Coal grade WPC

Pros and cons of using natural coal for heating

Coal grade WPC

Fuel has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Possibility of application in the equipment of different type. Coal for heating is used in boilers of a stationary, portable type, it is used for steam and water heating systems.
  2. burning duration. One full bookmark is enough for 10 hours, but it all depends on the volume of the combustion chamber.
  3. High efficiency. The heat transfer of even the lowest-grade coal is higher than that of firewood.
  4. Relatively affordable cost, ease of transportation. Manufacturers offer fuel of different fractions, which can be moved in bulk (in bodies), bags, boxes.
  5. When arranging the furnace, it is not required to lay steam pipelines and gas lines, it is not necessary to obtain permission to use fuel furnaces.
  6. The heat transfer of the material is high, energy is transferred during the combustion of fractions and after the main combustion, so the heat in the room is stored for a long time.
  7. To maintain a constant temperature of the coolant, the furnace should not be filled to capacity all the time; after the first portion, a small amount of energy carrier is enough to keep the temperature of water and air comfortable.
  8. Coal can heat very large areas in regions with the harshest winters.

There are also disadvantages, in particular:

  • it is necessary to form a chimney of the correct design for the formation of draft;
  • it will not be possible to automate the bookmarking process in a private house;
  • a lot of slag is released during the combustion process, the ash pan will have to be cleaned regularly;
  • storage of fuel is carried out in a well-ventilated and dry room.

For the efficiency of the solid fuel boiler, it is recommended to throw coal into the firebox, heated by wood.

How to correctly calculate the consumption of coal

Having figured out how to choose coal for heating a private house, consider the amount of fuel. For a correct calculation, you need to know the insulation index, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, standard temperatures in winter and the type of boiler. The volume of buying coal for a brick house is the highest, in comparison with wooden buildings, brick ones require 35% more fuel, subject to poor insulation and harsh winters, consumption increases by 50%.

Objects made of cinder concrete with a wall thickness of 45 cm and an area of ​​90 m2 consume up to 3.5 tons per season, other buildings of the same area - up to 8 tons of coal. The calculation is given for the northern regions, for zones with a mild climate, the volume of fuel is reduced by a third.

Example: in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, for a house made of wood with an area of ​​40 m2 with good insulation, you will need at least 6 tons of WPC coal of grade O, K, P - this is a fraction size of up to 10 cm, a long-flame variety. When calculating the average temperature from -30 C, the cost of coal is much lower than when arranging a gas, electric heating system.

In a new house, the amount of coal is chosen by testing. Several bags of fuel are bought, the stove is heated to the standard values, measurements of the combustion period are taken, the air in the house is heated, taking into account the temperature outside the window. The normative level of warming up the house is +18 C at +0 C outside the window, to calculate the heating of the house at low temperatures, the heating time interval is multiplied by 3. It turns out that if at -5 C the house warmed up to +18 C in 20 minutes, then at -25 With outside the window, the warm-up time will increase to 60 minutes.

Thus, it will become clear which grades of coal should be chosen for domestic boilers in each individual building. It is worth knowing that during storage, fuel slightly reduces performance and performance, therefore it is better to buy the first time with a margin of 25%. This will allow you not to be left without heat during the period of spring frosts.

Coal grade WPC

Standard energy consumption indicators for solid fuel boilers in a 100 m2 house by season:

  1. September October. One bucket for 12 hours of burning, taking into account the fact that the night temperature in the room will be +17 C.
  2. November - February. Up to 3.5 buckets per day. In terms of kg, it turns out up to 65 kg per day.
  3. March, April. Up to 2 buckets in 24 hours, if in April the temperature rises to +10 C, one bucket of coal will suffice. Reducing the volume is not recommended for drying the walls and floor of the building.

When calculating the weight of a bucket of coal of 20 kg, up to 10 tons of fuel will be required per season. This is provided that the building is well insulated, the residents do not freeze at +18 C at night, and during the day the house is not heated with 100% boiler efficiency.

When choosing coal, be sure to look at the certificates. Having bought lean varieties, the owner will be left without heat and freeze the entire heating system, provided that it is a water network.

Rules for choosing coal for an individual heating system

The optimal choice of fuel is anthracite, since it has the highest heat transfer rates. The uniformity of combustion, a small amount of waste - advantages, the content of sulfur impurities 1%, no more than 10% ash explain the absence of combustion products that clog the chimney. Ignition of fuel is long, the price is high - these are cons.

Coal grade WPC

Long-flame coal in bags or in bulk is suitable for heating houses of various sizes and is used in all types of boilers. It is marked with WPC, quickly ignites, burns for a long time and does not require blowing. The main rule of choice is the size of the fuel. Answering the question which coal burns longer, experts note WPC grades P (slab) to - M.

