Types of paints for the ceiling, depending on the texture and practicality
Glossy and matte paints
Some paints applied to the ceiling may look completely different than expected.
Therefore, you should carefully approach the choice of paint for the ceiling according to the effect they create:
Glossy paints. The glossy surface looks quite nice. But it is this paint that will indicate all the flaws and irregularities of the ceiling.
Matte ceiling paint
- Semi-gloss paints. These paints shine a little less and do not give out all the flaws of the preliminary putty.
- Matte paints. The ceiling, covered with such paint, does not shine. The paint perfectly masks those small flaws that I would like to hide.
Washable and non-washable paints
In many ways, the choice of paint for the ceiling also depends on how often you need to wash it. If you cannot do without frequent wet cleaning, you should consider whether it will be cleaning only with a soft cloth or sponge, or whether you will need to use a brush. Having solved this question for yourself, you can choose the best way to paint the ceiling: with washable paint that does not “fade” after the first general wash, or with ordinary paint, which is easier to replace with a new one (see How to wash the ceiling: methods and means).
Washable ceiling paint example
Let's start painting
First, let's draw your attention to one important nuance. If the sale does not have the shade of paint you need, you can consult the seller, where you can make it
The fact is that for an inexperienced master, mixing paints on your own may not give the desired result. It is better to turn to professionals.
If you still decide to get the right tone without outside help, do not use dry pigments. For these purposes, there are special pasty dyes. In extreme cases, use ordinary gouache.
For a beginner who does not have experience in painting, a fur roller and a paint tray will suffice
For painting, you can use brushes with natural bristles or a fur roller. If you have some experience in painting, you can paint with an automatic remote control. This method of staining is most preferable, but only subject to the skills of working with this tool.
Before applying a fresh coat, stir the enamel. If necessary, it must be diluted following the manufacturer's instructions. The ideal consistency for applying the dispersion with a roller or brush resembles liquid sour cream. If you are painting with a remote control, the mixture must be thinned even more.
Apply each subsequent layer of paint perpendicular to the previous one.
The first layer is applied from a source of natural light, if any. If there is no window, you can start painting from the far wall of the room. Do not try to cover the ceiling with one thick layer at once. The technology provides for the gradual application of the emulsion. The brush or roller should be squeezed out a little to get rid of excess paint. Such actions will save you from a large number of influxes or smudges.
As you can see, painting the ceiling is a rather simple process, and in some ways even creative. By choosing this design option, you can get good quality coverage for the next five to seven years for a fairly modest amount.
Choosing a paint
According to the visual effect produced
Building materials stores offer a wide selection of paints, so for convenience, they should be divided into three groups:
- Matte. When choosing which paint to paint the ceiling is better, give preference to matte paint. It is best suited for painting the ceiling. This type of paint is absolutely non-shiny, and it will help to hide various small defects on the surface of the ceiling.
- Glossy.As everyone knows, glossy paints have a very good sheen, and this will emphasize the unevenness of the putty (see Which paint to choose for the ceiling and how to apply it correctly). It should be used only if the ceiling area is large enough, and the surface is leveled with good accuracy.
- Semi-matte. This type of ceiling paint has less sheen than pure gloss paints. There are several degrees of gloss of such paints, this allows you to choose what you need - to add shine to the surface of the ceiling, and at the same time hide some of its flaws.
According to the method of cleaning the surface from contaminants
There are several ways to clean a painted ceiling:
- Cleaning the ceiling surface with mechanical means such as a brush. It implies that the paint must be durable and waterproof.
- Soap solution, or specialized detergents for the care of ceilings, which are sold in hardware stores.
Application features
Even the best glossy emulsion will look unsightly if the paint is applied incorrectly. Processing and application methods exist both for the ceiling and for other bases, and non-compliance with the process algorithm will cause problems during further use and over time, the overlap will take on an unaesthetic appearance.
It does not matter if the ceiling is glossy or covered with a matte tone. Before paint is applied, the surface is cleaned and dried, otherwise it will become covered with bubbles and cracks in the future.
First of all, the corners are painted with a roller or brush, then glossy, water-based or acrylic-based paint is applied to the entire surface of the ceiling. The coloring part of the tool is allowed from polyester, velor, foam rubber or traditional fur.
Traditionally, glossy paint is applied from the window, moving along the width of the ceiling deep into the room, with each stroke lying next to the previous one. How to properly color is shown both in the photo and in the video of master classes for beginners.
If the glossy paint is intended for a false ceiling mounted from drywall, then you will first need to putty the joints and attachment points, and then cover the base with a primer.
Before you start work, you need to do all the preparatory steps.
An excessively thick and viscous substance will need to be diluted to the desired consistency indicated in the instructions for the glossy emulsion.
To prevent the ceiling from being decorated with stripes, before dipping into the paint, roll out the roller in a W-shaped way, starting from the moment the coloring agent is finished on it. Follow the rules, and the repair will be successful, and the ceiling will be beautiful, shiny and durable.
