Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Types of siphons and their design

Now most of these structures are made of inexpensive and fairly durable material - plastic. At the same time, neither Chinese, nor European manufacturers, nor even domestic ones disdain to use it. Previously, like most plumbing products, they were made of metal, which in some cases cannot stand long-term use and deteriorates over time.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Plastic siphon with corrugated tube

The siphon device for the sink in the kitchen usually differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but the principle of operation is always the same. The design of the reinforcement may include several elements:

  • Collapsible siphon;
  • Several fittings for connection to the sewerage system;
  • Gaskets and seals for fittings;
  • Corrugated or smooth tubes;
  • guide funnel;
  • Grids and traps;
  • Gaskets, seals and hardware for attaching the structure to the sink.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Siphon set with overflow

The siphon for a double sink in the kitchen will differ significantly from the specified list. Despite the fact that he will have the same structural elements, their number will be almost twice as large. Without instructions, therefore, it is more difficult to assemble it. But at the same time, having assembled half of the structure, you can be sure of the successful completion of the task.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Siphon for double sink

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Double siphon design for steam sink

It is also worth noting that the design becomes somewhat more complicated when a siphon is selected for the kitchen sink with an overflow. It adds a special overflow tube, usually made of corrugated plastic, auxiliary fittings and fasteners with gaskets. In this case, gaskets are installed not only on the fitting connecting the siphon to the overflow, but also between the hole on the sink and the overflow hose adapter.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Brief instructions for collecting a siphon with overflow

The design is further complicated if the siphon is quite expensive and has an automated system for delaying and draining water in the sink. In this case, it can be equipped with a mechanical button, which, using a special connection, sets in motion a spring associated with a structure located inside the funnel. This design is movable and operates the drain gate when a button is pressed. In this case, a special place can be provided for the button itself on the sink, usually hidden by a plug.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

A simple plastic siphon in the kitchen under the sink

Purpose and design features

A drain-overflow is necessary so that the sink does not overflow with liquid, and the excess is sent to the sewer. Similar devices are used for metal or ceramic sinks. The devices practically repeat the scheme of the bath siphon.

Overflow in the sink - a hole in its upper part. When the owner does not turn off the tap, the liquid decreases through this hole. A tube is connected to the overflow, through which the liquid flows. More often, the hole is made under the tap, but there are models in which it is located under the sink.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Siphon for the kitchen.

Drain-overflow for the washbasin includes 2 main parts:

  1. Curved siphon (like the Latin letter U). Its bend creates a water seal, which prevents unpleasant odors from spreading around the room.
  2. Drain pipe. It is a segment of a rigid plastic structure or a section of a corrugated pipe. The task is to redirect wastewater to the sewer.

Due to the bending, the liquid does not completely leave the structure. When clogged, the sink siphon can be easily removed and cleaned, for which a mechanical and chemical method is used.

From the outside, a grate is mounted on the drain.It provides protection against blockages, as it traps even hairs and smaller particles of debris.

Sewer connection

On the side of the base there is another hole on which a connecting pipe for sewerage is mounted. The degree of complexity of its connection will directly depend on the type of tube. Smooth tubes are often prefabricated and its parts are attached to each other with fittings and additional gaskets. In addition, their manufacturer often makes them large with a margin of length. Therefore, they often have to be cut with a hacksaw or grinder, having previously measured the required length. Do not forget that some tubes may have a mutually insertable design, due to which the distance between the connecting nodes can be adjusted.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

You can install a siphon in the kitchen with your own hands, it will not be difficult

Corrugated pipes are much easier to install. They rarely have to be cut, and their length can be adjusted using the usual assembly-stretching of the tubes according to the accordion principle. But when choosing a siphon, one should not forget that such tubes are more likely to become clogged due to their design, especially when used in the kitchen.

The tube is connected to the siphon using a fitting with gaskets according to the principle described above, and its connection to the sewer inlet is made using a rubber adapter - gaskets. Most often, it is inserted inside the hole, and a connecting tube is installed in its inner diameter.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Connecting the bottle siphon to the sewer using a corrugated tube

Connecting the siphon to the sewer

When the device is assembled, it must be partially dismantled. To do this, disconnect the flask (unscrew the nut). Then a metal grid is connected to the cylindrical element, 2 spacers are laid between them. This design will be located in the drain.

