sewer aerator

The principle of operation of the sewer aerator

The internal sewer aerator primarily works as a check valve, preventing liquid and gases from passing to the drain point. When using the toilet, a sharp descent of water lowers the pressure in the system, and if there is no valve, the liquid can return at a faster rate than it drained. The sewer valve 110, when the pressure drops in the drain pipe, opens and equalizes the indicator.

sewer aerator

  • frame;
  • air intake;
  • pressure control mechanism.

The case is hermetic, with a removable cover. The connection must be threaded. There is a rubber seal between the parts.

The inlet should allow air to pass through, but not insects and rodents. The damper opening mechanism is rod or membrane. Membrane gets clogged less often.

Sewer aerator working principle

With a volley discharge, when a lot of liquid is drained at a time, the pressure in the sewer increases significantly. When the liquid leaves the local branch and approaches the central riser, the vacuum in the pipeline leads to the failure of the water seals, as a result of which an unpleasant sewer odor enters the apartment.

To avoid such a nuisance, a ventilation pipe leading to the roof is mounted on the riser.

However, this method has significant drawbacks:

  • the ventilation pipe may become clogged;
  • there is a possibility of violation of the integrity of the roofing surface during installation;
  • in old buildings, it is often not possible to use such ventilation.

Therefore, a sewer aerator is most often used. Simultaneously with the decrease in pressure, the membrane is acted upon, as a result of which the channel opens.

Air passes through it, which allows the pressure levels to stabilize. After the water leaves and the pressure stabilizes, the valve closes on its own, which prevents odors from entering the house.

sewer aerator

How and where to set guidelines

Installing vacuum aerators is not difficult - if the 110 m sewer pipe has an expanded socket. A standard product is bought and simply inserted into the nozzle.

With a cut pipe of 110 mm, an aerator with an external rubber gasket in the form of a sleeve with thin rings is purchased and inserted into the pipeline. Some modifications have a built-in rubber ring inside the pipe for placing the device on top of a cut pipe d110 mm.

When installing products of 50 mm, they are inserted into the expanded pipe. If a modification built into the siphon body is used, it is connected together with the installation of the siphon.

When carrying out installation work, the following rules are followed:

  1. The device is installed in a place where easy access and unhindered air flow are provided to it.
  2. Aerator d110 mm should be correctly placed at the highest point above all plumbing fixtures.
  3. The installation scheme of the aerator provides for its strictly vertical location to prevent sewage water from entering the body.
  4. The device is not operated at temperatures below 0 °C.
  5. If installation in a vertical position is not technically possible, use a tie-in into the pipeline and install a tee with a vertical outlet (ready-made tees with a vacuum valve are commercially available).
  6. The height of the private house in which the fixture is installed should not exceed three floors.

sewer aerator

A vacuum sewer aerator allows you to get rid of odors from the sewer in apartments and private houses in cases where the central riser pipe is not led outside the building. In addition, the use of aerators helps to save money during the installation of sewage, and the range of proposed devices contributes to the choice of the optimal solution to the problem of eliminating odors in terms of efficiency and material costs.

For the proper functioning of the sewage system in a private house, several points must be considered. To eliminate the unpleasant odor from the pipeline in the room, a sewer aerator is often used. It is mounted on the main riser, and plumbing is equipped with special siphons with a water seal.

The complex of these actions minimizes the likelihood of an unpleasant odor, however, you should know how the device works and how to properly install a sewer aerator.

Errors during installation are likely to lead to the need to redo the procedure.


The design of the sewer aerator is not very complex, the device consists of the following main parts:

  • Frame. It is made of PVC plastic and is designed for installation in a sewer riser pipe with a diameter of 110 mm or put on pipes suitable for it with a diameter of 50 mm, having an appropriate diameter. Inside the case there are partitions that direct the air flow during ventilation.
  • Lid. Covers the aerator body from above, allowing the device to be disassembled for repair or service.
  • Valve. It is intended for hermetic blocking of the channel, therefore it has an elastic element attached to the plastic base in its design. It is carried out in the form of two main structures - a rod with a rubber ring (float valve) or an elastic membrane.
  • Pad. An elastic rubber gasket on the body serves to seal the connection when installing a sewer aerator inside (outside) a cut pipeline d110 mm.

sewer aerator

The principle of operation of the sewer aerator

The internal sewer aerator primarily works as a check valve, preventing liquid and gases from passing to the drain point. When using the toilet, a sharp descent of water lowers the pressure in the system, and if there is no valve, the liquid can return at a faster rate than it drained. The sewer valve 110, when the pressure drops in the drain pipe, opens and equalizes the indicator.

sewer aeratorA schematic diagram of the operation of air valves is shown in the figure. All devices include:

  • frame;
  • air intake;
  • pressure control mechanism.

