Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

How and what will the master repair

We are all inquisitive people, therefore, in addition to the question, which is quite common among customers of the service - why water is not drawn into the drain tank, we want to know what exactly the master will do. We don't have secrets. We do not hide our actions and are happy to share information. Mastery lies in the long - more than 10 years, work of our specialists, in their experience and skills, and not in secret actions.

If water does not enter the toilet bowl due to a skew or improper installation of the float, we will fix it and show you how to do it yourself in the future.

In case of cracks in the supply hose, when water is drawn into the toilet bowl for a long time, the hose must be replaced. Leaks can be so small that they need to be identified with simple tests.

If there is a suspicion that water does not enter the toilet bowl due to a clogged valve, then the master, having made sure of this, will eliminate this problem. He will turn off the water supply, remove the supply hose and check the connection between the hose and the plumbing fixture.

If water is drawn into the toilet bowl for a long time due to a blockage, then you may have to disassemble the device. For our specialists, this is a familiar job.

Very often, the toilet bowl does not draw water well due to deposits of rust and salts. In this case, it is possible to use special chemicals to dissolve deposits and clean the drain system.

Another reason why water does not enter the toilet bowl is that all parts are installed and screwed with great effort. The mounts are simply "twisted" and do not function as they should. In such cases, it is enough to loosen the assembly in some places so that the tank starts working again.

There can be many banal reasons that affect the fact that your toilet bowl does not draw water well, but all of them will be easily identified by our masters and eliminated as soon as possible.

If the toilet is not taking water into the tank, then the best thing you can do yourself is to dial our phone number. Your problems are our work, which we do better than others.

By calling us on the phone, you will solve several problems at once:

    • your toilet will work fine;
    • you will receive some practical advice on its further operation;
    • you will find a company that will constantly solve all your plumbing problems;
    • your plumbing, thanks to us, will always work.

Just call and solve your problems quickly and permanently.

General characteristics

The functioning of the drain tank is based on the good old law of gravity, due to which the predetermined amount of water collected in the tank, after pressing the button, descends to the riser at high speed and then goes to the sewer. Experts call the inside of the tank shutoff valves. It is she who takes on the function of controlling the flow of water, in other words, filling the tank and draining the liquid.

A float is needed to control the level of collected water. When the drain button is pressed, the water drops and the float falls with it, after which the valve opens. Float valves differ in their location: they are side and bottom.
Also in the device there is a whole system of drain and overflow. It consists of a flexible and rigid eyeliner, a steel pipe, a cast-iron angle, a winding and a lock nut. When the tank overflows, its tightness is ensured by a rubber gasket, and a special washer presses it to the body

Do not forget about such an important detail as the inlet valve - it regulates the amount of water and delivers it as needed.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

simple toilet design

As a result, it all works in this way: when a sufficient level of water is collected, the float floats up, lifting the rocker behind it. It, in turn, turns, pressing the valve with the gasket, blocks the access of water. In order to adjust the maximum liquid level, the rocker simply bends.

The button acts as a trigger. on the toilet lid, or a chain in the side of the case. The button is more common, since installing the tank on the toilet shelf is the easiest and most compact option. It is convenient in that, if necessary, the internal structure can be reached by simply lifting the lid. If the tank is mounted on a wall closer to the ceiling, it is equipped with a lever with a chain. Such a tank is connected to the toilet with a long armature, and this design gives the most powerful water pressure. However, hanging tanks are rapidly losing popularity due to their not very pleasant appearance. There is also a third, most modern option - a drain button built into the wall. This solution looks very aesthetically pleasing and helps to save space, since it involves a drain tank, also built into the wall. The downside is the complicated installation of the product and the impossibility of quick access to the filling of the tank, if you suddenly need to fix any problem.

Now that we know the main characteristics, as well as the types of designs of the drain tank, we can consider the reasons why water does not enter the tank well.


In order to change the armature, it must be selected correctly

Pay attention to the differences between your old mechanism and the new one, for example, the eyeliner can be bottom or side. Consult with a consultant, which design is more suitable for your particular case.

When the necessary parts are purchased, you can start the installation:

  1. First, turn off the water supply to the toilet bowl.
  2. We remove the buttons: for this they need to be carefully unscrewed.
  3. We remove the lid of the tank.
  4. Disconnecting the eyeliner
  5. Then you need to remove the drain column. It is desirable to do this in parts: first, the first part is dismantled by turning 90 degrees, then the second.
  6. After we unscrew the fasteners of the tank.
  7. We disconnect the tank and place it in a place convenient for further work.
  8. At the next stage, it is necessary to unscrew the two nuts: valve fastenings and column fastenings. Then we get the second, the remaining part of the reinforcement.
  9. We mount the new mechanism and do the reverse work, setting the tank in place.

