Options for treatment facilities for private houses

Professional approach to the issue

One of the main requirements for mini-cleaning systems is their productivity. Thanks to a multi-stage small purification system, the volumes of wastewater from your site will not pose a danger to the environment around the house - harmful components are separated from the total mass of wastewater and deposited in special ones.

Modern treatment facilities that you can purchase from KLEN are characterized by a high level of automation. This means that you do not have to work manually with the waste. 24/7 without human intervention - the farm can be safely left unattended for a while and not worry about the consequences.

The result of wastewater treatment reaches 85-90%, waste from the house does not enter the environment.
In the future, sewage sludge must be pumped out of the sewer using sewage equipment approximately once a year.

Due attention is paid to the economic and aesthetic side of the issue. Most of the components needed for disposal or accumulation of waste materials are located underground, and the part of the mini system that is located on the surface is of high quality design.

Often, structures are used as flower beds or other elements of a country exterior. Compact treatment facilities do not disturb the harmonious appearance of the site.

A big advantage of the small KLEN system is that it does not cause inconvenience to the owners. Purification systems operate absolutely silently, thanks to reliable insulation, unpleasant odors from household sewage do not leak out.

Mini-treatment facilities in the garden

Local sewerage for summer cottages is arranged according to similar schemes. These can be septic tanks, the principle of which is mechanical cleaning by settling, or compact treatment facilities with biological treatment.

Comparative characteristics of septic tanks and local treatment facilities with a capacity of 1 cubic meters. m/day

Obviously, the use of local treatment facilities is a more "advanced" option. They are compact, easy to install, and most importantly, they provide a waste-free cycle for processing waste liquid. After all, the water obtained at the outlet can be safely used for irrigation, and the stabilized sludge can be used as an excellent and, most importantly, environmentally friendly fertilizer.

Unlike septic tanks, mini-treatment facilities do not emit bad odors, which is why manufacturers give them affectionate, floral names, such as, for example, “local sewage aster”. How does this miracle of modern technology, which so effectively processes the products of human life, work?

A whole aeration station in one small container

Local treatment facilities (VOCs) for a cottage or dacha must be selected depending on the number of people permanently residing there. According to SNiP 2.04.02-84, the specific average daily water consumption for household and drinking purposes for houses without centralized hot water supply is 200 liters per "capita". Therefore, for a family of 5 people, VOCs with a capacity of 1 cubic meter are quite suitable. m per day. This will be a container, which consists of the following sections:

  • receiving chamber;
  • aeration tank;
  • secondary sump;
  • stabilizer.

The receiving chamber and the aeration tank are equipped with aerators through which air is supplied by means of a compressor.

Options for treatment facilities for private housesIt is such a local sewerage device that allows a complete cycle of sewage treatment. First, effluents are fed through a gravity pipeline into a receiving chamber, in which, due to aeration, they are homogenized, oxygenated and partially decomposed.Then they are pumped with the help of an airlift (air pump) to the aerotank, where complete oxidation of all organic matter occurs due to the work of a wonderful biocenosis of mineralizing microorganisms - activated sludge.

The main role in this community is played by bacteria, which form zoogley accumulations in the form of flakes, adsorb pollutants on the surface and, with the help of enzymes, break them down, using the energy released in the process for respiration, movement, and reproduction. Bacteria serve as food for representatives of the next link in the food chain: amoebas, ciliates, rotifers. When organics are finally oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, nitrifying bacteria take over, which, under aerobic conditions, oxidize ammonium nitrogen, first to nitrites and then to nitrates. The sludge mixture is sent to the secondary settling tank, where it is separated into purified water and circulating sludge, which is returned to the aeration tank through a special opening.

Excess sludge that has settled to the bottom of the aeration tank is pumped by an airlift to a stabilizer, where it is mineralized. Purified water enters a drainage well or storage tank, from where it can be taken for watering green spaces.

Of course, the cost of a local sewage system with complete biological treatment will be higher than a conventional septic tank. But its efficiency, reliability, durability, as well as a fully automated process in which the participation of the owners is minimized (it will only be necessary to clean the walls of the tank from excess sludge once a quarter), will more than pay off all the costs.

Anaerobic septic tanks

A septic tank is an installation in which drains go through several phased stages of treatment. The principle of operation of a septic tank is to settle wastewater and process organic matter by anaerobic bacteria. To achieve the best quality of cleaning, septic tanks are made multi-chamber. The main part of the solid waste settles in the first chamber, and pretreated water flows into the subsequent chambers.

Options for treatment facilities for private houses

Organic inclusions, which make up most of the pollution of domestic sewage, decompose under the action of anaerobic bacteria. Organics decompose into simple components - methane and water, and insoluble residues settle to the bottom of the chambers.

