Advantages and disadvantages
Having figured out what a peat toilet is, you should find out what its pros and cons are.
- Slow tank filling. If the toilet is used daily by 2-3 people, then the tank should be emptied approximately every 2-3 months.
- Peat is inexpensive, and its consumption is small. It is odorless, but on the contrary, it removes unpleasant odors, without the need to use special deodorizing agents.
- Ease of emptying. After processing by peat bacteria, such a dry toilet is emptied directly into the compost heap.
- If the ventilation is working properly, then there is no smell.
- Peat toilets for summer cottages can be mounted outdoors in a wooden box or right in the house by bringing the ventilation pipe outside the house.
- If the plastic used in the construction is frost-resistant, then the dry closet will survive the winter without any problems.
- Such an installation is non-volatile, moreover, its operation does not require water, a sewerage system and waste disposal.
- Affordable purchase price, ease of operation, mobility.
- Environmental friendliness.
There are still disadvantages to such a solution for a country toilet, among them:
- The need for constant monitoring of the peat stock in the tank and the reserve for topping up.
- The peat spreading system distributes the material unevenly, sometimes you have to add it on top. In order for the disposal of fecal matter to be successful, it is necessary to thoroughly sprinkle them with a dry mixture.
- A peat toilet for use in the country has a high-lying drain hole where a hose is attached. Liquid waste also has a smell, so sometimes you have to drain it manually - by tilting the dry closet.
- Solid waste accumulates under the hole. They are odorless, but do not look very pleasant, so they have to be pushed to drain.
- The storage tank has large dimensions - its capacity is from 60 liters. This leads to the fact that it is not possible to transport it alone.
- The composting toilet must be equipped with natural (pipe 2 meters) or forced ventilation.
- You can transfer them, but often it is undesirable to do this, because you need to install an exhaust pipe.
Design features of the device
The first portable models appeared a very long time ago. They were used by British troops in World War I. But they were still very bulky and heavy. Not far from them in terms of their parameters are the “docker toilets”, invented in California in the 1940s. But a truly portable model was the development of a Canadian aircraft designer, who invented the first sample of a dry closet. It was mobile, water and non-volatile and became the prototype of modern designs.
Portable dry closet device
They consist of two rather easily separable plastic tanks. The top is made in the form of a toilet with a lid and a container of water. The lower one is a tank in which, under the influence of a special composition, the process of waste processing takes place. Moreover, it can have different volumes.
Some products are equipped with water level and fill indicators, as well as a drain valve lock to prevent the spread of odors.
Mobile devices are small in size and very convenient to use for short trips to nature. When purchasing such a device for travel, its size is usually put in the first place. It should fit in the trunk of a car and at the same time have a small weight even with a full tank.
Variety of outdoor mobile toilets
Their great popularity was facilitated by the fact that they can function without being connected to a traditional centralized sewer. Conditionally, these devices can be divided into two groups: public (street) and country (portable).
Their main feature is that the dry closet, intended for the street, is equipped with a booth. It can be either an integral part of the closet itself or separate.
The cost of country and public dry closets differs slightly. Cassettes are considered the cheapest of them - their low price is associated with minimal maintenance costs.
Currently, the most popular brands that produce devices of both types are Piteco, Campingaz, BioLet, Dometi, Zenet, Marin, Family and Thetford. A lot of similar products from China enter the Russian market, the brands of which make no sense to list, since they are constantly changing.
What specifications to choose
The device of a chemical dry closet
The main thing you should pay attention to when buying a device is the volume of the working tank. When choosing a dry closet, you need to think in advance about the number of people living in the house
The tank volume of 12 liters is designed for use by three people for 4 days. A tank of 20 liters will be filled by the same number of people in 7 days.
In the instructions, manufacturers usually indicate the time for filling the container by one person.
It is necessary to immediately focus on this, because different types of toilets may have different filling times for containers of the same volume.
Another important nuance, and this must also be taken into account, is who will be involved in the removal of the waste tank. A filled container has a significant weight, for example, a 20-liter container weighs 23 kilograms, and a 12-liter container weighs about 14 kilograms. Not always the maintenance of a volumetric tank may be within the power of an elderly person or a child.
Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the dimensions and height of the model case. Tall people will not be comfortable using devices that are 31 cm or less in height, and children will not be able to use a toilet that is more than 42 cm high
An important factor is the indicator of the maximum allowable load on the device, and it largely depends on the quality of the material from which the device is made. So it turns out that buying a chemical dry closet is not such a simple matter. This requires some preparation, because we do not buy for one day.
