Soldering iron nichrome
Disassemble the soldering iron and find the same nichrome wire. We did find one, but it was very thin. You can find out the cross section of the wire by winding 10 turns of thread tightly pressed against each other on a pencil. Our turns took 1 mm.
This means that the cross section of our thread is 0.1 mm. You can buy a lot of such cheap soldering irons, but the nichrome spiral in them may differ in length. Dismantling a household soldering iron to obtain nichrome is a really working scheme. But what if there is no soldering iron?
There is a similar spiral in hair dryers. Different models have nichrome threads of different diameters, but they are definitely there. Nichrome can be found in a heater built on the principle of a fan. This option will be slightly more expensive than the previous one.
And, finally, the most inaccessible way is to get this metal from an electric stove with an open spiral. Today we told that nichrome winding from not such a costly undertaking. If you decide to find a thread in a soldering iron, then there it can reach 2.5 m. This will turn out far from 1 winding.
Production process of refractory tungsten
This material is classified as a rare metal. It is characterized by relatively small volumes of consumption and production, as well as a low prevalence in the earth's crust. None of the rare metals are obtained by recovery from raw materials. Initially, it is processed into a chemical compound. And any rare metal ore is subjected to additional enrichment before processing.
There are three main stages for obtaining a rare metal:
- The decomposition of the ore. The extracted metal is separated from the bulk of the processed raw material. It is concentrated in the precipitate or solution.
- Obtaining a chemically pure compound. Its isolation and purification.
- A metal is isolated from the resulting compound. Thus, pure materials without impurities are obtained.
In the process of obtaining tungsten, there are also several stages. The raw materials are scheelite and wolframite. Typically, their composition contains from 0.2 to 2% tungsten.
- Ore enrichment is carried out using electrostatic or magnetic separation, flotation, gravity. As a result, a tungsten concentrate is obtained, which contains approximately 55–65% tungsten anhydride. The presence of impurities is also controlled in them: bismuth, antimony, copper, tin, arsenic, sulfur, phosphorus.
- Obtaining tungsten anhydride. It is a raw material for the manufacture of metal tungsten or its carbide. To do this, a number of procedures are carried out, such as: leaching of cake and alloy, decomposition of concentrates, production of tungstic technical acid, and others. As a result of these actions, a product should be obtained that will contain 99.9% tungsten trioxide.
- Getting the powder. In powder form, pure metal can be obtained from the anhydride. For this, reduction is carried out with carbon or hydrogen. Carbon reduction is carried out less frequently because the anhydride is saturated with carbides and this leads to brittleness of the metal and poor processing. When obtaining a powder, special methods are used that allow you to control the shape and size of grains, granulometric and chemical compositions.
- Obtaining compact tungsten. Basically, in the form of ingots or rods, it is a blank for the manufacture of semi-finished products: tape, rods, wire, and others.
Conditions for taking tungsten
It is important to note that different companies have different approaches to accepting recyclables. However, despite this, there are a number of general rules that enterprises of all types try to adhere to.
Tungsten scrap has the right to hand over both individuals and legal entities when posting scrap metal at the enterprise. When it is received, an analysis is carried out and the exact content of pure metal and impurities is determined.This procedure is carried out using special instruments - analyzers of metals and alloys.
The final price may vary depending on the composition of the tungsten alloy and the presence of various additives in it.
However, the cost in any case remains very high, since rare non-ferrous metals are used as impurities.
Recyclable materials with different content of the main element from 5 to 99% are accepted.
Large enterprises that provide secure and documented transactions impose increased requirements on the quality of scrap and on individuals or legal entities that donate metal, namely:
- Acceptance of scrap is carried out according to state standards, and the transaction should not contradict regulations.
- Metal can be accepted from an individual only upon presentation of an identity document.
- Recyclables are accepted only in their pure form without any dirt and impurities.
It is important to understand that many companies that accept tungsten scrap set a minimum weight of one kilogram, and large ones - from 50 and above. Of course, it is possible to find small buyers by ads, but the price can be much lower.
Application area
Because of its unique properties, tungsten has been widely used. In industry, it is used in pure form and in alloys.
The main areas of application are:
Became special. In the production of high speed steels and for tool steels, this material is used as an alloying element or as the main component. Such steels are used to produce dies, punches, milling cutters, drills and others. The letter "P" in the name of the alloy means that it is high-speed steel, and the letters "K" or "M" - steel alloyed with cobalt or molybdenum. Tungsten is also a part of magnetic steels, which are subdivided into tungsten, cobalt and tungsten.
