Price list for instrument calibration

Checking counters

All devices are tested at the factory before release. Be sure the results of the check are indicated on the counter and on the attached documents.

After installing the heat meter, it must be checked every 4 years. To do this, they turn to the relevant organizations: to the service centers of manufacturers, to specialized companies. Checking meters is carried out at your own expense.

You need to take the counter readings yourself. The process is similar to electricity meters. The difference in indicators is indicated in the receipt when paying, and then multiplied by the established tariffs. Further, payment is made at any branch of the bank.

General house heat meters are metrological devices that are mandatory for installation in all apartment buildings. This is spelled out in the Federal Law 261-FZ, adopted on November 23, 2009, and aimed at improving the efficiency of energy use. Heat meters provide control over heat consumption by residents of MKD, and allow you to calculate the cost of heating each apartment separately. Given that we are talking about technically complex devices, thermal metering devices need to be checked regularly. We will figure out how often and how this procedure is carried out, who pays for the maintenance of common house meters.

How to present evidence correctly

An apartment heat meter is functionally much simpler than a modern mobile phone, but users periodically have misunderstandings about the process of taking and sending display readings.

To prevent such situations, before starting the procedure for taking and transferring readings, it is recommended to carefully study his passport, which provides answers to most questions related to the characteristics and maintenance of the device.

Depending on the design features of the device, data collection is carried out in the following ways:Price list for instrument calibration

  1. From the liquid crystal display by visual fixation of readings from various sections of the menu, which are switched by the button.
  2. ORTO transmitter
    , which is included in the basic package of European devices. The method allows you to display on a PC and print extended information about the operation of the device.
  3. M-bus module
    is included in the delivery of individual meters in order to connect the device to the network of centralized data collection by heat supply organizations. So, a group of devices is combined into a low-current network with a twisted pair cable and connected to a hub that periodically polls them. After that, a report is generated and delivered to the heat supply organization, or displayed on a computer display.
  4. Radio module
    , supplied with some meters, transmits data wirelessly over distances of up to several hundred meters. When the receiver enters the range of the signal, the readings are recorded and delivered to the heat supply organization. So, the receiver is sometimes attached to a garbage truck, which, when following the route, collects data from nearby counters.

Archiving readings

All electronic heat meters store in the archive data on the accumulated indicators of thermal energy consumption, operating and idle time, coolant temperature in the forward and return pipelines, total operating time and error codes.

By default, the device is configured for various archiving modes:

  • hourly;
  • daily;
  • monthly;
  • annual.

Some of the data, such as total operating time and error codes, can only be read using a PC and special software installed on it.

Transfer of readings via the Internet

One of the most convenient ways to transfer readings of consumed heat energy to institutions for its accounting is transmission via the Internet. Its convenience and practicality lies in the ability to independently control payments and debts, as well as track heat consumption in different periods without staying in queues and spending a small amount of time.

To do this, you must have a personal computer connected to the network and the address of the website of the controlling organization, as well as the login and password of your personal account, after entering which a form for entering readings will open. To prevent the occurrence of disagreements in the event of a possible failure or malfunction on the site, it is advisable to take “screenshots” of the screen after entering information.

General provisions

Payment for the installation of meters in apartment buildings is the responsibility of homeowners, while each owner has the right to install a measuring device in his apartment. General house measuring devices are placed on the inlet manifold, which provides the supply of coolant to the house. Individual - on heating pipes leading to a specific apartment.

The following points are typical for the installation of heat meters:

  • Installation of general heat metering devices is possible with the consent of all apartment owners;
  • If there is no meter, the calculation of the cost of thermal energy is calculated using a multiplying factor of 1.5;
  • The installation of individual measuring instruments is optional, although not prohibited by applicable law, but the calculation of such meters is possible only in cases where all apartments in the house are equipped with them;
  • Common appliances are serviced at the expense of a fee paid by residents for the repair of common house property, individual appliances - by the owner of the apartment.

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According to statistics, the installation of heat meters reduces heating costs by about 30%.

The cost of verification of heat meters

Thermal metering devices differ in their mode of action and basic configuration. The main elements include:

  • Temperature sensor - determines the general parameters of the coolant;
  • Flow meter - controls the amount of water entering the heating system;
  • Heat meter - reads the readings of the sensors, displaying the amount of heat consumed on the display.

Verification is performed for each of the computing devices separately, and the total amount is billed for payment. The cost of testing includes:

  1. Transportation costs of the company - travel to the place of work;
  2. Installation / dismantling of equipment;
  3. Work of an authorized specialist;
  4. Replacement of batteries.