Most popular model
The most widespread in our country are portable dry closets of the Dutch company Thetford. The products of this company, which are distinguished by a unique ergonomic design and affordable price, fell in love with Russian consumers. The company manufactures a wide range of chemical dry closets, differing in size, the presence of different flush systems and full indicators, suitable for use in various conditions.
Watch the video, the most popular model:
The Dutch manufacturer pays special attention to the quality and environmental safety of its products. That is why the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends using Thetford dry closets where there is no central sewerage
The traditional booth in the yard of the cottage is a thing of the past. In the cold, going to her is not always convenient, besides, the cesspool should be cleaned regularly, paying for the services of vacuum cleaners, and this is not at all cheap. The toilet inside the country house is convenient, but its maintenance also costs a pretty penny. In such cases, the ideal option is a chemical toilet for a summer residence, consumer reviews confirm this.
The main thing that is noted is the absence of any difficulties in its operation. It is only necessary to add water and sanitary liquids to the upper tank and periodically empty the lower tank.
All users of chemical dry closets note their main advantages:
- light weight
- Portability
- Hygienic and odor free
The disadvantages of many include only the need to constantly spend money on the purchase of chemicals.But it still costs less than the regular hiring of a sewage truck.
Advantages that determine the choice
One of the main factors influencing the preference of buyers is that a chemical toilet for the home can not only have one hundred percent autonomy, but also, if necessary, be connected to the sewer. In this case, there is no need to control its filling.
An important role in the choice is played by the compactness of the product and small dimensions, which allows you to carry it and install it in the right places.
The absence of unpleasant odors is also taken into account, in addition, the use of various fragrances added to the drain tank allows the device to be used not only in specially designed rooms.
It should be remembered that the choice of a dry closet must be made taking into account all the functions that it has, and that it meets the requirements that are imposed on it in each case.
Types of substances
During the operation of dry closets, various substances are used that are required for the normal maintenance of ongoing processes. In houses where dry closets are installed, special preparations are required to eliminate odors.
All substances used in various types of toilets can be divided into groups:
- using composts;
- the use of biological treatment;
- using chemical solutions.
In dry closets with the use of chemicals, solutions are used that disinfect when they are used simultaneously with the flushing of waste. Waste must be collected and disposed of discharge into the sewer.
Industrial enterprises produce 2 types of liquids for toilets:
- Liquids used for top tanks, flushing waste into a receiving tank.
- Liquids used for the bottom tank and intended for waste splitting.
Top tank fluids are designed to flush waste and eliminate odors. An example is the popular Septicsol products, which include an extensive list of different products. Septicsol-R top tank liquid with a 1 liter pack capacity perfectly eliminates odors and improves waste flushing.
Thefford manufactures good, quality products for dry closets that meet the environmental standards for this group of products. Thefford Aqua Rinse top tank cleaner is an excellent toilet bowl sanitizer and cistern improves waste flushing, saving water.
Russian companies produce products for processing dry closet equipment:
- liquid for dry closets "Biofresh";
- liquid for the upper tank "Biola";
- liquid for the upper tank "Ecofresh".
Liquids for the lower tanks with the ability to decompose waste are widely represented. High product quality is the hallmark of Septicsol. The produced Septicsol-R is a universal product - it can be used together with water or independently. A good result is achieved - the foreign smell disappears, the waste is well washed off, which contributes to additional water savings.
Russian companies produce liquids for the lower tanks "Ekola" and "Biola".
For dry closets operating with peat mixtures. The drugs are sold packaged in 15 kg packages by the well-known Finnish company Kekkla Hajusieppo. Mixtures have the ability to absorb up to 60-80% moisture. Russian enterprises produce a mixture of "Ekotorf" with packaging of 15 kg, which has similar characteristics.
Related materials:
- storage tanks;
- dry closets for the disabled.
Advantages and disadvantages of a composting toilet for a summer residence
A factory-made Finnish toilet for a summer residence has a huge set of advantages:
- with a small number of people living in the country, the storage tank is filled slowly;
- low cost of peat and low consumption for backfilling;
- simple waste disposal;
- no smell, provided there is a working ventilation;
- a toilet seat is installed in any place convenient in the country;
- models made of frost-resistant plastic are able to winter in outdoor booths.
There are also weak points in the peat dry closet. Main disadvantages:
- Each owner of a peat dry closet is immediately faced with the problem of the mechanism that scatters peat. To spread the powder, twist the handle back and forth. However, even such a tedious procedure does not guarantee high-quality backfilling of all waste. The mechanism does not throw peat under the toilet seat opening. The powder has to be added manually with a spatula. If this is not done, bad odors are guaranteed.
