How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Applied thermal insulation materials

When deciding how to insulate a water pipe in the ground and inside the house, it is necessary to ensure that the following requirements for thermal insulation are met:

  • minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material;
  • stable shape retention under mechanical action;
  • inability to absorb moisture or the presence of protection against it;
  • easy installation work.

Especially for the insulation of pipelines, manufacturers of building materials produce assembly heat-insulating elements in the form of tubular shells, half-cylinders and segments. Sheet insulation is still considered a traditional material, with which pipes are simply wrapped.

glass wool

Fiberglass thermal insulation is used for warming water pipes only in dry rooms. The durability of this material, good thermal insulation properties and low cost lose their significance due to the ability of glass wool to actively absorb moisture. Therefore, the insulation of a water supply system in a private house requires the mandatory presence of a waterproofing layer, which increases the cost of insulation and complicates installation.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Basalt insulation

They are made in the form of flat mats, semi-cylinders and segments. The ability to absorb moisture is present, but it is much lower than that of glass wool. Recommended for insulation of pipes in dry rooms. Basalt heaters are not used for insulation of underground pipeline lines.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

To insulate pipelines, manufacturers manufacture products with a protective layer of foil isol or glassine already glued. The complex manufacturing technology of the material increases its cost. As a result, the insulation of small diameter pipes often becomes uneconomical.


A dense, strong and durable material with excellent thermal insulation properties is best suited for insulating a water pipe in the ground. It is produced in the form of split tubes and semi-cylinders. There may be a surface protective coating of polymeric materials or foil.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

polyurethane foam

This type of insulation is used for the manufacture of pre-insulated PPU pipes in the factory. Such systems are considered the best protection against heat losses and all types of external influences. But the main disadvantage for private developers is the need to attract specialists to carry out installation work.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Foamed polyethylene and artificial rubber

Especially for the thermal insulation of pipelines, tubular casings of various diameters are made from these materials. They are put on the pipe during installation work or on already installed pipelines. To do this, a longitudinal incision is provided along the length of the casing, which allows you to open the shell and put it on the pipe, performing the installation yourself.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Tubular insulation made of polyethylene foam and artificial rubber:

  • has good thermal insulation properties;
  • does not pass or absorb moisture;
  • easy to mount;
  • durable and affordable.

However, the low mechanical strength of these materials does not allow their use in underground laying. The weight and pressure of the soil will lead to compaction of the layer and loss of thermal insulation properties. Therefore, use is only allowed with open pipe laying.

Thermal insulation paint

This innovative material is a thick paste-like composition that is applied to the surface of the pipeline. A layer of paint 4 mm thick corresponds in its properties to 8 mm mineral wool insulation.

The coating is characterized by high strength, wear resistance and high resistance to moisture.The main disadvantage is the high cost - more than $ 150 for a bucket of 10 liters.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Special thermal insulation

The principle of operation of all types of heat-insulating materials used today is the same. The role of a heat insulator in each of them is played by air, which fills the entire internal space of the insulation. Therefore, the choice of its specific type depends only on the ease of installation and the location of the water supply line.

It is considered multifunctional to insulate the water supply system of a private house and cottage using tow or mineral wool. These materials, absorbing a certain amount of moisture from the air, swell significantly and acquire the ability to seal the gaps that have appeared in the pipes. In order for the pipeline to function in optimal conditions in winter, a five-centimeter layer of this type of insulation will be enough.

In order for the insulation with mineral wool to be of high quality, the thickness of the material must be at least 5 cm

The service life of tow is as follows: 8-12 years. But the use of natural oil paint helps to increase this period of time by 2 times. Tow and mineral wool must be covered with waterproofing compounds or an additional layer of waterproofing. In the latter case, the same roofing material will do. Among the shortcomings of this method, experts highlight the high labor intensity of the work. As a result, the high cost of the created insulation system.