The case is hermetic, with a removable cover. The connection must be threaded. There is a rubber seal between the parts.

The inlet should allow air to pass through, but not insects and rodents. The damper opening mechanism is rod or membrane. Membrane gets clogged less often.

Types of air valves

sewer aerator

  • the receiving aerator is mounted in front of the pumping pump on a horizontal section of the pipeline;
  • ball model aerator for plumbing fixtures with small diameter pipes;
  • ball valve with clamping spring;
  • the wafer model is installed on pipes with a diameter of up to 20 cm, can pass the flow or turn 90 0.

sewer aerator

Air check valve with flap or rotary type actuator. This type of aerator for a septic tank is installed on pipes with a diameter of less than 400 mm. For long sections where there is a risk of water hammer when the spool breaks, damper valves are installed.

Valves are fastened by welding, clamped between two flanges with gaskets, or a threaded coupling is used.

How and where to set guidelines

Installing vacuum aerators is not difficult - if the 110 m sewer pipe has an expanded socket. A standard product is bought and simply inserted into the nozzle.

With a cut pipe of 110 mm, an aerator with an external rubber gasket in the form of a sleeve with thin rings is purchased and inserted into the pipeline. Some modifications have a built-in rubber ring inside the pipe for placing the device on top of a cut pipe d110 mm.

When installing products of 50 mm, they are inserted into the expanded pipe. If a modification built into the siphon body is used, it is connected together with the installation of the siphon.

When carrying out installation work, the following rules are followed:

  1. The device is installed in a place where easy access and unhindered air flow are provided to it.
  2. Aerator d110 mm should be correctly placed at the highest point above all plumbing fixtures.
  3. The installation scheme of the aerator provides for its strictly vertical location to prevent sewage water from entering the body.
  4. The device is not operated at temperatures below 0 °C.
  5. If installation in a vertical position is not technically possible, use a tie-in into the pipeline and install a tee with a vertical outlet (ready-made tees with a vacuum valve are commercially available).
  6. The height of the private house in which the fixture is installed should not exceed three floors.

sewer aeratorThe cost of popular products (2019)

A vacuum sewer aerator allows you to get rid of odors from the sewer in apartments and private houses in cases where the central riser pipe is not led outside the building. In addition, the use of aerators helps to save money during the installation of sewage, and the range of proposed devices contributes to the choice of the optimal solution to the problem of eliminating odors in terms of efficiency and material costs.

For the proper functioning of the sewage system in a private house, several points must be considered. To eliminate the unpleasant odor from the pipeline in the room, a sewer aerator is often used. It is mounted on the main riser, and plumbing is equipped with special siphons with a water seal.

The complex of these actions minimizes the likelihood of an unpleasant odor, however, you should know how the device works and how to properly install a sewer aerator.

Errors during installation are likely to lead to the need to redo the procedure.

Types and sizes 110, 50 mm, etc.

The aeration unit for sewerage differs in purpose, design, manufacturer and diameter.

The main types of devices:

  • kinetic - designed to reduce the likelihood of accumulation of excess air in the sewer;
  • automatic - necessary to remove air at high pressure;
  • combined - have the functionality of kinetic and automatic varieties.

In most cases, for the effective functioning of the sewer system, a combined type of valve is used. The piping scheme is always layered and has both vertical and horizontal orientations. Depending on the angles of inclination, pipe diameter and other parameters, the most efficient devices are selected.