Tariffs for the performance of work, each of the accredited organizations sets independently. For example, the price of checking a heat meter in Moscow and the central regions varies between 20,000-50,000 rubles, depending on the type of meter and the list of services provided.

Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is different.

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A heat meter is a device for recording the consumed heat carrier, which is currently very profitable, as it allows you to save money by paying only for the consumed heat, eliminating overpayment.

An important point is the correct choice of the type of device depending on the installation location and design features of the heating network, as well as the conclusion of an agreement with a service organization that will monitor the technical condition of the device.

There are many models of heat meters that differ in design and size, but the principle of how the heating meter works remains the same as on the simplest device that measures the temperature and water flow at the inlet and outlet of the heat supply pipeline. Differences appear only in engineering approaches to solving this issue.

The operation of the heat meter is based on the principle of calculating the amount of heat using data taken from a coolant flow sensor and a pair of temperature sensors. There is a measurement of the amount of water that has passed through the heating system, as well as the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet.

The amount of heat is calculated by the product of the flow rate of water passing through the heating system and the temperature difference between the incoming and outgoing coolant, which is expressed by the formula

Q \u003d G * (t 1 -t 2)
, gcal/h, in which:

  • G
    is the mass flow rate of water, t/h;
  • T1,2
    - temperature indicators of water at the inlet and outlet of the system, o C.

All data from the sensors are sent to the calculator, which, after processing them, determines the value of heat consumption and records the result in the archive. The value of the consumed heat is displayed on the display of the device and can be taken from any moment.

What affects the accuracy of the heat meter

Price list for instrument calibration

Techem compact V

A heat meter, like any precision device, has a certain total error when measuring consumed heat, which is the sum of the errors of temperature sensors, a flow meter and a calculator. In apartment accounting, devices are used that have an allowable error of 6-10%. The actual error rate may exceed the base one, depending on the technical characteristics of the components.

The increase in the indicator is determined by the following factors:

  1. The amplitude of the incoming and outgoing coolant temperature, which less than 30 o C
  2. Violations during installation in relation to the requirements of the manufacturer (when installed by an unlicensed organization, the manufacturer withdraws warranty obligations from it).
  3. Inadequate quality of pipes, hard water used in the coolant, and the presence of mechanical impurities in it.
  4. When the coolant flow rate is below the minimum value indicated in the technical characteristics of the device.

How is heat consumed measured?

It is customary to calculate the tariff for consumed heat in gigacalories. The unit of measurement refers to non-systemic, and has been traditionally used since the existence of the USSR. Appliances made in Europe calculate the consumed heat in GigaJoules (SI), or a generally accepted international non-systemic unit kWh (kWh)

Types of verification of heat meters

There are several types of calibration of heat meters:

  • primary;
  • periodic;
  • Extraordinary.

Initial verification is a verification at the factory or after the repair of the device.

Periodic - performed according to the interval between verification period. As a rule, it is from 4 to 6 years and is set by the manufacturer. After the completion of each time period, verification is performed.

An extraordinary verification is carried out in case of loss of documents and, accordingly, ignorance of the next scheduled verification, also if the meter has not been in operation for a long time or has damage to the case.

Price list for instrument calibration

The principle of operation of the heat meter

01 January 2015. Written by Super User. Posted in Useful articles

Heat meters by their nature come with a mechanical and ultrasonic flow meter, from which the cost of an apartment heat meter is formed. The heat meter is installed both on the supply and return pipelines of the heating system, which is allowed by the manufacturer. How does a heat meter work, a heat meter in an apartment. The principle of operation is based on the amount of water that passes through the installed heat meter and the temperature difference of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines. As everyone knows, hot water enters the batteries (radiators) and heats the air inside the room, from which we get the difference in water temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the apartment.

Q is the amount of heat consumed

m - mass flow rate of the coolant, [m 3 / hour]

c is the heat capacity of the coolant, [Gcal/kg⋅°C]

t1, t2 are the coolant temperatures at the system inlet and outlet, respectively,

Price list for instrument calibration

The heat meter data from the water flow sensor is transmitted to the calculator, and they also receive data from two temperature sensors, which are respectively located in the supply and return pipelines. The calculator processes the initial data and saves it in the archive. All the necessary information for the user is transmitted to the screen and can also be read by the data collection system via radio or wired Mbuss.