Relatively recently, a method was developed for insulating the water supply system of a private house or cottage using polyethylene foam. Today it is one of the best heat insulators. Pleases not only ease of use, but also low price. Other advantages of such a heater include:

  • well tolerates temperature changes;
  • not subject to decay;
  • resistant to moisture;
  • long service life: 25…50 years.

Such a heater is produced in the form of two half-cylinders, also called shells.

The need for insulation

The danger of pipe rupture lies in the fact that in severe frosts, repair work is often impossible. As a result, a winter accident can lead to a cessation of water supply until the onset of spring.

To avoid this, first of all, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient depth of the pipes - it should be at least 50 cm. However, the indicated depth may not be sufficient if there are severe frosts in your area in winter.

Both high-quality pipes made of galvanized steel and metal-plastic products from the best manufacturers are subject to the harmful effects of frost. Therefore, no matter what quality pipes you use, you should take care of their additional protection. At the same time, not only sections passing along the street will require insulation, but also pipes located in unheated premises, especially in those places where they are connected to a meter or pump.

Insulation of the water supply by heating it with a cable

Another method to get insulated pipes for water supply is to heat them with a cable. To do this, the pipeline is wrapped around a heating cable. This measure makes it possible to lay communications at a depth of 0.5 instead of 2 meters. The distribution power of the heating cable per linear meter is 10-20 W, and its price fluctuates around $15 per meter.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Heating water supply cable

It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of placing the heating cable both outside the pipe and in the middle of it. Such installation options make it possible to avoid freezing of the pipeline at the point of its entry into the building. This place has always represented the greatest danger for freezing, and by laying a few meters of cable inside the pipe, you can permanently get rid of this problem.

Optional frost protection pressure and cable

Another effective method of thermal insulation is the insulation of a water pipe by heating the pipe with a cable.The essence of this approach is that a heating cable is attached to the outside of the pipe along the entire length. From above it wraps with the usual layer of insulation, which were described earlier.

This approach is applicable in cottages and homesteads, where there is no constant flow of water, and pipes can only thaw by the beginning of autumn. When using heating with a cable, you can speed up the defrosting process, or even prevent it altogether.

How to insulate pipes with cable? It is wrapped around the pipe in increments of 10-20 cm. The heating power should be in the range of 10-12 W / m (Watts per meter). To reduce electricity consumption during heating, you can use temperature sensors located in several places over the entire distance where insulated pipes for water supply pass. In the event that the temperature drops below +5 degrees, the control system notifies the owner by SMS or email. You can also set the heating to turn on automatically when this temperature is reached.

Another interesting method of protecting communications from freezing in winter has the right to life - pressurized water. You may know that pressurized water does not freeze. And if in the water supply throughout the entire area, before entering the house, create a pressure of 3-5 atmospheres - it will not freeze in winter. This method is suitable for cottages or country houses that are not used in winter. With the onset of heat, you can open the tap and drain the water so that the pressure equalizes.

To implement this technique, you need to have a receiver (expansion tank), a pump and a check valve after the pump.

We close the valve in front of the receiver, the pump pumps up pressure in the system up to 3-5 atmospheres, after which you can leave the system for the winter, after making sure that the pressure remains constant.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a water pipe on the street

Insulation of a water pipe on the street is a very important and responsible process. Experts say that if the pipe is installed above the ground, then it must be insulated. Pipe insulation is necessary especially in winter, when severe frosts can rage. This is where the question arises of how to insulate the water pipe. People who have never encountered such a problem start running in search of a universal durable insulation that can be easily mounted. In specialized hardware stores, quite a lot of heaters are attached, which differ from each other. Therefore, when choosing a heater, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