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Types of sewer aerators by design:

  • receiving - installed in front of the pumping pump in the horizontal parts of the sewer;
  • ball - suitable for pipelines of small diameter and in most cases used for plumbing;
  • non-return air valve - designed for septic tanks and pipes with a diameter of up to 40 cm;
  • ball valve with gate spring;
  • damper - mounted on long sections with an increased risk of water hammer;
  • interflange - mounted on sections of the pipeline with a diameter of less than 20 cm, such devices are able to turn 90 degrees or pass the flow.

Each of these models can also differ in the type of mechanism. For example, wafer aerators are disc spring and bivalve. Valve fastening can be carried out by coupling method or by welding with fastening between flanges.

sewer aerator

Size classification:

  • 110 mm - means the diameter of the sewer system where the valve must be installed. There are 2 types of this aerator: external and internal. The outer one is installed on top of the pipe, and the inner one is inserted into it using a rubber cuff.
  • 50 mm - used on local sewer branches. In most cases, it is mounted within a private house or apartment with a horizontal orientation of the pipeline.

A 110 mm sewer aeration unit is used when the ventilation pipe is led to the attic, and not to the roof (this prevents clogging and reduces the negative impact of low temperatures), as well as for auxiliary risers (thanks to the aerators installed on them, only the main riser can be brought to the roof ).

Advantages of this type of aerator:

  • low cost;
  • the footage of the pipeline is reduced, so it is saved;
  • non-volatile, which allows the valve to automatically regulate pressure even in the absence of electricity.

The principle of operation of a 50 mm sewer aerator in most cases does not differ from 110 mm, but the scope of application differs. It is installed when several plumbing fixtures are simultaneously used in the room (for example, a toilet bowl, a bathtub and a sink); when there is an element in the pipeline where the diameter of the pipe changes dramatically; if, when installing the sewerage system, the slope is not done correctly.

sewer aeratorThe installation of large devices should be carried out by housing and communal services workers, and local 50 mm aerators must be installed independently. For the correct and durable operation of the aerator, it is recommended to follow certain rules during installation:

  • the fixture is mounted after the last plumbing element in the system and must be above the rest of the fixtures;
  • it is necessary to connect the air valve to pipes of the smallest diameter;
  • when using a drain, the device must be connected at least 35 cm above the floor. Otherwise, the risk of channel clogging and disruption of its performance increases.

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Reasons for Installing Air Valves

The sewer system is dynamic. Costs are constantly changing, gases from the decomposition of sewage appear. Draining through sanitary appliances changes the hydraulic regime in the pipes. Without the instruments of regulation, life, with poorly functioning sewers, becomes uncomfortable. Sewer aerator 110:

  • automatically regulates pressure;
  • non-volatile;
  • protects the fan pipe from freezing in winter;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost.

The device equalizes the pressure between the line and the atmosphere on the roof where it is installed. However, such a device can work effectively at a height not higher than the second floor. If a large flow is drained simultaneously from two points on the same riser, the valve may not be able to cope.

sewer aeratorSewer aerator 50 is installed on the internal sewerage from spillway devices. Typically, such a device is equipped with transition points from a 32 cm liner that joins a 50 cm collector. An air valve is installed on a horizontal section, cutting off the bad smell from the common pipe, equalizing the pressure in the system.


The design of the sewer aerator is not very complex, the device consists of the following main parts:

  • Frame. It is made of PVC plastic and is designed for installation in a sewer riser pipe with a diameter of 110 mm or put on pipes suitable for it with a diameter of 50 mm, having an appropriate diameter. Inside the case there are partitions that direct the air flow during ventilation.
  • Lid. Covers the aerator body from above, allowing the device to be disassembled for repair or service.
  • Valve. It is intended for hermetic blocking of the channel, therefore it has an elastic element attached to the plastic base in its design. It is carried out in the form of two main structures - a rod with a rubber ring (float valve) or an elastic membrane.
  • Pad. An elastic rubber gasket on the body serves to seal the connection when installing a sewer aerator inside (outside) a cut pipeline d110 mm.

sewer aerator110 mm aerators - a structural device of various modifications

Types of air valves

sewer aeratorThe sewerage layout is multi-level, has vertical and horizontal sections. It depends on the diameter of the pipes, the sustained slopes and the flow rate, which sewer aerators are the most effective. There is a system of aerators, each of which has a specification:

  • the receiving aerator is mounted in front of the pumping pump on a horizontal section of the pipeline;
  • ball model aerator for plumbing fixtures with small diameter pipes;
  • ball valve with clamping spring;
  • the wafer model is installed on pipes with a diameter of up to 20 cm, can pass the flow or turn 90 0.

sewer aeratorWafer models can be disc spring or bivalve. The actuator is a plate with a spring.