Treatment of wastewater with aerobic bacteria begins after it leaves the septic tank and enters the aeration fields - devices necessary for post-treatment of wastewater. On aeration fields, wastewater is additionally filtered, passing through a filter made of sand and gravel. Thus, after going through all the stages, the water is purified by almost 100% and does not harm the environment.

Cleaning steps in an anaerobic septic tank

Stage one. It is carried out in the primary sump. There is a process that is commonly called clarification of drains. In the first chamber, the contaminated water is separated by specific gravity. Particles that have a heavy weight settle to the bottom, inclusions that are lighter than water rise to the top. In the center of the primary clarifier, where the overflow pipe to the second chamber is located, clarified effluents are collected. Settling continues in the second chamber, only here the sedimentation of smaller inclusions that are in the liquid in suspension occurs.

Options for treatment facilities for private houses

The last stage of cleaning takes place on the filtration fields. The effluents clarified in the septic tank are supplied here through pipes. Holes are made in the pipes through which water seeps into the soil filter. Passing through a layer of sand and gravel, the water is filtered. In addition, it is additionally cleansed with the help of aerobes that live in the soil.

Simple septic tank or VOC

What kind of wastewater treatment system should be preferred when building a local sewerage system? There is no single answer to this question. When choosing an installation, local conditions will need to be taken into account.Let's conduct a small comparative analysis of septic tanks and VOCs:

  • Space required for installation. To install a modern VOC, as a rule, one or two square meters of area is sufficient. If you need to install a septic tank, you will need a large area. The septic tank itself is somewhat larger than the VOC, but the main area will be required for the construction of filtration fields necessary for the post-treatment of wastewater.
  • Geological characteristics of the site. If it is decided to install a VOC, then the geological characteristics of the site can only affect the choice of VOC modification. But the arrangement of filtration fields on clay soils is an intractable task.

Tilt angle

An important point is the angle of inclination of the pipeline. This point is important in the construction of gravity systems. If it is impossible to comply with the required angle of inclination, it is necessary to plan the construction of a pressure system in which wastewater is pumped using a fecal pump.

Many home masters who undertake self-assembly underestimate this moment, and meanwhile, errors in both directions reduce the efficiency of the system.

Options for treatment facilities for private houses

If the angle is not large enough, then the flow will move through the pipeline at a low speed. At the same time, some of the large inclusions will have time to precipitate in the pipes, and this is fraught with the formation of blockages. An angle that is too large will also disrupt the normal movement of the conveyed medium. Water will drain too fast, not having time to carry away heavy inclusions that will linger in the pipes, forming blockages.

The optimal angle of inclination depends on the diameter of the pipe that is used to create the pipeline. The smaller the diameter, the larger the slope angle should be. So, if pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are selected, then a slope of 3 cm per meter should be observed. When using 100 mm pipes, the slope should be 2 cm.

The best solution for a country house

Special facilities are being built using modern European technologies from environmentally friendly materials. They do not require a special foundation near the house or expensive economic preparatory work in order to install treatment complexes.

Compact treatment complexes are the most optimal solution for a small family consisting of 3-7 members.
The average domestic wastewater volume, which is generated daily, is successfully utilized by equipment, the cost of which is about 30-50 thousand rubles. In addition, in the proposed spectrum there are solutions for special household conditions - for example, if an increased level of groundwater accumulates under the site due to landscape features. A reliable guarantee of the quality of the construction are certificates and certificates of SES.

The times when dacha communal amenities looked like “birdhouses”, which were not an architectural decoration and, to put it mildly, did not ozonize the air, have sunk into the past. The current "summer people" prefer to live in comfort and enjoy all the benefits of civilization. They drill wells, equip them with pumping equipment, arrange autonomous water supply. Cesspools have been replaced by local sewage systems, which not only accumulate wastewater, but also purify it to technical quality water.


Having decided on the type of treatment plant, you can begin designing drainage systems for a country house. Most often, the project is made simultaneously with the project of the house. But if a building that has already been put into operation is being improved, then a sewerage project for a private house is drawn up separately.

Options for treatment facilities for private houses

When designing a wastewater disposal system, local conditions must be taken into account. Therefore, prior to the start of design work, it is recommended to carry out geological exploration, during which the following points will be clarified:

  • features of the relief of the site;
  • characteristics of the soil, to select the method of water drainage, it is necessary to assess the absorbency of the soil;
  • the level of location and seasonal rises of groundwater.

Before the development of a project for a drainage system for a home is started, the following points need to be clarified:

  • average daily water consumption in the house;
  • frequency of use - year-round or periodically.

After collecting information, you can begin to draw up a project.