First, a grate and a gasket are installed in the hole. Then, under the sink, in the same area, a branch pipe with a pre-fixed seal on a wider part is placed. They should be screwed with a metal screw.

At the next stage, the previously assembled siphon structure is attached to the element protruding under the sink. The plastic nut is tightened without the use of a tool so as not to strip the thread. The entire structure is collapsible. If necessary, it is dismantled, which allows you to regularly clean the flask and corrugated tube from contamination.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Connecting the siphon to the sewer system.

The siphon must be correctly positioned. So, the corrugated pipe should be on the sewer side (its inlet). This will make it easier to connect this device. However, this is not always possible, so corrugations are often used longer than required. Such a measure will allow you to connect the outlet of the flask and the sewer pipe.

To connect the siphon to the sewer, you need to install the free end of the corrugation into the pipe of the sewer system. It is already equipped with a seal that ensures tightness. Communications are located under some bias. This factor and the presence of a rubber gasket provide the possibility of unhindered outflow of contaminated water and do not allow runoff to flow back.

If, after connecting the water supply riser, drops of water appear on one of its sections, this may be the result of improper installation or manufacturing defects. In both cases, the defect is eliminated. For example, in the case when an assembly error became the cause of the leak, it is enough to unscrew all the threaded connections and repeat all the assembly steps.

If water drops still appear after disassembly and reassembly, silicone sealant can be used. The components included in its composition will ensure the tightness of the joints. The thread is treated with a sealant from the outside and inside.Then, after solidification, an impermeable film forms at the site of the leak.

Washbasin siphon with overflow characteristic

A sink siphon with a drip will help protect your apartment from accidental flooding

It is a pipe that facilitates the exit of water when it reaches the level of the mark. It turns out that this element provides insurance. This invention pleased the plumbing market with its appearance relatively recently. The fact is that in Europe there has been an increase in cases of flooding due to the overflow of water through the shell element. Such phenomena occurred in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen or bathroom. In this regard, prudent Europeans invented an additional hole that reduces the risk of overflow.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Beautiful ceramic washbasin ELITE 007C Ceramic, equipped with a siphon with an outflow

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Sink Burlington Edwardian B8 T21A CHR with chrome siphon

Manufacturing materials

In the modern world, the production of such devices from several materials has been established, each of which has its own positive and negative sides.

Plastic siphons are more popular today. Such popularity is achieved due to the low cost of products and their good performance. By the way, plastic siphons are very light, while they are endowed with high strength. It is also important that such siphons can be cleaned with chemical agents, since they are immune to chemical attack. Another advantage is the ease of installation of such a product, regardless of the installation location.

Among other things, plastic resists the formation of limescale, which is important;
Non-ferrous metal siphons (bronze/copper). Each person has an idea of ​​​​what a siphon is, so it’s not worth talking about the negative sides of copper and bronze here.

It is clear that non-ferrous metals require considerable effort to keep them in a presentable form. However, if there is a certain design in the room, the general stylistic decision may require the installation of just such siphons, because plastic or brass products can stand out from the general row and break the style;
Brass siphons are by far the most expensive. The chrome coating of such a product allows it to perfectly harmonize with other interior elements made of brass and metal, such as a dryer. Brass requires due respect, so care for it must be reverent, while performance leaves much to be desired. It is worth saying that brass siphons have increased fragility.

Types of siphons and differences between them

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Rectangular wash basins in a spacious bathroom design

Siphon for the kitchen sink with overflow can be found in three varieties.

The bottle-type product is represented by a device with a knee. This invention arose earlier than other model varieties. The first developments were carried out in Europe to prevent clogging. They were widely used and provided users with many options, preventing the likelihood of a flood.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

The structure of the bottle type siphon

Pipe-type models are quite simple and are represented by plastic pipes. The model became popular in the 2000s and rapidly consolidated its market position in the field of sanitary ware. Therefore, they presented a range of many objects in Russia and Europe.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Models of pipe-type siphons have become very popular

Corrugated polypropylene components can be turned in any direction because they have corrugations. This model will be an excellent solution for any type of plumbing - it contributes to a wide range of tasks. The model range can be made from a large number of basic materials.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Corrugated polypropylene components are very comfortable to use

So, if you decide to buy a sink siphon with overflow, you can keep in mind that there are a large number of options that will ensure the safety of property and peace of mind - the owners of the house or apartment.