Report generation:

You have installed an individual heat meter (heat meter) and the question immediately arises of how to read the information and generate a report for the heat supply organization. It is necessary to study the operating instructions for the installed heat meter, which describes how to correctly view the necessary information. Depending on the manufacturer of the heat meter, heat energy is displayed on the display in different physical quantities. This is necessary, 1 Gcal = 4.187 GJ = 1163 kW / h, for the correct transfer of thermal power. The operating organization often issues invoices according to the tariff in Gcal, so the transfer system must be understood.

Each tenant who has bought a heat meter needs to know that together with the actual readings of an individual heat meter for the apartment, it is necessary to pay for the heating of common areas, such as stairwells, elevators, basements, on average 0.5 UAH. per 1 m 2 of the apartment's own area.

The methodology for calculating this payment is based on the following legal documents:

Decree dated April 21, 2005 N 630 On the approval of the Rules for the employment of services from centralized scorching, supply of cold

and hot water and water supply and a standard contract for the provision of services from centralized scorching, supply of cold and hot water and water supply.

Order 31.10.2006 N 359 Concerning the confirmation of the Methodology for the heating of the amount of warmth, which is used for scorching the place of the scorching fire of rich apartment houses, that fee is to be paid for their scorching

Order 22.02.2008 N 47 On the approval of the Recommendation on how to fix the Methods for rozrahunka the amount of warmth, scorched on the scorching place of the scorched corystuvannya rich apartment houses, that fee for scorching.

Sheet No. D11-10 / 37466 dated October 14, 2002. according to the explanations of the Ukrainian ZNDPI on civil life, 1,2-recommendations of the coefficient for the heating of thermal energy, stained for scorching the use of scorching coristuvannya and for not cladding scorched heat.

Maintenance of heat energy meters

The thermal energy metering unit consists of a heat quantity calculator, resistance thermal converters, primary flow converters, pressure converters, sensors, measuring instruments and auxiliary equipment (power supplies, controllers, etc.).

Maintenance of heat meters is carried out during one of the control inspections at least once a month. It is divided into external inspection and preventive maintenance of heat meters.

During the external examination is carried out:

  • visual inspection to identify mechanical damage and malfunctions;
  • checking for the presence and integrity of seals;
  • checking for changes not provided for by the project;
  • checking the operating conditions and the condition of the place where the UUTE was installed;
  • taking readings and recording them in a journal.
  • cleaning the premises and the installation site of the UUTE from foreign objects that interfere with maintenance.

Preventive maintenance includes:

  • cleaning equipment from dust;
  • counting mechanism testing;
  • checking the configuration (settings) of the calculator;
  • setting and checking the output signals of the converters;
  • checking the calculator for the presence of programmable distortions;
  • checking the mains voltage;
  • checking grounding and pipeline for lack of voltage and potential difference;
  • elimination of possible leaks and check valves;
  • starting water from a common valve to the node.

Violation of the frequency or regulations for the maintenance of heat metering devices can be costly. A small, easily repairable damage not detected in time, after some time, can cause a serious accident, requiring the replacement of expensive elements of ITP and UUTE.

  • Do we need a service organization?
  • Is there a law requiring it?
  • What awaits us if we refuse the service?
  • What is included in the maintenance service?

Let's deal with all the questions in order.

The heat meter, on the part of the owner, does not require special care. The lithium battery that powers the heat meter is not suitable for reuse, but must be disposed of. Special care for the battery is not necessary, the service life declared by the manufacturer is at least six years, usually no more than five years, and this is equal to the service life of the meter before it is checked (the state verification period is four to five years for different heat meters). The specialist who checks or maintains the heat meter must change the battery approximately every four years. If your flow transducers are also powered by batteries, they must be changed every two years.

Thermal resistance - no maintenance required.

The principle of operation of the thermal device

The heat meter is installed in order to determine the amount of water, that is, the coolant, as well as to measure its temperature. As a rule, the heating device is installed on a horizontal pipe. In this case, only one heating device for the entire apartment will work. But if the piping is vertical (a separate riser for each battery), and such a pipeline is in most old multi-storey buildings. In this situation, a separate device is placed on each battery.

Factors that can affect the error of the heating meter:

  • If there is a thermal difference less than +30°;
  • If the circulation of the coolant is disturbed, namely, low flow.
  • Incorrect installation, i.e. incorrectly installed temperature sensors, incorrect direction of the meter;
  • Poor quality of water and pipes, that is, hard water, and various impurities in it (rust, sand, etc.).

How to properly verify

You need to understand that the housing office locksmith involved in the maintenance of common property is not entitled to perform such verifications. This is a technically complex procedure, to which specialists and companies that have passed state accreditation are allowed to perform.
. These include:

  • Commercial organizations with appropriate powers;
  • Manufacturer's representatives;
  • Territorial branches of Rostest.

