Electrically independent gas boilers

Operating conditions of non-volatile boilers, features of their installation

Electrically independent gas boilers

Gas boiler operation

  • Non-volatile boilers do not have a circulation pump. A feature of this equipment is the natural circulation of the coolant. The liquid, heating up, expands, hot water squeezes out cold water, so its movement in a vicious circle occurs. In order for it to be effective, it is necessary, even at the stage of installation of the distribution pipeline, to lay it with a certain slope to enhance the circulation of hot water. This is one of the main conditions for the operation of heating.
  • During the combustion of fuel, carbon monoxide gases are released, which are removed using a natural draft chimney. Therefore, almost all single-circuit and double-circuit non-volatile floor-standing boilers have an open combustion chamber. Air enters the furnace from the room, and combustion products are removed outside. For the process to be effective, the described equipment can only be installed in a well-ventilated area. This is the second condition for the use of non-volatile installations. Otherwise, you can easily get poisoned by carbon monoxide.
  • But not only these features must be observed when installing a non-volatile gas boiler. When connecting it to the heating system, it is necessary to choose pipes of a larger diameter than usual for transporting the coolant.
  • And the last condition that must be observed. An expansion tank must be installed close to the boiler at a certain height. It will allow you to remove excess gas formed in the heating system with a sharp increase in the temperature of the coolant.

Note! Only strict observance of the above rules allows you to organize efficient heating of the house with the help of non-volatile floor boilers. Therefore, for installation it is necessary to invite specialists who are well acquainted with the features of the selection and installation of pipes, as well as with the correct arrangement of chimneys

Features of non-volatile gas boilers

Electrically independent gas boilers

Features of non-volatile gas boilers

If we talk about this technology in more detail, it should be noted that hot water is not supplied to the consumer from the water supply system, but the water is directly heated in the internal circuit of the consumer.

For example, if you have a non-volatile gas boiler Proterm Medved installed, then when the central power supply is completely turned off, it will only be able to maintain normal operation on the pilot burner for more than half an hour, and then completely turns off due to the fact that the exhaust fan stops working and, consequently, the corresponding draft sensor is triggered.

Until the electricity is supplied again, it is impossible to turn on the device again, while it is worth noting that the outages can be quite long, and this must be taken into account.

So that during a long power outage you do not need to be left without a working gas boiler, consider in advance the possibility of buying an uninterruptible power supply. At the same time, it should be noted that in itself such independence from the central power supply is a very good property. However, the practical implementation of such equipment is accompanied by a huge number of problems associated with installation and subsequent operation.

What are non-volatile boilers?

The vast majority of non-volatile type boilers, such as Electrolux non-volatile gas boilers, reviews of which are not difficult to find online today, are floor-standing devices, but recently wall-mounted devices have become more and more widespread.

In particular, this is due to the need to install boilers at the bottom of the entire system due to the fact that, in the absence of any specialized pumping equipment, the system still provided a full cycle of proper water circulation, because the pump requires electricity.

At the same time, if a really qualified specialist is engaged in the design of the entire system, such features of the heating system can ensure optimal water pumping through heating. In this regard, any such boilers are often installed exclusively in the basement.

The design that the non-volatile double-circuit gas boiler has is exactly the same as that of the standard ones. This:

  • open combustion chamber providing increased thrust;
  • two burners;
  • security and automation system. This includes a backdraft valve that provides shutdown in case of poor performance, as well as a temperature sensor to maintain the mode;
  • exhaust system for combustion products.

One of the features characteristic of this type of device is the presence of specialized manual piezoelectric elements, as well as the fact that only natural traction is used in the process of their operation. Among other things, it should be noted that modern non-volatile boilers are manufactured in two main varieties:

Most devices of the modern type do not even provide for the possibility of connecting to the mains, while it is worth noting the fact that among the widest range on the current market, you can easily buy devices that are manufactured by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.