Preparing the ceiling
Before applying the dye, you need to carefully clean the ceiling from whitewash or old enamel. In addition, you need to eliminate its relief as much as possible, especially if you are planning an interior with a glossy ceiling. A brilliant emulsion will only emphasize all the defects. This is a rather laborious and lengthy process, but the aesthetics of your interior depends on the quality of its implementation.
Further, it is desirable to prime the ceiling with antifungal impregnations. These actions are doubly useful. Firstly, this way you will significantly reduce the likelihood of mold. Secondly, the primer will prevent the enamel with the base coat from absorbing too quickly, which will sooner or later lead to peeling of the dispersion layer.
Latex dyes
It is difficult to decide which paint is better to paint the ceiling, pay attention to the product with a latex base. They buy the composition less often than others because of the high price
Advantages of latex processing:
- resistance to mechanical damage, frequent washing;
- without smell. When painting in the cold season, you can not ventilate the room;
- dries quickly;
- excellent grip on various treated surfaces.
But like every product, latex processing has drawbacks.
Latex-based compounds fade under the influence of the sun, react poorly to low temperatures. With prolonged exposure to temperatures below zero, the treated surface is completely exfoliated. The composition needs additional additives against mold.
The nuances and advantages of staining
Before paint the ceiling bathroom, it is worth weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of finishing, as well as learn more about the details of such work. As noted above, painting the plane will save you a little. In addition, you can always easily change the color of this coating when you get bored with it. After all, it will take quite a bit of time to remake.
Today there is a wide range of dyes suitable for the bathroom.
However, do not forget about some of the nuances of such an event. Be sure to choose a dispersion with sufficient hydrophobicity. This quality of the material is mandatory for covering surfaces in the bathroom, since there is constant high humidity and leaks are not ruled out.
An important point will be the hygiene of the coating and its environmental friendliness. It is better to choose dyes that are resistant to the emergence and reproduction of fungal microorganisms on their surface.
Perhaps the most unpleasant moment of this whole undertaking will be the preliminary preparation of the ceiling. After all, having applied the dye to a damaged and unprimed surface, you are unlikely to positively evaluate the result of such work. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology recommended by specialists for their implementation.
Long service life. A white or colored glossy surface is less prone to abrasion than matte paint. This factor is important for the ceiling in the kitchen, where soot and grease regularly settle. The components that make up the emulsion increase the moisture resistance of the coating and strengthen it, for example, the resin creates a kind of film after the solvent has evaporated.
Aesthetics. Even in a small room, the acrylic surface looks pretty. Glossy paint reflects the sun's rays, and the plane of the ceiling visually expands. A similar effect is typical for snow-white or light shades.
Ecology. If the ceilings are covered with an emulsion, this does not mean that they do not breathe, even if the ceilings are painted with matte or glossy paint. Modern manufacturers comply with the requirements for eco-safety and minimize the amount of toxic substances in the composition of building materials.
Benefit. Painting the top panels with outdated compounds is costly both in terms of money and material consumption, while processing 5-12 square meters of the ceiling with glossy paint will require about 1 liter of coloring agent.
latex paint
It is the most expensive representative of emulsion paints. If your goal is to get an excellent result, you can safely buy this paint.
- Resistant to moisture and rubbing.
- Has a water repellent effect. You can wash it and not worry that you will damage the paint layer.
- It can tighten cracks up to 1 mm.
- Profitability. Even with just one layer, you get a great look.
- A porous, but sufficiently dense coating allows the painted surface to “breathe”.
Carefully protect non-painted surfaces from accidental contact with latex paint. Once dry, latex paint is very difficult to remove.
acrylic paint
Most buyers know in advance that they will paint the ceiling with acrylic paint.
The undoubted advantages of this type of paint include:
- Abrasion resistance.
- Does not have a strong odor.
- Moisture resistant. Such paint can be used in rooms with high humidity. Surfaces painted with acrylic paint can be washed indefinitely.
- There is a useful property to tighten cracks with a width of up to 0.5 mm.
- UV resistant. Over time, the color does not change.
- Large selection of color palette.
When choosing a shade, it must be taken into account that after drying, acrylic paint becomes a little darker.
For a classic ceiling, white acrylic paint is the best option.
What kind of ceiling paint is best to use
It would be useful to note right away that when asked which paint for the ceiling in the apartment is best suited, the best choice would be white water-based ceiling paint. On sale you can find water-based and water-dispersion paints. Their properties differ in that the first option is afraid of moisture, that is, subsequently such ceilings cannot be washed. The second paint will not lose its appearance after wet cleaning. There are also oil paints, but after them a dense layer is obtained on the ceiling, which does not allow air to pass through, which may contribute to surface damage in the future.
Water-based paints do not have such a disadvantage. Such mixtures are refractory, environmentally friendly and practically odorless. After application, the paint dries very quickly (within 2 hours), it is very easy to work with, and after application it lasts a very long time. It is worth noting that water-based white paint for the ceiling can be painted in any shade, while its white color prevails on sale.
The client can easily choose the right shade for himself directly in the store, thus solving any design problem.