Varieties of coal for home heating

When choosing which coal is better for heating a house, you should carefully understand the types of fuel.

Coal grade WPC

There are several types of energy carrier:

  1. Weakly caking stone. Coking coal with a high level of metamorphism. This means that the efficiency is high, but the ignition process is associated with some difficulties. A very large heat transfer of fuel for small private buildings is a minus, therefore, most often the brand is used for heating public buildings. Pluses in the minimum amount of fire and smoke during combustion, prolonged smoldering - the properties explain the largest possible gap between bookmarks. If the house is more than 150 m2, it is worth considering coal as a fuel, but it is expensive, although it allows good savings on volume.
  2. Long-flame coal. The most popular type of fuel suitable for autonomous heating systems. It is used for any boilers, can be ordinary, varietal, burns well and for a long time, emits a lot of heat. The advantages include the minimum amount of firewood for ignition and the absence of the need for blowing during the combustion process.
  3. Anthracite. The carbon content in the raw material is more than 95%, so the fuel burns almost without residue, does not emit smoke, smell, cleaning the ash pan is minimized. You can recognize anthracite by its gray-black hue with steel highlights. The pieces are very durable, similar in weight and shade to stone. The efficiency is extremely high, but the price of fuel is low.
  1. Peat coal. Low calorie content and reduced heat transfer are minuses, low dustiness and affordable cost are pluses. Peat briquettes burn well, but quickly, so you will have to make bookmarks more often.
  2. Brown coal is a fuel that has average performance. Slightly worse than anthracite, but better than peat coal. Advantages of application in the minimum amount of slag, smoke and a fairly high efficiency.

The most common coal for the boiler is long-flame. Producers offer different factions and can deceive a beginner

However, anthracite, brown coal is extremely rare on sale, so it is important to clearly understand the markings, look at certificates

How to decipher the marking of coal

The generally accepted classification of designations: DMSSH, AS, DR, AK.

Coal grade WPC

The first letters are the view, the second letters are the size:

  • anthracite - A;
  • brown - B;
  • gas - G;
  • long-flame - D;
  • bold - F;
  • coke - K;
  • lean sintered - OS;
  • weakly sintered - SS;
  • skinny - T.

Only the first grades are suitable for home systems, lean grades are not used and are suitable for ignition, dilution and enrichment of fatty fuels.

The size fractions are labeled as follows:

  • up to 6 mm - shtyb (W);
  • up to 13 mm - seeds (C);
  • up to 25 mm - small (M);
  • up to 50 mm - walnut (O);
  • up to 100 mm - large (K).

It is worth distinguishing between a large and a fist. The second type is called slab or ordinary, sizes from 100 mm. The bookmark is carried out in a heated firebox, the pieces burn for a long time and emit a lot of heat. However, significant parameters of the pieces are not always suitable for standard furnace compartments. Mine coal can reach up to 40 cm in length; when breaking boulders, it crumbles.

Features of coal storage

It is impossible to buy a lot of good fuel at once, since long-term storage leads to weathering, oxidation of the rock, and it loses its characteristics. It is optimal to purchase fuel for the season and store it in a well-ventilated and protected from moisture, light place. The temperature in the compartment is not more than +20 C, otherwise the pieces will begin to loosen and crumble.

The oxidation process causes spontaneous combustion of the rock, which is typical for brown, fine-grained coal. Anthracite practically does not ignite, it is stored for a long time and, with minus indicators on the street, retains all the parameters of thermal efficiency.

Coal grade WPC

It is most practical to store supplies in a barn open on one side under a roof. To maintain the integrity of the fuel, cover with a hygroscopic membrane (not a film), regularly check for oxidation.

Why does coal burn badly?

There are several reasons for insufficient fuel combustion - low temperature, lack of oxygen, traction disturbances. To eliminate all the nuances, clean the ash pan before flooding, properly light the firebox with firewood, wait for the temperature to rise (the firewood has flared up well and no longer smokes), then make a bookmark. The first casting with fractions up to 50 mm, more massive pieces are laid after spilling fine-fraction fuel.

Poor draft is indicated by the release of smoke to the outside, it is necessary to open the damper, clear the zonuf under the combustion chamber (ash accumulates there). Oxygen to burning coal does not come from above, but from below, so thoroughly clean the entire area under the firebox.

Normal draft and a clean ash pan, but the coal does not burn - the problem is the high dustiness of the fuel. It is recommended to eliminate the trouble by wetting the energy carrier - a little water and dust will be compressed, it will flare up well and quickly.

The boiler will not work if the coal quality is poor. This can be reduced calorie content, briquetting with the addition of peat or brown varieties, which have long lain down and lost their characteristics. It is not difficult to recognize such coal - large lumps quickly fall apart, a lot of dust remains on the hands. In this case, buying some quality fossil to mix it with substandard energy will help.