It happens that even after all these actions, the tank is still malfunctioning. Here, the design certainly needs to be checked by a professional who will make an accurate diagnosis and determine the price of the repair. Sometimes the cause may be a banal repair in a neighboring apartment - in this case, the problem with the water supply may be present not only for you.

We can conclude that a malfunction in the inside of the tank is not a tragedy at all, but simply a matter that requires a competent solution. And yet, in cases of serious breakdowns, it is better not to get carried away with excessive amateur performance, but immediately contact a specialist.

Water does not flow into the toilet bowl. How to fix a toilet? Inlet valve replacement.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Modern plumbing allows its owners to carry out repairs on their own. Most often, malfunctions occur in the toilet cistern. Despite the existence of many different designs of drain tanks today, the principle of their operation is the same. All tanks consist of two working units: a water inlet mechanism and a water outlet mechanism into the toilet bowl. The button or handle for draining water is located on the lid of the tank and is activated when pressed or lifted.

Water from the public water supply system through a flexible hose enters the drain tank.When the tank is filled with water to a certain level, the float will rise and close the membrane, and the water will stop flowing. When you press the button or the handle of the trigger mechanism, the pear rises and water from the tank enters the toilet.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Most often, malfunctions occur in the operation of these cistern mechanisms. The most common malfunctions that every owner complains about are why water is not drawn into the toilet bowl and why water is constantly running out of the tank. Many begin to immediately get upset and think about replacing the toilet. Do not rush to such drastic measures. As a rule, all that is required is to replace a hose or some part, adjust the water supply or change the drain valve.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

The first step is to check the position of the float or valve. Perhaps the float is a little skewed

Then you need to carefully move them and return them to their original position. To do this, simply remove the lid of the toilet barrel and move the float

In most cases, this simple procedure will suffice. However, if this does not help you, then you will have to carry out minor repairs.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Disconnect the water supply system to the tank: unscrew the hose that connects the tank and the water supply pipe with a wrench and check whether water is supplied through this hose.

Clean the blockage: water enters, but why does the tank never fill up? So the problem is clogging. In this case, you need to clean the junction of the pipe with the tank with a nail or other sharp object.

Reconnect the flexible water supply hose and check that the cistern is full. If the water still does not flow and this did not help, then only a replacement with a new, similar water inlet mechanism will help.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

What to do if water does not enter the toilet bowl

If you decide to figure out the reasons why water does not get inside the tank and fix the problem yourself, you will need to work a little. There is absolutely no guarantee that you will succeed, but trying is not torture. After all, your image of a man is at stake, and there is an opportunity to hold back finances a little. Of course, it is impossible to describe all the malfunctions, but we will try to consider the most common ones.

Float skew elimination

If water is not collected at all in the tank, then you should not sin on the float. If it flows a little, but does not reach the required minimum, then inspect the float and check its correct location.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

After the tank lid is removed, the entire inside will open to the eyes, as well as the mechanism and lever, at the end of which the float is fixed. It is he who drives the inlet valve, blocking it when the water level reaches the required level.

If the float arm is skewed, it may cut off the water supply prematurely. It is necessary to set it to its normal position - slightly twisting and bending the lever. This should restore the system.

Supply valve cleaning

If there is water in the tap, but it does not reach the drain tank, it is likely that the inlet valve is clogged. It can accumulate dirt, sand, plaque or mucus. It is better to carry out preventive work in a timely manner and such problems will not arise:

  1. Shut off the water supply to the tank.
  2. Disconnect the water supply hose from the tank and pull it out. Work carefully but hard. Tap water sediment often makes it very difficult to unscrew.
  3. Inspect the valve and look for blockage. Remove it with steel wire.
  4. Open the faucet that supplies water - this will allow the pressure of water to remove the remaining dirt.

After solving the problem, the only thing left is to assemble the system back. The fastening should be tight, but not overtightened. Check the water intake level, if necessary - adjust by bending the lever and adjusting the float.

Water supply hose failure

When dealing with the problem of a lack of water in the tank, do not forget to inspect the supply hose. Its damage is in second place among all probable causes:

  1. Turn off the water supply in the apartment or on the riser.
  2. Disconnect the supply hose. Examine it. If holes or cracks are noticeable, the hose must be replaced - this is no option.
  3. If damage is not noticeable, then the hose must be placed in a bucket and the valve slightly opened.
  4. Now the water itself will show the location of the malfunction, if any.
  5. Replace hose. And calmly use the toilet further.

Removing a blockage in the tank drain

If there is a blockage in the tank drain, this may also cause malfunctions, although it will not affect the filling of the tank. Water will regularly enter it, but it will not be able to merge:

  • you need to unscrew the drain button and remove the cover.
  • inspect the valve responsible for discharging water;
  • if debris is visible on it, then hands should clean it.