- The tank is equipped with a drain for liquid. The hose outlet is located high. The liquid will begin to drain when it reaches the correct level. Until that time, it accumulates, emitting an unpleasant odor. To speed up the drain, the tank will have to be lifted and tilted manually.
- Solid organic waste accumulates under the opening of the toilet seat. They are not able to distribute themselves in the reservoir. Perform an unpleasant procedure manually with a spatula.
- If a peat dry closet has a large reservoir, it is difficult for one person to take it out. You will need an assistant, but it is better to buy a model with wheels.
- There are no problems with ventilation when a peat dry closet is placed inside an outdoor cabin in the country. If you put a toilet seat in the house, it is advisable to have an exhaust fan, otherwise bad aromas will fill the room during the heat.
- Despite the small weight of the plastic toilet seat, the peat dry closet is considered a stationary structure. Move it to another place if absolutely necessary.
The compost toilet for a summer residence has many disadvantages, but the comfort design still surpasses the classic options with a cesspool.
Types and their device
According to the most general classification, dry closets are divided into peat and chemical. The latter, in turn, are cassette and portable.
The country peat toilet is characterized by high performance, as it completely processes waste to a state that is safe for nature. The peat mixture is placed at the bottom of the lower tank, liquid and solid waste are separated using an exchange membrane. The liquid turns into vapours, and together with the smell is removed through the ventilation outlet. As it fills, the lower tank is emptied into the compost pit.
We watch a video review of the best-selling peat type model:
In a chemical dry closet, the washed-out effluents are sent to a reservoir, where they interact with waste-disposal preparations. Odors are destroyed almost instantly due to the elimination of gas formation. As a result of processing, a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained; when filling, the container must be emptied and washed, then refilled with chemicals. Manufacturers have optimized the shape of the lower tank, when disconnected, it turns out to be an easy-to-carry, neat, flat container that allows you to drain without splashing.
Do-it-yourself peat toilet for a summer residence
Looking at a photo of home-made peat toilets at a powder-closet cottage, it is easy to visually develop a plan for making it yourself. To correctly determine the design, first choose the location of the toilet in the country. The lack of a cesspool allows you to put the toilet seat anywhere. Usually in the country, a room is allocated for a toilet inside the house or a street booth is placed.
The chair is made of wood. First, a rectangular frame is assembled from a bar. All sides are sewn up with plywood to make a box. A hole is cut in the top shelf with a jigsaw.To finish it, it is convenient to use a plastic cover removed from an old toilet bowl.
The storage tank is made from a plastic bucket. A hole is drilled from below, the fitting is fixed and a hose is put on to drain the liquid. The bucket is inserted into the cut hole, tightly covered with a lid.
The toilet seat is fixed to the floor of a booth or a designated room inside the house. An additional container with peat and a spatula is installed nearby. Drainage hose lead to the street. The room is ventilated.
Advantages and advantages of models
Maintenance and waste disposal made easy
The benefits of using this type of device come from the following features:
- Ease of use
- Ease of maintenance
- No unpleasant odors
- Environmental Safety
- Chemicals are not used for work
- Waste disposal is carried out without the use of water
- Easy cleaning system
The only drawback of the device can be considered the fact that without connecting to the network, its operation is impossible. A dry closet on electricity, the average price of which is 25-45 thousand rubles, is a profitable purchase. Its cost depends both on the manufacturer and on the specific model.
What is a dry closet
The most basic difference between this device and a conventional toilet is its absolute environmental safety. All waste that enters it is recycled. If this happens under the influence of bacteria, then processed products can not even be disposed of, there is no harm from them. When using chemicals, it is better not to pour waste onto the beds.
There are several types:
- Peat
- Chemical
- Electric
Regardless of the type, the device can be installed both indoors and outdoors. In any case, using a dry closet is much more comfortable than using a traditional wooden cabin.
Watch the video review, how to choose:
The main thing is to decide which device is more suitable for your conditions. Before choosing a dry closet, you should first find out, familiarize yourself with its principle of operation and technical characteristics, and only after that buy. We hope that this article will help you with this.
Which one to choose
Having considered all types of modern sanitary systems, you can easily decide on the choice of the best option. But at the same time, it is imperative to focus not only on the appearance, but also on what characteristics the dry closet should have. One of the cheapest and environmentally friendly is the peat option. It can be installed both outdoors and indoors.
Typically, these specimens are made from durable, temperature-resistant materials. The only thing that needs to be clarified in advance is whether the package includes spare parts for dry closets, including ventilation pipes. Otherwise, they will have to be purchased separately.
