Why lower the toilet seat

Expert answers

Dinara Seilkhanova:

according to Feng Shui, if this is not done, then energy, qi is stolen


Probably so that the devils do not climb out ...

New day:

This is not a sign, but one of the rules of behavior in everyday life. Just like rinsing after yourself))


it's not a sign, for someone it's life

Madame Broshkina:

so that the money doesn't flow...

Dmitry Rodionov:

so that it does not stink ....)))

Ivan Karavaev:


Maxim Prolygin:

And why is it otherwise needed, for beauty or what? I also close the fact that the cat did not drink from the toilet.

Christina Buga:

it is considered that if a tap flows in the house or the toilet lid does not close or there is any broken plumbing, then there will be no money. sorry for the detail, but we do not close, otherwise the grandmother will not have time.

Vyacheslav Markovich:

Is this a lid? And I never raised it at all.

Natalia Suvorova:

so that the smell does not disappear ...


To close it


So that the parasites under the toilet lid sometimes rest from the sight of your ASS


Don't go below the toilet!


So that incoming knocks first! :))

Alexander Tarasov:

for an internship

Sergey Ravcheev:

so that Ichthyander does not peep


For aesthetics

Alex. (dan):

Microbes under the rim freeze without a lid.


According to Feng Shui… .money will disappear into the toilet… if the lid is not closed…

User deleted:

To hang a photo of mother-in-law!


You need to know the measure because!

Vadim Vergeles:

So that the plumber, after installation, can drink a bottle of vodka and place some snacks around the bottle. Be healthy…!

Azamat Razhapov:

collect ten toilet lids and get a roll of toilet paper as a gift!


Irina, the lid on the toilet is needed only so that the curious do not know what you ate today ...

Andrew Dutchak:

A lid on the toilet is needed: - so that when draining, the water level in the toilet would fall when it is closed; - so that you do not look at the point; - so that it does not gather dust (it will be cleaner); - for so that nothing falls there; - in order to sit on it; - in order to put a thread on it; - so that the light does not get there; - so that the microbes suffocate ;- so that the water does not splash out;- so that there is less noise from the neighbor from above (when he drains the water);- so that nothing crawls out from there;- in order to use it one owner; - even children love to slide down the hill in winter; - in order to cover their work (when there is no water); - in order to press something. Well, what else is it for? People if the lid does not close do not support it with a broom, it is better to change the cover.

Close the lid before you flush

Evidence that you are spreading germs by not closing the toilet lid when you flush. The video shows how bacteria spread from the toilet when the water is flushed. Check it out, it's pretty interesting.

It is amazing how often we are absolutely illiterate and obscure in everyday matters. Let's fill in this small gap in our knowledge. Given that most of the population of our country lives in apartments and uses a flush toilet, everyone should know and apply this hygienic rule.

Before writing advice, I, as usual, decided to first delve into the Internet and see what others write about it. Here's how to explain the need to close the toilet lid.

Oddly enough, there are few basic answers.

Many ladies close the toilet lid, guided by aesthetics. This is more beautiful, more aesthetic, this is how politeness is shown towards the people with whom we live, and so on.

The second answer is based on the philosophy of Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the toilet lid must be closed, as the toilet is considered a hole of misfortune through which the energy of the house escapes.

The famous Feng Shui commandment says: "Close the toilet lid!" Say, when you pour water into the toilet with the lid open, along with all the contents of the toilet, happiness, money, and well-being go there. Our citizens without exception do not close the toilet lid. Maybe that's why money is flowing out of the country?

In addition, I found a bunch of funny answers to this question.For example, that you can sit on the lid and talk with someone who is washing in the bathroom if the bathroom is combined.

Or here's a more complicated answer:

Once upon a time, the toilet lid was reserved for men. They are lazy people and on their own initiative will never lift the circle of the toilet. As a result, the circle will be constantly wet. Which, you see, no woman will like. That's why the lid was invented - to complicate men's lives.

Maybe all this is interesting and worthy of attention, but it sounds somehow unconvincing. Yes, and if disputes and scandals regularly flare up in many families because of the toilet lid, it means that men are not at all satisfied with such answers.

Let's look at this issue from the other side - from the point of view of hygiene.

What happens when we flush water down the toilet? Millions of bacteria, microbes and small particles of feces scatter at a distance of 2-3 meters (according to some sources, 5 meters) from the toilet bowl. All this living creature safely settles on walls, doorknobs, towels, toothbrushes, curtains, etc.

