How to install a ball valve

Expert answers

Alexander Eremin:

Better fum tape for threading ...


fluoroplastic tapes FUM, FLUP, and similar materials are used for sealing. By the way, both ends are sealed.

Ilya Prokhorov:

The crane is one of the best (manufacturer). The gasket is not needed, you need a winding on the external thread, which will be screwed into the internal thread of the tap. For convenience, you can take "Tangit Unilok", everything is simple and very reliable there!


fum wrap +


Maybe it will be really bad. When you turn it back on, the water will tend to pull the valve out of the stem, and it’s just rolled there. Then the tap won’t shut off the water in any way, and another malfunction may occur, this very valve will hang out. the faucet will “sing”. Normally, the water pressure should tend to squeeze out the valve. Valves: a - with a special sleeve; b - with a union nut; 1 - body; 2 - nut; 3 - washer; 4 - rubber gasket; 5 - valve; 6 - gasket; 7 - stock; 8—body head; 9 - stuffing box; 10 - special bushing: 11 - flywheel; 12 - washer; 13 - screw; 14— union nut; 15 - gland bushing; 16—gland ringHow to install a ball valve

wavan bik:



yes, nothing bad will happen! when it is necessary to keep it at 100% - in the locksmith's mine, this is how valves are installed!

Alexander Egorov:

the seat will wear more


ball FSUs, and at the crane box, the gasket will be squeezed out and run out of the stuffing box even with the tap closed

and also for ball collapsible bodies, as it were, from 2 halves. If you screw a small part to the entrance and hit it on the tap and it comes off or cracks, you will block the hellHow to install a ball valve


On a used (worn out) faucet, it can even knock off the lock washer with pressure. And you will get a permanently closed valve! :)):):):):):):):) Or a permanently open valve, if you get cancer ...

Sergey Martynov:

Nothing will happen unless they are with a check valve or with a dirt filter.

Free wind:

Strongly! In the event of a valve failure, it will not be possible to block or fix it, you will flood the whole house ....

Preparatory stage

How to install a ball valve

Before the actual work, preparation should be done. It is carried out as follows:

  1. The pipe and branch pipes of the locking element must not have mechanical or other damage. In addition, the surface is cleaned from various contaminants. Otherwise, the resulting connection will be characterized by low strength.
  2. The next step is to directly prepare the welding site. Often there is a situation that the crane is installed in cramped conditions. If you do not provide comfortable conditions for installation, you can make serious mistakes.
  3. The required equipment is selected, as well as electrodes. It should be borne in mind that welding should be carried out only in compliance with safety requirements.

The implementation of the preparatory stage allows you to achieve a high quality connection. Such work should be carried out exclusively by a welder who has extensive experience in carrying out such work.

Best Answers

Andrey Volkov:

it's time for you to get married ED. And then already...

light corner...

You are so smart, Ed ....)))) Moosh said that it doesn’t matter ...))))))))) If I knew what a ball valve is, I would discuss it ...))))))))


Ed, well, your questions (some) directly baffle me! I immediately think, well, how to turn on the brains to give the correct answer, and I understand that it will not work because there are no brains for this topic!


Look closely at this faucet. Do you see that one side of it is completely molded and the other is on the connecting thread? So in this place lies the danger of the crane. If you do not install the faucet correctly, the likelihood of a spill in the event of an accident will increase many times over.

Why? We draw your attention to the fact that the ball valve must be installed in such a way that the solid part is turned towards the pipe, which is located at the riser. In general, if you installed the faucet incorrectly, for example, with a thread inside the house, then in case of bending and breaking out of a part of the faucet, you will not be able to close the broken part, as it will lie on the floor and only the piece that was screwed into the winder during assembly will remain on the inlet pipe

Sergey Dmitriev:

Ed hi. . Any ball is placed with a solid thread to cut off the line. Assembly - only in the apartment. We were taught this way, because with a water hammer, with a closed ball (possibly) with improper installation (assembly in a riser) - a thread break - this will cause a flood


I don't see much difference. When disassembling from the side of the coupling, the threaded connection can also turn away in any direction of the valve. With a crack in the body on either side, the faucet stops holding water. I convinced myself by freezing several of these taps.

Sergey Frasinyuk:

There is an arrow on the taps showing how to install it But there is no such mark on the ball valves, and therefore it’s not important to install how - it’s not important Now about the breakdown and other wisdom - if the tap bursts, you won’t block anything parts and not at the assembly site, and thus the reasoning about "it is impossible to block" - disappears by itself

White Oleg:

And I always try to make it convenient to open and close, especially taps with a lever .... And which side goes where is the tenth thing ...


I don’t see the same difference in which direction the flow, based on its design, but I think if you do it, it’s better that everyone stands the same, there are fewer questions and you will know if you do after yourself and a lot of bells and whistles what where and from where.


Ed! The factory installation instructions for ball valves say "Bi-directional, all positions." That is, the direction and position does not matter! And with regard to the assembly and driving side, there is only one warning! You can not hold the crane with a locksmith "bemka"! For its installation, it is recommended to use two wrenches, holding the nut (any from the side of the work being done) with one union valve, the second is screwed (unscrewed) the part to be connected. That is, during installation, the key must be on both nuts of the crane.


do not care…. before installation, I wind it “dry” to choose from which side the thread will lie all the way so that the handle is in the right place ....

Ivasenko Stanislav:

From the point of view of operation, a stronger cast part should be on the supply, so that during a water hammer, disassembly, mechanical action, the valve remains on the pipe and blocks the flow. Infa 100 percent I have been in housing and communal services for 20 years.


How to install a ball valve

When installing any type of pipes in the process of performing plumbing work, you can not do without fittings, which also include all kinds of taps and valves. These can be solder ball valves, straight or angle valves (with an American). Brass ball valves (crimp, with a butterfly handle) are used, which are distinguished by good anti-corrosion resistance. When connecting such a tap to a pipe, a split brass ring is used to crimp the pipe; rubber (ethylene-propylene) is used as a sealing material. Such ball valves are three-way, with external thread, with internal thread, for connecting pipes at a right angle.

How to install a ball valveBall valve connection diagram

No special tools are required to install these faucets.