With any of the listed organizations, the management company can conclude an agreement for the regular maintenance of general house metering devices or use one-time services of specialists.

Verification is carried out in strict accordance with the prescribed technical regulations, and is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Dismantling work - the device is disconnected from power sources, removed from the heat main. For the duration of the test tests, special simulators are connected to the heating network.
  2. Calibration of equipment - reference indicators provided by the manufacturer are set.
  3. Settings - set the parameters necessary for the device to work correctly.
  4. Verification - testing the accuracy of readings under various operating conditions.
  5. Confirmation - a stamp is put or a certificate is issued that the equipment has been verified and does not have an error in readings. The issued document is valid during the verification interval.
  6. Installation - simulators are removed from the heating main, the meter is installed in its original place, connected to the power supply.
  7. Commissioning - the documentation necessary for technical supervision is prepared.
  8. Commissioning - the meter is sealed by an authorized inspector of heating networks, the initial readings are taken.

The fact that the heat measuring device is in good condition is confirmed by a separate act, which is signed by the chief engineer of thermal networks

The heat meter readings are considered reliable during the entire calibration interval. After this period, any measuring devices are recognized as unsuitable for subsequent operation, therefore, the readings taken and the bills for heating are considered invalid.

Types of thermal heating devices

The main types of heat meters include:

  • Tachometric or mechanical;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Vortex.

And there is also a classification by scope. For example, industrial or individual.

An industrial heat meter for heating is a common house (in apartment buildings) device, it is also installed at production facilities. This unit has a large diameter from 2.5 cm to 30 cm. The range of coolant quantity is from 0.6 to 2.5 m3 per hour.

An individual heating device is the unit that is installed inside the apartment. It differs in that its channels have a small diameter, namely no more than 2 cm. And also the range of the amount of coolant becomes from 0.6 to 2.5 m3 per hour. This meter is equipped with 2 devices, namely, a heat meter and a meter for hot water.

How often is verification done?

Verification of metrological devices is a set of measures aimed at identifying errors in operation and determining the accuracy of readings. Regardless of where the heat meter is installed, the procedure for checking its performance is carried out only by specialists who have the necessary equipment and permission to carry out such work.

There are 3 intervals for checking heat meters:

  1. Primary - performed by the manufacturer's employees before putting the device into operation or after repair;
  2. Planned - the frequency of carrying out is determined by the manufacturer, the inter-check interval usually varies within 4-6 years;
  3. Extraordinary - can be carried out at any time, provided that the device has not been used for a long time, there is no documentation on previous checks, there is damage to the case.

The total service life of such devices is 12-14 years, depending on the type of meter.

The law allows for unscheduled inspection tests of the heat meter if there are strong discrepancies between the readings and the average statistical standards. An inspection verification is initiated by representatives of the metrological control services, the reason is usually a complaint from the residents of the house about increased tariffs for paying utility bills.

Ultrasonic heating meter

This type of meters is most often installed as a common device for apartment buildings. The principle of its operation lies in the ultrasonic signal, thanks to which the device, in fact, takes measurements (using a sensor). This signal is passed through the water. The complete set of this device consists of an emitter and a device that sends a signal. These components are installed one opposite the other.

Price list for instrument calibrationRice. 3 Ultrasonic device

An ultrasonic device is best installed in homes with new piping, as it is very sensitive to contamination.

There are such types of ultrasonic heat meters:

Each of these types gives accurate readings only if the water is clean and free of impurities. Any contamination or even air bubbles will affect the readings.

The advantages of this counter include the information content, which is achieved thanks to the liquid crystal display and the fact that when installing this model, the hydraulic pressure does not increase.

But there is also such a minus in the operation of an ultrasonic device: if the power supply is unstable, then it is connected via UPS.

Vortex heating device

This meter can be installed on pipes, both horizontal and vertical. The principle of operation is to measure the speed and number of vortices. That is, it is an obstacle in the way of the water flow, the water goes around the obstacle and as a result, vortices are created. It is not sensitive to the manifestation of various blockages, such as rust, scale, etc. This counter can give incorrect readings only if there is air in the system.

Complete set of the vortex heating device:

  • Counting mechanism;
  • Frame;
  • Plates;
  • Heat fairing;
  • Filter.

Rice. 5 Vortex device

The vortex counter is installed horizontally between two pipes.