Connecting to a sink

After the cone is securely fixed to the siphon, it can be mounted on the sink. The pre-assembled structure is placed under the drain hole in the sink. Between them, a rubber or silicone gasket is required to prevent leakage. Its outer diameter must match the diameter of the top of the funnel. The assembled structure needs to be centered again to avoid leaks.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Metal siphon is the most expensive option

Another pair of elements is installed on top of the drain hole in the sink. This is a grid or grate and its corresponding gasket. Sometimes it is missing, but this is not a problem, since the gasket located between the sink and the funnel always performs the main function.

An appropriate complete screw or other hardware is installed in the center of the lattice. When it is screwed, the parts of the structure are connected, and the stronger the connection, the lower the likelihood of future leakage.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

A siphon is one of the most important parts in a home plumbing system.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Bottle siphon attached to the kitchen sink

This connection of the siphon with the sink may not end. Additional operations are required when the sink model is equipped with an overflow hole, and the siphon has an addition in the form of an overflow pipe with an adapter.

The adapter is usually attached to the sink with a screw, and a gasket is also installed between it and the sink. The tube is connected to the adapter and the siphon using the same fasteners that are used to connect the funnel to the siphon.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Pipe metal siphon on a large sink in the kitchen

Assembly and installation of the siphon

At the end of the preparation, you can proceed directly to the installation of the siphon. Assembly can be started in different ways. The first method involves pre-assembling the base of the structure and fixing it on the sink. But you can also go from the opposite, and gradually collect all the elements together directly at the sink. This does not change the essence, but in some cases both options may be uncomfortable for the master plumber, or for you, depending on who is involved in the work.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Regardless of the type of hydraulic seal, installation is carried out according to a single principle.

Many recommend pre-assembling the main part, and then installing it directly on the sink, arguing that there is not much space under it for maneuvering hands and tools, and there is usually no light at all. Therefore, we will assemble the siphon and fittings in parts.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Installation of the structure at the sink

For Bath

Siphons can vary in appearance. So, the types of siphons differ among themselves depending on the goal set for him. Today on sale you can find devices:

  • for Bath;
  • for sink;
  • for kitchen sink;
  • for aquarium.

It goes without saying that the first three types of siphons are the most popular. Bath products deserve special attention, since their system includes two pipes:

  • plum;
  • overflow.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Siphon under the sink

The connection of these pipes occurs near the place where the water seal is formed. It is through this combined pipe that the used water enters the sewer. An overflow pipe is necessary to prevent flooding, as excess water leaves through it. It is worth saying that modern bathtubs can have a hole for draining water in the most unusual place. Based on this, the choice of a siphon should be made individually each time.

When choosing a siphon for a bath, it is important to remember that it should be very easy to adjust.It is best if the siphon is provided with an automatic drain.

This design is very simple and standard - water is drawn in with a plugged drain, while descent is carried out with an open drain.

Preparatory activities

Before you assemble the sink siphon in the kitchen, be sure to make sure that all the complete parts are in place and all the necessary tools are in sight. Otherwise, assembly problems will be provided. But before you start assembling the siphon, make sure that you do not need to dismantle the old siphon that is out of order and requires urgent replacement.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

The most necessary elements for collecting a siphon

If, nevertheless, the old siphon is installed, dismantle it carefully so as not to damage the existing plumbing. Otherwise, you will have to change not only the siphon, but also the sink with a tap or mixer, depending on the scale of the domestic disaster.

