Ventilation is OK, but the smell remains
In this case, the ventilation system has nothing to do with it, and the problem lies in other reasons. It could be fungus or sewer drains. If the cause is a fungus, then it is necessary to find the places affected by it and treat it with special means. If the cause is plums, then you should call the wizard and clean the sump.
If this is the first time you are faced with the problem of unpleasant odors from ventilation, we recommend that you do not waste time and effort in vain, but immediately call professionals in their field. They will diagnose and identify the real cause of the problem, and then competently fix it. First of all, contact the management company and talk about the problem. If this does not work, then start looking for private specialists.
What to do if your neighbors set up a shelter in the apartment
If your neighbor has started an animal shelter in his apartment and you are not satisfied with the noise, smell or dirt, I advise you to start by negotiating with the owner of the shelter. First, try to negotiate with the owner of the animals: talk in person, state the essence of your claims. Perhaps the owner of a “bad” apartment does not want problems and will somehow correct the situation.
If it was not possible to reach an agreement with the animal lover, you can apply to the management organization of the apartment building and ask for an inspection of the living space occupied by the neighbor and his pets. The result of the survey may be bringing to administrative responsibility for violating the rules for using residential premises or, alternatively, violating the peace and quiet of citizens at night, with a penalty in the form of a fine, as well as an order to bring the residential premises into proper condition.
You can complain about violations (noises at night, smell, excrement in the entrance, etc.) to Rospotrebnadzor and to your Zhilispektsiya (site for Moscow).
In the application, you need to specifically describe what exactly you are not satisfied with, what rights are violated.
If you were refused by Rospotrebnadzor, it makes sense to look for like-minded people among other neighbors who, like you, are unhappy with the existence of a shelter for cats and dogs in a neighboring apartment. The complaint can be filed again - but it is better to do it on their behalf. At the same time, you need to refer to new facts of violations, it makes no sense to duplicate your own complaint with a different signature.
In case of a new refusal, it makes sense to appeal it in court. At this stage, you may need the help of a lawyer.
Everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of his rights and freedoms.
Hello Veronica! You can call the Rospotrebnadzor and the Police, because children can “burn out”, as well as call the guardianship and guardianship authorities.
The apartment smells of gasoline, cigarettes from neighbors, they somehow do it on purpose.
In this case, you need to file a lawsuit in court to eliminate these violations of Article 304 of the Civil Code.
From the neighbor from the bottom there is not a pleasant smell. I can’t ventilate the apartment normally, because I have small children and you don’t open the windows much in winter. The neighbor does not make contact, he does not open the door, he does not clean the balcony, he has pigeons living there that shit and die there. He doesn't clean anything. Where should we turn with our neighbors first of all and our further actions? He lives on the 8th floor, we are on the 9th
Contact the district police officer, I have a suspicion that your neighbor has died. Check the mailbox, ask the management company about the date of the last utility payment.
The smell of urine in the apartment from the neighbors upstairs. There are three cats in the apartment and they have not paid for the apartment for several years.
Their apartment is privatized. What to do and where to turn for help?
Good day! The situation is not easy. It is necessary to collect "compromising evidence" on the neighbors from above. Write to the police, Moscow Housing Inspection, Rospotrebnadzor and the operating organization.These appeals should be regular, for example, once a month and for, for example, six months, then go to court, with a statement about the obligation to eliminate the negative consequences of having pets or something like that.
On the basis that the right of neighbors to keep pets is limited to your right to comfortable living in your living quarters. Court is a tricky business. I want to "punish" negligent neighbors.
Smell from neighbors. What to do in such cases?
Hello Larisa. It all depends on the kind of smell. First, talk to the neighbors and find out the reasons for the smell and / or ask them not to allow this.