Air check valve with flap or rotary type actuator. This type of aerator for a septic tank is installed on pipes with a diameter of less than 400 mm. For long sections where there is a risk of water hammer when the spool breaks, damper valves are installed.

Valves are fastened by welding, clamped between two flanges with gaskets, or a threaded coupling is used.

How to choose an aerator

Before choosing a vacuum valve, it is useful to read the following recommendations:

The sewer aerator is an inexpensive product with a price of 70 rubles. for a device with a diameter of 110 mm. A number of devices of domestic (Politek, Sinikon, Polytron Comfort) and foreign (Ostendorf (Germany), Mc Alpine (England)) production are presented on the market. When choosing, one should take into account the traditionally lower quality of Russian products, especially in models with a float valve

In favor of the choice of membrane devices is the fact that the membrane passes a larger volume of air and expensive foreign analogues are made according to this principle.
When choosing, you should pay attention to the throughput of the device - the higher the number of storeys of the house, the more rarefied air in the pipeline when the water is drained and, accordingly, it will be necessary to suck in a significant amount of air per unit time to prevent the demolition of hydraulic seals. Based on this, for houses with a high number of storeys (not higher than 3) with large volumes of drained water, it is recommended to install devices with a cross section of 110 mm on the riser pipe.
When purchasing the device, pay attention to the landing pipe, which is inserted inside the cut riser (for products with a diameter of 110 mm) or an expanded pipe with a sealing rubber gasket inside

The aerator must have a reliable hermetic seal, if inserted inside or outside the cut pipe, exactly fit in the size of the expanded riser socket. When buying a product, it is better to check on suitable PVC pipes in a plumbing store.
If a domestic product is purchased, it is always a good idea to check the quality of workmanship, the operation of the valve or membrane by unscrewing (removing) the top cover. They must move easily in the seat, their geometric dimensions, elasticity and regularity of shape should not cause complaints.

sewer aerator

Types and sizes 110, 50 mm, etc.

The aeration unit for sewerage differs in purpose, design, manufacturer and diameter.

The main types of devices:

  • kinetic - designed to reduce the likelihood of accumulation of excess air in the sewer;
  • automatic - necessary to remove air at high pressure;
  • combined - have the functionality of kinetic and automatic varieties.

In most cases, for the effective functioning of the sewer system, a combined type of valve is used. The piping scheme is always layered and has both vertical and horizontal orientations. Depending on the angles of inclination, pipe diameter and other parameters, the most efficient devices are selected.

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Types of sewer aerators by design:

  • receiving - installed in front of the pumping pump in the horizontal parts of the sewer;
  • ball - suitable for pipelines of small diameter and in most cases used for plumbing;
  • non-return air valve - designed for septic tanks and pipes with a diameter of up to 40 cm;
  • ball valve with gate spring;
  • damper - mounted on long sections with an increased risk of water hammer;
  • interflange - mounted on sections of the pipeline with a diameter of less than 20 cm, such devices are able to turn 90 degrees or pass the flow.

Each of these models can also differ in the type of mechanism. For example, wafer aerators are disc spring and bivalve. Valve fastening can be carried out by coupling method or by welding with fastening between flanges.

sewer aerator

Size classification:

  • 110 mm - means the diameter of the sewer system where the valve must be installed. There are 2 types of this aerator: external and internal. The outer one is installed on top of the pipe, and the inner one is inserted into it using a rubber cuff.
  • 50 mm - used on local sewer branches. In most cases, it is mounted within a private house or apartment with a horizontal orientation of the pipeline.

A 110 mm sewer aeration unit is used when the ventilation pipe is led to the attic, and not to the roof (this prevents clogging and reduces the negative impact of low temperatures), as well as for auxiliary risers (thanks to the aerators installed on them, only the main riser can be brought to the roof ).