Before dismantling, place a container under the sink to remove excess, stagnant water and other fractions from the old siphon or sink, if anything was left in it before the repair began.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Kitchen double sink with metal siphon

If the old siphon was attached to the sink with a screw, use a screwdriver with an appropriate nozzle, since using a screwdriver of the appropriate size is not always effective, because during operation the metal from which the screw is made can be rusted or corroded. It is they who block it inside the structure and do not allow the siphon to be dismantled.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Replacing a siphon is a simple task, one that requires a specific tool and an understanding of the principle of the device

If the notches of the screw or other fastener holding the mesh are worn out for some reason, cut the mesh to dismantle the siphon. This element can be sacrificed, but you need to act carefully so as not to get hurt. To do this, you can use wire cutters or scissors for metal. So, you will need to cut the mesh around the screw head, and then the siphon will instantly separate from the sink

This moment is important not to miss, so as not to stain everything around. Grab the siphon from below and collect the liquid in an already prepared container

Carefully remove any remaining mesh from the sink surface, then use a rag to wipe the sink surface to remove dirt that may have accumulated under the mesh and rubber pad

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Drainage of liquid in the sink will depend on the correct installation of the siphon

Do not forget that the siphon is also connected to the sewer. Usually there is a sealing gum between the connecting tube and the sewer inlet, which ensures a tight connection. It can make it difficult to remove the tube.

If the sink is new and you just need to install a siphon on it, then the task is greatly simplified, and you can immediately proceed to assembling a new design.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

The advantage of plastic siphons is the inability to accumulate debris and non-corrosion

Assembly instructions

The plastic device is much easier to assemble and fix in the sink drain area, because. in this case, plastic fasteners (nuts) are used. There is only one metal element - this is a screw with which the pipe is mounted.

If the option of installing a device made of metal is considered, then it is important to correctly install the pipes. It is necessary to measure the space under the sink: from the drain hole to the wall and floor

This will determine whether the siphon can be installed inside the cabinet of the kitchen set. In comparison, fixing a plastic device does not require additional measurements. It is equipped with a flexible tube that can take the desired shape.

The siphon can be easily assembled on your own, as the manufacturer provides detailed installation instructions. All parts are numbered and shown sequentially.In addition, the principle of their attachment to each other is as simple as possible. There are no complex connections, threads are used to fix parts or a method of installing a smaller product in a larger diameter hole. To fix the plumbing fixture, you only need a screwdriver to tighten the screw in the drain hole.

When using a plastic siphon, it is important to correctly install the seals at the joints of the tubes and branches, the flask nozzles. Gaskets are cone-shaped, which simplifies the installation process

This is due to the fact that the seals are much easier to fit on the bends. As a result, the tightness of the connection is ensured.

Bottle siphon assembly

The device is installed after completion of work on the arrangement of the sewerage system and the installation of a kitchen unit and a sink. The siphon is fixed at the last stage of the repair, because. plastic may warp. The material does not withstand pressure, but when the device is located under the sink, this minus is not important, because. here the device is not affected by mechanical loads.

After unpacking, check the completeness of the goods. To do this, you need to decompose the parts sequentially - in the order of assembly of the siphon. This will allow you to determine in which area there are not enough components and which ones (fasteners, gaskets).

It is a one-piece flexible hose with plastic nuts at the ends.

The main elements of the bottle siphon:

  • flask with a tap - delivered unassembled;
  • flexible hose;
  • plastic nuts;
  • seals;
  • pipe for installation in the drain hole;
  • lattice;
  • screw.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Bottle siphon in the process of being assembled.

Assembly sequence:

  1. Connect the parts of the flask. It consists of 2 elements, the edges of which are threaded. To fix the bottom of the flask, a gasket is put on it. Then the connection of 2 parts of the glass is performed.
  2. A union plastic nut is put on the pipe - the thread should be on the side of the narrow part of this element. The wide part of this part will be in the drain hole.
  3. A gasket is put on after the nut. Then the outlet structural element is connected to the flask, and the nut is tightened.
  4. The tube is given the desired shape.
  5. A plastic nut and an o-ring are put on the siphon outlet.
  6. After connecting the outlet and the flask, the nut is tightened.

If you plan to connect household appliances (washing machine or dishwasher machine), you need to use the second nozzle and hose from the device. The principle of installation is preserved: a nut is put on the outlet end, then a gasket. After that, the pipe and the siphon outlet are connected.

overflow models

The installation principle of this device is the same as in the case of a standard bottle analogue. Fastening is carried out by means of plastic nuts. An additional corrugated tube is fixed with a metal screw in the area where the overflow hole is located.