Residents of the house, located at 52 Klimenko Street, in one of the districts of Novokuznetsk, have been living with bedbugs, cockroaches and a terrible smell for three years now. The thing is that the tenants turned one of the apartments of their house into a trash can. And a non-walking wheelchair user lives in this heap of garbage. But only the neighbors are bad. The residents of the ill-fated apartment are satisfied with their lives and refuse help. The AiF-Kuzbass journalist tried to figure out how to deal with such tenants, where to go and if there is a way to help them.
There is a strong smell of dog excrement from the neighbors window what to do
It is recommended to write a statement to the district administration and housing inspection for violators of the order.
According to Art.
Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the local self-government body will be obliged to come to the owners, inspect the apartment, identify their violations and oblige them to correct them within the prescribed period.
But you need to understand that no one will monitor the deadlines and the progress of the work. It is recommended to have patience and peaceful negotiations to solve this problem over and over again, explain to people that it is necessary to keep pets clean and get rid of dog feces before the smell begins to spread to the entire apartment building.
Solving the situation with irresponsible neighbors is quite difficult. They cannot simply be evicted or punished. It is necessary to go through many instances and prove that the actions of violators really interfere with others.
If the neighbors stink where to complain
Before painting indoors
From the smell of paint left after painting work in the room, a person experiences a feeling of irritation, discomfort and even headache, dizziness. In addition, if the paint stinks in the house, it harms the health of the residents, therefore, it is better to get rid of the unpleasant smell as soon as possible.
Ideally, for painting objects in a residential area, you must initially select the paint that contains a minimum of harmful components and does not stink so much. Finding the right paint for interior decorating is now possible at any hardware store, but when the moment is already lost, going to the store will no longer be useful, and you will have to deal with the consequences of haste, economy, thoughtlessness.
So, for example, even before the start of painting, you need to cover with newspapers or rags all neighboring objects that can get or drip paint. The fewer sources of unpleasant odors left in the room, the easier it will be to solve your problem. When performing painting work indoors, it is also worth remembering your safety by providing ventilation and protection of the respiratory tract, for example, using a cotton-gauze bandage.
The smell of paint is not only unpleasant, but also harmful, which means that it is necessary to show all responsibility and caution even before starting work (how to paint wallpaper)
Who lives in the garbage
The troublemakers are a family of pensioners. According to the head of the house, Natalia BASOVOY, they moved into the house a long time ago. At first it was an ordinary family: mother Nadezhda Pavlovna (names have been changed), father Alexander Alekseevich and daughter Tatyana. And then a series of troubles began - Nadezhda Pavlovna took to drink, and Alexander Alekseevich almost burned down in his own house and became an invalid.
“For the last three years, something unimaginable has been happening in the apartment,” says the eldest at home.There is rubbish everywhere, leftover food. They don't even use the toilet and bathroom! And how many cockroaches and bedbugs!
Indeed, rarely anyone can stay in this apartment for more than five minutes: there are mountains of piled garbage everywhere, a terrible fetid smell and hundreds of cockroaches running everywhere - along the garbage, walls and even ... people. In addition to all this, a cat lives in the apartment, which goes to the toilet wherever he wants. “We are tired of these cockroaches,” laments Svetlana BANELYAN, a neighbor who lives above the pensioners' apartment. - My little grandson sleeps at night with earplugs to keep cockroaches from crawling into his ears. These insects ate our microwave. We could not get rid of them even with the help of repair. And when Nadezhda opens the windows, the residents of the two entrances are forced to close theirs.”
But most of all, residents are worried about the weak and non-walking disabled person who cannot serve himself.
They believe that his wife does not care for him at all, raises her hand to him, makes him drunk and feeds him poorly. “And in these conditions a non-walking disabled person lives! - Complains a resident of the house Galina SEMERYANOVA. - He lies in a pile of old and dirty rags, walks under him, cockroaches run over him, the bed has already rotted under him! And they didn’t wash it for eight years, probably! How is that possible? We select animals, regret, feed, and here is a man! Doesn't he deserve to live in normal conditions?