Hard alloys based on tungsten carbide. It is a compound of carbon and tungsten. It is refractory, wear-resistant and has high hardness. The working parts of drilling and cutting tools are made from it.
Wear-resistant and heat-resistant alloys. They use the refractoriness of tungsten. The most common are chromium and cobalt compounds - stellites. Usually they are applied by surfacing to heavily worn machine parts.
Heavy and contact connections. These include alloys of tungsten with silver and copper. These are quite effective contact materials for the production of working parts of switches, knife switches, electrodes for spot welding and other equipment.
Electric lighting and electrovacuum equipment. Tungsten in the form of various forged parts, tape or wire is used in the production of X-ray technology, radio electronics and electric lamps. It is the best material for coils and filaments. Tungsten rods and wires serve as electric heaters for high-temperature furnaces. These electric heaters can be operated under inert gas, hydrogen or vacuum.
Welding electrodes
Welding is an important area for the application of this metal. It is used to make electrodes for arc welding, as they are infusible.
Where to find nichrome wire
So, let's consider what nichrome wire is after all:
- differs from kanthal in its lower resistivity;
- the box mod gives out a lot of productive power;
- does not contain iron, therefore it does not corrode and lasts much longer;
- conducts heat well. Thus, the coil heats up faster and cools down faster.
Obviously, nichrome is sold in vape shops. 1 meter of such wire is very expensive. When this option does not suit you, you can find nichrome on the radio markets. They still exist, but the likelihood that you will be able to find it there is very small.
However, this issue can be resolved, you just need to know where to go.Also in this matter you will be rescued by an ordinary soldering iron or a faulty device that you can stumble upon in a pantry or garage. If you couldn’t find a soldering iron, then you can buy it at the Fix Price store, where everything is sold at the same price. The price of a soldering iron there will be only $ 1.
Single Hook Lures
Tungsten wire is very stiff, and to lay it neatly on the hook, you need to press it very hard with your fingers. And the effort is such that a single hook, even from a relatively thick wire - about 0.65 mm - simply breaks on the second or third turn, or uneven turns are obtained. Therefore, it is better to abandon the 0.5 mm wire and switch to 0.3 mm.
With it, it turns out much easier, but not elementary, the wire is very springy, so all the winding has to be done in tightness, constantly squeezing it with your fingers and not letting it unwind so that the winding diameter does not increase. At the same time, in order to prevent kinks, the wire cannot be held rigidly, it must unwind around its center. For this reason, it will not work to wind the wire around the workpiece from a common reel.
You need to estimate the length of the piece needed for two layers, and cut it off the reel with some margin. You can’t get special accuracy in this process, it’s inconvenient to work with a short end, so you have to put up with the fact that somewhere around 10-15, if not more, percent of the wire will go to waste. But on the other hand, quite aesthetic products are obtained (photo 29). And with a relatively small size, they have a good mass, which allows them to be used even in the wind.
We also make jigs on hooks No. 10 and 12 for fly fishing "flies", the hooks themselves, depending on the size and model, are made of wire from 0.45 to 0.65 mm. If there are no problems when winding on thicker hooks, then you need to work very carefully with thin ones, and we get two layers of wire (photo 30). Depending on the size of the hook, you can make a mormyshka from three layers of wire. We wind the third layer separately, on the conductor in a screwdriver. And then, we fix everything with Moment-gel glue or Norpol-type polyester resin with the addition of a dye.
So that the first layer of winding does not hang or rotate on the forearm, the following must be done. Saikyo hooks have an eye fold and we wind the first layer of winding on the already bent part of the hook (photo 31), and from there we start laying the second layer, we get a kind of lock. The winding does not rotate, and cannot move anywhere, even when you apply significant force to the body of the mormyshka when releasing it from the perch's mouth.
The resulting body is recommended to be slightly bent to bring the shape closer to the Banana shape. When testing both options: in the form of a nail, and bending, no special changes in the perch's reaction to them are noticed. He willingly eats both. The main thing is to get the color of the beads in the subject.
Tungsten wire and its features
Main properties of tungsten
Tungsten is a refractory metal that is used in the manufacture of heat-resistant alloys. It has a high density, its value reaches a density of 19.3 g/cm3. Tungsten begins to melt at 3395°C and boils at 5500°C, while its evaporation rate is low. As for the electrical conductivity of this metal, it is approximately 1/3 of the value of a similar copper parameter. Tungsten is brittle at low temperatures and also has low resistance to oxidation. You can process this metal by preheating it. Outwardly, tungsten looks like steel.