If there is no debris, then the reason is probably in the pipe connecting the toilet to the tank. Plaque and mucus can accumulate on the walls of the tank. All of these need to be cleaned up.

Prevention is best done with chemicals. However, when working, do not forget about the protection of hands and respiratory tract.

Types of breakdowns

So, the drain stopped working and you have a reasonable question “why doesn’t water enter the tank?”. Still not knowing the source of the problem, it’s better to stock up on universal tools just in case: an adjustable wrench and any sharp object (a nail is fine).

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Toilet bowl design

Here are the main reasons why water is not drawn into the toilet bowl:

    1. Lack of water supply. Yes, no matter how trite it is - first of all, just in case, you should check the presence of water in the whole house, perhaps the tap is turned off and the tank mechanism has nothing to do with it.
    2. Float tilt. The simplest action is to check the correct position of the float or valve. Here you just need to slightly adjust the float so that it falls into its original place. If that doesn't help, then it's not the float valve.
    3. Blockage in the pipe. A blockage occurs in the event of a pipeline change and a temporary shutdown of water - then its composition changes significantly and you can notice the presence of rust with the naked eye. In order to check whether the junction with the tank is clogged, first you need to turn off the water supply to the tank, and then release the hose connecting the tank and the water supply system. The next step is to check the water supply through this hose. If it is absent, the reason is a blockage and with the help of a long sharp object, you need to carefully clean the junction. Then we connect the hose back and check if water is being collected.
    4. Rust in the filter. Sometimes water stops flowing because scale gets under the hose nut and over time the pressure weakens, and then the tank stops filling at all. In this case, you need to remove, rinse and clean the filter, if any.
    5. Float contamination. When the inlet valve belongs to the “economy” category sample, the float rising along the guide becomes overgrown with mucus and plaque over time and ceases to perform its main function. Here you should remove the float mechanism and clean all rubbing surfaces well.
    6. Exhaust valve wear. If your tank has been installed for a long time, the float mechanism could simply wear out. In this case, the exhaust valve will need to be replaced, and you can do it yourself - it's up to you.
    7. Leak. Sometimes water simply does not have time to fill the tank, because it immediately flows into the toilet itself, without holding it in the tank. For the same reason, ugly rusty smudges form on the inside of the bowl, and the displacement is consumed at a rapid pace, which entails additional costs.In this case, it will be necessary to replace the siphon membrane, which, when worn, loses its ability to hermetically close the hole. You need to flush the water from the tank, remove the siphon, change the membrane to a working one and fix the siphon in its original place by screwing the fasteners.
    8. Inlet tract setting. Sometimes, when the system is too tightly assembled, water is drawn extremely slowly. Then you will have to weaken a certain element, which one - only a plumber can say so that the pressure returns to normal.

If you are not sure about the performance of any individual parts of the mechanism, it is better not to try to repair them, but rather change them to new ones as soon as possible, especially since the valves cost mere pennies. In the event that a partial repair did not bring the desired result, you need to do a more global repair, namely, a complete replacement of the entire drain mechanism. It’s not difficult to do it yourself, provided that you have a detailed diagram of the tank device, detailed instructions, and preferably an understandable video lesson.

Slowly water is drawn into the toilet bowl what to do

Replacing broken parts is easy enough

Why is water not flowing into the toilet bowl?

There are situations when plumbing fails, this phenomenon is quite standard and natural. Anyone could handle the old models of devices, but modern devices are so technologically advanced that it is often difficult for an inexperienced person to find a breakdown and fix it on their own.

If the drain tank is dry, you need to give this malfunction time and attention, otherwise it can lead to more serious problems. But do not overpay extra money to call a specialist

You can try to figure it out on your own. So what could be the reasons that the tank stopped filling?

If the system is working and the pressure is good, then you need to start looking for a malfunction elsewhere. Sometimes toilets are equipped with separate risers. Check in the basement - if the plug is blocked. Sometimes even a conversation with the neighbors is enough to deal with the cause. It could be:

  • incorrect location of the float - initially inspect it;
  • blockage or damage in the supply pipe - sometimes this may well cause a weak current or its complete absence;
  • the presence of rust or sand at the point where the pipe is connected to the tank - this is especially true if the water supply has recently been repaired;
  • the inlet valve is damaged or clogged, which, of course, will not allow the tank to fill.

In addition, overtightened fasteners can become the cause of such a malfunction. Double-check everything carefully, twist the joints. Everything should fit snugly, but not be overtightened. Is there mucus and plaque on the walls inside the toilet? This may also be one of the causes of the malfunction.