Restrictions on installing a heat meter in an apartment

Many consumers are interested in whether they put meters for heating individually in each apartment? The fact is that in most domestic apartment buildings, when creating a heating system, vertical riser wiring is used, which prevents the installation of one apartment meter.

In such a situation, there is only one solution - to put meters on radiators, but such a solution is difficult to implement for the following reasons:

  • the installation of several heat appliances in one apartment will cost its owners a tidy sum, since each meter for a heating battery costs a lot of money;
  • taking readings from each device is hampered by the fact that utility workers are not able to make monthly rounds of all the rooms in the apartments of the house in order to record data. When doing this work on your own, you can get confused in the numbers and make mistakes in the calculations;
  • maintenance problems - several devices are much more difficult to control and verify their correct functioning;
  • the meter for the heating radiator has poor accuracy, since the difference at its inlet and outlet is so small that the device is often unable to fix it.

The way out of this situation can be the installation of special distributors that measure the flow rate of the liquid heat carrier, based on the temperature difference between the surface of the radiator and the air in the room. The cost of one such device is quite affordable for the consumer.

In buildings built after 2000, a horizontal distribution of the heating system is used, so in such apartments it is enough to install one heat consumption meter, and distributors are not required. As a result of the above measures, monthly payments for services provided by utilities can be significantly reduced by installing heat meters.

Breakdowns and repairs

Price list for instrument calibration

Maintenance of the device is limited to maintaining it in working condition, regular inspection, and avoiding causes that cause premature wear and tear. According to paragraph 80 of the Rules for the commercial accounting of the coolant, all maintenance and control of the correct operation of the meter is carried out by the consumer. On the part of the owner, he does not need special care.

The lithium battery or batteries that power the device are not suitable for reuse and should be disposed of if they fail.

If any malfunction in the operation of the metering device is detected, the consumer must notify the service company and the organization providing heat supply within 24 hours.Together with the arrived authorized employee, an act is drawn up, which is then transferred to the heat supply organization with a report on heat consumption for the corresponding period. In case of untimely notification of a breakdown, heat consumption is calculated in a standard way.

The service company will provide services for the repair or replacement of the meter, and may install a replacement device during the repair. The cost of installation and dismantling, repair and other services is regulated by an agreement between the consumer and the service company.

Error logging

As standard, heat meters are equipped with a self-testing system that can detect inaccuracies in operation. The calculator periodically queries the sensors, and if they fail, fixes an error, assigns a code to it and writes it to the archive. The most common reported errors are:

  1. Incorrect installation or damage to the temperature sensor or flow device.
  2. Insufficient battery charge.
  3. The presence of air in the flow path.
  4. No flow if there is a temperature difference for more than 1 hour.

Removal and installation of the heating meter

Before installing a heating meter in an apartment or apartment building, specialists from specialized companies that have permits for this type of work are invited. Based on the specific situation, they can take on the following obligations:

  1. Develop a project.
  2. Submit documents to certain authorities in order to obtain permits.
  3. Install and register the device. In the absence of registration, payment for the supplied heat is made according to the established tariffs.
  4. Carry out test tests and put the device into operation.

Price list for instrument calibration

The developed project should include the following points:

  1. Type and device of the model, which is designed to work in a particular heating system.
  2. Necessary calculations for heat load and coolant flow.
  3. Scheme of the heating system with the installation location of the heat meter.
  4. Calculation of possible heat losses.
  5. Calculation of payment for the supply of thermal energy.

Checking heating meters

As a rule, a quality device arrives at the point of sale initially tested. The procedure is carried out at the factory, which is evidenced by a stamp with a record corresponding to the record in the documentation. In addition, the documents indicate the calibration interval.

After this period, the owner of the device must contact the service center of the manufacturer or an organization authorized to check and install the meter. There are companies that, after installing the device, are engaged in its maintenance.

Periodic confirmation of the metrological class, or in a word, verification, is carried out by a specialized company that has pouring installations, as well as a permit issued by the metrological supervision authorities.

The calibration period depends on the type of device, and averages 4-5 years.

For this purpose, a metrologist is called, seals are removed, a specialist from a service organization dismantles the meter and sends it for verification. After checking and reassembly, the device is sealed.

A heating meter is a device for accounting for thermal energy, which allows you to save money by paying only for the actually consumed service. Failure to comply with the conditions below will lead to the inability to pay for heat according to the meter readings.

For the correct and long-term operation of the device, it is important to choose the type of meter, which must be present in the state register of measuring instruments acceptable for use, and also have metrological certification in the appropriate authority. The device is installed by a company licensed to carry out such work.

The device is installed by an enterprise licensed to carry out such work.


