Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and choose

Electric composting toilets

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and chooseAn electric dry closet needs to be connected to the mains. Outwardly, it is very similar to a conventional toilet. The lower tank of electric models is divided into two parts.

In one part, liquid waste accumulates, which, with the help of drainage, merge into a special pit or into the soil. And in the second part of the tank are solid waste. The compressor dries the solid waste in the second part of the lower tank.

After drying, the tank is emptied. It is not entirely correct to call this principle of operation composting. This name appeared because if the dried waste is put into a compost pit, covered with earth and periodically watered, compost is formed after two years.

Swedish dry closet Separett Villa has a standard design of two lower tanks. Solid waste is dried, odors are removed by forced ventilation. The main disadvantage of this model is that it can only be used in a sitting position.

The fact is that the toilet is equipped with a special mechanism that opens the lower tank only under the influence of the gravity of the human body.

But another Swedish dry closet Mulltoa works quite differently. This model has a tank. Liquid and solid wastes are mixed with peat mixture and heated. Intensive mixing and optimal temperature promote the rapid growth of bacteria that process waste into compost.

Ready fertilizer is poured into a special tray. This compost is already completely ready for use.

When choosing a dry closet for a summer residence, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. Any type of toilet requires certain consumables to work: peat, waste liquid or electricity. You also need special toilet paper.

Not only the type of product, the height of the seat and the volume of the tank are important. It is necessary to take into account such important nuances as the flushing mechanism, the need for ventilation or drainage. In order for the use of the restroom to bring only positive emotions when choosing and buying a product, you need to try it out and find out all the subtleties.

In addition, dry closets are quite expensive. The simplest model of a liquid toilet will cost about 100 USD. e., and the Swedish Mulltoa electric miracle toilet costs a fortune - 1500 c.u. e. Therefore, deciding to buy a dry closet, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

After purchasing and installing a dry closet, you must follow the rules for operating the product, empty the tank in time and replenish the active substance (peat, liquid for waste disposal). Subject to all the rules, the dry closet will make living in the country comfortable and enjoyable.

How does he work

In a chemical dry closet, waste is processed using special chemicals. They not only break down waste, but also kill germs and prevent odors. The main advantage of this device is considered to be great efficiency - for a volume of one liter, the consumption of disinfecting liquid is only 5 ml.

Structurally, it consists of two containers that are connected to each other. The upper one contains the water used for flushing, while the lower one handles the solid waste. The lower container is equipped with a sealing valve that prevents liquids and odors from entering the outside. Some models have indicators that indicate when the tank is full.

Watch the video, the principle of operation of the portable version:

When the lower part of the dry closet is full, it should be disconnected and the contents poured into a specially designated place. This is done very simply and even a teenager or an elderly person can do it. A chemical dry closet for a summer residence is not only convenient, but also practical in operation.Its cost depends on the model and varies from 3,500 rubles to 6,000 thousand.

Choose according to features

Thetford brand cassette

One thing to pay attention to when purchasing a portable toilet is the volume of the lower tank. To correctly calculate it for your family, you should know that between services, when used by one person, no more than two weeks pass.

Based on these values, the required volume is calculated. That is, if there are three people in your family, then, subject to its regular use, a model with a volume of 21 liters will have to be serviced at least once every three days.

It will not be superfluous to clarify the guarantee for use. For durable plastics, it is usually up to 10 years with the possibility of using the toilet outside.

As for the maintenance of mini toilets, it is no different from other models. They should also be periodically emptied of accumulated waste and replenished with clean water for flushing.

Which model is better?

In the domestic market, portable dry closets are mostly represented by models of foreign manufacturers.

Among them are products of companies from

  • America
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Canada
  • France

For example, the models of the Canadian company SUN-MAR are produced with and without a flush. They can be connected to the central sewer. Such dry closets can be taken with you on a sea voyage, but they are expensive for the average consumer.

Finnish products are a mobile dry closet from GreenToilet and Euro Makki. They are represented by simple and electrical samples. There are no frills in them, and the material used for manufacturing is able to withstand even severe frosts. For such a portable dry closet, the price is much lower than that of American and Canadian models.

Peat dry closets Biolan - one of the most inexpensive and practical. And their biggest advantage is environmental safety. They are in great demand among summer residents and residents of suburban villages.

What to choose?

The first models of dry closets were created for use in trailers, but everyone liked their design, and today many cannot imagine life without it.

Of course, portable models are functional, but they also have their drawbacks, which should be considered when choosing. Firstly, this is still a rather high cost for the most progressive models. Secondly, the need for waste disposal. Therefore, you have to think about the volume in advance so that it is convenient to clean the lower tank.

We watch a video of what a mini toilet is:

It is not superfluous to evaluate the volume of liquid, which can be both chemical and requiring special disposal or biological.

Principle of operation

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and chooseThe dry closet has a simple design, but still you have to spend a little time assembling and preparing it for use. It consists in connecting the individual elements according to the instructions and filling the drain tank with water or a special pink liquid.

A green composition is poured into the lower container, which is diluted with 2 liters of water. After filling, the tanks are placed one above the other and the latches are snapped into place. Now the dry closet is completely ready for operation.

Its principle of operation is based on the decomposition of waste using special fillers, which are placed at the bottom of the structure. It is cleaned after a certain period of time, depending on the volume of the tank. After that, the container is washed with water and can be used further.