So, in the first place is fiberglass insulation. Popularly, such material is called glass wool. They are insulated with PVC pipes for external sewerage. To date, several well-known construction companies are engaged in the production of such heaters, which guarantees the quality of the product. With the help of fiberglass material, it is possible to insulate both metal and metal-plastic pipes. The main disadvantage of insulation is its low density. And this means that when insulating with glass wool, it is necessary to use additional materials, such as roofing material and fiberglass. For such a comprehensive insulation, of course, more money will go than expected. But if you still chose glass wool, then it is better not to save on insulation. Insulating a water pipe outdoors with fiberglass material is good because the insulation has good flexibility, which allows it to be used on curved pipes.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

After the fiberglass material comes basalt insulation, which includes basalt fiber. The material is cylindrical. The main advantage of the material is that it is very easy to mount. In order to carry out installation quickly and easily, it is necessary to choose the correct diameter of the insulation cylinder.When using this insulation, there is no need for any preparatory work, which greatly facilitates the process of insulation. The main and probably the only drawback of the basalt cylinder is its high cost. But most people believe that the high price is quite rightly set, since the material is a very effective insulation. To date, basalt insulation is produced with a protective layer. Roofing felt, foil, glassine are used as a protective material. Mounting such material is very simple, which allows even inexperienced people to carry out work.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Insulation of a water pipe on the street is also carried out using a shell, which consists of foam. The shell is produced both with a protective layer and without it. The advantages of this insulation are the low price of the material and the ease of installation. In fact, styrofoam shell is one of the cheapest insulation materials. Also, this material can be easily removed and mounted back. This opportunity is considered a great advantage, since sometimes there is a need to repair a water pipe, and buying a new heater every time is very fraught. Given such a variety of heaters, the main stage of thermal insulation is the choice of material.

Underground insulation

Cable heating

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

internal heating of the pipe with a cable

A heating cable is most often used to insulate the water supply to the house, since this part of the system most often cannot be left underground. In this case, most of the pipes are quite well protected from freezing and you only need a few meters of heating cable.

Its price is from 400 to 600 rubles per meter, and the power consumption is 10 - 20 watts.

You can wrap the cable around the pipe and then insulate it with an improvised insulation, or insert it directly into the pipe in the problem area, thereby completely protecting the pipe from freezing.

Air insulation

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Schematic arrangement of pipes

The essence of this method is that the water pipes do not dig directly into the ground, but pass inside a pipe of a larger diameter, thereby reducing the effect of cold. Thus, an air gap is created between the water supply and the ground freezing from above. Also, such a system is heated in a natural way from the internal heat of the earth.

Plastic communication pipes of the required diameter are relatively inexpensive. However, it should be noted that the insulation of the external water supply in this way is possible only with a partial or complete reconstruction of the system. Its use is most rational at the time of laying pipes.

High pressure

In this way, you can insulate the water supply in a country house or a private house if you are not going to spend the winter there

It often happens that suburban areas are not very adapted to frost - due attention is not always paid to their insulation, given that you are there only in the warm season. As a result, frozen water breaks pipes, and they become completely unusable.

Water under high pressure is not subject to freezing - this property can be used instead of external thermal insulation, thus saving money on its purchase and installation.

However, this solution is only suitable for systems that will not be used during the winter period. As soon as you create the necessary pressure in the pipes, it will not be possible to use them for their intended purpose.

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Pipe pressure test: photo

The order of work looks like this:

  • Previously, the system is checked for the possibility of forcing a pressure equal to 5 atmospheres - the pipes must withstand this pressure; The necessary data can be found in the manufacturer's annotation for the product.It is also inspected for cracks, leaks and other mechanical damage - in the future they can lead to a gradual release of pressure and freezing of pipes;
  • Then a submersible pump crashes into the system, through which the necessary pressure will be created - their standard pumping power is 5 - 7 atmospheres. Immediately after the pump, a check valve must be installed;
  • After carrying out all the above operations, it is necessary to close the tap on the receiver and turn on the pump. After the necessary pressure has been built up, the pump is switched off, and the pipes will be reliably protected from freezing and rupture. To bring the system to a working state, it is enough to simply release the pressure;

Insulation of water pipes inside the building

When it is necessary to insulate pipes indoors, polystyrene foam, fiberglass or basalt materials are used for this. All of them heat the system due to the ability to accumulate air inside.