Watch the video review, how to choose the right one:
Be sure to take into account the volume of the tank, it depends on how often you will empty it. For example, for a family of 3-4 people, perhaps once a month will be enough. When choosing the dimensions of the dry closet, namely the lower capacity, it is worth thinking about who will take it out. After all, it is filled with a fairly large weight, which will require some effort.
The height of the toilet seat matters if there are children in the house. For them, you can buy a children's dry closet or a special seat.
What do experts advise?
The first thing that is recommended to pay attention to is how the dry closet will be installed and in what room. When it is purchased for use in the country, you can stop at the composting model
If there is a standard toilet in the house, then in this case, pay attention to samples using special mixtures with microorganisms.
Watch a video review of the electric version:
Well, for those who like to travel and do not want to do without the conveniences of a hike, the chemical option is ideal. This dry closet is one of the most compact and light, one hundred allows it to be transported to any distance.
It is possible that a portable sanitary device is purchased as a stationary dry closet. In this case, additional equipment will be required, namely, sets of ventilation and drainage pipes. They will be required to remove unpleasant odors and liquid waste.
Which model to choose?
Having considered all the existing types and their features, it remains only to decide on a specific model.
After all, it depends on her choice how comfortable you will feel in a country house or country house. Of course, the cost of acquisition also plays a significant role in resolving this issue.
So, peat dry closets are the cheapest, and electric ones are the most expensive. There is a difference in the external design, the quality of materials, because they also determine how aesthetic and reliable your restroom will be.
Do not forget that, using a dry closet, consumables will have to be purchased separately. Focusing on these criteria, it is worth choosing products from Dutch or Canadian manufacturers. These companies have extensive experience in the design and manufacture of dry closets, and are constantly improving their products.
The most popular manufacturers
In the domestic market, equipment is presented from the three most popular manufacturers. This:
- Thetford (USA - Holland)
- Sanitation Equipment Limited (Canada)
- Campingaz (France)
Models of the first manufacturer have a high piston pump, they have an indicator and a valve. A popular model is PortaPotti 365. It has a low price and excellent quality. Such an acquisition will be a godsend for a country house and lovers of long trips by car, the cost of a dry closet of this brand is low, which allows everyone to buy it.
Watch a video review of Thetford products:
Canadian products are distinguished by a two-way flush, while in other models this procedure has a one-way flush. They have a very convenient connecting mechanism, which allows you to easily detach one part from another when cleaning is necessary.
model MisterLittleFamily
The air valve in such dry closets is fixed, so it does not have to be kept for a long time during the flushing process. The manufacturer produces several models that differ in the volume of the lower tank: 24 and 18 liters, as well as the presence of a water indicator in the upper part of the structure.
Accordingly, the price of such models will be different. Let's try to find out how much a dry closet costs to give. So, the Mister Little Family sample has a price of 4650 rubles, and LittleI deal is equipped with an indicator and costs more. There are also low models in this line, the cost of which is even less. By purchasing them, you can save up to 600 rubles.
Campingaz dry closets are less common, but also of good quality, easy to clean and easy to use.
What to focus on when choosing?
Dry closets brand Campingaz
Before buying a dry closet, you should decide for yourself where and for what purpose it will be used. If it is required only for natural needs, then a portable model will suffice. However, the tanks in them are designed for a certain amount of liquid, which will require its regular emptying, so you should know in advance how long the dry closet lasts.
If in your country house it is necessary as the main element that ensures a full life, then a septic tank will be required. The next question that you have to answer when choosing is the number of people who will use the dry closet.
Based on this, it is possible to calculate the volume of the storage tank and the frequency of its emptying during operation. It is worth purchasing models equipped with a full indicator, it will help you find out the exact cleaning time and avoid the accumulation of excessive waste.
And, of course, you need to pay attention to the maintenance of dry closets.For a summer residence, an inexpensive portable model may be the ideal solution, while a country mansion may require a septic tank, the cost of which is high.
What else very often has to be taken into account is the volume of the lower tank, since when filled, its weight increases significantly. This means that for the elderly, a minimal waste tank should be chosen so that they can empty it if necessary.
Prices for dry closets depend on many parameters. First of all, this is the presence of filling sensors, as well as the volume of the storage tank and other features. Not the last role in this matter is played by the brand of the manufacturer. When asked how much a dry closet for a home costs, we can say that the models of domestic companies are several times cheaper than their foreign counterparts, but they are also significantly inferior in quality to the latter.
There is also a big discrepancy in prices among foreign equipment. The simplest and cheapest models cost about 4 thousand rubles, while the most modern dry closets with various additional functions can have a price of 34 thousand rubles.