Tungsten wire production
The most popular tungsten long products are wire. It is produced in accordance with GOST 25501-82. Tungsten wire is a semi-finished product, the cross section of which remains constant along its entire length. It is made by pressing or drawing.
Since tungsten has low technological ductility, to improve this property it is subjected to heat, which in no way affects the strength of the material, which still remains high. Only after carrying out such procedures, it is possible to obtain a wire by any method of processing under pressure. Supplied in coils or spools.
Often, powder metallurgy methods are used to obtain tungsten blanks, which makes it possible to improve some of the quality and inherent indicators of tungsten. A rod is a semi-finished product from which wire is made. It is first heated and then a special rotary forging machine is used to complete the forging. This is how tungsten rods are obtained, the diameter of which is 2-3 mm. The wire is obtained from them by drawing in a heated state. The diameter of the obtained rolled metal products is represented by a number of standard values up to 0.3 mm.
Scope of tungsten wire
The electrical and electronic industries are the main consumers of pure tungsten. The metal is indispensable in cases where low vapor pressure is required at operating temperatures up to 2500 °C. Tungsten wire is a material for heating elements of furnaces operating in a hydrogen, neutral or vacuum environment, heating up to 3000 °C. Thermocouples are made from this high-quality metal. For their manufacture, tungsten-rhenium wire with a rhenium content of 5 and 20% (BP 5/20, BP5/20, BP5 / BP20) is used.
More information about the use of tungsten wire grades VA, VM, VRN, VT-7, VT-10, VT-15 can be found by reading GOST 18903-73.
Where can I get nichrome wire
There are several options for how and where you can buy a nichrome product.
Today, in almost every settlement there is a reference for goods and services. By contacting her, you can get information from the operator, which organization sells nichrome and its contact numbers. Such information can also be found on the Internet. However, in this situation the chances of buying a normal product is almost zero
, because if anyone undertakes to deliver the material, then it will be only one and a half to two meters. Organizations mainly specialize in wholesale sales. But it's still worth clarifying.
If such a product is sold in another city, then you can use the “goods-mail” service. but This option comes with an extra charge.
for the shipment. You can buy wire in specialized stores. These can be "Radio Components", "Skillful Hands" and other similar pavilions. The sellers of such private shops selling various spare parts know each other very well. Therefore, if such a "private trader" does not have nichrome wire available, he can tell you where to buy it. By the way, you can find it in an ordinary hardware store. Spirals for electric stoves are made of nichrome.
Not a single settlement can do without the presence of a bazaar where you can buy anything you want. The most important thing is to carefully go around the entire market and you can even ask around the sellers. You can stumble upon such a product made of nichrome.
To find such a wire, one should somewhere find an old device
, for example, a laboratory rheostat. By itself, it is of no value, but a small amount of nichrome is wound around it.
Nichrome wire is a high-quality plastic product due to its excellent technical characteristics. It is difficult to buy or get it in any other way, but it is possible. You just need to take the initiative and try all the above methods.
To do this, you need nichrome wire. The specific resistance of the wire made of nichrome grade Kh20N80 is shown in the table. For curly cutting, a thermal cutter is used from a piece of nichrome wire.
X20H80 nichrome wire is used for the manufacture of a spiral when self-rewinding the atomizer. Therefore, to get the same value, in the case of thin nichrome wire, fewer turns will be required. However, for use at increased power, it is recommended to use a thicker nichrome wire or 2 thin threads woven with a “pigtail”.
Nichrome wire is used for the manufacture of cutters, jigsaws, soldering irons, machines for cutting foam, polystyrene, etc. From them, the wire is obtained by drawing. Nichrome products are used in places that require high-quality metal. The ends of the nichrome wire are attached to the springs, dressed on M4 screws. The screws themselves are screwed into metal racks pressed into the base of the machine.
Before screwing the screw into the rack, a groove was machined at its head so that the nichrome wire could not move arbitrarily during adjustment, but occupied the required position. To prevent sagging of the nichrome wire due to elongation when heated, it is fixed to the screws through springs. After preparing all the fasteners, you can fix the nichrome wire. Nichrome wire in appearance is not much different from steel wire, but it is made from an alloy of chromium and nickel.
However, unlike steel or copper wire, nichrome wire has a higher resistivity and withstands, while maintaining high mechanical strength, heating temperatures up to 1200˚С.
