Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Cesspool sanitary norms of distance from the house, well and well

Usually, in private households, the problem of draining and sewage disposal is solved by building cesspools on household plots. There are certain standards that clearly prescribe how the process of arranging septic tanks and other treatment facilities serving individual residential buildings should be carried out. They are not recommended to be broken.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

When a cesspool is created, sanitary standards are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation N52-FZ of 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”. The requirements specified in it are mandatory for citizens of the country.

Otkhodnik pit in a private house

A do-it-yourself drain pit in a private house is the best option for arranging sewage. The easiest way out of this situation is the central sewerage. But it so happened that residents of apartment buildings have this advantage, and in the private sector these engineering systems are practically not practiced.

In private houses, an autonomous sewage system is used, where water goes from houses through pipes to sewage pits. Owners of their own homes often bury sealed factory wastewater tanks in their plots. It does not require the organization of the necessary filtration, there is no need to worry about mixing sewage and ground or drinking water.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Closed cesspool requires frequent maintenance of vacuum trucks

The cheapest option is a do-it-yourself drain pit with a natural filtration system. Such cesspools are not supported by law. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • toxins can enter nearby water sources, water intake ponds and wells, underground rivers;
  • the foundation of houses located next to the cesspool may sag in subsiding soils due to constant erosion by sewage;
  • there is a risk of pollution of groundwater with toxins, chemical poisoning of fruit trees and cultivated plants with
  • deep penetrating root system.

Cesspool for a toilet in the country

Digging the earth to the required depth has always been considered the most practical and economical way to make a cesspool for a toilet. Some summer residents even now equip their comfort in this way - they dig a hole, lay it out with a brick or cinder block, install boards as an upper shield. In the same way, the problem of providing comfort is solved - as they say, "cheap and cheerful." But this method will be very problematic as a result:

  • firstly, such a cesspool is suitable only for those who come to a country house no more than a couple of times a week;
  • secondly, the maximum amount of water consumed with such a pit should be 1 cubic meter per day;
  • thirdly, there may be problems with sanitary services.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Owners of old car tires can greatly facilitate their own work - there will be no need to line the pit with brick / cinder block, cement and strengthen the walls. You just need to put used car tires in a dug hole, not forgetting to fasten them together with bolts or large metal brackets.

From above, a cesspool from old tires should be covered with soil (around the entire circumference), and a hatch with a vent for ventilation and the possibility of pumping out is placed on the hole.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Sanitary standards for cesspools

According to the text of the regulatory document, cesspools (see photo) must be built with a mandatory special filtration device, and they should not have a normal bottom under any circumstances, especially if the amount of drains exceeds one cubic meter during the day.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Such a distance is required from the house to the drain pit so that the toxic gases emitted by the waste do not harm the environment on the ground and the people living in this area.

If there is a need to make the distance from the pit to the water supply closer, then you should contact the appropriate authorities (Sanepidemnadzor) and utility service companies (for example, water utility management, etc.).

Technological features of cesspools

Cesspools are the simplest structure that a person has been using for many decades. A sewer pipe from the building is led to a dug pit, in which wastewater pollution decomposes naturally. When filling the pit, the contents are pumped out by a sewage machine.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom
bad smell, pathogens, ground water are close

Creating a cesspool in compliance with all requirements regarding sealing, proper operation allows you to avoid problems, provide an efficient sewer system, and guarantee comfort. This type of sewerage is acceptable for a country house with a temporary stay, housing in which a family of two or three lives. The amount of wastewater in such cases is small. Therefore, their high-quality purification will be ensured. You do not need to use the services of vacuum cleaners often.