In one of the programs, the "mythbusters" were doing an experiment. His task was to determine whether the particles of the contents of the toilet settle on the surrounding objects. The myth was confirmed and experience showed that indeed on the brushes (they tested toothbrushes) a huge amount of small, invisible to the eye, particles, the products of human vital activity, settles. Yes, it's not pleasant.

Manufacturers of various detergents recommend wiping all surfaces of the toilet room with disinfectant solutions daily to protect your health. But aren’t these drugs more dangerous for our body than the microbes themselves - this is what my grandmother said in two.

Therefore, to maintain hygiene in the toilet room, lower the toilet lid before you start flushing.

Thus, you will save money on disinfectants, and the apartment will be cleaner.

Perhaps each of us has a "thing" that is disgusting. Wearing shoes indoors, dirty dishes left in the sink overnight, even sitting on the bed in dirty clothes... But you know what makes you feel the worst disgust? Flushing the toilet with the lid open. Why? Let's try to explain.

Best Answers


According to Feng Shui, the toilet lid must be closed to conserve energy in the apartment.

Andrew fantazer:

water does not splash...

Olga ***:

so prettier

Irina Sokolova:

))))) Not so much in hygienic, but in aesthetic, I think ...

Den Li:

In hygienic terms, rather not, but in aesthetic

User deleted:

I've never heard of such an obligation...


Well, in general, I read that the toilet lid should always be closed so that there is money in the house. But I don’t know how true this is!


So that it does not smell throughout the apartment.

Ludmilla Kim:

I think in a hygienic sense it does nothing. I don't close either. What is there to hide, it’s clean! I have a warm lining on the toilet for convenience, the lid does not close. Maybe a closed lid does not make the toilet feel damp?


I heard from my mother)) according to feng shui, you need to close it so that money flows (something is connected with this)

Tatyana Ivanova:

Hygiene - of course. But even extra senses advise to close it. Probably so that evil spirits cannot penetrate you.

Anna Litvinyuk:

More like aesthetically.


Yes, according to Feng Shui, the lid should always be closed. So that negative SHI energy does not jump out from there. By the way, the door of the toilet and bath should also always be tightly closed.

White and fluffy))):

in terms of hygiene, no, but what is beautiful, yes. but with the ring, there are definitely global problems))))))

User deleted:

I heard that according to Feng Shui you can’t keep the lid open - money “leaks” like that

Rina Plekh:

I wonder what feng shui thinks about when there is no lid on the toilet at all?


Here is the renovation in our new house.And if you don’t close it, then the dust is so construction, so I close it.


In general, according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to close, so that all the negative, all the negative leaves without a return.


I have 2 toilets in my apartment. So here is one for girls and the other for boys. just guys, if they drink at least a little, or just think about something else, they write unevenly, or something, in general, there is a chance not to hit the target, to miss. but with all this, a man will never clean up after himself for various reasons!

K W:

Are you people stupid? What feng shui your mother When flushing you fly hundreds of germs

Product classification

Whether your bathroom has the latest plumbing fixture or you're content with a century old fixture, you'll need a toilet seat with a lid. The price of the simplest models of these accessories is low, and the resulting comfort is invaluable.

Many in vain do not pay due attention to the choice of this element and acquire the first lid that comes across, taking into account only the appearance, as well as whether the dimensions of the lid on the toilet are suitable for the model of the plumbing device they have installed

Why lower the toilet seat

But after considering the issue more carefully, you can be sure that the choice of this accessory is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, you need to focus not on how much the lid costs, but on important technical characteristics, which will be discussed below.

According to the material of manufacture

First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to what the toilet lid is made of. The most common materials and their characteristics are shown in the table below.

Why lower the toilet seat

Material Description
Plastic Very suitable material for the manufacture of toilet lids. The popularity of polymer products is due to excellent consumer characteristics and low price. The lids are easy to keep clean, and if handled properly, will last as long as the toilet itself.
Duroplast Products from it occupy the second position in popularity. Outwardly, they resemble ceramics, and in terms of operational properties they are superior to plastic. Resistant to external influences, have antiseptic properties and attractive appearance. The disadvantage is the high cost.
Plywood Now toilet covers made of plywood are practically not produced. These models are poorly cleaned of dirt and quickly become unusable. Pros - a fairly affordable price.
solid wood It is used for the manufacture of covers is extremely rare. Basically, these are designer or exclusive models. With high-quality processing, the consumer properties of a wooden lid are absolutely not inferior to plastic counterparts.