It should be noted that both AC and DC power sources are suitable for heating the nichrome wire of a foam cutting machine. Remove the plug from the network and connect the wires coming from the nichrome thread to the "Load" terminals. Insert the power cord plug into the socket and use the phase indicator to check the absence of a phase on the nichrome wire. Having dealt with the phase, you can slowly turn the LATR handle to apply voltage to the nichrome wire.
In this circuit, thanks to the isolating step-down transformer, the nichrome coil is not galvanically connected to the electrical network and is therefore safe to operate. Indeed, when cutting polystyrene on a fixture, it is not necessary to regulate the heating temperature of the nichrome wire. The temperature is selected once when setting up the machine.
Prices at reception points
To form average prices, consider the cost of receiving tungsten scrap at three types of enterprises:
- those that accept scrap with a total weight of several tens of kilograms;
- enterprises buying metal from 0.5 kilograms;
- places where you can rent tungsten scrap up to 0.5 kilograms.
Large parties
This Moscow-based company accepts various types of scrap raw materials, including tungsten. On the company's website there is information that the purchase of scrap is made from 50 kilograms, while the price for one kilogram of pure metal is from 900 to 950 rubles, depending on the state in which the scrap was delivered to the enterprise.
The company also buys a number of tungsten alloys at the following prices:
- VN, residence permit - 550 rubles;
- VD, GNI - 450 rubles;
- VMN - 500 rubles.
The Moscow company Tekhnolom also accepts almost all types of scrap metal, including the purchase of tungsten.
Acceptance is carried out with a weight of 10 kilograms, and self-delivery of scrap from anywhere in the Moscow region is possible only if the total weight of the scrap exceeds one ton.
The price of recyclables containing tungsten per kilogram is 700 rubles, and in large quantities from 100 kg prices rise. The company also accepts tungsten alloys. The cost of hard alloys VK and TK is 500 rubles.
Resource LLC
Resurs LLC is a Moscow-based enterprise that accepts tungsten scrap from 10 kg. The company buys scrap according to the general rules:
- no pollution,
- impurities in scrap,
- normal background radiation.
Reception of alloys is characterized by the following prices:
- TK, VK - 500 rubles per kg;
- P18 - 60 rubles;
- R6M5 - 60 rubles.
From 0.5 kg
Vekomet is a company located in the Moscow region.
She is engaged in buying up tungsten weighing from half a kilogram.
The company, at the request of the dealer, can independently take out recyclable materials and carry out analysis and weighing on the spot.
Cash settlement is carried out after acceptance of the metal at the following prices:
- scrap of pure tungsten - from 909 rubles / kg;
- VD, GNI - 570 rubles;
- rolled tungsten - up to 2000 rubles.
PG Riten
This Novosibirsk company produces independent export of scrap of any weight.
Also, at the request of the seller, it can dismantle and weigh the goods, however, the price will be lower from this.
The company's website does not indicate the price of pure tungsten scrap, however, the company buys the following tungsten alloys:
- hard alloys TK and VK - 820r / kg;
- P6M5 - 118r / kg;
- P18 - 173r / kg;
- P9, P12 - 75r / kg.
Metallych LLC
OOO Metallych is a Perm enterprise that buys scrap of various metals, including tungsten. The company performs independent dismantling and removal, and the price for pure tungsten scrap is from 900 to 950 rubles per kilogram.
Alloy prices:
- VN, residence permit - 550 r / kg;
- VD, VND - 450r / kg;
- VMN - 500 r / kg;
- VK, TK - 800 r / kg;
- P18 - 150 r / kg;
- P9, P12 - 20 r / kg;
- P6M5 - 100 r / kg.
MDM Vtormetall
The company is located in Moscow and accepts scrap from 0.5 kg with one very important condition: the mass of a single piece of scrap must be at least 10 g.
The only exception can be powder and dust, for which the minimum mass is set at 1.5-3g.
The company does not accept pure tungsten scrap.
Alloy prices:
- VN, residence permit - 700 r / kg;
- VD, GNI - 600 r / kg;
- VMN - 600 r / kg.
High speed:
- P18 - 180 r / kg;
- P6M5 - 120 r / kg;
- P9, P12 - 80 r / kg.
SnabResurs LLC
SnabResurs LLC buys tungsten scrap in Moscow at the following prices:
- pure tungsten - 800 r / kg;
- VK, TK - 650 r / kg;
- P18 - 90 r / kg;
- P6M5 - 150 r / kg.