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and chooseIf you plan to use a dry closet in the cold season, then you must install it in a heated room, since its use is unacceptable at low temperatures.

According to the composition of cleaning liquids, they are divided into:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Ammonium
  • Biological

The former are considered very toxic and can only be used if waste substances are drained into the sewer.The remaining two involve the release of the substance into the compost pit, with the possibility of further use as a biofertilizer.

Variety of models

Various means can be used as absorbent material in portable sanitary structures. Depending on this, they are divided into:

  • Composting
  • Chemical
  • With biological treatment

In the first, a mixture of peat with sawdust is used as an active substance. When using this model, a portion of the filler is poured onto the bottom of the lower tank.

And since peat has good absorbing properties, a small amount will be required. Another positive point when using such a toilet is the possibility of composting waste and their further use as fertilizer.

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and choose

model Passport Potty -18 (based on chemical decomposition)

In chemical models, special liquids or granules play the role of a filler. However, they involve cleaning the storage tank into the central sewer, as they are harmful to the environment. Special indicators allow you to find out about the filling of the chamber in them.

These models of dry closets can be used not only indoors, but also in outdoor buildings. When using them in winter as a filler, it is recommended to use antifreeze or non-freezing liquids; maintenance of dry closets of this type is very simple and accessible to everyone.

Models with cleaning by microorganisms are biologically safe. They use microorganisms as a filler that can process waste into compost. In such dry closets there are absolutely no odors, and the mixtures used do not have harmful impurities, which makes it possible to dispose of waste into compost.

Types of small products and their features

Among the compact models of dry closets, three groups can be distinguished - these are:

  1. Portable (portable)
  2. Cassette
  3. Mini

If the first model is a standard dry closet, only with a small waste tank, then the last two are a small urinal that can be stored even in a small purse. They are equally well suited for both men and women, and are indispensable for people who cannot imagine their life without comfort. The device allows you to solve everyday problems at any time of life.

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and choose

Mobile toilet

A portable dry closet consists of two polyethylene bags inserted one into the other. The outer one has a hole, with an oval neck welded into it, through which the liquid enters. Its form is adapted to the constitution of any person. Inside it is a side that prevents splashing.

It can be used in a car, on a walk with a child, but, by the way, almost everywhere. The compact dry closet has a good tightness, which guarantees the complete absence of smell and leakage.

Types of dry closets for giving without smell and pumping out, how to use and choose

Cassette toilet option

The principle of operation of such toilets has one feature. There is an adsorbent inside the portable mini toilet. It is practically weightless and allows you to convert the liquid into an odorless gel.

Human waste products, getting into the mini toilet, flow into the inner bag and after three minutes acquire a thick consistency.

Such a bag can be stored for about 48 hours before disposal. Cassette models minimize the maintenance of portable toilets. In them, the waste enters the tank, which is replaced during the filling process.

Flushing in such structures is carried out with clean water. And the volume of the tank can be selected based on needs.

Choice depending on parameters

The model of a mobile bio-toilet must meet your needs

Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Seat height (depending on your height and the presence of children in the family)
  • Availability of additional functions (electric pump, double-sided flush)
  • The volume of tanks (depends on the number of family members)
  • Fill indicators (indicate the need for cleaning)

Which model to choose?

In the domestic market, the Dutch (Thetford) and Canadian (Potti's Passport) models are most widely used. They have some design differences that affect the cost of a dry closet.

Watch a video review of Porti products:

Despite the fact that most of the capacities of the Dutch manufacturer are located in China, its products are in the greatest demand.

Of the models of portable dry closets, the most popular are samples of the economy option - Campa. There is no fill indicator in its configuration, and a manual pump performs the functions of the pump, the price for it is $ 100.

The more expensive PortaPotti 365 has a piston pump, an indicator and is the height of a regular toilet. It is easy to use, light in weight and has an optimal tank volume. Its cost is about $150.

Watch a video review of Thetford products:

For those who appreciate comfort in everything, the manufacturer offers a portable dry closet to buy the most modern version. It eliminates the shortcomings of all previous models. It belongs to the luxury class, has two indicators: filling and flushing. It also has space for toilet paper. The price for products in this series starts at $ 210.

What are consumers saying?

The choice of a portable dry closet is a purely individual matter. But listen to the recommendations of those who have already purchased it, it will not be superfluous. Reading the reviews, you can make sure that it is better to purchase models with a volumetric lower capacity, and in this case it will have to be emptied no more than once a week

Also, in order to avoid the penetration of odors, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a blockage of the release valve or choose a cassette model that has a similar principle of operation.

Many appreciated the products of the Dutch manufacturer, noting not only their appearance, but also the main characteristics. According to the majority, the reviews for a portable dry closet are positive for good reason. This is a kind of summer resident's dream, the fulfillment of which became possible with the advent of such models on the market.

Do they have disadvantages?

The products of three main manufacturers of portable toilets are represented on the domestic market: Canada, Holland, France. Its advantages include: the possibility of installation in rooms that do not have any communications, waste disposal directly into the ground, the complete absence of odors. But in any barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment, for portable toilets - this is a lot of weight when the tank is full. But this disadvantage can be avoided if the tank is emptied when it is 1/3 full.