As for consumer reviews, they are as diverse as the market for sanitary products. Yes, and about a particular brand of dry closet, you can find completely opposite statements. Therefore, it is not worth focusing only on them when choosing a model. Each has its own taste and requirements, and therefore an opinion about a particular product.
What to choose?
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the purchase of a dry closet is not such a simple thing as it seems. After all, it depends on its correct choice how convenient and comfortable it will be to use it and whether it will be able to satisfy all your requirements. Therefore, before you go shopping, find answers to all the basic questions mentioned above. This will help you make the right choice, saving time, and possibly money.
Comfortable life outside the city and its arrangement
Have you ever wondered what state the Earth will be in for future generations? This question is by no means idle. After all, all those effluents that enter the soil cause irreparable harm to nature. It was this problem that prompted the owners of suburban housing to engage in the arrangement of their own lives using such modern equipment as:
- dry closets;
- Septic tanks;
- Pumps.
We will tell you about each of these devices, which allow you to create comfortable living conditions, on the pages of this site.
Country cottages and country houses need the equipment of sanitary rooms. And an indispensable attribute of such a room is plumbing. However, it is not always possible to use a conventional toilet, and in this case, a dry closet can be an ideal option.
They are produced in various types:
- Peat;
- Chemical.
The modern metropolis occupies a vast territory and not always its inhabitants manage to organize their lives in such a way that everything is within walking distance. The need to move from one area of the city to another often forces the use of a public toilet. Today they serve as toilet cubicles. Although no less successfully they find application outside the city:
- in the villages;
- At the dachas.
The convenience of such equipment is undeniable. It helps to avoid the eternal unpleasant odors, allows you to maintain cleanliness in the city and is indispensable for various cultural and social events.
Advantages of a peat dry closet
When compared to other types of portable portable toilets for summer cottages, a peat dry closet has several tangible advantages. The positive properties are due to the fact that a peat mixture, a biologically safe material, is used as a decomposing agent for faeces.
The advantages of a peat device are as follows:
- When sewage is covered with peat, they are composted - the process is completely safe for the environment.
- Compost from a dry closet can be used to fertilize the soil in a summer cottage.
- When using the toilet, there is no waste that needs to be disposed of.
- The design of the device repeats the design of the toilet bowl in a city apartment.
- No unpleasant odor.
- Full compliance of the toilet with sanitary standards, so that it can be installed inside residential premises.
- Possibility of operation in separate unheated rooms.
- Ease of maintenance.
- The frequency of cleaning depends on the frequency of use, on average it is once every 3-4 months.
Toilet cubicle arrangement
Toilet cubicle device
In many public places, it is not possible to equip ordinary closets, and in such cases, mobile dry closets come to the rescue. They have already become indispensable for various mass events, are widely used in organizing traveling fairs and folk festivals, and are installed in markets and construction sites.
The stationary dry closet consists of a base, to which three walls and a front panel with a hinged door are attached. On top of the structure has a roof.
The walls and all components are made of durable plastic, resistant to mechanical damage and fire. The material used for the manufacture of dry closets is well tolerated by temperature changes, does not collapse under the influence of sunlight and is resistant to aggressive chemicals. He is not afraid of corrosion, he is easy to clean and does not need regular tinting.
We watch the video, the device:
Inside the cabin is a toilet bowl, equipped with a tight-fitting lid. Under it is a storage tank into which wastes fall. This tank is particularly durable and resistant to active chemical liquids that break down all impurities in it. Ventilation is provided inside the cabin, so that unpleasant odors and harmful fumes are removed to the outside.
An outdoor mobile dry closet, which is not a problem to buy today, is additionally equipped with a toilet paper holder, hooks for clothes and bags. Some models are equipped with mirrors, washbasins and liquid soap dispensers. Cabins of class "Lux" may have a device for heating, used in the cold season.
The small dimensions and light weight of dry closets make it easy to transport and install them in a new place. The installation of booths does not require a specially prepared site, but free access to them by special vehicles for cleaning tanks must be provided.
Design features
All modern models of dry closets maximally repeat the principle of operation of a conventional toilet bowl. Many of the samples have a water flush, which is convenient for users, but at the same time, the devices are completely autonomous.
This difference is their great advantage, as it allows them to be used in any conditions. For the proper functioning of dry closets, special fluids are also needed.
They can be poured into the waste collection tank or into the one where the flush water is located. This feature allows you to organize efficient waste disposal, as well as significantly reduce the capacity of the tank, thereby ensuring the small dimensions of the structure.
The developers of portable closets paid great attention not only to the appearance of the structure, but also to the issue of emptying. For this, the design of the dry closet is equipped with a drain pipe through which liquid is drained.
While solid waste can be further composted and used as fertilizer.