Up to 0.5 kg
The purchase of tungsten scrap up to 0.5 kg is most often carried out by private dealers. On the net you can find many ads for the purchase of metal from just a few grams, but private traders do not indicate prices. They ask you to call the indicated numbers and "agree".
Many of these businesses operate without a license, so be on the lookout.
You will learn how much tungsten scrap of various types per 1 kg from the table:
Type of tungsten scrap | Pure tungsten | VK, TK | R18 | R6M5 | R9, R12 | VN, residence permit | VD, VND | Tungsten wire |
Price per kg | 801.5 r/kg | 654r/kg | 130r/kg | 109r/kg | 58r/kg | 600r/kg | 517r/kg | 1100r/kg |
You can learn some more interesting information about this metal from the video:
You can learn about the rules and features of accepting other non-ferrous metals from this article, and read the average prices for non-ferrous metals here.
Properties and grades of tungsten
Tungsten has its own mechanical and physical properties, as well as several varieties of grades.
The physical properties include:
- Thermal linear expansion coefficient - 4.32 * 10 (-6) m / mK.
- Electrical resistance - 5.5 μOhm * cm.
- Thermal conductivity - 129 W / (m * K).
- Specific heat capacity - 0.147 J / (g * K).
- The boiling point is 5900 degrees.
- The melting point is 3380 degrees.
- Density - 19.3 g / cm3.
- The atomic diameter is 0.274 nm.
- Atomic mass - 183.84 g / mol.
- The atomic number is 74.
Mechanical properties:
- Relative elongation - 0%.
- Temporary resistance - 800−1100 MPa.
- Poisson's ratio 0.29.
- The shear modulus is 151.0 GPa.
- The modulus of elasticity is 415.0 GPa.
This metal is distinguished by a low evaporation rate even at 2 thousand degrees and a very large boiling point - 5900 degrees. The properties that limit the use of this material are low oxidation resistance, high brittleness and high density. It looks like steel. Used to produce high strength alloys. It can be processed only after heating. The heating temperature depends on which processing method you are going to carry out.
Tungsten has the following grades:
- MW is an alloy of tungsten and molybdenum. The strength of molybdenum increases while maintaining ductility after firing.
- VRN - tungsten without additives.It contains high levels of impurities.
- VR is an alloy of rhenium and tungsten.
- VL, VI, VT - tungsten with an additive of lanthanum, yttrium and thorium oxide, respectively. Increase the emission properties of tungsten.
- VM - tungsten with thorium and silicon-alkali additives. Increases the recrystallization temperature and strength at high temperatures.
- VA - tungsten with aluminum and silicon-alkali additives. Increases the temperature of primary recrystallization, dimensional stability at high temperatures, as well as strength after annealing.
- HF - pure without additives.
How to make sure in nichrome
You may have a thought while winding your coil. But what if the metal you got is not nichrome at all. How can you distinguish it from other metals? There is one simple and reliable way to determine. Take a magnet and use it to test your thread. For your information, kanthal will immediately be attracted to it, and nichrome will not care about the magnetic field. Good luck with your experiments.
Craftsmen, inventors and innovators have never translated in our country. Many of these enthusiastic people would like to know where nichrome wire is sold, where can I get this material at home? Why is it attractive to modern Kulibins and home-grown homemade ones? Nichrome wire is used for the manufacture of cutters, jigsaws, soldering irons, machines for cutting foam, polystyrene, etc. The material is widely used in the field of industrial production.
What is the value of nichrome wire
Nichrome wire has the following valuable qualities:
Such wire is used in places where the highest quality characteristics, reliability and high strength are required from the metal.
Due to the combination of ductility with high yield strength, as well as resistance to strong aggressive substances, nichrome is in high demand
in industrial production. It is he who occupies one of the first places in the modern market of household and industrial electrical equipment.
In addition, nichrome wire is used in a number of industries that use electric heating furnaces. She also used in electric ovens
, which are heated to very high temperatures, in various apparatuses that have a thermal effect and in kilns used for firing and drying. It also finds application as a heating and resistor element.
Basically this nichrome product is used everywhere
where resistance to high temperatures, heat and chemicals is required, i.e. in aggressive environments.
It is also used in devices that require a high degree of reliability, such as resistors, resistance units and rheostats.
Nichrome wire has found its application not only in industry, but also in everyday life, and is used:
- for machines that cut foam;
- in a device for burning wood;
- in the heating system of car windows and rear-view mirrors;
- in simple household heaters;
- in homemade welding machines.