How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is the most common insulation for water pipes. It is possible to use it not only for thermal insulation inside the building, but also for underground external insulation. Expanded polystyrene is produced in the form of insulating shells from two semicircles. From above, such insulation is covered with a protective layer, which is fixed at the junction of the shells.

Fiberglass materials

Fiberglass materials are usually used for insulation of metal-plastic pipes. The need to use additional funds such as roofing material or fiberglass due to the low density of glass wool leads to significant monetary costs when using them.

Basalt materials

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands

Warming with mineral wool on a basalt basis

Insulation for water pipes made of basalt can be used without trays. Due to their cylindrical shape, such materials are easy to install. The protective layer is made of roofing material, foil insulation, glassine. The only drawback of basalt heaters is their high cost.

At the water supply of a private house, unheated premises and the street are dangerous places for freezing. Inside, insulation of communications is quite simple, and outside it is often necessary to take into account various components of the system - exits to pumps, meters and other important nodes.

Now you know how to properly insulate the water supply both outdoors and indoors, and we hope that you can easily cope with the task.

Other insulation methods

In addition to traditional methods of insulating underground water pipes, there are several alternative methods that avoid the need to lay pipes to great depths.

Heating cable

How to make water pipe insulation in a private house with your own hands
With this method, the pipeline is heated with a cable with a power of at least 20 W per 1 m of pipe. Insulation is carried out both from the outside and the inside of the pipes. This prevents them from freezing at the entrance to the house. Heating by this method is carried out only in cold weather, so that in the warm season electricity can be saved.

The advantage of this method is that when using a cable, pipes can be deepened by only 50 cm. Another positive side is the ability to defrost a pipe that has caught frost.

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost. And in the absence of special skills for installing the cable inside the pipe, you will have to involve specialists, which will also affect the cost of heating. You can also run the cable over the pipe with your own hands, since such work is much easier to do. The work is carried out using a self-regulating insulation cable, which can be purchased already installed in the pipe.

High pressure

It is possible to insulate water supply pipes by maintaining high pressure inside them, to create which you will need:

• Embed a receiver in the pipe, capable of creating pressure within 3-5 atmospheres.

• Pressure is maintained by submersible pumps. For this purpose, pumps are installed that pump pressure in the range of 5-7 atm.

• After that, you will need to install a non-return valve, while the valve must be closed in front of the receiver.

To start such a system, you just need to bring the pump into working condition. Air is bled from the system to bring the pipeline back into operation.

Warming with air

Freezing of the soil in winter occurs from its upper layers. At the same time, the lower layers of the earth, despite the severe frost outside, remain warm. This natural feature can also be used to heat the pipeline in private homes. To do this, you can put tubular thermal insulation on it, or make thermal insulation in the form of an umbrella. In the latter case, heat enters from below and is retained by an impromptu umbrella at the level of the pipeline.

Air insulation can also be done by laying one pipe inside another. For the outer layer, it is best to use a sewer pipe made of propylene. This method has the following advantages:

• In the event of an emergency, a polypropylene manifold can be used to route the emergency hose. To this end, it is recommended to equip the pipe with a cable or wire in advance.

• It will be possible to replace a damaged pipe without digging a trench.

• This method will guarantee heating of the pipeline under any conditions. If a high-pressure cable or system periodically requires repair, then the propylene manifold can serve uninterruptedly for a long time.

• In the event of a pipe freezing, warm air can be blown into the collector to melt the frozen water.

As you can see, different methods can be used to insulate water pipes. Properly carried out work will ensure the life of the pipeline even in the most severe frosts

It is important to remember that the issue of water supply insulation should be addressed in a timely manner, without waiting for the pipes to burst from frozen water.


