastewater and discharge schemes

Norms regulating the disposal of wastewater to the relief

The norms for discharge of effluents to the relief are similar to the norms for the discharge of waste water into water bodies.

When implementing this process, the following should be taken into account:

  • distance from residential buildings of neighbors - in order to avoid an unpleasant smell in nearby areas, which may result in legal proceedings;
  • installation of aerobic reactors of various configurations capable of providing the required amount of wastewater;

Standards for discharged wastewater and discharge schemes

Aerobic plant

  • with a capacity of treatment facilities of not more than 700 m3, at least 50 m3 should be allocated for the sanitary zone;

the pipe intended for discharge must be insulated and have the necessary slope, the end of the pipeline must be located above the ditch to prevent freezing of water at the outlet.

If it is impossible to organize the drainage of wastewater by gravity, a drainage pump is used.

Scheme of organization of effluent discharge to the area

Discharge of sewage to the relief in modern conditions can be carried out according to the following general scheme.

Domestic and industrial wastewater must be treated using equipment designed to treat:

  • mechanical,
  • biological.

Standards for discharged wastewater and discharge schemes

Mechanical wastewater treatment by industrial enterprises

Surface drains are mechanically treated. Wastewater is discharged to the area at a certain point.

The list of pollutants and their maximum allowable concentrations are given in the regulations for the discharge of harmful substances from sewers into water bodies.

To determine the volume of water discharged onto the relief, it is necessary to carry out procedures for industrial and environmental control, these activities include:

  • calling specialists to the site,
  • collection and conservation of wastewater samples,
  • filling out the required documents,
  • analysis of the samples taken,
  • drawing up and issuing a protocol, which indicates quantitative and chemical indicators,
  • determination of water volumes.

Discharge of sewage and drainage waters as a type of water use right.

The greatest negative impact on the state of water bodies in comparison with other types of water use is discharge of sewage and drainage water. Water legislation considers the use of water bodies for the discharge of sewage and drainage water, i.e. for water disposal, as an independent type of water use right.

drainage water are waters that are diverted by drainage facilities for discharge into water bodies. Wastewater - these are rain, melt, infiltration, watering, drainage waters, waste waters of the centralized water disposal system and other waters, which are diverted (discharged) into water bodies after their use or which runoff is produced from the catchment area.

Article 44 of the VdK of the Russian Federation specifically defines the procedure for using water bodies for the discharge of waste and drainage water: in compliance with the requirements provided for by the VdK of the Russian Federation and legislation in the field of environmental protection.

Forbidden discharge of sewage, including drainage, water into water bodies: containing natural medicinal resources classified as specially protected water bodies. In addition, it is prohibited to discharge sewage, including drainage, water into water bodies located within the boundaries of the WZO sources of drinking and household water supply; the first, second zones of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of medical and health-improving areas and resorts; fish protection zones, fishery protected areas. The discharge of waste water, including drainage water, may be limited, suspended or prohibited on the grounds and in the manner established by federal laws.

According to Art.56 of the VdK of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to discharge wastewater into water bodies, the content of which contains radioactive substances, pesticides, agrochemicals and other substances and compounds hazardous to human health exceeding the allowable impact on water bodies. Unauthorized discharge of wastewater onto glaciers, snowfields, as well as pollution of glaciers, snowfields with industrial and consumer waste, their pollution with oil products, pesticides and other harmful substances are prohibited (Article 58 of the VdK of the Russian Federation).

When operating a water management system1, it is prohibited to: discharge wastewater into water bodies that has not undergone sanitary treatment, neutralization (based on the inadmissibility of exceeding the standards for the permissible impact on water bodies and the MPC standards for harmful substances in water bodies); to discharge into water bodies wastewater containing pathogens of infectious diseases, as well as harmful substances for which MPC standards have not been established. Violation of the requirements for the use and protection of water bodies entails the restriction, suspension or prohibition of the operation of water management systems (Article 60 of the VdK of the Russian Federation).

The issues of water protection during the discharge of waste and drainage water are reflected in the schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies (Article 33 of the RF VdK). The schemes establish, in particular, wastewater discharge limits, corresponding to quality standards, within the boundaries of river basins, sub-basins, water management areas under various water conditions; wastewater discharge quotas, corresponding to quality standards, within the boundaries of river basins, sub-basins, water management areas under different water conditions in relation to each subject of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for this type of water use is also regulated by the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 No. 416-FZ “On Water Supply and Sanitation”, the Rules for Cold Water Supply and Sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 No. 644, and other regulatory legal acts .

  • The water management system is a complex of water bodies and hydraulic structures designed to ensure the rational use and protection of water resources.
  • SZ RF. 2011. No. 50. Art. 7358.
  • SZ RF. 2013. No. 32. Art. 4306.