Why lower the toilet seat

By shape

Another important parameter is the shape of the lid and the circle for the toilet. The most common are oval models that follow the contours of the device on which they are installed.

But there may be other options:

  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • in the form of animals;
  • repeating the shape of musical instruments and so on.

Pay attention to the processing of the ends. They should be rounded so as not to damage the skin during use and not tear clothing.

Rubber or silicone shock absorbers are usually built into the bottom surface of the lid, softening the sound of impact when the accessory is suddenly lowered. Check their availability and workmanship.

Why lower the toilet seat

Other parameters

For particularly demanding customers, other models of covers are also produced:

  • with armrests (usually used by people with disabilities);
  • heated;
  • with bidet; (See also the article.)
  • for children and so on.

Why lower the toilet seat

In order to purchase a suitable cover and not be disappointed in your choice, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

  1. It is better to purchase the most rigid covers
    . Although they are soft and make going to the toilet more comfortable, their lifespan is minimal.The cover on the toilet lid quickly becomes unusable, which is why you have to change the entire structure.

Why lower the toilet seat

Inspect the outer surface of the product before purchasing
. It should be perfectly smooth, without cracks, chips, notches and burrs that can cause injury to the skin. Give preference to models coated with special antiseptic compounds.

Install lift caps

In this case, a special mechanism will smoothly lower, eliminating the loud popping sound that causes concern to others.
Pay attention to the fact that the appearance, colors, shape, dimensions and other parameters are organically combined with the toilet itself, as well as the overall design of the restroom. But usability should not be sacrificed for design.

Check contents after purchase

According to GOST, fittings must be attached to each toilet lid, with the help of which it is fixed on a plumbing fixture.

Why lower the toilet seat

  1. A child's toilet lid must be sold with a document confirming its certification
    in the relevant state bodies that are responsible for protecting the health of the younger generation.

Is it necessary to close the toilet lid when flushing?

What happens when we flush the cistern? After pressing the button, a powerful stream under great pressure washes away the products of our vital activity into the sewer. But, as the study showed, not all water enters the sewer pipe.

The smallest droplets scatter around the restroom, settling on various objects - water meters, cabinets, air freshener bottles and so on, as well as on the floor, walls and ceiling. The radius of action of such a "fountain" can reach 3-4 meters from the toilet. Flying droplets contain the smallest particles of washable waste, dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Why lower the toilet seatPhoto: https://domstrousam.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/unitaz.jpg

On the other hand, an open toilet lid is a source of unpleasant odors. Therefore, for hygienic reasons, it should definitely be kept closed.


Sewer threat.

Everyone knows that a lot of rats live in the sewers. These rodents are not at all afraid of water and they are excellent swimmers and, if necessary, easily crawl through the thinnest pipes. Keeping the lid open is like opening the door to rodents in your apartment.

Rats carry many diseases, some of which are very dangerous for humans and difficult to cure. In addition, pieces of excrement from sewer pipes remain on the wool of rodents. It is hard to imagine that someone would want to let such guests into their restroom. This is another undeniable argument in favor of a closed lid.

Mysticism and wisdom of the East.

Not all people pay due attention to the laws of Feng Shui and often ignore the teachings of Eastern sages. Yes, the average person probably doesn't want to redesign the layout of the apartment and rearrange the furniture to cater to the whims of mystical energy.

But some little things of this teaching are within the power of anyone to perform.

The fact is that, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, an extremely negative energy lives in the drain tank - Sha. For a person, it brings a lot of trouble: a decline in spiritual development, financial difficulties, quarrels and a break in relations with loved ones and relatives. It is impossible to change this, and any attempt can lead to negative consequences. But you can protect yourself by creating a physical obstacle, that is, close the toilet lid.

Why lower the toilet seatPhoto: https://myremontnow.ru/upload/medialibrary/abd/abd72e7f2e9061f2c9dfca72c31021cb.jpg

According to other teachings, water is closely intertwined with the energy connection with money. If the toilet lid and the door to the restroom are open, then the energy of your savings flows smoothly into the cistern and further into the sewer. This means that you yourself “flush” your money down the toilet.