Advantages of this type of aerator:

  • low cost;
  • the footage of the pipeline is reduced, so it is saved;
  • non-volatile, which allows the valve to automatically regulate pressure even in the absence of electricity.

The principle of operation of a 50 mm sewer aerator in most cases does not differ from 110 mm, but the scope of application differs. It is installed when several plumbing fixtures are simultaneously used in the room (for example, a toilet bowl, a bathtub and a sink); when there is an element in the pipeline where the diameter of the pipe changes dramatically; if, when installing the sewerage system, the slope is not done correctly.

sewer aerator

  • the fixture is mounted after the last plumbing element in the system and must be above the rest of the fixtures;
  • it is necessary to connect the air valve to pipes of the smallest diameter;
  • when using a drain, the device must be connected at least 35 cm above the floor. Otherwise, the risk of channel clogging and disruption of its performance increases.

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Proper installation of aerators

sewer aerator

Sewer aerator 50 can serve no more than two plumbing fixtures. Install the device no closer than a meter from the drain point. The aerator in the internal sewer must be at the end of the network wiring, after the last device. The minimum distance from the floor during installation must be 35 cm. The device is mounted vertically.

A properly installed aerator will last a long time, but periodic inspection of the valve is a must.

What is a sewer vacuum valve for - video

In private, and sometimes in communal residential buildings, when installing sewer communications with your own hands, you have to independently take measures to combat unpleasant odors from pipes. One of the effective odor removal solutions that plumbers use everywhere is to use a sewer aerator.

The device is sold in the distribution network in various versions, for its correct installation it is useful to know the principle of its operation, the range offered, installation diagrams.If you provide for the placement of the aerator at the design stage of the sewer system of the house, you can significantly change the project, make it cheaper, and the design of the premises more aesthetic.

sewer aerator

How to choose an aerator

Before choosing a vacuum valve, it is useful to read the following recommendations:

The sewer aerator is an inexpensive product with a price of 70 rubles. for a device with a diameter of 110 mm. A number of devices of domestic (Politek, Sinikon, Polytron Comfort) and foreign (Ostendorf (Germany), Mc Alpine (England)) production are presented on the market. When choosing, one should take into account the traditionally lower quality of Russian products, especially in models with a float valve

In favor of the choice of membrane devices is the fact that the membrane passes a larger volume of air and expensive foreign analogues are made according to this principle.
When choosing, you should pay attention to the throughput of the device - the higher the number of storeys of the house, the more rarefied air in the pipeline when the water is drained and, accordingly, it will be necessary to suck in a significant amount of air per unit time to prevent the demolition of hydraulic seals. Based on this, for houses with a high number of storeys (not higher than 3) with large volumes of drained water, it is recommended to install devices with a cross section of 110 mm on the riser pipe.
When purchasing the device, pay attention to the landing pipe, which is inserted inside the cut riser (for products with a diameter of 110 mm) or an expanded pipe with a sealing rubber gasket inside

The aerator must have a reliable hermetic seal, if inserted inside or outside the cut pipe, exactly fit in the size of the expanded riser socket. When buying a product, it is better to check on suitable PVC pipes in a plumbing store.
If a domestic product is purchased, it is always a good idea to check the quality of workmanship, the operation of the valve or membrane by unscrewing (removing) the top cover. They must move easily in the seat, their geometric dimensions, elasticity and regularity of shape should not cause complaints.

sewer aeratorVacuum valve installation diagram

Reasons for Installing Air Valves

The sewer system is dynamic. Costs are constantly changing, gases from the decomposition of sewage appear. Draining through sanitary appliances changes the hydraulic regime in the pipes. Without the instruments of regulation, life, with poorly functioning sewers, becomes uncomfortable. Sewer aerator 110:

  • automatically regulates pressure;
  • non-volatile;
  • protects the fan pipe from freezing in winter;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost.

The device equalizes the pressure between the line and the atmosphere on the roof where it is installed. However, such a device can work effectively at a height not higher than the second floor. If a large flow is drained simultaneously from two points on the same riser, the valve may not be able to cope.

sewer aerator