In this case, it should be taken into account that the installation of the corrugations is first carried out in the area where the overflow hole is located. After that, they proceed to fixing the bottle assembly, the sequence of actions is described above. This model is tested for tightness in a different way: close the drain hole with a stopper, pour a full sink so that the water reaches the overflow hole. The device is ready for operation if no drops of water appear on the tube and other structural elements.

The main types of siphons

Siphons for washbasins are classified according to the principle of the device. After looking at the structure in a section, the specialist will understand which one is better in a particular case. In addition, siphons are made of different materials, which determines their strength and durability.

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Types of siphons.

Classification according to the principle of the device

There are 3 main types of siphons (although models from different manufacturers may differ in details). These include:

  1. Bottle.They are called flask-shaped because they include such a component in their design. In such systems, water enters the siphon, but moves inside through a separate pipe of a smaller cross section. When it reaches the bottom, the effluents enter the cavity between the 2 cylinders, and then are discharged into the sewer. Bottle systems are especially good for country houses, because they do not dry out even during long periods of inactivity. In addition, several drains are connected here at the same time.
  2. Pipe. The classic version, equipped with a pipe with a bend in the form of U / S.
  3. Mixed option. Includes bottle element and corrugated hose.

Pipe and mixed systems have proven themselves well in practice, especially in urban areas.

Division by material of manufacture

There are only 2 types of materials that are used for the manufacture of siphons - these are plastic, metal, since they correspond to the purpose of the equipment and its operating conditions.

But plastic siphons for the washbasin have disadvantages:

  • short service life;
  • when using them, it is impossible to achieve good sealing and you have to additionally use rubber gaskets.

Metal siphons for the sink also have advantages:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • attractive appearance, since often such structures are made of brass and chrome-plated;
  • protection against mud deposits from the inside;
  • ease of installation.

But metal siphons also have disadvantages:

  • higher cost compared to plastic structures;
  • dirt deposits can build up on the inner walls, which increases the risk of blockage.

For non-standard equipment

In equipment that is produced for double sinks, siphons are needed with 2 outlets. They are connected simultaneously to the drains of both sinks. And then, at the required distance from the drain, they are again combined into 1 flask. Such models are pipe or bottle execution.

Non-standard models include siphons for washbasins mounted on an open shelf

They are more expensive, but it is important to make the unaesthetic plumbing device invisible. Therefore, they either choose an attractive brass element, or practice hidden installation, hiding the equipment behind a decorative screen or niche.

Siphon designs for the kitchen

This is the name of a device designed to divert drains in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Installed under the sink, washbasin or bathtub. Such a plumbing fixture is used to retain most of the pollution. At the same time, the siphon prevents the spread of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the room.

The following types of siphons are available:

  1. Bottle siphon. This device is equipped with a flask, from which a tube is connected to the sewer. This model is considered the most convenient and efficient in operation. However, it is large in size, so such structures are not installed everywhere.
  2. Pipe or knee. Its main feature is the absence of a flask. In this case, the function of a water seal is performed by a knee - a curved section of the tube in which a small amount of water is retained. This design is characterized by rigidity and large dimensions. As a result, it is not always suitable for installation under the sink in the kitchen.
  3. Corrugated. It is a type of pipe siphon. It is quite flexible and easily changes shape due to the many stiffening ribs connected by a polymer material. The disadvantage of this design is the retention of contaminants in the tube, because. inside the walls of the siphon are not smooth.
  4. Flat. This design is used for mounting under the sink when there is no space in the cabinet, for example, when a dishwasher is installed there.
  5. Double siphon. It is used for fixing under a sink with two bowls.
  6. Model with additional outlet for connecting a dishwasher or washing machine. This option is set if you plan to purchase household appliances.
  7. Overflow device. This model is used to prevent leakage. A flask is attached under the sink, from which a flexible hose goes up, connecting it to the overflow hole.

Depending on the material, siphons are:

Tips for choosing a siphon for washing in the kitchen

Sink siphon design.

  • plastic;
  • metal.

Advantages of plastic siphons:

  • long service life - the siphon has been in operation for 10 years or more;
  • light weight: the design of the sink on the cabinet made of chipboard does not become heavier;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, chemicals;
  • large selection of models.