How to arrange an airtight cesspool

Many believe that a sealed cesspool is an extra problem in the form of a more complex arrangement process and the need to regularly pump out accumulated liquid waste. But if the site is located in a region with high groundwater, then such a design is the only option for arranging sewage.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

What you need to consider when working with a cesspool of an airtight type:

  1. The walls of the pit must be laid out with bricks without leaving gaps, as is the case with an absorbent structure.
  2. It is advisable to plaster the brick walls with cement mortar.
  3. The bottom of the cesspool must be cemented, and before that, waterproofing "procedures" must be carried out. Liquid glass can be used for sealing.
  4. The lower concrete platform needs to be reinforced - you will need to lay a special concrete mesh on the bottom so that it does not “drown” in the solution, it is installed on pegs.
  5. You can completely seal the cesspool with bitumen or cement mortar.
  6. When laying bricks or sealing the pit with bitumen, a hole must be made for installing / connecting a sewer pipe.

It should be noted that the arrangement of a cesspool in a private house is not a quick matter. At a minimum, you will need to wait for the concrete pad to dry completely. But the absorbing structure is made much faster, because when sealing, it will also be necessary to wait for the mortar to solidify for laying bricks.

If you plan to make a cesspool of concrete rings, then you can take advantage of special offers on the market - manufacturers offer to purchase a "Lego constructor" - concrete rings, the bottom and cover of the pit. In this case, the time of work is significantly reduced - there is no need to independently pour the concrete pad at the bottom of the pit and make a cover.

Choosing a place for a cesspool

The convenience of its operation and safety for the health of people living in the house depend on the correct choice of the location of the cesspool.

Therefore, this preliminary stage must be taken responsibly. When determining the location of the drive arrangement, several factors are taken into account:

  • remoteness from a residential building;
  • remoteness from the place of drinking water intake;
  • access to the pit.

There are sanitary standards that determine the location of cesspools at a distance of more than five meters from the house. But you should consider the type of drive when determining the location.Sealed pits can be located 5-7 meters from housing. Accumulators without a bottom, with natural water purification, it is desirable to have at a greater distance. This will help prevent bad odors from entering your home. The cesspool should be located 25-30 meters from the water intake well or well. This will prevent the ingress of harmful substances, pathogenic microorganisms into the drinking water. Drives need to be cleaned regularly, so they must be provided with a convenient access for a sewage truck.

Homemade septic tanks

A septic tank, or a septic tank, is a container consisting of a single sealed housing (usually plastic), divided into several sections (for example, as in the figure - A, B, C), an intersection separator, a sewage supply pipe and a cleaned discharge pipe.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

Such septic tanks are complex cesspools, but they can not only serve as a vessel for collecting wastewater, but also process dirty liquid into fertilizer for the garden / vegetable garden. Homemade septic tanks are a design of 2 or 3 tanks. In the first, only rough wastewater treatment from large debris occurs, but in the second or third, bacteria will work - they process polluted water into fertilizer.

Cesspool of concrete rings without a bottom

You can build such a complex structure with your own hands, but this will require considerable financial investments. The essence of the work on the arrangement of the cesspool-septic tank:

  1. It is necessary to buy two or three containers made of special plastic - they must be sealed with outlet holes to the outside.
  2. Between these containers you will need to install overflow pipes - they must also be available. Moreover, they will need to be installed under a slope.
  3. In the first tank of the septic tank there will be a small filter - they are sold in stores and have a special marking “for a country septic tank”. This filter will be located at the outlet of the pipe leading to the second container.
  4. In the second compartment of a complex cesspool, bacteria will live that process waste and turn dirty water into practically clean water - at least it can be used to water the garden and the garden, and wash the car.
  5. The third compartment is installed at will - it is needed to collect already purified water, but even without it the septic tank will be fully operational. The only clarification: in this case, a drain valve will need to be installed in the second tank - it will be necessary to extract purified water somehow!

Experts say that the most practical thing is to invite professionals to equip the cesspool. But it is quite possible to do it yourself, which will save significant financial resources. If there is no construction / engineering education, and experience in carrying out any construction work is minimal or completely absent, then it is better not to risk installing a septic tank yourself - specialists will do this with a quality guarantee.