Main sources of scrap
The paradox of this rare metal is that it can be found even in an ordinary residential building.
It is found in incandescent light bulbs and in the windings of electric furnaces. These are the main sources of tungsten for ordinary citizens and individuals.
However, it is very, very difficult to accumulate a sufficient amount for the delivery of this non-ferrous metal from these sources.
Therefore, those who want to make a profit from a few dozen light bulbs usually turn to resellers.
Also, tungsten is contained in the victorious soldering of concrete drills, which are also found in everyday life. It contains more of the main element, but this is not a pure metal, but one of its alloys - “win” or VK with cobalt.
Recyclable materials are handed over by state and private enterprises that specialize in metalworking. They accept used tools made of high-speed steels:
- incisors;
- cutters;
- borax;
- cutting discs and so on.
Do not forget that tungsten is distributed as a finished product:
- wires;
- bars;
- circles;
- rods.
And also in the form of production waste:
- various scraps;
- shavings;
- dust;
- powder.
Scope in industry and at home
Nichrome products are used in places that require high-quality metal. Especially in demand in industrial production.
In industrial production
Metal products occupy one of the first places in the market of industrial and household electrical equipment. It has found wide application in industrial sectors using electric heating furnaces, roasting and drying furnaces, furnaces heated to high temperatures, and apparatuses with thermal effects. It is used in welding machines, household heaters and heating systems for glass and rear-view mirrors of a car, in resistors, resistance nodes and rheostats as a heating or resistor element. As noted above, the material is widely used among home craftsmen.
In the household
In the domestic sphere, it is used for cutting polystyrene foam and polystyrene. At home, cutting these materials is quite problematic. There are several ways. Often a knife is used for these purposes, from which the material begins to crumble.
Home craftsmen know how to cut polystyrene at home so that it does not crumble. To do this, you need nichrome wire. It is needed in order to make a machine tool, the cutting tool of which is a heated string. With it, you can cut the foam and make products from it with your own hands.
For cutting foam in the household, you can design a simple machine with a vertical or horizontal cutting tool
How to make a DIY foam cutter
Making a machine is not difficult. This will require:
- a step-down transformer;
- lining from a pipe (pipe with a thickness of at least 20 mm, foam plastic thickness - at least 2 cm);
- string tension springs;
- metal string.
To make a countertop, you will need a table, a board and a sheet of corrugated board.
The simplest version of a foam cutting machine that you can do yourself
A step-down transformer can be made with your own hands from transformer iron. You will need to make a rheostat to select the amount of current. To do this, you can take a spiral from an electric stove, after stretching it into a string. The winding frame is constructed from an asbestos-cement or ceramic pipe 15-20 mm thick and about 80 mm long.
For curly cutting, a thermal cutter is used from a piece of nichrome wire. It is fixed on a handle made of insulating material. A homemade foam cutter does an excellent job, including curly cutting of material. The device allows you to make indentations, cut out cavities, work with foam the way a sculptor works with clay.
A foam cutter can be compared to a clay sculptor's tool
With the help of home-made devices, in which nichrome wire has been used, you can not only cut the foam, but also burn it on wood. It can also be used in home-made household heaters, welding machines, in heating systems for car windows and rear-view mirrors.
Summing up how profitable to hand over tungsten
In order to get as much profit as possible from the delivery of tungsten scrap, you need to prepare the goods for delivery in advance.
You can get the highest price if:
- clean the raw materials (make sure that there are no other metals, earth and dirt in it);
- sort recyclables by type and material;
- compress the goods using any suitable press;
- collect as much metal as possible, because in most companies the fundamental factor in raising the price is precisely the amount of scrap delivered;
- consider at least five large enterprises involved in the collection of scrap and choose the most favorable price.
Thus, by renting out tungsten, you not only get a significant benefit, but also help the industry, which is experiencing a shortage in this rare but necessary metal.
The collection of non-ferrous metal scrap is gaining popularity, because metal recyclables have been valued at all times. According to people who have been collecting for several years, such an activity is addictive and captivating, and mining non-ferrous metal becomes an original hobby for many.
In order to maximize the benefit from detecting and handing over non-ferrous metal scrap, you need the appropriate equipment (metal detector, magnet) and knowledge of the properties of non-ferrous metal, plus the desire and desire to make money.
Learn more about how non-ferrous metal is searched for in this video: